32.3. FTP diagnostics and statistics

32.3.1. FTP diagnostics

To display the diagnostics of the FTP resource the following commands are used:

d d ftp / d de ftp

Shows diagnostic information such as the state of the resource, the maximum number of clients allowed, the number of current CONNECTED/LOGGED/DATA-SESSION (for PLAIN o SSL mode), the maximum number of CONNECTED/LOGES/DATA-SESSION reached from start-up (for PLAIN o SSL mode), the IP addresses and ports of clients connected, etc..

[19:00:30] ABILIS_CPX:d d ftp

RES:Ftp -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:ACTIVE            MAX-CLI:4
       -- Clients --------|--TOT CUR---|--TOT PEAK--|--SSL CUR---|--SSL PEAK--|
       CONNECTED          |           1|           1|           0|           0|
       LOGGED             |           1|            |           0|            |
       DATA-SESSION       |           0|           1|           0|           0|
       -- Sessions states -----------------------------------------------------
       SES C-STATE C-REM                 C-LOC                 USER
           D-STATE D-REM                 D-LOC
         4 LOGGED    anonymous

32.3.2. FTP statistics

To display the statistics of the FTP resource the following commands are used:

d s ftp

Shows the number of sent/received characters and packets for both data and control sessions, the number of received valid commands on control session and the number of sent responses.

d se ftp

Shows statistic information in an extended format: the same information listed for d s ftp command are shown for each session.

[19:01:14] ABILIS_CPX:d s ftp

RES:Ftp -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 000:03:02:24 ago, on 15/09/2007 at 15:59:39 ----------------
       CTRL-CHR   |        211|        921|CTRL-PCK   |         20|         27|
       DATA-CHR   |          0|        366|DATA-PCK   |          0|          2|
       COMMAND    |         20|           |REPLY      |           |         27|
[19:02:03] ABILIS_CPX:d se ftp

RES:Ftp -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 000:03:02:53 ago, on 15/09/2007 at 15:59:40 ----------------
       CTRL-CHR   |        211|        921|CTRL-PCK   |         20|         27|
       DATA-CHR   |          0|        366|DATA-PCK   |          0|          2|
       COMMAND    |         20|           |REPLY      |           |         27|
       SES C-STATE C-REM                 C-LOC                 USER
           D-STATE D-REM                 D-LOC
         4 LOGGED    anonymous
       CTRL-CHR   |         74|        322|CTRL-PCK   |          8|          9|
       DATA-CHR   |          0|        183|DATA-PCK   |          0|          1|
       COMMAND    |          8|           |REPLY      |           |          9|