23.3. TELNET commands

While the TELNET Server process is running, the User can access the TELNET resource commands by pressing the combination Ctrl+P.

As a consequence of this action, the prompt of the TELNET Server, configured in the parameter PSER , will be displayed.

The user can leave the command exchange procedure and start the data exchange one by pressing again the combination Ctrl+P.

The available commands for the command interpreter of the TELNET resource are:


This command, available only on TELNET client processes, allows the User to open a connection with the TELNET Server process, hosting on the remote equipment identified by the specified IP.

close / exit

It requests the session to be closed.


It requests the session to be closed.

23.3.1. TELNET from Abilis to Abilis


Starting with 8-9-0 was added possibility to connect to CP, Telnet Client, SSH Client by means of CP, TELNET, SSH command shortcut. The shortcut does not need X25 routings in COR (D R).

[16:47:59] ABILIS_CPX:
[] TELNETS>clr

CLR 00 00


CP             Open connection to local CP resource
SSH            Open connection to local SSH client
TELNET         Open connection to local TELNET client
<CD>-<UD>      Open X25 call with CD and UD
CLR            Close connection
CLOSE          Close Telnet session
EXIT           Close Telnet session
LINUX          Sets for Linux terminal
ANSI           Sets for ANSI terminal
HELP           Show current help

To open a TELNET session from an Abilis to another Abilis, the TELNET command shortcut must be used.

Some examples follow.

Example 23.1. TELNET - Example

[10:53:07] ABILIS_CPX:           <--- Ctrl+P

[] TELNETS>clr

CLR 00 00

[] TELNETS>11-tln     <--- TELNET command shortcut

[] TELNETC>open
Trying ... Open

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Password: *******


Abilis CPX - Ver. 8.9.0/STD - Build 4665.39 - Branch 8.9 - Abilis-ID 800733
Friday 10/07/2020 07:50:14 (UTC+03:00) - UpTime 1 days 19:25:22
Login: super

[10:53:59] ABILIS_CPX_2: