15.3. ETHMOD diagnostics, statistics, logs and debug

15.3.1. ETHMOD diagnostics

This command shows the modems currently connected:

[17:06:25] ABILIS_CPX:d d ethmod

RES:EthMod --------------------------------------------------------------------
       - Ethernet Modems ------------------------------------------------------
       Res:       ModSt: LineSt:   Mode:           Prof:    SpDown:     SpUp:
       Eth-2      UP     UP        VDSL2 Annex B   12a    88.740 M  60.015 M
       EthUsb-3   UP     UP        ADSL2+ Annex A  -      27.439 M   1.291 M

[17:06:29] ABILIS_CPX:d de ethmod

RES:EthMod --------------------------------------------------------------------
       - Ethernet Modems ------------------------------------------------------
       Res:       ModSt: LineSt:   Mode:           Prof:    SpDown:     SpUp:
       ModMac:           LineStDetail:             Vpi:    SnrDown:    SnrUp:
                                                   Vci:    AttDown:    AttUp:
       Eth-2      UP     UP        VDSL2 Annex B   12a    88.740 M  60.015 M
       52-54-4D-00-00-A3 Showtime                  8        11.4 dB    9.4 dB
                                                   35        0.0 dB    0.0 dB
       EthUsb-3   UP     UP        ADSL2+ Annex A  -      27.439 M   1.291 M
       52-54-4D-00-00-54 Showtime                  8         8.7 dB    6.1 dB
                                                   35        0.0 dB    3.0 dB

The meaning:


The ETHMOD driver state.

  • ACTIVE - driver is fully ready to work (configuration parameter ACT:YES).

  • INACTIVE - driver is disabled (configuration parameter ACT:NO).


Ethernet resource.


The MAC address of the modem.


The Ethernet modem state.


The state of the DSL line:

  • DOWN - The port is DOWN.

  • SYNC - The port tries to synchronise with the remote side.

  • UP - The port is synchronised with the remote counterpart. The data transmission is possible.


Current line mode for the DSL line:

  • ADSL - ADSL mode is used.

  • VDSL - VDSL mode is used.

Annex currently in use in ADSL mode:

  • UNKNOWN - Used when the modem is disconnected, and in any situation where a valid diagnostic wasn't loaded from the modem.

  • A - Annex-A.

  • B - Annex-B.

  • C - Annex-C.

  • I - Annex-I.

  • J - Annex-J.

  • L - Annex-L.

  • M - Annex-M

  • ANSI-T1.413 - ANSI T1.413.

  • N/A - Mode diagnostic isn't available on this modem.


VDSL profile currently in use:

  • 8a - Profile 8a.

  • 8b - Profile 8b.

  • 8c - Profile 8c.

  • 8d - Profile 8d.

  • 12a - Profile 12a.

  • 12b - Profile 12b.

  • 17a - Profile 17a.

  • 30a - Profile 30a.

  • N/A - Mode diagnostic isn't available on this modem.


When MODE is not VDSL the displayed value is "-".


Indicates the current bit rate of the downstream/upstream direction.


The detailed state of the DSL line.


VPI part of the VPI/VCI identifier. Only when MODE is ADSL.


VCI part of the VPI/VCI identifier. Only when MODE is ADSL.


Indicates the current RX/TX SN margin detected by the device.


Indicates the current RX/TX attenuation detected by the device.

15.3.2. ETHMOD statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

[17:06:32] ABILIS_CPX:d s ethmod

RES:EthMod --------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 0 days 00:01:16 ago, on 26/03/2019 at 17:05:22 -------------
       RES:Eth-2      MAC:52-54-4D-00-00-A3   ModSt:UP
       LINE-DOWN  |          0|           |MODEM-DISC |          0|           |
       LINE-UP    |          1|           |MODEM-CONN |          1|           |
       RES:EthUsb-3   MAC:52-54-4D-00-00-54   ModSt:UP
       LINE-DOWN  |          0|           |MODEM-DISC |          0|           |
       LINE-UP    |          1|           |MODEM-CONN |          1|           |

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 0 days 00:01:16 ago»), these counters show the number of:

LINE-DOWNTimes DSL line went down.
LINE-UP Times DSL went up.
MODEM-DISCDisconnections of Ethernet modem.
MODEM-CONNConnections of Ethernet modem.

15.3.3. ETHMOD logs

To show the system log for ETHMOD events type the following command:

[17:06:38] ABILIS_CPX:d l | ethmod

26/03/2019 17:05:21 [00629] I: EthMod-1 ST:RD
26/03/2019 17:05:21 [00630] I: EthMod-1 RES:Eth-2 MAC:52-54-4D-00-00-A3 M:UP L:UP
26/03/2019 17:05:21 [00639] I: EthMod-1 RES:Eth-2 MAC:52-54-4D-00-00-A3 RX/TX:88.740/60.015 M
26/03/2019 17:05:28 [00630] I: EthMod-1 RES:EthUsb-3 MAC:52-54-4D-00-00-54 M:dn L:n/a
26/03/2019 17:05:28 [00630] I: EthMod-1 RES:EthUsb-3 MAC:52-54-4D-00-00-54 M:UP L:UP
26/03/2019 17:05:28 [00639] I: EthMod-1 RES:EthUsb-3 MAC:52-54-4D-00-00-54 RX/TX:27.439/1.291 M

To show the ETHMOD log type the following command:

[09:10:20] ABILIS_CPX:d ethmod log


Current Local Time: Tuesday 09/04/2019 09:10:28 (UTC+02:00)

Date   Time   Ses Event Res        Mac               Event detail
------ ------ --- ----- ---------- ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
050419 183119     Info  Eth-4                        IP-STATE: CLOSED -> OPENING
050419 183119     Info  Eth-4                        IP-STATE: OPENING -> OPEN
050419 183119     Info  Eth-4                        ARP-STATE: CLOSED -> OPENING
050419 183119     Info  Eth-4                        ARP-STATE: OPENING -> OPEN
050419 183119     Info  EthUsb-4                     IP-STATE: CLOSED -> OPENING
050419 183119     Info  EthUsb-4                     IP-STATE: OPENING -> OPEN
050419 183119     Info  EthUsb-4                     ARP-STATE: CLOSED -> OPENING
050419 183119     Info  EthUsb-4                     ARP-STATE: OPENING -> OPEN
050419 183119   0 Info  Eth-4      00-0E-F4-FD-15-86 BIND TCP session to LAN
050419 183119   0 Info  Eth-4      00-0E-F4-FD-15-86 TCP-STATE: DOWN -> CALLING
050419 183119   0 Info  Eth-4      00-0E-F4-FD-15-86 TCP-STATE: CALLING -> CONNECTED
050419 183119     Info  EthUsb-4                     IP-STATE: OPEN -> DOWN
050419 183119     Info  EthUsb-4                     ARP-STATE: OPEN -> DOWN
050419 183119   0 Info  Eth-4      00-0E-F4-FD-15-86 CMD:"wan show" [OK]
050419 183119   0 Info  Eth-4      00-0E-F4-FD-15-86 CMD:"wan show interface" [OK]
050419 183119   0 Info  Eth-4      00-0E-F4-FD-15-86 CMD:"adsl info --show" [begin, OK]
050419 183120     Info  EthUsb-4                     ARP-STATE: DOWN -> OPEN
050419 183120     Info  EthUsb-4                     IP-STATE: DOWN -> OPEN
050419 183120   1 Info  EthUsb-4   00-0E-F4-FD-16-2D BIND TCP session to LAN
050419 183120   1 Info  EthUsb-4   00-0E-F4-FD-16-2D TCP-STATE: DOWN -> CALLING
050419 183120   1 Info  EthUsb-4   00-0E-F4-FD-16-2D TCP-STATE: CALLING -> CONNECTED
050419 183120   1 Info  EthUsb-4   00-0E-F4-FD-16-2D CMD:"wan show" [OK]
050419 183120   1 Info  EthUsb-4   00-0E-F4-FD-16-2D CMD:"wan show interface" [OK]
050419 183120   1 Info  EthUsb-4   00-0E-F4-FD-16-2D CMD:"adsl info --show" [begin, OK]

15.3.4. ETHMOD debug

Type the following command to display the syntax of the command:

[09:13:20] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:ethmod

RES:EthMod --------------------------------------------------------------------
       BufferLength:64512  Date/Time:09/04/2019 09:13:22 TraceTime:312148010

   LSN:0              == This help
   LSN:1              == Complete sessions debug
   LSN:2              == Info for sessions currently in use
   LSN:3              == Session info
   LSN:3  CMD:nnn     == Session info for session 'nnn'
   LSN:4              == TCP windows info
   LSN:4  CMD:nnn     == TCP windows info for session 'nnn'
   LSN:5              == Modem management events
   LSN:6              == Modem statistics
   LSN:7              == Timer info
   LSN:7  CMD:nnn     == Timer info for session 'nnn'
   LSN:8              == LOG of all late ARP responses
   LSN:8  CMD:<res>   == LOG of late ARP responses filtered by RES
   LSN:10 CMD:<res>,"<cmd>" == Arbitrary command execution by RES, be careful!
          CMD:<mac>,"<cmd>" == Arbitrary command execution by MAC, be careful!
   LSN:11 CMD:<res>         == Execute "adsl info --show" by RES
          CMD:<mac>         == Execute "adsl info --show" by MAC
   LSN:12 CMD:<res>         == Execute "adsl info --stats" by RES
          CMD:<mac>         == Execute "adsl info --stats" by MAC
   LSN:998 CMD:<res>  == Execute "restoredefault" by RES
           CMD:<mac>  == Execute "restoredefault" by MAC
   LSN:999 CMD:<res>  == Execute "reboot" by RES
           CMD:<mac>  == Execute "reboot" by MAC

For example, to reboot the Ethernet modem connected on Eth-4, type the following command:

[09:14:50] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:ethmod lsn:999 cmd:eth-4

RES:EthMod --------------------------------------------------------------------
       BufferLength:64512  Date/Time:09/04/2019 09:15:04 TraceTime:312249819


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