Phone traffic analyzer

Table of Contents

Giving appropriate rights to the user is needed to access this page, so use the following commands:

[11:28:50] ABILIS_CPX:a http rights path:/sys/trfa/cti/ user:httpuser


[11:40:04] ABILIS_CPX:d http rights

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------
     USER:                            FILE: DIR:  RECUR: PROT:
1 /sys/
     admin                            r---  l---  YES    PLAIN,SSL
16 /sys/trfa/cti/
     httpuser                         r---  l---  YES    PLAIN,SSL

Log-in and click on Phone traffic to access to the following page:

The top tabs let you select the period of time to analyze.

You can choose to see the data in 3 different ways:

Choose the parameters to see and click Go to get the result

Refer to paragraph Using HTTP for showing CTI TRFA statistics to learn how to use this feature.

Refer to part TRFA - traffic analyzer to have more information about the resource.


Interesting chapter: Section 70.10.1, “Phone traffic System Presets ”.