45.3. CTI Routings

In order to route the calls to and from the CTIIAX resource, adding the appropiate routings in the CTI Router is needed.

The destination or the source of the IAX group appears as CtiIax. When a CTI routing is created there's no need to specify it, because it is automatically compiled.

To view all the configurable parameters type:

[13:47:29] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir

   |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
   |                                 |RGI                 |RGO
   |TI1 .. TI5

The routing types involved with CTIIAX are:

Table 45.1. CTIIAX routing

TypeDescriptionTranscoding supported
VtoIVoice to IAXNO
CtoICluster to IAXYES
HtoIH.323 to IAXYES
ItoVIAX to VoiceNO
ItoCIAX to ClusterYES
ItoHIAX to H.323YES


Transcoding is allowed when parameter CODERSOUT is different from *.

The transcoding is possible only for the coders supported by Abilis. Refer to Section 43.8, “CTI System Resource” to have more information about CTISYS resource. To view them, type:

[14:09:52] ABILIS_CPX:d d ctisys

RES:CtiSys --------------------------------------------------------------------
       -- Number of simultaneous calls ----------------------------------------
                      | State: Alerting/Connected |        State: Any         |
       TR             |           0 |           0 |           0 |           0 |
       DATA           |           0 |           0 |           0 |           0 |
       VtoCHISD       |           0 |           0 |           0 |           0 |
       CHISDtoCHISD   |           0 |           0 |           0 |           0 |
       CHISDtoV       |           0 |           0 |           0 |           0 |
       ALL            |           0 |           0 |           0 |           0 |
       - Available coders -----------------------------------------------------
       -- Coder ---|-- Bit rates (kbps) --|-- Coder ---|-- Bit rates (kbps) --|
       G.711-A     |64                    |G.711-u     |64                    |
       TRANSPARENT |64                    |Spirit      |6.4, 7.2, 8, 8.8, 9.6 |
       - Clock Sources for H100 cards -----------------------------------------
       - Clock Sources for NOT-H100 cards -------------------------------------
                          *** No NOT-H100 cards running ***

The following parameters are useful when configuring a CTIIAX routing.


Allows to set the maximum bandwidth the coder can use in output [*: preserves the bit rate value; 5300; 6000; 6300; 6400; 7200; 8000; 8800; 9600; 11200; 13200; 13340; 15200; 16000; 18400; 24000; 24800; 32000; 40000; 64000 bps].


If you set SPOUT:9600, you will not be able to use CODERS which need greater bit rates (e.g. G.711 works at 64 Kbps).


Allows to filter/select the available coder audio sets for the output. When you set the parameters * you don't enable the cross-encoding, you automatically keep the coder used in the incoming call. When you set specific values or value combinations, you can increase or reduce the set of available coders. Example:

  • CODERSOUT:*,Sys : adds, in output, to the coders already present in input, the set described in the CTISYS resource;

  • CODERSOUT:Sys : allows to use, in output, only the coders described in the CTISYS resource;

  • CODERSOUT:<specific coder> : enables, in output, only the chosen coder. You can also specify many coders (divide their names/codes with a comma ,);

  • CODERSOUT:*,<coder list> : adds, in output to the already present coders, the coders indicated in the list; you can also only specify the list;

  • CODERSOUT:<coder list> : enables to use in output only the coders present in the list.


    The coder position, inside the coders list in the CTISYS resource, defines the order of preference.


Allows tho set the maximum bandwidth the coder can use in input [5300; 6000; 6300; 6400; 7200; 8000; 8800; 9600; 11200; 13200; 13340; 15200; 16000; 18400; 24000; 24800; 32000; 40000; 64000 bps].


If you set SPOUT:9600, you will not be able to use CODERS which need greater bit rates (e.g. G.711 works at 64 Kbps).


Allows to limit the available audio sets during the negotiation. The various configuration values are:

  • CODERS:* : accepts in input all the coders;

  • CODERS:Sys : accepts in input only the coders specified in the CTISYS resource;

  • CODERS:<specific coder> : accepts in input only the indicated coder. You can also specify several coders (divide their name/code with a comma ,);

  • CODERS:<coder list> : accepts in input only the coders indicated in the list.


    The coder position, inside the coders list in the CTISYS resource, defines the order of preference.


Default Jitter buffer size; it must be minor or equal to MJ.

  • For TYPE:VtoCHISD/HtoVCHISD/ItoVCHISD/StoVCHISD/DtoVCHIDS: [sys, 0..1000 msec];

  • For TYPE:CtoVCHISD/*toVCHISD: [*, sys, 0..1000 ms].


Maximum Jitter buffer size; it must be major or equal to DJ [sys, 0..1000 msec].

  • For TYPE:VtoCHISD/HtoVCHISD/ItoVCHISD/StoVCHISD/DtoVCHIDS: [sys, 0..1000 msec];

  • For TYPE:CtoVCHISD/*toVCHISD: [*, sys, 0..1000 ms].


Default Jitter buffer size output; it must be minor or equal to MJOUT [sys, 0..1000 msec];


Maximum Jitter buffer size output; it must be major or equal to DJOUT [*, sys, 0..1000 ms].