53.2. CTIVO tables

53.2.1. User table

The user table allow the definition of virtual office users

[11:02:19] ABILIS_CPX:d user:test

Parameter:          | Value:
USER:                 test
REAL-NAME:            test
ID:                   3             <Read Only>
PWD:                  ***
ACT:                  YES
VO:                   YES
VO-CHANNELS:          1
VO-PS-NUM:            SYS
VO-CB-NUM:            SYS
VO-CB-CGO:            SYS

Meaning of the parameters:

[14:19:23] ABILIS_CPX:d user:test ?


VO:        Enable/disable Virtual Office for this user [NO, YES]
VO-CHANNELS: Maximum number of simultaneous bearer channels with the user
VO-PS-NUM: The number that the CTIVO user should dial to access postselection
           "#" or "SYS" or from 1 up to 20 ['0'..'9'] optionally preceded by
           TON and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
           Omitted TON is set it to 'u', omitted NP is set to 'x'.
           When "#", the postselection is disabled for this user.
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
VO-CB-NUM: The number that the CTIVO user should dial to access callback
           "#" or "SYS" or from 1 up to 20 ['0'..'9'] optionally preceded by
           TON and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
           Omitted TON is set it to 'u', omitted NP is set to 'x'.
           When "#", the callback is disabled for this user.
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
VO-CB-CGO: Number to be used as calling number in callback calls.
           "#" or "SYS" or from 1 up to 20 ['0'..'9'] optionally preceded by
           TON and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes and/or PI [a, r, m, q]
           and/or SI [y, v, w, z] attributes.
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.

53.2.2. Numbers table

The numbers related to the routings to/for the virtual user are specified in a proper table managed by the administrator.

[14:22:57] ABILIS_CPX:d ctivo numbers

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------
Total:5/4000 Net-numbers:1 User-numbers:2

  NET-NUM:                |    USER-NUM:               |USER:
* = CUR                   |*   = Current               |
                          | A  = AbilisPhone           |
                          |  n = Contact order         |
                          |*   0211223344              |test                   
                          | A  34711223344             |test                   
* 888                     |                            |test                   

Meaning of the parameters:

[14:22:57] ABILIS_CPX:d ctivo numbers ?

D CTIVO NUMBERS [filter:val]             Display all CtiVo numbers matching
                                         the specified filter(s)

Allowed filters:

NUM:       | Search the number(s) starting with the given prefix   <Optional>
NET-NUM:   | (from 1 up to 20 digits optionally preceded by
USER-NUM:  | TON [u, i, n, o, s, c] and NP [x, e, d, t, l, p]
           | attributes).
           | These filters alternatives to one another.
           | "Abilisphone" value can be used for USER-NUM only.

USER:      Search for any number(s) assigned to the specified      <Optional>
           user. From 1 up to 32 ASCII printable characters or 
           a string preceded and/or followed by '*'
           (E.g.: "*mystr" or "mystr*" or "*mystr*") or "*".
CUR:       Search for any number(s) with the specified 'CUR'       <Optional>
           value [NO, YES].
AP:        Search for any number(s) with the specified 'AP'        <Optional>
           value [NO, YES]. Ingored in case of Net side numbers.

Displayed parameters:

NET-NUM:   Net side number(s) assigned to the user.
           The number currently in use is pointed out by the "*" mark and can
           be set by means of 'CUR' parameter.
USER-NUM:  User side number(s) assigned to the user.
           "Abilisphone" indicates VoIP only entry without number.
           The number currently in use is pointed out by the "*" mark and can
           be set by means of 'CUR' parameter.
           Abilisphone numbers are pointed out by the "A" mark and can be set
           by means of 'AP' parameter.
           The order of usage [1..3] is displayed and can be set by means of
           'SEQ' parameter.
USER:      User name. From 0 up to 32 ASCII printable characters.

In detail to specify how the virtual user is seen from remote parties it is needed to add one or more net-num.

[14:22:57] ABILIS_CPX:a ctivo numbers net-num:888 user:test


[14:23:40] ABILIS_CPX:

To specify the number used as calling number for calls coming from virtual user just use cur parameter: You will note an asterisk nearby the current number.

[14:22:57] ABILIS_CPX:s ctivo numbers net-num:888 cur:yes


[14:23:40] ABILIS_CPX:

To set the numbers used by virtual office to actually reach the user it is needed to add the user numbers.

[14:22:57] ABILIS_CPX:a ctivo numbers user-num:0211223344 user:test


[14:23:40] ABILIS_CPX:

if a number is associated with an abilisphone it is possible to declare it via the "ap" parameter.

[14:22:57] ABILIS_CPX:s ctivo numbers user-num:34711223344 ap:yes


[14:23:40] ABILIS_CPX:

To set the current user number just set the cur parameter (it will be used if the user is contacted in current mode)

[14:22:57] ABILIS_CPX:s ctivo numbers user-num:0211223344 cur:yes


[14:23:40] ABILIS_CPX:

To set the number priority just set the seq parameter (it will be used if the user is contacted in sequence mode)

[14:22:57] ABILIS_CPX:s ctivo numbers user-num:34012121212 seq:1


[14:23:40] ABILIS_CPX:

it is also possible to set the way to call user numbers:

  • current number (call the current user number)

  • sequence (call the user numbers in sequence)

  • fork (call the user numbers in parallel mode)

To set such value and the VoIP parameter it is needed to change user preferences.

Via the numbers specified in this table a couple of automatic list are created:

  • NumVoNet

  • NumVoUser

Such lists are pretty special as they are INN lists. It means that the comparison in such list is TON normalised. So

34711223344 will match also i3934711223344 or 003934711223344. The country is specified in ctisys parameters.

53.2.3. User Preference table

The preference table includes a virtual office section.

[15:20:35] ABILIS_CPX:d pref user:Test2

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------
Parameter:          | Value:
USER:                 test2
ID:                   12                                            <Read Only>
LAST-CHANGE:          08/06/2015 13:19:23 CET                       <Read Only>
- CTIP not active --
- CLUS not active --
- IAX not active ---
- SIP not active ---
VO-CLIP:              TRANSP
VO-ACTION:            ADVANCED (No rules)
VO-CF-RULE:           ALWAYS
VO-CF-TOUT:           15
VO-CF-DLY:            10
VO-CF-CDO:            #
VO-CF-CGO:            *
VO-VM:                NO
VO-VM-TOUT:           15
VO-PC-OFFER:          4
VO-PC-ACCEPT:         4
VO-CUR-NET-NUM:       888
VO-CUR-USER-NUM:      0211223344
VO-CONTACT:           CUR
VO-CONTACT-NUM1:      0211223344
VO-AP-VOIP:           YES
VO-AP-CELL:           YES
VO-AP-PS:             YES
VO-AP-CB:             NO
VO-AP-CB-SMS:         NO
VO-AP-WIFI:           YES
VO-AP-CHAT:           NO
VO-AP-BOOT:           YES
VO-AP-ENC:            NO

Meaning of the parameters:

[15:20:37] ABILIS_CPX:d pref user:Test2 ?

D PREF USER:val [<section>]   Display Users preferences table's entries

USER:name     User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.
USER:A        All entries of the Users preferences table
USER:ALL      All entries of the Users preferences table

<section>     Select the service to be displayed between             <Optional>
              [CTIP, CLUS, IAX, SIP, VO, VM, MAIL, LOG, TRFA,
              CALLTRY, TON, VR]
User's preferences:

ID:        Internal user identifier                                 <Read Only>
LAST-CHANGE: Last time at witch the entry has been updated          <Read Only>
PWD:       User password. From 0 up to 32 ASCII printable characters.
           Spaces are not allowed. Case is preserved.
. . .
---------- Vo (Virtual Office) ------------------------------------------------
VO-CLIP:   VO interface: Caller Identification Presentation [RESTRICTED,
           ALLOWED, TRANSP]
VO-CF-RULE: VO interface, call forward rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS,
           FORK]. Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK] can be joined using
           ',' character.
                    <Read Only for VO-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
VO-CF-TOUT: VO interface, call forward time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
           [5..180 sec.]
                    <Read Only for VO-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS' or 'CF-FORK'>
VO-CF-DLY: VO interface, call forward delay for the 'FORK' rule [0..180 sec.]
                                 <Read Only for VO-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
VO-CF-FORK-TYPE: VO interface, call forward type of the 'FORK' rule [STD, TWIN]
                                 <Read Only for VO-ACTION equal to 'CF-ALWAYS'>
VO-CF-CDO: VO interface, call forward output called number. From 1 up to 20
           digits in the range ['0'..'9'] or "#" optionally preceded by
           TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
VO-CF-CGO: VO interface, call forward output calling number [*, USER]
VO-VM:     VO interface, voice mail activation/deactivation [NO, YES]
VO-VM-RULE: VO interface, voice mail rule [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS].
           Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS] can be joined using ',' character.
VO-VM-TOUT: VO interface, voice mail time-out for the 'NOANS' rule
           [5..180 sec.]
VO-PC-OFFER: VO interface, Precedence Call Priority Level used when generating
           a Precedence Call toward CTIR [0..4].
           Value '0' is the higest one.
VO-PC-ACCEPT: VO interface, Precedence Call Priority Level to be checked for
           Precedence Call acceptance: the PC is accepted only if the priority
           is higher (lower value) than currently active call [0..4].
           Value '0' is the higest one.
VO-CALL-WAITING: VO interface, enable/disable Call Waiting [NO, YES]
VO-CUR-NET-NUM: VO interface, NET number currently in use.
           It must be one of the numbers already configured in CTIVO.
VO-CUR-USER-NUM: VO interface, USER number currently in use.
           It must be one of the numbers already configured in CTIVO.
VO-CONTACT: VO interface, rule of contact [CUR, SEQ, FORK]
           CUR: the VO calls the 'VO-CUR-USER-NUM' number;
           SEQ: the VO calls simultaneously the sequence of numbers specified
                in 'VO-CONTACT-NUM1'..'VO-CONTACT-NUM3';
           FORK: the VO calls simultaneously both 'VO-CONTACT-NUM1' and
                 'VO-CONTACT-NUM2'. The third choice number is ignored.
VO-CONTACT-NUM1: VO interface, first choice number in case of VO-CONTACT:SEQ
           and VO-CONTACT:FORK.
           It must be one of the numbers already configured in CTIVO.
           From 1 up to 20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] optionally preceded
           by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes
           or "#".
VO-CONTACT-NUM2: VO interface, second choice number in case of VO-CONTACT:SEQ
           and VO-CONTACT:FORK.
           It must be one of the numbers already configured in CTIVO.
           From 1 up to 20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] optionally preceded
           by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes
           or "#".
VO-CONTACT-NUM3: VO interface, third choice number (ignored in case of
           It must be one of the numbers already configured in CTIVO.
           From 1 up to 20 digits in the range ['0'..'9'] optionally preceded
           by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes
           or "#".
VO-CONTACT-SEQ-TOUT: VO interface, maximal time to wait prior to contact
           the next number when VO-CONTACT:SEQUENCE [10..180 sec]
VO-CONTACT-FORK-TOUT: VO interface, time to wait prior to start the forked
           call when VO-CONTACT:FORK [0..180 sec]
VO-AP-VOIP: VO interface, globally enable/disable VoIP calls, incoming and
           outgoing [NO, YES]
VO-AP-VOIP-CONTACT: VO interface, use Abilisphone VoIP channel to reach the
           user, if available [NO, YES]
VO-AP-VOIP-CODERS: VO interface, VoIP coders [SYS, NONE or G.711, Spirit,
           G.729A, G.711A, G.711u]. Values can be joined using "," operator.
           The position in the list defines the preference order.
           The right-most value is the one with the lowest preference.
VO-AP-CELL: VO interface, globally enable/disable CELL calls, incoming and
           outgoing [NO, YES]
VO-AP-PS:  VO interface, enable/disable PostSelection [NO, YES]
VO-AP-PS-SHORT: VO interface, enable/disable PostSelection short delay
           [NO, YES]
VO-AP-PS-DATA: VO interface, enable/disable fast PostSelection [NO, YES]
VO-AP-CB:  VO interface, enable/disable Callback [NO, YES]
VO-AP-CB-SMS: VO interface, enable/disable Callback ordering by SMS [NO, YES]
VO-AP-CB-BLIND: VO interface, enable/disable blind Callback [NO, YES]
VO-AP-DATA-MOBILE: VO interface, enable/disable data over mobile [NO, YES]
VO-AP-WIFI: VO interface, enable/disable WiFi [NO, YES]
VO-AP-SOS-CALLS: VO interface, enable/disable emergency calls [NO, YES]
VO-AP-CHAT: VO interface, enable/disable the user to CHAT [NO, YES]
VO-AP-CHAT-TLS: VO interface, CHAT server requires tls [SYS, NO, YES]
VO-AP-CHAT-ROSTER: VO interface, allow to hide/show offline contacts [ALL,
VO-AP-CHAT-CHECK: VO interface, interval to force CHAT message download [SYS,
           0..240 min]
VO-AP-BOOT: VO interface, enable/disable Start-At-Boot-Time [NO, YES]
VO-AP-CALL-MODE: VO interface, call mode [AUTO, MANUAL]
VO-AP-ADDRBOOK-SRC: VO interface, used address book [ENFORCE-PHONE, CTISYS,
            PHONE, BOTH]:
           - ENFORCE-PHONE: disable access to CtiSys address book, allowed to
                            administrator only. If set the Abilisphone user
                            cannot set 'CTISYS' or 'BOTH' values.
           - CTISYS: use CtiSys address book.
           - PHONE: use phone local address book.
           - BOTH: use both CtiSys and phone local address books.
VO-AP-ENC: VO interface, enable/disable encryption [NO, YES]
---------- Vm ----------------------------------------------------------------
. . .

In detail the user may change autonomously the current net and user number (specifying one of the allowed ones).

The user may specify the way to contact the user (VO-CONTACT) and the sequence of numbers is SEQUENCE mode is selected. The user may also specify if the user may be contacted via VoIP/abilisphone call.