40.1. SNMP resource

The activation of SNMP resource allows to configure Abilis as a SNMP agent. The configuration is quite simple, because few parameters must be modified.

The MIB (Management Information Base) contains the description of the configuration/statistics “objects” available in the SNMP Agents and their availability to be controlled by SNMP Managers.The variables accessible via Abilis CPX SNMP resource are described in the Abilis proprietary MIB that can be downloaded from Abilis technical website - download section.


Access to download section is restricted, before proceeding you need to obtain a valid username/password from Abilis technical support ().

Refer to Section 40.5, “Appendix - SNMP Protocol” to have more information about SNMP protocol.

40.1.1. Activating the SNMP resource

Add the resource to the Abilis system with the following command:

[15:50:39] ABILIS_CPX:a res:snmp


The SNMP resource may already exist in the system, but may not yet be active: set it active with the command:

[15:50:43] ABILIS_CPX:s act res:snmp


After adding or setting the SNMP active, you must restart the Abilis to make the resource running (use the command warm start to reboot the Abilis).

[17:14:59] ABILIS_CPX:s p snmp act:yes


[17:15:17] ABILIS_CPX:d p snmp

RES:Snmp - Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ----------------------
Run    DESCR:Simple_Network_Management_Protocol
       LOG:NO        ACT:YES
       - Agent ----------------------------------------------------------------
       IPSRC:*                        IPSRCLIST:#
       - Traps ----------------------------------------------------------------
       TRAP:NO       AUTHTRAP:NO      TRAPREP:10
       TRAPDEST:#                     TRAPSRC:R-ID (

40.1.2. SNMP resource parameters

Use the following command to display the parameters of the resource; the d p snmp ? command shows the meaning of parameters.

[09:58:41] ABILIS_CPX:d p snmp

RES:Snmp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Run    DESCR:Simple_Network_Management_Protocol
       LOG:NO        ACT:YES
       - Agent ----------------------------------------------------------------
       IPSRC:*                        IPSRCLIST:#
       - Traps ----------------------------------------------------------------
       TRAP:NO       AUTHTRAP:NO      TRAPREP:10
       TRAPDEST:#                     TRAPSRC:R-ID (

Meaning of the most important parameters:


Logging functionalities activation/deactivation.


Runtime SNMP activation/deactivation.


Sets the keyword used by the authentication procedure of those SNMP management systems able to query the SNMP Agent of the Abilis CPX. Only those, which have the same value of the “Community Name” as the local SNMP port, are allowed to supervise. If it doesn't match, the query frames are rejected and, if the parameter AUTHTRAP is set to YES, a wrong authentication message is sent to the SNMP Manager, whose IP is configured in the parameter TRAPDEST.


Sets the IP address of the SNMP source management from which the SNMP Agent of the Abilis can receive requests.


Sets the list of the SNMP management systems able to query the SNMP Agent of the Abilis CPX.


Enables/disables the generation of informative asynchronous signalling (trap) to the SNMP Manager, which IP address must be declared in the TRAPDEST parameter.


Enables/disables the generation of the wrong authentication signalling if SNMP resource receives requests from not authorized SNMP Manager processes.


Sets the time interval (in minutes) which has to pass before resending the trap.


Sets the IP address (or a list of IP addresses) of the management system to which the TRAPS generated by the SNMP Agent of the Abilis must be sent.


Sets the source IP address to be used for outgoing traps.

The command that allows the configuration of the resource to be modified has the following syntax:

s p snmp par:val...


To activate the changes made on the upper case parameters, execute the initialization command init res:snmp; while to set act the changes made on the lowercase parameters a save conf and an Abilis restart are required (i.e. with warm start command).