19.6. IPRTR diagnostics and statistics

19.6.1. IPRTR diagnostics

To display the diagnostics of the IPRTR resource the following commands are used:

d d iprtr / d de iprtr

Shows diagnostic information, such as the state of the resource and the routings table, the current percentage of routings present into routing table, the current number of routings present into the table, the maximum number of routings reached from start-up into the table and the maximum number of routings present into the table (this information indicate the MAXROUTE parameter).

[18:06:40] ABILIS_CPX:d d iprtr

RES:Iprtr ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       ROUTINGs TABLE Diagnostics
       ROUTINGS   |NORMAL     |          5|         29|         29|        500|

19.6.2. IPRTR statistics

To display the statistics of the IPRTR resource the following commands are used:

d s iprtr / d se iprtr

Statistic information are divided into two groups: one dedicated to IP Router (the number of IP datagrams sent/received, number of IP datagrams discarded due to header errors and to wrong destination address, etc..), the other one to the ICMP (the number of ICMP messages sent/received, the number of bad ICMP messages received, the number of “Unreachable destination” ICMP messages, etc..).

[18:06:40] ABILIS_CPX:d s iprtr

RES:Iprtr ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 23 days 13:45:07 ago, on 03/12/2007 at 03:20:52 ------------
       ROUTER Statistics
       DGM        |   30476317|    3759615|HDR-ERR    |         52|           |
       ADDR-ERR   |          0|           |FRW-DGM    |           |   26743001|
       UNK-PROT   |        394|           |DISCARDS   |          0|       1813|
       LOCAL-DGM  |    3479964|           |NO-ROUT    |           |          0|
       REAS-TOUT  |          0|           |REAS-REQD  |         28|           |
       REAS-OK    |         28|           |REAS-FAIL  |          0|           |
       FRAG-OK    |           |        145|FRAG-FAIL  |           |         23|
       FRAG-CREATE|           |        290|ROUT-DISC  |          0|           |
       ICMP Statistics
       MSG        |       5294|      37497|ERR        |        334|           |
       DEST-UNRICH|       1382|      33732|T-EXCEED   |         23|        573|
       PARM-PROB  |          0|          0|SRC-QUENCH |          1|          0|
       REDIRECT   |        615|          0|ECHO       |       3176|         16|
       ECHO-REP   |         97|       3176|TSTAMP     |          0|          0|
       TSTAMP-REP |          0|          0|ADMASK     |          0|          0|
       ADMASK-REP |          0|          0|