34.4. DHCP diagnostics, statistics and debug

34.4.1. DHCP diagnostics

This command reports the current situation of the DHCP resource:

[17:49:20] ABILIS_CPX:d d dhcp

RES:Dhcp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:ACTIVE           SERVER-LAN:2            RELAY-LAN:0
       - Server Bindings ------------------------------------------------------
       ------- Summary -------|------- Types ---------|------- States ---------
       MAX      |300          |ACT-STATIC  |5         |ACTIVE     |7          |
       USED     |48           |ACT-DYNAMIC |2         |EXPIRED    |17         |
       FREE     |252          |            |          |RELEASED   |0          |
       REUSABLE |41           |ALL-STATIC  |6         |ABANDONED  |2          |
                |             |ALL-DYNAMIC |42        |INCOMPLETE |0          |
                |             |            |          |INVALID    |22         |

The meaning:


Current DHCP state:

  • DOWN - State set when registration to lower UDP port fail, better said when the "use" of UDP service is not possible.

  • INACT - The driver is "ready" to work (no errors with UDP service), but inactive (configuration parameter ACT:NO). All the incoming requests/responses will be silently dropped at their arrival, without requiring CPU time for their verification.

  • ACTIVE - The driver is fully ready to work.

  • STOP - Server mode only. The driver is fully ready to work but it cannot create/write the bindings file. Possible causes:

    • The file is corrupted.

    • The disk is corrupted.

    • The disk is write protected.


      Try to remove cause of stopped state end send the INIT command.


Number of all Entries in a binding table (it is equal to max-clients value from DHCP configuration).


Number of all used binding entries.


Number of all free entries in the binding table.


Number of all used entries in the binding table in not ACTIVE state (EXPIRED, ABANDONED, RELEASED, INVALID). They can be reused when free entries are ended.


Total Number of used STATIC entries in ACTIVE and INCOMPLETE state.


Total Number of used DYNAMIC entries in ACTIVE and INCOMPLETE state.


Total Number of all STATIC entries.


Total Number of all DYNAMIC entries.


Total Number of used entries in ACTIVE state.


Total Number of used entries in EXPIRED state.


Total Number of used entries in RELEASED state.


Total Number of used entries in ABANDONED state.


Total Number of used entries in INCOMPLETE state.


Total Number of used INVALID entries.

34.4.2. DHCP statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

[11:42:10] ABILIS_CPX:d s dhcp

RES:Dhcp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 1 days 21:51:19 ago, on 20/10/2020 at 16:43:22 -------------
       PCK        |         89|         89|CHAR       |      28016|      26700|
       NOBUF      |          0|           |BAD-FORMAT |          0|           |
       UNK-IPRES  |          0|           |LONG       |          0|          0|
       Server LANs
       REQUESTS   |         89|           |RESPONSES  |           |         89|
       DISCOVER   |          7|           |OFFER      |           |          7|
       REQUEST    |         44|           |ACK        |           |         82|
       DECLINE    |          0|           |NAK        |           |          0|
       RELEASE    |          0|           |           |           |           |
       INFORM     |         38|           |
       Relay LANs
       REQUESTS   |          0|          0|RESPONSES  |          0|          0|
       HOP-EXCEED |          0|           |BAD-GW     |          0|           |
       NO-IPRES   |           |          0|

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 1 days 21:51:19 ago») these counters, show the number of:

PCK Received/sent packets.
CHARReceived/sent characters in DHCP messages (UDP interface overhead excluded).
NOBUFNo available buffers for incoming packets.
BAD-FORMATPackets discarded because they were not "well formatted".
UNK-IPRESReceived packets with "unknown" IP.
LONGIN - received packets which are too long for the configured MSGLEN. OUT - "not sent" packets because available buffer is too small.

Statistics of Server LANs:

REQUESTSAll DHCP messages received.
RESPONSESAll DHCP messages sent.
DISCOVERReceived DHCPDISCOVER packets from the DHCP client.
OFFERSent DHCPOFFER packets to the DHCP client.
REQUESTReceived DHCPREQUEST packets from the DHCP client.
ACKSent DHCPACK packets to the DHCP client.
DECLINEReceived DHCPDECLINE packets from the DHCP client.
NAKSent DHCPNAK packets to the DHCP client.
RELEASEReceived DHCPRELEASE packets from the DHCP client.
INFORM Number of received DHCPINFORM packets from the DHCP client.

Statistics of Relay LANs:

REQUESTSIN - good requests received from client. OUT - client's requests relayed to the servers.
RESPONSESIN - good responses received from server(s). OUT - server(s)'s responses relayed to the client.
HOP-EXCEEDDiscarded requests because the "hops number" value in the packet exceeded the threshold.
BAD-GWDiscarded responses for "not matching" gateway address ('giaddr' field).

34.4.3. DHCP debug

The following commands allow to purge INVALID bindings which may appear upon network configuration changes.

[20:57:46] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:dhcp

RES:Dhcp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       BufferLength:454    Date/Time:05/06/2015 10:03:54 TraceTime:2010508

  LSN:0             - This help
  LSN:1             - Complete debug
  LSN:2             - Statistics
  LSN:3             - DHCP log
  LSN:3  CMD:CLR    - Clear DHCP log
  LSN:4             - Incoming datagrams dump
  LSN:4  CMD:CLR    - Clear incoming datagrams dump
  LSN:5             - Restore host table
  LSN:6  CMD:<MAC>  - Delete INV (invalid) bindings with specified MAC
  LSN:6  CMD:ALL    - Delete ALL INV (invalid) bindings

Type the following command to view the DHCP log:

[14:20:53] ABILIS_CPX:d dhcp log

22/10 11:53:30 [S/I]    IP:, MAC:08-00-27-D1-C1-0D
22/10 11:58:30 [G/I] RV INFORM
22/10 11:58:30 [G/I]    IP:, MAC:08-00-27-D1-C1-0D
22/10 11:58:30 [G/I]    GIADDR:, interface IP:
22/10 11:58:30 [S/I]    LAN:1, NET:
22/10 11:58:30 [S/I] SD ACK
22/10 11:58:30 [S/I]    done
22/10 11:58:30 [S/I]    IP:, MAC:08-00-27-D1-C1-0D
22/10 12:08:35 [G/I] RV INFORM
22/10 12:08:35 [G/I]    IP:, MAC:08-00-27-D1-C1-0D
22/10 12:08:35 [G/I]    GIADDR:, interface IP:
22/10 12:08:35 [S/I]    LAN:1, NET:
22/10 12:08:35 [S/I] SD ACK
22/10 12:08:35 [S/I]    done
22/10 12:08:35 [S/I]    IP:, MAC:08-00-27-D1-C1-0D
22/10 12:18:40 [G/I] RV INFORM
22/10 12:18:40 [G/I]    IP:, MAC:08-00-27-D1-C1-0D
22/10 12:18:40 [G/I]    GIADDR:, interface IP:
22/10 12:18:40 [S/I]    LAN:1, NET:
22/10 12:18:40 [S/I] SD ACK
22/10 12:18:40 [S/I]    done
22/10 12:18:40 [S/I]    IP:, MAC:08-00-27-D1-C1-0D
22/10 12:28:46 [G/I] RV INFORM
22/10 12:28:46 [G/I]    IP:, MAC:08-00-27-D1-C1-0D
22/10 12:28:46 [G/I]    GIADDR:, interface IP:
22/10 12:28:46 [S/I]    LAN:1, NET:
22/10 12:28:46 [S/I] SD ACK
22/10 12:28:46 [S/I]    done
22/10 12:28:46 [S/I]    IP:, MAC:08-00-27-D1-C1-0D