The camera table holds the informations about the IP cameras (up to 5) .
[11:02:19] ABILIS_CPX:d vs camera
0 desktop
80 MJPEG 640 480 50
Meaning of the parameters:
[11:02:19] ABILIS_CPX:d vs camera ?
ID: Identifier of Video-surveillance camera [0..4] <Optional>
Video-surveillance camera parameter(s):
ENABLED: Enable/disable this entry usage [NO, YES]
DESCR: Entry description. From 0 up to 70 Alphanumeric extended
characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed.
Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation
marks (E.g. "str1 str2").
It is displayed only when not empty.
NAME: The name of the camera. From 0 up to 16 Alphanumeric extended
characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed.
Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation
marks (E.g. "str1 str2").
HOST: The IP or FQDN of the IP camera."#" or [1-126.x.x.x,,
128-223.x.x.x] or FQDN host name of max. 64 characters in the range
['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', '-', '.' ]. FQDN name is forced to lower case.
PORT: The port of the HTTP service of the camera [1..65535]
MEDIA-FORMAT: The format of the media (image/video) [MJPEG, JPEG]
MEDIA-URL: Full path of the JPEG image or the MJPEG video. From 0 up to
70 characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed.
Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation
marks (E.g. "/jpg/my image.jpg" or "/mjpg/my video.mjpg")
WIDTH: The width of the media source [0..65535]
HEIGHT: The heght of the media source [0..65535]
JPEG-Q: The JPEG quality [1..100]
ADD-URL-PARAMS: If set, the parameters of the camera (resolution, compression
and frame rate) are appended to the requested media URL.
To be used only with AXIS cameras. [NO, YES]
REC-TIME: The time of circular recording [0..65535 hours]
USER: Username of the account to access the camera.
PWD: Password of the account to access the camera.
![]() | Caution |
To activate the changes please execute the initialisation command init res:vs |
The camera table holds the informations about the alarms related to an IP cameras (up to 16 configurable alarms) .
[15:40:44] ABILIS_CPX:d vs alarm
|TI1: |TI2:
|TI3: |TI4:
0 YES 0 ON Gpio-1 D-IN-1
ALL,00:00-23:59 #
# #
Meaning of the parameters:
[13:17:12] ABILIS_CPX:d vs alarm ?
ID: Identifier of Video-surveillance alarm [0..15] <Optional>
Video-surveillance alarm parameter(s):
ENABLED: Enable/disable this entry usage [NO, YES]
DESCR: Entry description. From 0 up to 70 Alphanumeric extended
characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed.
Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation
marks (E.g. "str1 str2").
It is displayed only when not empty.
CAMERA-ID: Idnetifier of the camera [NONE, 0..4]
MONITOR: Alarm/event to be monitored [NONE, ON, OFF, *]
RES: Resource for which the alarm/event is monitored.
"#" or "*" or "type-nnn" or "type-*" or the name of a CR
(CPX resources) list between single quotes
(e.g. * or Gpio-* or Mfio-1 or 'my_res_list').
IO: Input/output line for which the alarm/event is monitored. "#" or
- "D-IN-n", where 'n' can be:
- for GPIO Digital IN line, [1..64, *];
- for MFIO Digital IN line, [1..7, *];
- "D-OUT-n", where 'n' can be
- for GPIO Digital OUT line, [1..64, *];
- for MFIO Digital OUT line, [1..7, *];
<Only for Gpio/MfIo resources>
ACTION: Action to be executed when the monitored alarm/event occurs
Values can be joined using "," operator.
TURN-ON-RES: The resource whose output may be turned on in case of alarm
during the whole duration of it. "#" or "Gpio-nnn" or "Mfio-nnn".
TURN-ON-IO: The digital output that may be turned on in case of alarm
during the whole duration of it. "#" or "D-OUT-n", where 'n'
can be:
- for GPIO Digital OUT line, [1..64];
- for MFIO Digital OUT line, [1..7].
<Only for TURN-ON-RES not equal to #>
TI1:..TI5: Time interval within which the rule is active.
The the format is "day,hh:mm-hh:mm", where 'day' can be:
- a single day of the week [MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU] or
- a set of days of the week (E.g.: MO+TH or TU+TH+SU) or
- an interval of days of the week (E.g.: MO-WE or TH-SU) or
- "ALL".
Use "#" to disable the time interval.
![]() | Caution |
To activate the changes please execute the initialisation command init res:vs |