40.3. SNMP diagnostics and statistics

40.3.1. SNMP diagnostics

To display the diagnostics of the SNMP resource the following commands are used:

d d snmp

Shows the state of the resource.

d de snmp

Shows the state of the resource, and information about the last sent trap.

[15:53:04] ABILIS_CPX:d d snmp

RES:Snmp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[15:53:04] ABILIS_CPX:d de snmp

RES:Snmp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       - Last sent trap: ------------------------------------------------------
       Loc. Date |Loc. Time|             Trap            |      Resource
       00/00/0000 00:00:00  coldStart                     Unknown-0

40.3.2. SNMP statistics

To display the statistics of the SNMP resource the following commands are used:

d s snmp

Shows the statistics of the SNMP resource, such as the number of sent/received packets, the number of GetRequest frames received, the number of GetNext frames received, the number of SetRequest frames received, the number of GetResponse frames sent, etc..

d se snmp

Shows the statistics of the SNMP resource, the Traps service statistics, the Standard traps statistics and the Enterprise specific traps statistics.

[15:53:05] ABILIS_CPX:d s snmp

RES:Snmp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 080:17:02:45 ago, on 11/10/2007 at 01:40:36 ----------------
       PCK        |         14|         14|GET-REQ    |         13|          0|
       GET-NEXT   |          1|          0|SET-REQ    |          0|          0|
       GET-RESP   |          0|         14|TRAP       |          0|          0|
       BAD-VER    |          0|           |BAD-COM-N  |          0|           |
       BAD-COM-U  |          0|           |ASN-ERR    |          0|           |
       TOO-BIG    |          0|          0|NO-NAME    |          0|          0|
       BAD-VAL    |          0|          0|RONLY      |          0|           |
       GEN_ERR    |          0|          0|REQ_VAR    |         17|           |
       SET_VAR    |          0|           |
[15:59:02] ABILIS_CPX:d se snmp

RES:Snmp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 080:17:02:49 ago, on 11/10/2007 at 01:40:36 ----------------
       PCK        |         14|         14|GET-REQ    |         13|          0|
       GET-NEXT   |          1|          0|SET-REQ    |          0|          0|
       GET-RESP   |          0|         14|TRAP       |          0|          0|
       Traps service statistics:
       REQ        |       1921|REQ-SUCC   |          0|REQ-FAIL   |       1921|
       EVENT      |          0|EVENT-SUCC |          0|EVENT-FAIL |          0|
       SEND       |          0|SEND-SUCC  |          0|SEND-FAIL  |          0|
       Standard traps statistics:
       COLDSTART  |          0|LINKDOWN   |          0|AUTHFAIL   |          0|
       WARMSTART  |          0|LINKUP     |          0|EGPNL      |          0|
       Enterprise specific traps statistics:
       SYNC-DN    |          0|ETH-DN     |          0|TR-DN      |          0|
       SYNC-UP    |          0|ETH-RD     |          0|TR-OPEN    |          0|
       SNTP-UNSYN |          0|X25-DN     |          0|LAPB-DN    |          0|
       SNTP-SYN   |          0|X25-RD     |          0|LAPB-CN    |          0|
       HDLCT-DN   |          0|PAD-L1-DN  |          0|IPLAN-DN   |          0|
       HDLCT-UP   |          0|PAD-L1-UP  |          0|IPLAN-RD   |          0|
       SDLC-PU-DN |          0|FTP-DN     |          0|BDG-DN     |          0|
       SDLC-PU-ST |          0|FTP-RD     |          0|BDG-RD     |          0|
       SDLC-PU-CN |          0|BDG-LAN-DN |          0|BDG-LNK-DN |          0|
       BDG-ALL-DN |          0|BDG-LAN-RD |          0|BDG-LNK-RD |          0|
       PRI-ISDN-DN|          0|BRI-ISDN-DN|          0|FR-DN      |          0|
       PRI-ISDN-UP|          0|BRI-ISDN-RD|          0|FR-UP      |          0|
       PRI-S0-IN  |          0|BRI-S0-IN  |          0|FR-DLCI-DN |          0|
       PRI-S0-DN  |          0|BRI-S0-DN  |          0|FR-DLCI-AC |          0|
       PRI-S0-UP  |          0|BRI-S0-UP  |          0|FR-DLCI-BL |          0|
       PRI-S16-IN |          0|BRI-S16-IN |          0|FR-DLCI-IN |          0|
       PRI-S16-DN |          0|BRI-S16-DN |          0|FR-DLCI-NP |          0|
       PRI-S16-UP |          0|BRI-S16-UP |          0|FR-DLCI-RM |          0|
       MLM-PL-DN  |          0|ML-ALL-DN  |          0|PPP-ST     |          0|
       MLM-PL-RD  |          0|ML-ALL-RD  |          0|PPP-DN     |          0|
       MLM-SL-ST  |          0|ML-SOME-RD |          0|PPP-RD     |          0|
       MLM-SL-RD  |          0|ML-SL-ST   |          0|PPP-UP     |          0|
       MLM-SL-US  |          0|ML-SL-RD   |          0|POEAC-DN   |          0|
       IP-DN      |          0|ML-PL-DN   |          0|POEAC-UP   |          0|
       IP-UP      |          0|ML-PL-UP   |          0|POECLI-DN  |          0|
       ADSL-DN    |          0|CELL-V-DN  |          0|POECLI-UP  |          0|
       ADSL-UP    |          0|CELL-V-UP  |          0|CELL-PDN-DN|          0|
       OPC-DN     |          0|SYSLOG-DN  |          0|CELL-PDN-UP|          0|
       OPC-UP     |          0|SYSLOG-UP  |          0|           |           |
       GPIOPC-DN  |          0|GPIO-DN    |          0|GPS-DN     |          0|
       GPIOPC-UP  |          0|GPIO-UP    |          0|GPS-UP     |          0|
                  |           |RJS-DN     |          0|SIMBOX-DN  |          0|
                  |           |RJS-UP     |          0|SIMBOX-UP  |          0|