The example below shows how to configure the SNMP resource and to relay emails using an external SMTP server:
[10:21:28] ABILIS_CPX:s p smtp local-domain:test.lan relay-net: server: server-user:user server-pwd:password server-auth:digest
COMMAND EXECUTED [10:25:52] ABILIS_CPX:d p smtp RES:Smtp - Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run DESCR:Simple_Mail_Transfer_Protocol LOG:NO ACT:YES tcp-locport:25 internal-mails:10 SRCADD:OUT-IP TOS:0-N ses-tot:10 SES-RESERVED-IN:2 SES-RESERVED-OUT:2 DT:120 MAX-IP-SES:2 MAX-RCPT:100 IPSRC:* IPSRCLIST:#LOCAL-DOMAIN:test.lan
HELOHOST:noname wdir:C:\APP\MAIL\ max-fail-notif:50 MB-MAXSIZE:5000 MSG-MAXSIZE:2000 MB-MAXMAILS:1000 STORE-MB:NO -- Local SMTP relay ----------------------------------------------------RELAY-NET:
RELAY-IPSRCLIST:# RELAY-AUTH:DISABLED QUEUE-LIFE-TIME:86400 MAIL-TRY-DELAY:300 -- External SMTP server for relay --------------------------------------SERVER: SERVER-AUTH:DIGEST
-- SMS Gateway --------------------------------------------------------- SMS-GW:NO SMS-PERMIT:RELAY SMS-IP:# SMS-SENDER:#
This configuration allows the net to use Abilis as smtp relay for both local domain (test.lan) and non-local domains (through server Use your account username and password to use the external smtp server.
Caution | |
To activate the changes made on the upper case parameters, execute the initialization command init res:smtp; while to set act the changes made on the lowercase parameters a save conf and an Abilis restart are required (i.e. with warm start command). |
Note | |
The value of SERVER parameter can be the FQDN of external SMTP server configuring the DNS resource or it's ip address. |
Tip | |
Interesting chapter: Section 65.19, “How to configure CTISMS to send sms via emails”. |