53.1. First Steps

53.1.1. Connect to the Web interface

Open up your Internet browser (preferably Chrome) and type in the IP address of the Abilis.

Figure 53.1. Abilis home

Abilis home

53.1.2. Log in

When the homepage opens up, login with your personal USER-ID and Password (if you haven't got USER-ID/password yet, ask your system administrator).

Please consider the options for your login. You may choose to be recognised by Abilis:

  • Login expiry on browser closure: the next time you connect, you will have to login again. This option is recommended if you are not using your own computer.

  • Login default timeout (1 days 0 hours 0 min.): your login will expire exactly after one day (this amount of time could be different).

  • Remember login permanently: your browser saves your credentials and sends them automatically.

Figure 53.2. Log in

Log in

53.1.3. First look at the Operator Control Panel

Now that you are logged in, you can access to the OPC panel. Click on the OPC panel icon and you'll see a screen like the following one:

Figure 53.3. OPC panel's homepage

OPC panel's homepage

  1. Homepage: return to the homepage

  2. Logout: show the logged user and the logout button

  3. Call section: icons for call management

  4. Utility section: some useful icons for the access to frequently used functions

  5. Settings/Preferences: icons for accessing to settings and preferences

    • Settings: change view settings of the OPC screen

    • Preferences: manage call forwarding, fork, voicemail

  6. Call's informations: show the status of the current call

  7. Group: show the group name

  8. Queues: show informations about queue

  9. Available userbox: show informations about a user that is not engaged in a call

  10. Busy user box: show informations about a user that is engaged in a call

  11. Not logged-in user box: show informations about a user that is using a software phone and is not logged-in

53.1.4. User box

A user box is made like this:

Figure 53.4. User box

User box

  1. Internal telephone number used to call the user.

  2. Option icons: some icons that show user's enabled options.

  3. User name. You can call him by clicking on it.

There are different types of user boxes:

  • Light-blue border box: identifies the box relevant to you.

    Figure 53.5. Your user box

    Your user box

  • Green box: the headset is on-hook.

    Figure 53.6. Available user

    Available user

  • Red box: the headset is off-hook (the user is busy).

    At the left of the user's telephone number there is a symbol that indicates the call direction (> if there is a received call, <none> if there is a outgoing call).

    Under the name there is a symbol that indicates the call direction (< if there is a incoming call, > if there is a outgoing call), followed by the called number.

    Figure 53.7. Busy user

    Busy user

  • Blinking Red box: the telephone is ringing.

    Figure 53.8. Ringing


  • Grey box: the relevant user is not logged in.

    Figure 53.9. Not logged in

    Not logged in

The option icons are the following ones: