5.15. Test functionalities

5.15.1. Ping

This command executes a Ping to the specified IP address using the options indicated in the command row.

The following command allows have a complete list of the allowed options of the command:

[18:01:34] ABILIS_CPX:ping ?

Usage: ping <address> [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-i TTL] [-v TOS] [-r count]
                      [-w timeout] [-z delay] [-f] [-p] [-m] [-s src_address]
                      [-t] [-ts] [-st nnn] [-std nnn]
  -a              Resolve addresses to hostnames.
  -n count        Number of echo requests to send.
  -t              Echo requests are sent until interrupted by user.
  -l size         Send buffer size.
  -f              Set IP header "don't fragment" flag (DF).
  -i TTL          Time To Live.
  -v TOS          Type of service [use number or D, T, R, C].
  -r count        Record route for count hops.
  -s src_address  Set source address for outgoing requests.
  -w timeout      Timeout to wait for each reply [10..30000 msec].
  -z delay        Set time delay between consecutive ping requests
                  [0..300000 msec].
  -p              Show in/out interface of ping message [IP-xxx or INTERNAL].
  -m              Show MAC address of the response (host or gateway).
  -ts             Show timeStamp.
  -st nnn         Show IP-nnn resource char-in/out statistics.
  -std nnn        Show IP-nnn resource char-in/out differential statistics.

Here is an example of the command execution.

[18:01:34] ABILIS_CPX:ping

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=6 ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=10 ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=7 ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=14 ms TTL=64

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3011ms
rtt min/avg/max = 6/9/14 ms

5.15.2. Tracert / Traceroute

This command traces the route of the IP packet sent to the IP address specified in the command row.

[18:01:34] ABILIS_CPX:tracert

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

  1     6 ms     6 ms     6 ms

Trace complete.

The following command displays the syntax:

[18:01:34] ABILIS_CPX:tracert ?

Usage: tracert/traceroute <address> [-a] [-h max_hops] [-w timeout] [-z delay]
                                    [-p] [-m] [-s src_address]
  -a              Resolve addresses to hostnames.
  -h max_hops     Maximum number of hops to search for target.
  -s src_address  Set source address for outgoing requests.
  -w timeout      Wait timeout for each reply [max. 30000 msec].
  -z delay        Set time delay between consecutive hosts [max. 300000 msec].
  -p              Show in/out interface of trace message [IP-xx or INTERNAL].
  -m              Show MAC address of the response (host or gateway).

5.15.3. Pingstat

This command pings a destination and retrieves the increments in CHAR-INPUT and CHAR-OUTPUT of the resource(s) used to transmit and receive, and some statistics useful for making line performances analysis (easily importable in a spreadsheet).

[18:01:34] ABILIS_CPX:pingstat -t -l 1 -z 1000

Pinging with 1 bytes of data:

Reply from IpResOut=3 IpResIn=3 bytes=1 RTT=7 ms TTL=64
date       time      timeStamp     diffIn    diffOut    RTT
14/01/2008 13:26:33          0          0          0      6
14/01/2008 13:26:34        999         92         64      5
14/01/2008 13:26:35       1999        118        109      6
14/01/2008 13:26:36       3000        238        189      6
14/01/2008 13:26:37       3998         46         29      5
14/01/2008 13:26:38       4999         92         62      5
14/01/2008 13:26:39       5999         46         29      5
14/01/2008 13:26:40       6999         46         29      5
14/01/2008 13:26:41       7999        138         97      6
14/01/2008 13:26:42       8999         94         29      6
14/01/2008 13:26:43       9998        236        224      6
14/01/2008 13:26:44      11002        166        109      9
14/01/2008 13:26:45      12007         46         29      5
14/01/2008 13:26:46      13012         46         29     10
14/01/2008 13:26:47      14007        140         62      6
14/01/2008 13:26:48      15007         46         29      5
14/01/2008 13:26:49      16007         46         29      5
14/01/2008 13:26:50      17008        282        257      6
14/01/2008 13:26:51      18014        118        109     12
14/01/2008 13:26:52      19007         92         64      5
14/01/2008 13:26:53      20007         94         29      6
14/01/2008 13:26:54      21012         94         29     11
14/01/2008 13:26:55      22007         46         29      6
14/01/2008 13:26:56      23007         92         62      6
14/01/2008 13:26:57      24007        238        189      6
14/01/2008 13:26:58      25007        118        109      6
14/01/2008 13:26:59      26007        138         97      6
14/01/2008 13:27:00      27006         46         29      6
14/01/2008 13:27:01      28006         92         64      5

--- ping statistics ---
30 packets transmitted, 30 received, 0% packet loss, time 28006ms
rtt min/avg/max = 5/6/12 ms


The following command displays the syntax:

[18:01:34] ABILIS_CPX:pingstat ?

Usage: pingstat <address> [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-i TTL] [-v TOS] [-t]
                          [-w timeout] [-z delay] [-f] [-m] [-s src_address]
  -a              Resolve addresses to hostnames.
  -n count        Number of echo requests to send.
  -t              Echo requests are sent until interrupted by user.
  -l size         Send buffer size.
  -f              Set IP header "don't fragment" flag (DF).
  -i TTL          Time To Live.
  -v TOS          Type of service [use number or D, T, R, C].
  -s src_address  Set source address for outgoing requests.
  -w timeout      Timeout to wait for each reply [10..30000 msec].
  -z delay        Set time delay between consecutive ping requests
                  [10..300000 msec].
  -m              Show MAC address of the response (host or gateway).
  date            Date when PING request is transmitted.
  time            Time when PING request is transmitted.
  timeStamp       Time elapsed from first request (milliseconds).
  diffIn          Number of incoming byte since the previous request.
  diffOut         Number of outgoing byte since the previous request.
  RTT             Round Trip Time of PING request and response (in msec).

5.15.4. DSPs test

The Audio Compressors DSPs test can be invoked manually by command TEST DSP. The execution of the test is logged.

[11:58:19] ABILIS_CPX:test dsp



   DSP:0  -  good
   skipped (no DSP present)
   skipped (no DSP present)
   skipped (no DSP present)

Overall test result: GOOD


[11:58:24] ABILIS_CPX:d l

Current Local Time: Sunday 12/12/2010 11:58:29 (UTC+1.00)

12/12/2010 11:58:13 [00257] I: SYSTEM LOG CLEARED
12/12/2010 11:58:24 [00291] I: DSP test start
12/12/2010 11:58:24 [00292] I: DSP test end

The test can be executed using various options:

[11:58:29] ABILIS_CPX:test dsp ?

TEST DSP [card] [method] [action] [output] [msec]          Executes DSPs test

DSPs test options:

card       Card selection. It must be 'type-n', where 'type' can be a CTI
           card type and 'n' can be [1..255]
           Execute the test of the specified card. By default the test is
           executed on every card.
method     Testing method selection [free, wait, force].
           - free: test only the ACs which are free;
           - wait: disable use of AC by CTIR and wait until all AC are free,
                   then make the test;
           - force: disable use of AC by CTIR, force close of all calls that
                    use AC, wait until all AC are free, then make the test.
           By default only free ACs are tested.
action     Action selection [log, recover].
           - log: only log errors and recovery actions;
           - recover: log errors and recovery action plus, in case of
                      failure, automatically attempt to recover the DSP
                      via reset.
           By default only log errors and recovery are done.
output     Output selection [brief, detailed, quiet].
           By default brief output is provided.
msec       Duration of the test of each channel [100..10000 msec]
           By default 500 msec.

DSPs test is always performed at startup and it's logged. If the test detects a problem it attempts up to two times to recover by resetting the DSP and repeating the test.

In case all DSPs are OK:

30/04/2008 18:24:10 [00291] I: DSP test start
30/04/2008 18:24:13 [00292] I: DSP test end

If there's some problem:

02/05/2008 17:22:13 [00291] I: DSP test start
02/05/2008 17:22:16 [00293] W: BRI4-5 DSP#0 BBBBB recover
02/05/2008 17:22:17 [00293] W: BRI4-5 DSP#0 BBBBB recover
02/05/2008 17:22:17 [00294] W: BRI4-5 DSP#0 BBBBB bad
02/05/2008 17:22:18 [00293] W: BRI4-5 DSP#1 BBBBB recover
02/05/2008 17:22:19 [00293] W: BRI4-5 DSP#1 BBBBB recover
02/05/2008 17:22:20 [00294] W: BRI4-5 DSP#1 BBBBB bad
02/05/2008 17:22:20 [00292] I: DSP test end