Using this option the application:
Send a SMS to Abilis CPX via GSM connection
Abilis receives the SMS with the string "DISA", a space and the desired number, the request is routed to DISA callback service.
The DISA calls the phone via GSM without having to pass any DMTF in the GSM path.
Use the same configuration made for GSM callback (GSM DISA callback ordered via SIP request) via SIP request and create a SMS routing "In".
[18:58:16] ABILIS_CPX:_a ctisms in pr:0 act:yes rule:prefix cg:* text:disa dest:disa lifetime:70 ----+-------+------------------------+---------+----------+-------------------- PR: |ACT: |CG: |DEST: |LIFETIME: |HEADER: |RULE: |TEXT: ----+-------+------------------------+---------+----------+-------------------- 0 YES * DISA 70 REMOVE PREFIX DISA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------