74.2. Complete list of Off-line Commands

Here is the complete list of commands offered by the off-line configurator command interpreter for the SUPERUSER login.

[16:35:06] ABILIS_CPX:??

List of commands allowed for SUPERUSER login:

Add operations:
A CRKEY:             Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63]
A CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
A CTIB               CTI channels bundle
A CTICL              CTI cluster
A CTIDISA            CTI DISA Users and Services
A CTIG               CTI group
A CTIH323            CTI H.323 Translation entry
A CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers table entry
A CTIL               CTI link
A CTILG              CTI group of links
A CTIPC              CTI permanent connection
A CTIR               CTI routing
A CTIRE              CTI routing
A CTIRR              CTI routing
A CTISIP             CTISIP numbers table entry
A CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
A DEV:               HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255]
A DHCP               DHCP profile/subnet/host
A DNS                DNS server and relay tables
A FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
A GROUP:             Group name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.
A HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
A IKE                IKE Host/Client connections and preshared keys tables
A IPACL              IP Access List
A IPAD               IP Routing Administrative Distance
A IPLB               IP Load Balancing entry
A IPRS               Saved static IP Routing (same of SIPR)
A IPSEC              IPSEC Security policies and associations tables
A IPSR               IP Source Routing
A LCSG               Last Calling Number Service group
A LIST:              CPX list name
A NAT                NAT alias entry
A OSPF               OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route
A PVC                PVC Connection
A R                  SVC Routing
A RES:               Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]
A RIP                RIP external route
A SIPR               Saved static IP Routing (same of IPRS)
A USER:              User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.
A VRRP               VRRP Routers
A WGB                WG Bridge Routing

Boot operations:
BOOT DEV:            HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255]

Clear operations:
C CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
C CRKEY:             Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63]
C CTIB               CTI channels bundle
C CTICL              CTI cluster
C CTIDISA            CTI DISA Users and Services
C CTIG               CTI group
C CTIH323            CTI H.323 Translation entry
C CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers table entry
C CTIL               CTI link
C CTILG              CTI group of links
C CTIPC              CTI permanent connection
C CTIR               CTI routing
C CTIRE              CTI routing
C CTIRR              CTI routing
C CTISIP             CTISIP numbers table entry
C CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
C DEV:               HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255]
C DHCP               DHCP profile/subnet/host
C DNS                DNS server and relay tables
C FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
C GROUP:             Group entry
C HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
C IKE                IKE Host/Client connections and preshared keys tables
C IPACL              IP Access List
C IPAD               IP Routing Administrative Distance
C IPLB               IP Load Balancing entry
C IPRS               Saved static IP Routing (same of SIPR)
C IPSEC              IPSEC Security policies and associations tables
C IPSR               IP Source Routing
C L                  System Log
C LCSG               Last Calling Number Service group
C LE                 Exceptions Log
C LIST:              CPX list name
C NAT                NAT alias entry
C OSPF               OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route
C PVC                PVC Connection
C R                  SVC Routing
C RES:               Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]
C RIP                RIP external route
C SIPR               Saved static IP Routing (same of IPRS)
C USER:              User entry
C VRRP               VRRP Routers
C WGB                WG Bridge Routing

CLOSE                Exit program.

Configuration management:
CONF INFO            Display/set configuration notes
CONF RELOAD          Reload the configuration from a file
CONF SAVE            Alias of the SAVE CONF command(s)
CONF VALIDATE        Alias of the VALIDATE command

Display operations:
D ACT                Active HW device/resource/CTI port
D CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
D CODE               ISDN/X.25 codes descriptions
D CRKEY              Encryption/Decryption keys
D CRKEY:             Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63]
D CTIB               CTI channels bundle
D CTICL              CTI cluster
D CTIDISA            CTI DISA Users and Services
D CTIG               CTI group
D CTIH323            CTI H.323 Translation entry
D CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers table entry
D CTIL               CTI link
D CTILG              CTI group of links
D CTIP               CTI port
D CTIP:              CTI port identifier [1..300]
D CTIPC              CTI permanent connection
D CTIPE              CTI port in extended format
D CTIPE:             CTI port identifier [1..300]
D CTIR               CTI routing
D CTIRE              CTI routing in extended format
D CTIRR              CTI routing in reduced format
D CTISIP             CTISIP numbers table entry
D CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
D DESCR              Resource's description
D DEV                Active/inactive hardware devices
D DHCP               DHCP summary/profiles/subnets/hosts
D DNS                DNS server and relay tables
D FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
D G                  General system parameters
D GROUP              Groups of Users table summary
D GROUP:             Group entry
D GROUPE             Groups of Users table - extended view
D GROUPE:            Group entry - extended view
D HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
D I                  System and files information
D IKE                IKE Host/Client connections and preshared keys tables
D INACT              Inactive HW device/resource/CTI port
D IPACL              IP Access List
D IPACLE             IP Access List in extended format
D IPAD               IP Routing Administrative Distance
D IPLB               IP Load Balancing entry
D IPRS               Saved static IP Routing (same of SIPR)
D IPSEC              IPSEC Security policies and associations tables
D IPSR               IP Source Routing
D ITEM               CPX list items
D LIST               CPX lists
D LIST:              CPX list name
D NAT                NAT alias entry
D OSPF               OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route
D SIPR               Saved static IP Routing (same of IPRS)
D L                  System Log
D LCSG               Last Calling Number Service group
D LDD                Debug Log on Disk
D LDDE               Debug Log on Disk, extended visualization
D LE                 Exceptions Log
D P                  Resource parameters
D PREF               Preferences
D PSTACK             Protocol stack
D PVC                PVC Connection
D R                  SVC Routing
D RE                 SVC Routing in extended format
D RIP                RIP external route
D TREE               Resources tree
D USER               Users Access Control table summary
D USER:              User entry
D USERE              Users Access Control table - extended view
D USERE:             User entry - extended view
D VER                System and modules versions
D VRRP               VRRP Routers
D WGB                WG Bridge Routing

EXIT                 Exit program.

Find operations:
F BRIDGE             Bridge MAC search
F CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) searches
F CTIDISA            CTIDISA searches
F CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers search
F CTISIP             CTISIP numbers search
F DNS                DNS searches
F FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
F HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
F IPACL              IP Access List
F LIST:              CPX list name
F LISTE:             CPX list name
F USER               Users Access Control table summary
F USER:              User entry

HELP                 Detailed topic help.

Lists operations:
LIST CLEAR           Remove all items from a list
LIST CREATE          Create a list
LIST DELETE          Delete a list
LIST DESCRIPTION     Add/Modify list description
LIST DISPLAY         Display currently configured lists
LIST EDITABLE        Set/Reset list editable flag
LIST RENAME          Modify list name

LOGIN                Log-in operations.

LOGOUT               Log-out operations.

Move operations:
M CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
M CTIR               CTI routing
M CTIRE              CTI routing
M CTIRR              CTI routing
M CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
M IPACL              IP Access List
M NAT                NAT alias entry
M R                  SVC Routing

QUIT                 Exit program.

Save operations:
SAVE CONF            Current configuration

Set operations:
S ACT                Active HW device/resource/CTI port
S CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
S CRKEY:             Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63]
S CTIB               CTI channels bundle
S CTIDISA            CTI DISA Users and Services
S CTICL              CTI cluster
S CTIG               CTI group
S CTIH323            CTI H.323 Translation entry
S CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers table entry
S CTIL               CTI link
S CTILG              CTI group of links
S CTIP               CTI port
S CTIP:              CTI port identifier [1..300]
S CTIPC              CTI permanent connection
S CTIPE              CTI port
S CTIPE:             CTI port identifier [1..300]
S CTIR               CTI routing
S CTIRE              CTI routing
S CTIRR              CTI routing
S CTISIP             CTISIP numbers table entry
S CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
S DEV:               HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255]
S DHCP               DHCP profile/subnet/host
S DNS                DNS server and relay tables
S FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
S G                  General system parameters
S GROUP:             Group entry
S GROUPE:            Group entry
S HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
S IKE                IKE Host/Client connections and preshared keys tables
S INACT              Inactive HW device/resource/CTI port
S IPACL              IP Access List
S IPAD               IP Routing Administrative Distance
S IPLB               IP Load Balancing entry
S IPRS               Saved static IP Routing (same of SIPR)
S IPSEC              IPSEC Security policies and associations tables
S IPSR               IP Source Routing
S LCSG               Last Calling Number Service group
S NAT                NAT alias entry
S OSPF               OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route
S P                  Resource parameters
S PREF               Preferences
S PVC                PVC Connection
S R                  SVC Routing
S RE                 SVC Routing
S RIP                RIP external route
S SIPR               Saved static IP Routing (same of IPRS)
S USER:              User entry
S USERE:             User entry
S VRRP               VRRP Routers
S WGB                WG Bridge Routing

TERM                 Terminal setting operations.

Trace operations:
TRACE DISPLAY        Trace display operations
TRACE PARAM          Trace parameters operations

VALIDATE             Current configuration validation.

Exchange HW device configurations and resource subtypes:
X DEV:               List of HW device identifiers joined by ',' character
X RES:               Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]

#                    Commands starting with this character will be ignored