This command shows general parameters about the system (i.e. system start-up elapsed time, date and time, customizable description fields, time zone…).
Not all the shown parameters can be changed; the note “<Read Only>” refers the not modifiable ones.
[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:
d g
Conf.Value Act.Value Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tact: YES YES Automatic TRACE activation at start-up [NO, YES] TSAVE: YES YES Automatic TRACE saving [NO, YES] sound: ON ON Alarm sound enable/disable [OFF, ON] wdg: - MFIDE3 Front Panel/WatchDog interface type <Read Only> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- listitems: 4000 (390 Kb) dbgsize: 20 (Kb) DBGF: ALL DBGSYSLOG: ALL CONTACT: SYSNAME: cpx-test-208 LOCATION: SYSUPTIME: 0 days 03:02:37 (Thursday 16/12/2010 13:05:38) <Read Only> SYSRBTIME: # (System Reboot time not set) DATE&TIME: Thursday 16/12/2010 16:08:15 (UTC+1.00) <Read Only> TIMEZONE: CET - Central Europe (Rome, Paris, Berlin, Prague, Brussels) ABILIS-ID: 2001 <Read Only>
This command displays the software version currently in use on the Abilis CPX, information about system memory and files on the disk.
[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:
d i
Abilis CPX - Ver. 7.0.3/STD - 24/11/2010 - Build 3357.17 - 24/11/2010 (c) 1994/2010 - Abilis ABILIS-ID: 2349 Free/Total Memory: 3,668,432/67,108,864 Largest Block: 3,657,808 Free/Used/Total HD/CF space (in KB): 74,604/53,240/127,844 File Version Date Time Size Note ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPX.RTB ....... 24/11/2010 21:43:20 4189385 DRIVERS.CFG v.7.0 13/01/2011 15:56:18 18432 Ok DRIVERS.BCK v.7.0 13/01/2011 15:56:18 18432 Ok CPX.LOG v.1.0 13/01/2011 15:56:48 51200 CPX.DBG v.1.1 13/12/2010 10:29:40 20480 CPX.XCP ....... 13/12/2010 10:29:38 51200 BS44.BIN v.13.12 19/11/2010 15:25:52 90112 BS48.BIN v.4.7 16/04/2010 19:25:10 90112 ESB2.BIN v.13.0 28/10/2004 18:38:20 17408 DELICPRG.BIN v.16.0 28/10/2004 18:38:20 6144 D1K.BIN v.312.9 30/05/2008 18:31:16 1024 D1C4F3.BIN v.312.9 30/05/2008 18:31:16 100352 D1C5F3.BIN v.312.9 30/05/2008 18:31:16 100352 D2K.BIN v.312.9 30/05/2008 18:31:16 1024 D2C4F3.BIN v.312.9 30/05/2008 18:31:16 102400 D2C4F6.BIN v.312.9 30/05/2008 18:31:16 102400 D8K.BIN v.312.9 30/05/2008 18:31:16 1024 D8C2F1.BIN v.312.9 30/05/2008 18:31:16 91136 D8C2F2.BIN v.312.9 30/05/2008 18:31:16 94208 D8C2F3.BIN v.312.9 30/05/2008 18:31:16 96256 HFC2B4.BIN v.21.0 30/07/2009 09:57:22 16384 HFC2E4.BIN v.21.0 30/07/2009 09:57:22 16384 HFC2B8.BIN v.21.0 30/07/2009 09:57:22 16384 HFC2E8.BIN v.21.0 30/07/2009 09:57:22 16384 HFC3E4.BIN v.48.0 13/08/2009 19:53:22 86016 HFC3E8.BIN v.48.0 13/08/2009 19:53:22 87040 QPRI2B.BIN v.5.0 29/12/2004 15:00:34 17408 QPRI2E.BIN v.6.0 03/03/2005 19:44:34 17408 CTIHA2.BIN v.8.0 29/06/2005 10:33:42 18432 D64A.BIN v.31.15 20/10/2010 16:22:54 69632 D64V.BIN v.6.15 25/10/2010 11:46:10 138240 QPRIX.BIN v.24.0 13/08/2009 19:53:22 251904 OCTASIC.BIN v.16.0 18/06/2008 19:31:40 175104 STH330-P.BIN v.30.12 24/02/2005 20:25:46 388096 STHUSB-I.BIN ....... .......... ........ .......... Not found STAR-P-1.BIN v.1.0 16/11/2010 17:13:30 9216 STAR-P-2.BIN v.1.0 16/11/2010 17:13:30 212992 STAR-P-3.BIN v.1.0 16/11/2010 17:13:30 1024 SL-IT.BIN v.1.0 28/10/2004 18:38:20 1024 SRVSSL.CER ....... 28/10/2004 18:38:20 820 CLISSL.CER ....... 28/10/2004 18:38:20 820 SRVSSL.KEY ....... 28/10/2004 18:38:20 981 CLISSL.KEY ....... 28/10/2004 18:38:20 969 Other system relevant files: File Version Date Time Size Note ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C:\APP\CTI\ADDRBOOK\ADDRBOOK.DAT v.1.0 22/11/2010 10:05:20 140066 C:\APP\CTI\LCS\LCSTABLE.DAT v.1.0 13/01/2011 18:56:12 60066 C:\APP\DHCP\DHCP.BND v.1.0 13/01/2011 15:56:14 25600 Other files in 'C:\7-0-3': File Date Time Size Note -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The first part of the output is dedicated to the information about version and release date of the software.
The second one shows information about Abilis CPX serial number, system memory and disk.
The third part of the output displays information related to system relevant files, i.e. files used by Abilis during its working (e.g. configuration and configuration backup files, System Log file, ...).
The “Other system relevant files” section displays information about any other system relevant additional files (e.g. DHCP bindings file, ...).
The “Other files:” section shows information about any other additional file that is found on the disk, in the current working version directory.
Eventual detected errors are highlighted with the string “ERR[xx]”, where “xx” is the error code detected; it should be eventually told to the Abilis CPX assistance.
This command shows the version of the software and its modules currently in used by the Abilis CPX.
[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:
d ver
Abilis CPX - Ver. 7.0.2/STD - 12/10/2010 - Build 3357.4 - 12/10/2010 (c) 1994/2010 - Abilis CX : v. 2483.2 - 07/10/2010 CP : v. 5005.7 - 12/10/2010 COR : v. 2036 - 09/02/2010 CNFG : v. 3788.8 - 08/10/2010 COMMON : v. 3099 - 21/09/2010 LICENCE : v. 2032.3 - 06/10/2010 SSL : v. 2028 - 15/07/2010 CRYPT : v. 2016 - 17/04/2008 PCISRV : v. 2099 - 22/09/2010 WDG : v. 2065 - 04/05/2010 USB : v. 2088.1 - 07/10/2010 FP : v. 2013 - 25/02/2008 BLUSB : v. 2020.1 - 04/10/2010 MFIDE : v. 2046 - 03/03/2009 SYNC-ESB : v. 2087 - 22/09/2010 SDLC : v. 2019 - 16/07/2010 SYNC-ESB2 : v. 2116 - 16/07/2010 LAPB : v. 2014 - 16/07/2010 HDLCT : v. 2014 - 16/07/2010 X25 : v. 2020 - 16/07/2010 FR : v. 2037 - 16/07/2010 MLM : v. 2103 - 16/07/2010 ML : v. 2096 - 16/07/2010 ASYNC : v. 2016 - 16/07/2010 PAD : v. 2023 - 16/07/2010 ETH : v. 2304 - 16/07/2010 TR : - Module not present - ADSL : v. 2202 - 16/07/2010 ACNT : v. 2043 - 14/07/2010 IPLAN : v. 2061 - 04/08/2010 IPRTR : v. 2463.6 - 06/10/2010 ICMP : v. 2095 - 17/09/2010 TCP : v. 2108 - 13/04/2010 UDP : v. 2069 - 13/04/2010 VRRP : v. 2042 - 14/07/2010 STUN : - Module not present - TELNET : v. 2070.1 - 01/10/2010 HTTP : v. 2676.5 - 08/10/2010 SNMP : v. 2487 - 24/09/2010 RIP : v. 2060 - 14/07/2010 OSPF : v. 2107 - 14/07/2010 SNTP : v. 2035 - 16/07/2010 DNS : v. 2068 - 16/07/2010 DDNS : v. 2032 - 07/09/2010 XTP : v. 2029 - 16/07/2010 PLINKE : v. 2105 - 23/03/2010 NAT : v. 2238.2 - 29/09/2010 PPP : v. 2190 - 02/09/2010 SSH : v. 2135.1 - 91/10/2010 POECLI : v. 2059 - 16/07/2010 DHCP : v. 2105 - 16/07/2010 POEAC : v. 2097 - 16/07/2010 FTPSRV : v. 2143 - 16/07/2010 SMTP : v. 2212.4 - 07/10/2010 POP3 : v. 2052.1 - 30/09/2010 TRFA : v. 2069 - 15/07/2010 IPSEC : v. 2088 - 21/09/2010 IKE : v. 2172.1 - 30/09/2010 X509 : v. 2018 - 15/07/2010 UPNPC : v. 2059 - 15/07/2010 UPNPS : v. 2059 - 15/07/2010 BRIDGE : v. 2042 - 16/07/2010 ARCHIVE : v. 2087 - 14/07/2010 WL : - Module not present - GC : - Module not present - WGB : - Module not present - BRIO : v. 2068 - 29/09/2009 LAPD : v. 2080 - 04/03/2009 Q931 : v. 2545 - 09/09/2010 sQ931 : v. 2002 - 03/11/2002 CTI-HW : v. 2783.2 - 08/10/2010 CTI-RTR : v. 3384 - 24/09/2010 CTI-H323 : - Module not present - CTI-GKC : - Module not present - CTI-IAX : v. 2607 - 27/07/2010 CTI-DISA : v. 2211 - 26/04/2010 CTI-SIP : v. 2585 - 03/08/2010 CTI-SMS : v. 2103.1 - 07/10/2010 VMS : v. 2061 - 25/03/2010 OPC : v. 2131 - 30/07/2010 SYSLOG : v. 2011 - 16/07/2010 RJS : v. 2041 - 14/07/2010 SIMBOX : v. 2063 - 04/08/2010 GPS : v. 2023 - 16/07/2010 GPIO : v. 2077 - 15/09/2010 GPIOPC : v. 2018 - 15/07/2010 SIM : v. 2022 - 04/08/2010 DUMMY : - Module not present - VETH : - Module not present -
The first part is dedicated to the information about version and release date of the software.
In the second one, there is a list of all the Abilis CPX software modules. The string “Module not present” refers to the modules that do not belong to the Abilis CPX software currently in use.
The command d cpu estimates the average CPU load over a given time interval. It gives an estimated percentage load for the last 1 second, 15 seconds and 5 minutes.
This command also shows the CPU speed.
[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:
d cpu
CPU speed: 1002 Mhz +----------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | | Last 1 sec. | Last 15 sec. | Last 5 min. | +----------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | CPU Load | 6% | 6% | 6% | +----------+--------------+--------------+--------------+
The command d cpuid shows general information about the CPU of the Abilis CPX.
[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:
d cpuid
eax in eax ebx ecx edx 00000000 00000002 756E6547 6C65746E 49656E69 00000001 000006B1 00000003 00000000 0383F9FF 00000002 03020101 00000000 00000000 0C040882 80000000 80000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 80000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 80000002 65746E49 2952286C 6C654320 6E6F7265 80000003 294D5428 55504320 20202020 20202020 80000004 20202020 20202020 30303031 007A484D Vendor ID: "GenuineIntel"; CPUID level 2 Intel-specific functions: Version 000006B1 Type 0 - Original OEM Family 6 - Pentium Pro Model 11 - 1002MHz processor (estimate) Stepping 1 Reserved 0 Brand index: 3 [Intel Pentium III Xeon processor] Extended brand string: "Intel(R) Celeron(TM) CPU 1000MHz" Feature flags: 0383F9FF FPU Floating Point Unit VME Virtual 8086 Mode Enhancements DE Debugging Extensions PSE Page Size Extensions TSC Time Stamp Counter MSR Model Specific Registers PAE Physical Address Extension MCE Machine Check Exception CX8 COMPXCHG8B Instruction SEP Fast System Call MTRR Memory Type Range Registers PGE PTE Global Flag MCA Machine Check Architecture CMOV Conditional Move and Compare Instructions FGPAT Page Attribute Table PSE-36 36-bit Page Size Extension MMX MMX instruction set FXSR Fast FP/MMX Streaming SIMD Extensions save/restore SSE Streaming SIMD Extensions instruction set TLB and cache info: 01: Instruction TLB: 4KB pages, 4-way set assoc, 32 entries 02: Instruction TLB: 4MB pages, 4-way set assoc, 2 entries 03: Data TLB: 4KB pages, 4-way set assoc, 64 entries 82: 2nd-level cache: 256KB, 8-way set assoc, 32 byte line size 08: 1st-level instruction cache: 16KB, 4-way set assoc, 32 byte line size 04: Data TLB: 4MB pages, 4-way set assoc, 8 entries 0C: 1st-level data cache: 16KB, 4-way set assoc, 32 byte line size
The command d t shows date and system local time, time zone and modality of “Standard” or “Daylight Savings” time currently in use.
[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:
d t
Current Local Time : Tuesday 30/11/2010 15:14:02 (UTC+1.00) Local Time Zone : CET - Central Europe (Rome, Paris, Berlin, Prague... Currently Observing : Standard Time (STD)
The command d te shows date and system local time, current time referred to the GMT time zone, the local time zone, modality of “Standard” or “Daylight Savings” time currently in use and information about the date it will change.
[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:
d te
Current Local Time : Tuesday 30/11/2010 15:14:06 (UTC+1.00) Current UTC Time : Tuesday 30/11/2010 14:14:06 Local Time Zone : CET - Central Europe (Rome, Paris, Berlin, Prague... Currently Observing : Standard Time (STD) DST time will start on : Sunday 27/03/2011 at 02:00:00 DST time will end on : Sunday 30/10/2011 at 03:00:00
This command shows the description of all resources, cards and ports active in Abilis CPX.
[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:
d descr
Resource SubType Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Async-1 Eth-1 Eth-2 Eth-3 Adsl-1 adsl-operatorA Rjs-1 Gpio-1 Cp Control_Port Snmp Simple_Network_Management_Protocol Sntp Simple_Network_Time_Protocol Acnt Accounting_Service SysLog System_Log_protocol Opc Operator_Panel_Collector GpioPc General_Purpose_I/O_Panel_Collector X25-999 BCH Resource_for_remote_maintenance Pad-1 Xtp-1 CtiX25D X.25_Over_ISDN_D-Channel CtiSLink HDLC_Over_ISDN_B-Channel CtiVsp Virtual_Synchronous_Port CtiSys CTI_System_general_properties CtiIax Inter-Asterisk_eXchange_Version_2 CtiDisa Direct_Inward_System_Access CtiSip Session_Initiation_Protocol Iprtr IP_Router_general_properties Tcp Transmission_Control_Protocol Udp User_Datagram_Protocol Telnet Telnet_Server_and_Client_entities Dns Domain_Name_System Http HyperText_Transfer_Protocol Nat Network_Address_Translator Ssh Secure_Shell_Protocol Ospf Open_Shortest_Path_First_Routing_Protocol Dhcp Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol Smtp Simple_Mail_Transfer_Protocol DhcpC Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol_Client RSim-1 Pv-1 IP-BCK Pv-2 IP-BCK Pv-5 IP Internal_Cluster_1 Pv-6 IP Internal_Cluster_2 Pv-7 IP To_Abilis_2 Pv-10 IP Internal_Cluster_1 Pv-11 IP Internal_Cluster_2 PoeAc-1 Ip-1 LAN Ip-2 DL dmz-test Ip-3 AIPT-BCK Ip-4 AIPT-BCK Ip-8 AIPT Ip-9 AIPT To_Abilis_2 Ip-20 LAN Ip-21 LAN Ip-23 LAN Ssl Secure_Socket_Layer MfIde Abilis_Multi_Function_IDE_Interface CTI Port Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 to_PBX 32 to_PBX 33 to_ISDN_line 34 to_ISDN_line 101 phone_1 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248
This command displays the association between resources and its related ports.
[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:
d pstack
+------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Resource | Act/Run | Port(s) | +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Sync-1 | Act/NotRun | 54(Sync) | | Sync-2 | Act/NotRun | 65(Sync) | | Sync-3 | Act/NotRun | 67(Sync) | | Sync-4 | Act/NotRun | 68(Sync) | | Async-1 | Act/Run | 23(Async) | | Blusb-1 | Act/Run | 171(Blusb) | | Eth-1 | Act/Run | 24(Eth) | | Eth-2 | Act/Run | 28(Eth) | | Eth-3 | Act/Run | 179(Eth) | | Eth-4 | Act/Run | 180(Eth) | | Adsl-1 | Act/Run | 30(Adsl) | | Adsl-2 | Act/Run | 31(Adsl) | | Adsl-3 | Act/Run | 33(Adsl) | | Adsl-4 | NotAct/NotRun | 48(Adsl) | | Rjs-1 | Act/Run | 160(Rjs) | | SimBox-1 | Act/Run | 177(SimBox) | | Gps-1 | Act/Run | 159(Gps) | | Gpio-1 | Act/Run | 172(Gpio) | | Cp | Act/Run | 1(Cp) | | Snmp | Act/Run | 2(Snmp) | | Sntp | Act/Run | 3(Sntp) | | Acnt | Act/Run | 15(Acnt) | | Trfa | Act/Run | 52(Trfa) | | SysLog | Act/Run | 167(SysLog) | | Opc | Act/Run | 142(Opc) | | X25-1 | NotAct/NotRun | 69(X25) | | X25-2 | NotAct/NotRun | 72(X25) | | X25-3 | NotAct/NotRun | 75(X25) 76(LapB) 77(Mlm) | | X25-4 | NotAct/NotRun | 78(X25) 79(LapB) 80(Mlm) | | X25-5 | NotAct/NotRun | 103(X25) | | X25-6 | NotAct/NotRun | 104(X25) | | X25-7 | NotAct/NotRun | 42(X25) | | X25-8 | NotAct/NotRun | 59(X25) | | X25-10 | NotAct/NotRun | 94(X25) 95(LapB) 96(Mlm) | | X25-11 | NotAct/NotRun | 97(X25) 98(LapB) 99(Mlm) | | X25-31 | NotAct/NotRun | 112(X25) | | X25-32 | NotAct/NotRun | 113(X25) | | X25-35 | NotAct/NotRun | 110(X25) | | X25-36 | NotAct/NotRun | 111(X25) | | X25-50 | Act/Run | 116(X25) 117(LapB) 118(Ml) | | X25-51 | Act/Run | 119(X25) 120(LapB) 121(Ml) | | X25-52 | Act/Run | 127(X25) 128(LapB) 129(Ml) | | X25-53 | Act/Run | 130(X25) 131(LapB) 132(Ml) | | X25-54 | Act/Run | 136(X25) 137(LapB) 138(Ml) | | X25-55 | Act/Run | 139(X25) 140(LapB) 141(Ml) | | X25-56 | Act/Run | 143(X25) 144(LapB) 145(Ml) | | X25-57 | Act/Run | 146(X25) 147(LapB) 148(Ml) | | X25-58 | Act/Run | 149(X25) 150(LapB) 151(Ml) | | X25-59 | Act/Run | 152(X25) 153(LapB) 154(Ml) | | X25-999 | Act/Run | 25(X25) 26(LapB) 27(Mlm) | | Sdlc-1 | NotAct/NotRun | 84(Sdlc) | | Sdlc-3 | NotAct/NotRun | 85(Sdlc) | | Pad-1 | Act/Run | 5(Pad) | | Xtp-1 | Act/Run | 162(Xtp) | | Sim-1 | NotAct/NotRun | 70(Sim) | | Sim-2 | NotAct/NotRun | 102(Sim) | | Sim-5 | NotAct/NotRun | 105(Sim) | | Sim-6 | NotAct/NotRun | 106(Sim) | | Sim-7 | NotAct/NotRun | 40(Sim) | | Sim-8 | NotAct/NotRun | 41(Sim) | | Sim-10 | NotAct/NotRun | 73(Sim) | | Sim-11 | NotAct/NotRun | 74(Sim) | | Sim-31 | NotAct/NotRun | 114(Sim) | | Sim-32 | NotAct/NotRun | 115(Sim) | | Sim-35 | NotAct/NotRun | 107(Sim) | | Sim-36 | NotAct/NotRun | 108(Sim) | | Sim-37 | NotAct/NotRun | 109(Sim) | | Sim-50 | Act/Run | 122(Sim) | | Sim-51 | Act/Run | 123(Sim) | | Sim-52 | Act/Run | 133(Sim) | | Sim-53 | Act/Run | 134(Sim) | | Sim-54 | Act/Run | 101(Sim) | | Sim-55 | Act/Run | 135(Sim) | | Sim-56 | Act/Run | 155(Sim) | | Sim-57 | Act/Run | 156(Sim) | | Sim-58 | Act/Run | 157(Sim) | | Sim-59 | Act/Run | 158(Sim) | | CtiX25D | Act/Run | 21(CtiX25D) | | CtiSLink | Act/Run | 20(CtiSLink) | | CtiVsp | Act/Run | 22(CtiVsp) | | CtiSys | Act/Run | 19(CtiSys) | | CtiIax | Act/Run | 64(CtiIax) | | CtiDisa | Act/Run | 4(CtiDisa) | | CtiSip | Act/Run | 71(CtiSip) | | CtiSms | Act/Run | 168(CtiSms) | | CtiAs | Act/Run | 183(CtiAs) | | Iprtr | Act/Run | 6(Iprtr) | | Tcp | Act/Run | 7(Tcp) | | Udp | Act/Run | 8(Udp) | | Telnet | Act/Run | 9(Telnet) | | Rip | Act/Run | 10(Rip) | | Dns | Act/Run | 12(Dns) | | Http | Act/Run | 17(Http) | | Nat | Act/Run | 13(Nat) | | Ssh | Act/Run | 14(Ssh) | | Ospf | Act/Run | 11(Ospf) | | Dhcp | Act/Run | 87(Dhcp) | | Ftp | Act/Run | 16(Ftp) | | IpSec | Act/Run | 169(IpSec) | | Ike | Act/Run | 170(Ike) | | Smtp | Act/Run | 161(Smtp) | | Pop3 | Act/Run | 55(Pop3) | | Radius | Act/Run | 81(Radius) | | Vrrp | Act/Run | 100(Vrrp) | | DhcpC | Act/Run | 176(DhcpC) | | DDns | Act/Run | 175(DDns) | | RSim-1 | Act/Run | 178(RSim) | | Fr-1 | Act/Run | 36(Fr) 37(Mlm) | | Fr-2 | Act/Run | 124(Fr) 125(Mlm) | | Pv-1 | Act/Run | 44(Mlm) 45(PLinkE) | | Pv-2 | Act/Run | 46(Mlm) 47(PLinkE) | | Pv-5 | Act/Run | 163(Mlm) 164(PLinkE) | | Pv-10 | Act/Run | 57(Mlm) 58(PLinkE) | | Pv-11 | Act/Run | 61(Mlm) 62(PLinkE) | | Pv-50 | NotAct/NotRun | 89(Mlm) 90(PLinkE) | | Pv-200 | Act/Run | 66(Ml) | | PoeAc-1 | Act/Run | 39(PoeAc) | | PoeCli-1 | Act/Run | 53(PoeCli) | | PoeCli-2 | Act/Run | 182(PoeCli) | | Ip-1 | Act/Run | 18(IpLan) | | Ip-2 | Act/Run | 34(IpLan) | | Ip-3 | Act/Run | 91(IpLan) | | Ip-4 | Act/Run | 181(IpLan) | | Ip-10 | NotAct/NotRun | 165(IpLan) | | Ip-11 | NotAct/NotRun | 166(Ppp) | | Ip-12 | NotAct/NotRun | 173(Mlm) | | Ip-35 | Act/Run | 92(Mlm) | | Ip-50 | Act/Run | 29(Ppp) | | Ip-51 | Act/Run | 32(Ppp) | | Ip-52 | Act/Run | 35(Ppp) | | Ip-53 | Act/Run | 50(Ppp) | | Ip-55 | Act/Run | 49(Mlm) | | Ip-60 | Act/Run | 38(Mlm) | | Ip-61 | Act/Run | 43(Mlm) | | Ip-62 | Act/Run | 60(Ppp) | | Ip-63 | Act/Run | 63(Ppp) | | Ip-71 | Act/Run | 88(Ppp) | | Ip-131 | Act/Run | 174(Mlm) | | Ip-150 | Act/Run | 83(Ml) | | Ip-160 | Act/Run | 86(Mlm) | | Ip-200 | Act/Run | 82(Mlm) | | Ip-201 | Act/Run | 126(Mlm) | | Ip-250 | Act/Run | | | Bridge-1 | Act/Run | 56(Bridge) | | Ssl | Act/Run | 51(Ssl) | | MfIde | Act/Run | 0(MfIde) | | UPnPS | Act/Run | 93(UPnPS) | +------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------+
![]() | Tip |
Interesting chapter: Section 63.19, “How to trace the internal events for debugging purposes”. |