44.2. OPC configuration

The OPC service uses HTTP resource, so Control Panel users must be enabled to use HTTP. Their HTTP-RIGHTS have to grant access to the /sys/opc/ data directory.


Refer to Chapter 52, Enable the access to the web interface to have more information about http directories.

44.2.1. Creation of the user

Users can access to HTTP server only if they are enabled to HTTP service (parameter HTTP set to YES). To verify the current users' rights:

[16:50:05] ABILIS_CPX:d user

USER:                  PWD: ACT: CTIP: CLUS:    PPP: FTP: HTTP: MAIL: IAX: SIP:
admin                       NO   #     #        YES  YES  YES   NO    NO   NO
guest                       NO   #     #        NO   NO   NO    NO    NO   NO

As shown above, only the admin user is enabled to HTTP service. The following command creates a new user called “opc1” and enabled for the HTTP service.

[17:22:50] ABILIS_CPX:a user:opc1 http:yes


[17:23:12] ABILIS_CPX:d user

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------

USER:                  PWD: ACT: CTIP: CLUS:    PPP: FTP: HTTP: MAIL: IAX: SIP:
admin                       NO   #     #        YES  YES  YES   NO    NO   NO
guest                       NO   #     #        NO   NO   NO    NO    NO   NO
opc1                        YES  #     #        NO   NO   YES   NO    NO   NO

Interesting chapter: Section 5.9, “Users Table”.

The appropriate http-rights must be assigned so that user opc1 is allowed to access this path:

[18:01:03] ABILIS_CPX:a http rights path:/sys/opc/ user:opc1


[18:03:45] ABILIS_CPX:d http rights

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------

       USER:                            FILE: DIR:  RECUR: PROT:
  1 /sys/
       admin                            r---  l---  YES    PLAIN,SSL
  3 /sys/opc/
       opc1                            r---  l---  YES    PLAIN,SSL
  2 /sys/pub/
       anonymous                        r---  ----  YES    PLAIN,SSL

Additional specifications for the OPC users are: OPC USER-PORTS CORRELATION, OPC-MONITOR and OPC-RIGHTS.

Each user may have assigned up to four interfaces: a CTIP (a.g a POTS port or an ISDN or a GSM/UMTS port), a CTI CLUSTER, SIP and IAX.

The OPC-USER PORTS CORRELATION states which CTIP or CLUSTER ports are to be assigned the user (for SIP/IAX users this specification is given automatically when the SIP or IAX rights are granted).

The OPC-MONITOR parameter permits to specify which of the interfaces linked to the user are to be notified the OPC management.

The following example shows how to correlate the user “opc1” to the analogue port#100 (ctip:100) and notify the OPC management only the information relevant to the CTIP ports assigned to him.

[18:12:30] ABILIS_CPX:s user:opc1 ctip:100 opc-monitor:ctip


[18:13:17] ABILIS_CPX:d user:opc1

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------
Parameter:        | Value:
USER:               opc1
ALIAS:              opc1
ID:                 3    <Read Only>
ACT:                YES
CTIP:               100
CLUS:               #
OPC-ROLE:           USER
OPC-VIEW:           *
HTTP:               YES

The OPC-MONITOR parameter can take the following values: NONE (to disable opc monitoring), ALL (to monitor every kind of interface), CTIP (to monitor POTS, ISDN or GSM ports), IAX (to monitor IAX2 interfaces), SIP (to monitor SIP interfaces), CLUS (to monitor clusters).

For example, assuming that the user “opc2” has both a sip and a iax account, the following commands can be used:

Table 44.1. Commands to configure opc

s user:opc2 ctip:101 opc-monitor:ctip,sipto monitor only ctip and sip interfaces
s user:opc2 ctip:101 opc-monitor:ctip,sip,iaxto monitor ctip,sip and iax interfaces

If the OPC-MONITOR parameter is set to a value different from NONE (this is the default one), some other opc related parameter are shown:

  • OPC-ROLE: this parameter can be equal to USER or OPERATOR (enables advanced features like buttons drag&drop). The default is: USER

  • OPC-VIEW: list of users that can be seen on the OPC panel by this user. The default is: *

  • OPC-HIDE_NUMBERS: if set to YES, the user will not see calling and called numbers.The default is: NO

  • OPC-PRIVACY: if set to YES, it hides to every monitor the calling and the called numbers of the calls to and from this user. The default is: NO