A command consists in a series of characters, ending with <CR> (carriage return), sent to Abilis Control Port. The CP answers with tables containing the requested information or with “COMMAND EXECUTED”; then prompts for the next command.
Commands are divided into the following groups (Group IDs):
Table 5.1. Command groups
Group | Group ID | Action | Minimum privilege level required |
Add operations | A | Adds a new item into the set | Administrator |
Reconfiguration operations | BOOT | Activates the default configuration of an item | Administrator |
Clear and Delete | C | Clears a set of statistics or Deletes an item | Administrator |
Display | D | Displays items, parameters and statistics | User |
Search | F | Searches for items | User |
Re-initialization | INIT | Commits changes which have been made in the named item | User |
list management | LIST | manages lists of items (to create, delete, rename lists) | Administrator |
Move | M | exchanges the rank of two items within a table | Administrator |
Restart | R | Activates currently inactive components | User |
Set up | S | Sets up parameters of the named item | Administrator/Super-User |
System commands | [*] | System general management or activation of special functions | [*] |
[*] Complete list of system commands is available in Section 74.1, “Complete list of On-line Commands”.