11.5. UMTS-BOX2 sim remotization

Sim remotization allows to use a remote sim inserted in a Simbox with an UMTS BOX2 via IP network.

Sim remotization can be used only with UMTS Box2 (old devices like GSM BOX and UMTS BOX don't support sim remotization).


The minimal version number of the UMTS-BOX2 in order to use SIM remotization is 19.The version is visible through the command D USBDEV:

[20:02:15] ABILIS_CPX:d usbdev

USB Server Overview:

ID  VendorId/Manufacturer     ProductId/Product                Ver UsbPortId
1   0000 On Time              0000 EHCI Virtual Root Hub      0.00 0
2   0000 On Time              0000 OHCI Virtual Root Hub      0.00 1
3   0000 On Time              0000 OHCI Virtual Root Hub      0.00 2
4   0000 On Time              0000 UHCI Virtual Root Hub      0.00 3
5   0000 On Time              0000 UHCI Virtual Root Hub      0.00 4
6   04CC                      1520                            2.00 0.3
7   04D8 Abilis               000C USB SIM-BOX                9.01 1.2
8   08BB Burr-Brown from TI   2904 USB Audio CODEC            1.00 0.3.2
9   04D8 Abilis               000C USB UMTS-BOX2             19.05 0.3.3
10  05C6 SimTech , Incorporat 6000 SimTech  HSDPA Modem       0.00 0.3.0
11  05C6 SimTech , Incorporat 6000 SimTech  HSDPA Modem       0.00 0.3.1

The most important parameter to manage SIM remotization is RSIM. It can have different values:NO, PERMANET and DYNAMIC. Other parameters must be configured if PERMANENT value is chosen.

Table 11.1. Meaning of RSIM parameters

NOSIM remotization disabled
PERMANENTthe SIM remotization is enabled with configured values (see below)
DYNAMICthe SIM remotization is enabled with configured values in ctip preferences (see below)

Assuming that the ctip port assigned to UMTS-BOX2 is 201, use the following command to show its configuration.

[23:27:13] ABILIS_CPX:d ctip:201

Act     card:UG-1<1>
Run     OPSTATE:UP        LOG:NO                               TYPE:NET-PUBLIC
        mode:CELL         VOICE-ROAMING:DISABLED     NUM:*

In the example above, sim remotization is disabled. Use the following command to set the rsim parameter to permanent:

[23:32:43] ABILIS_CPX:s p ctip:201 rsim:permanent


[23:32:59] ABILIS_CPX:d ctip:201

CTIP:201 - Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ------------------------
Act     DESCR:
Run     card:UG-1<1>
        OPSTATE:UP        LOG:NO                               TYPE:NET-PUBLIC
        mode:CELL         VOICE-ROAMING:DISABLED     NUM:*
        RSIM:PERMANENT    RSIM-IP:#                      RSIM-SIMBOX-ID:NONE
        RSIM-RES:NONE     RSIM-PORT:60000                RSIM-SIM-ID:NONE

Note that some additional parameters are now visible. The following table shows their meaning:

Table 11.2. Meaning of parameters

Parameter (available only for RSIM:PERMANENT)Meaning
RSIM-IPSIM remotization remote IP address
RSIM-SIMBOX-IDRemote SIMBOX identifier
RSIM-PORTRemote UDP port used for remotization
RSIM-SIM-IDRemote SIMBOX SIM identifier
RSIM-PWDRemote SIMBOX SIM password

Use the command s ctip:xxx parameter:value to set a specific parameter. For instance use s p ctip:201 rsim-res:rsim-1 to set the rsim resource to rsim-1 value.

The following example shows how to set the rsim parameter to dynamic:

[23:49:31] ABILIS_CPX:s ctip:201 rsim:dynamic


[23:55:04] ABILIS_CPX:d ctip:201

CTIP:201 - Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ------------------------
Act     DESCR:
Run     card:UG-1<1>
        OPSTATE:UP        LOG:NO                               TYPE:NET-PUBLIC
        mode:CELL         VOICE-ROAMING:DISABLED     NUM:*

Note that the only parameter to configure in this case is RSIM-RES (rsim resource). The same parameters used for PERMANENT mode can be configured for the DYNAMIC mode. Use the command s s ctip:xxx rsim:set par:val [par:val] to configure them. They are stored automatically as CTIP preferences rather than being normal configuration parameters.

[22:37:42] ABILIS_CPX:s s ctip:201 rsim:set ip: simbox-id:1 sim-id:1

Available parameters and their meaning:

[22:38:05] ABILIS_CPX:s s ctip:201 rsim:set ?

S S CTIP:xxx RSIM:CLEAR                  Clear RSIM parameters and closes
                                         connection for the specified CTI port,
                                         where 'xxx' is a CTI port identifier
                                         in the range [1..300].
                                         Only for CELL (GSM/UMTS) CTI ports.
S S CTIP:xxx RSIM:SET par:val [par:val]  Set RSIM parameters and orders
                                         connection for the specified CTI port,
                                         where 'xxx' is a CTI port identifier
                                         in the range [1..300].
                                         Only for CELL (GSM/UMTS) CTI ports.

SIM remotization parameter(s):

IP:        Remote IP address [0-126.x.x.x,, 128.x.x.x-     <Mandatory>
PORT:      Remote UDP port [1..65535]                                <Optional>
           If missing the value 60000 is used.
SIMBOX-ID: Remote SIMBOX identifier [1..255]                        <Mandatory>
SIM-ID:    Remote SIMBOX SIM identifier [1..32]                     <Mandatory>
PWD:       Remote SIMBOX SIM password.                               <Optional>
           From 0 up to 32 ASCII printable characters.
           Spaces are not allowed. Case is preserved.

Use the following command to clear configured parameters.

[22:40:20] ABILIS_CPX:s s ctip:201 rsim:clear


The loading time of the remote SIM is not predictable. The full SIM load can take less than a minute or several minutes, it depends on network speed and round trip time.