By the terms “Elements Lists” we refer to a list of objects, belonging to the same homogeneous type, which are identified by the generic term “item”.
Within the Abilis CPX, the following element types have been referred as relevant:
IN: ISDN numbers
IS: ISDN sub-addresses
EC: CTIC clusters
XN: X.25 NUAs
XU: X.25 User data fields
IP: IP addresses
IR: IP addresses ranges
DN: Dialling numbers
CR: CPX resources
TUP: TCP/UDP ports
IPT: Internet Protocols
MAC: MAC Addresses
INN: ISDN Numbers Normalized
ICMPT: ICMP message Types
INR: ISDN Number Replacement
IN2T: ISDN Numbers to Text
TXT: Text
OPC: OPC Unique User IDs
ICAUSE: ISDN Cause codes
RU: Rules
MR: Master Rules
Lists can be used to improve:
Call routings by accepting and/or refusing calls depending on the source numbers;
Security by accepting and/or refusing packets depending on the IP source address or protocol.
This command creates a new list. Type the following command to create a list of ISDN numbers:
[11:35:44] ABILIS_CPX:
list create Home in List_of_Home_numbers
The following command displays the syntax:
[11:35:43] ABILIS_CPX:
list create ?
LIST CREATE Name Type [Description] Create a new list Name List name. <Mandatory> For 'EC' (CTI Clusters) list type, max 6 characters are allowed; for 'ICAUSE' (ISDN Cause codes) list type, max 10 characters are allowed; for any other list type, max 16 characters are allowed. Valid characters range is [0..9, A..Z, a..z, -, _]. Space not allowed. The name cannot start with a digit. Type List type. Allowed list types are: <Mandatory> - IN: ISDN Numbers, - IS: ISDN Sub Addresses, - EC: CTI Clusters, - XN: X25 NUAs, - XU: X25 UDFs, - IP: IP Addresses, - IR: IP Addresses Ranges, - CR: CPX resources, - TUP: TCP/UDP ports ranges, - IPT: Internet Protocols, - MAC: MAC Addresses, - ICMPT: ICMP message Types, - CLNUM: CTI Clusters Numbers, - INR: ISDN Numbers Replacement - IN2T: ISDN Numbers to Text, - TXT: Text, - OPC: OPC Unique User IDs, - ICAUSE: ISDN Cause codes, - INN: ISDN Numbers Normalized,- INP: ISDN Numbers CG/CD Pair, - RU: Rules, - MR: Master Rules. Description List description. <Optional> Max 70 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "str str").
This command deletes an existing list. Type the following command to delete a list:
[11:52:40] ABILIS_CPX:
list delete home
The following command displays the syntax:
[11:50:22] ABILIS_CPX:
list delete ?
LIST DELETE Name Delete a list Name Name of the list to be deleted, <Mandatory>
![]() | Caution |
A list, to be deleted, must not be referred in any resource or table. |
The command list rename changes the name of the list, without deleting the list.
The command list description changes or adds the field description of the list.
[12:04:13] ABILIS_CPX:
list rename Home Office
list description Office List_of_Office_numbers
By typing list rename ? or list description ? it's possible to display the command syntax:
[11:55:13] ABILIS_CPX:
list rename ?
LIST RENAME Name NewName Change/Set a list name Name Current list name. <Mandatory> NewName New list name. <Mandatory> For 'EC' (CTI Clusters) list type, max 6 characters are allowed; for 'ICAUSE' (ISDN Cause codes) list type, max 10 characters are allowed; for any other list type, max 16 characters are allowed. Valid characters range is [0..9, A..Z, a..z, -, _]. Space not allowed. The name cannot start with a digit.[11:59:42] ABILIS_CPX:
list description ?
LIST DESCRIPTION Name Description Change/Set a list description Name Name of the list whose description has to be set. <Mandatory> Description List description. <Mandatory> Max 70 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "str str").
This command shows the list table. The available syntax of the commands is:
d list - shows the list table.
[12:15:23] ABILIS_CPX:
d list
Last change: 07/07/2020 18:14:33 Used-Lists: 28 Used-Items: 69 Used-Resources: 1894 (byte) Free-Lists:222 Free-Items: 3931 Free-Resources: 643226 (byte) Id Name Type Description Edt St RefN. First Numb ---+----------------+------+--------------------------+---+--+-----+-----+----- 15 interni IN numeri_ctip 1 47 5 11 ISDN_numbers IN list of isdn numbers 0 27 1 9 NumIax IN Automatically_generated... R 0 0 0 8 NumSip IN Automatically_generated... R 2 14 12 12 IPok IP 2 28 14 23 OkIP IP IP_permessi 1 63 3 2 PrivateIpAdd IR Automatically_generated... R 7 8 4 27 DNS TUP 0 0 0 1 NumClus CLNUM Automatically_generated... R 0 1 7 6 inr INR inr_test 3 12 1 19 inr2 INR test_inr_china 0 60 1 7 test2 INR test 0 13 1 10 trfalist IN2T test 2 26 1 26 NREG ICAUSE Not_registred 0 68 1 3 NumVoNet INN Automatically_generated... R 4 1 5 4 NumVoUser INN Automatically_generated... R 1 1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN:ISDN Numbers OPC:OPC Unique User IDs CR:CPX resources INN:ISDN Numbers Normalized EC:CTI Clusters TXT:Text INR:ISDN Numbers Replacements MAC:MAC Addresses XN:X25 NUAs INP:ISDN Numbers CG/CD Pair IP:IP Addresses XU:X25 UDFs IN2T:ISDN Numbers to Text IR:IP Addresses Ranges IS:ISDN Sub Addresses IPT:Internet Protocols CLNUM:CTI Clusters Numbers TUP:TCP/UDP ports ranges RU:Rules ICAUSE:ISDN Cause codes ICMPT:ICMP message Types MR:Master Rules -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
d list:<name> - shows the content of a specific list.
[12:17:04] ABILIS_CPX:
d list:home
- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) ------------------------------------------------------- LIST:Home - IN - Ref-Numb:0 Items-Numb:2 List_of_Home_numbers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0234865852 0269548947
d list <type> - shows the lists of the specified type.
[15:42:17] ABILIS_CPX:d list clnum
Last change: 17/04/2015 14:09:01 CET
Used-Lists: 4 Used-Items: 4 Used-Resources: 349 (byte)
Free-Lists:246 Free-Items: 3996 Free-Resources: 644771 (byte)
Id Name Type Description Edt St RefN. First Numb
1 NumClus CLNUM Automatically_generated... R 0 0 0
IN:ISDN Numbers, XN:X25 NUAs, CR:CPX resources,
INN:ISDN Numbers Normalized, XU:X25 UDFs, EC:CTI Clusters,
IS:ISDN Sub Addresses, IP:IP Addresses, MAC:MAC Addresses,
INR:ISDN Numbers Replacements, IR:IP Addresses Ranges, DN:Dialing Numbers,
IN2T:ISDN Numbers to Text, IPT:Internet Protocols, TXT:Text,
CLNUM:CTI Clusters Numbers, TUP:TCP/UDP ports ranges,
ICAUSE:ISDN Cause codes, ICMPT:ICMP message Types, RU:Rules,
OPC:OPC Unique User IDs, MR:Master Rules.
d list:a - shows the content of all the list present in the configuration.
d list:<name> ref - display all places where a list is used and not the list content.
[16:08:03] ABILIS_CPX:d list:numsip ref
LIST:NumSip - IN - Ref-Numb:2 Items-Numb:6
- CTI Routings, PR:1,4
This command adds items to a list.
[12:41:31] ABILIS_CPX:
a list:home 0234865852 0269548947
d list:home
- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) ------------------------------------------------------- LIST:Home - IN - Ref-Numb:0 Items-Numb:2 List_of_Home_numbers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0234865852 0269548947
The following command displays the syntax:
[12:37:52] ABILIS_CPX:
a list: ?
A LIST:Name Item1 Item2 ... Add one or more items to a list Name List name or list identifier [1..250]. <Mandatory> Item1 Item2 ... Item values separated by space <Mandatory> Possible Item values for each list Type: IN item: String of max 20 characters in the range [C, 0..9, ^, ?, _, *, #] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes. See also HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES and HELP ISDN VALUES. Case insensitive match. INN item: String of max 20 characters in the range [0..9, ^, ?, _, *, #] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes. Omitted TON is set it to 'u', omitted NP is set to 'x'. The number will be normalized to 'i' (International) TON, therefore the resulting number length depends from configured International/National prefixes and Country code. Valid E.164 numbers are limited to a maximum of 15 digits. See also HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES and HELP ISDN VALUES. IS item: String of max 20 ASCII characters, excluded ' (quote) and $ (dollar). The '?' and '*' are considered wildcard characters. The '*' can be only alone or at the end of the sequence. Case insensitive match. EC item: String of max 8 characters in the range [0..9, a..z, A..Z, _] corresponding to the name of an existing CTI Cluster. XN item: String of max 15 characters in the range [0..9, ?, *, #]. XU item: String of max 12 characters in the range [0..9, a..z, A..Z, ?, *]. IP item: IP address in the range []. IR item: Two IP addresses in the range [] separated by ':' (colon). CR item: CPX resource, 'type-n' where 'n' [1..999]. TUP item: A single TCP or UDP port mnemonic or decimal value [1..65535] or two TCP or UDP ports mnemonic or decimal value [0..65535] separated by ':' (colon). See also HELP INTERNET PORTS. IPT item: An Internet protocol mnemonic or decimal value [0..255]. See also HELP INTERNET PROTOCOLS. MAC item: A single MAC address in the form XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX. ICMPT item: An ICMP message type mnemonic or decimal value [0..255]. See also HELP INTERNET ICMP. CLNUM item: Sequence of two values separated by ',' (comma) e.g. 'num,clus', where: - 'num' is the number i.e. a sequence of max 20 characters in the range [0..9, ^, ?, _, *] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes - 'clus' is a string of max 8 characters in the range [0..9, a..z, A..Z, _] corresponding to the name of an existing CTI Cluster. (E.g. ne123*,my_clus), Calse insensitive match. See also HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES and HELP ISDN VALUES. INR item: Sequence of four values separated by ',' (comma) e.g. 'num,chk,cd,cg', where: - 'num' is the number i.e. a sequence of max 20 characters in the range [C, 0..9, ^, ?, _, *, #] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes - 'chk' is the field to be used by CTIR for the match [CDI, CGI, SDI, SGI, RGI] - 'cd' is the called number i.e. a sequence of max 20 characters in the range [c, C, 0..9, *, #, 'macro'] - 'cg' is the calling number i.e. a sequence of max 20 characters in the range [c, C, 0..9, *, #, 'macro']. Both 'cd' and 'cg' can be optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z] attributes. (E.g. i55*,cgi,'CDI.S2',neq21). See also HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES and HELP ISDN VALUES. Case insensitive match. IN2T item: Sequence of two values separated by ',' (comma) e.g. 'num,text', where: - 'num' is the number i.e. a sequence of max 20 characters in the range [C, 0..9, ^, ?, _, *, #] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes - 'text' is a string of max 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces require double quotes. (E.g. "i555,my free text" or ux376445566, See also HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES and HELP ISDN VALUES. Case insensitive match. INP item: Sequence of two values separated by ',' (comma) e.g. 'cg,cd', where: - 'cg' is the CG number i.e. a sequence of max 20 characters in the range [C, 0..9, ^, ?, _, *] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes - 'cd' is the CD number i.e. a sequence of max 20 characters in the range [C, 0..9, ^, ?, _, *] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes (E.g. i555,123* or ux376445566,22?? ). See also HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES and HELP ISDN VALUES. Case insensitive match. TXT item: String of max 128 ASCII printable characters. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "my free text"). Case in-sensitive match. OPC item: Sequence of three values separated by ',' (comma) e.g. 'a,u,i', where: - 'a' is the AbilisId i.e. max 32 characters in the range ['0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'] or * or (Local). - 'u' is a User name, i.e. max 32 ASCII characters or * - 'i' is an Interface type [* or ANY, CTIP, CLUS, SIP, IAX] (E.g. myAbilis,myUser,CTIP). ICAUSE item: Sequence of three values separated by ',' (comma) e.g. 'l,r,s', where: - 'l' is the ISDN location code, i.e. an hexadecimal value in the range [00..FF] or ISDN location mnemonic in the range [U, LPN, LN, TN, RN, RPN, INTL, BI] or "INT" or "EXT" or "ANY" - 'r' is the ISDN reason code or a range of ISDN reason codes, i.e. one hexadecimal value or two hexadecimal values separated by ':' (colon) in the range [00..FF] - 's' is the connection state/phase, i.e. [CREQ, ALERT, ANY]. The connection state/phase is optional and by default it is set to "CREQ". (E.g. EXT,91,ANY or 80,90:91,CREQ). RU item: Expression with Lists names and operators (AND, OR, NOT, NORM), separated by '.' (dot), where: - AND is the logical AND operator; - OR is the logical OR operator; - NOT is the logical NOT operator; - NORM is an operator that enables the execution of multiple searches for equivalent number(s), by changing the number TON attribute to 'u' (unknown), to 'n' (national) and by last to 'i' (international). This operator is used only on ISDN numbers (IN). The lists contained in the expression should not be themselves of RU type. The expression can be preceded by a macro, that will be applied to the number before executing the search in the list. The macro must be written between single quote and separated by '.' (dot) from the expression. The macro is used only on ISDN numbers (IN). (E.g. List1.AND.List2 or NORM.List or 'u0'NUM.S3''.MyList). MR item: Expression with Lists names and operators (AND, OR, NOT, NORM), separated by '.' (dot), where: - AND is the logical AND operator; - OR is the logical OR operator; - NOT is the logical NOT operator; - NORM is an operator that enables the execution of multiple searches for equivalent number(s), by changing the number TON attribute to 'u' (unknown), to 'n' (national) and by last to 'i' (international). This operator is used only on ISDN numbers (IN). The lists contained in the expression should not be themselves of MR type. The expression can be preceded by a macro, that will be applied to the number before executing the search in the list. The macro must be written between single quote and separated by '.' (dot) from the expression. The macro is used only on ISDN numbers (IN). (E.g. List1.AND.List2 or NORM.List or 'u0'NUM.S3''.MyList).
The command c list deletes items from a list.
[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:
c list:home 0234865852
d list:home
LIST:Home - IN - Ref-Numb:0 Items-Numb:1 List_of_Home_numbers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0269548947
The following command displays the syntax:
[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:
c list: ?
C LIST:Name Item Remove an item from a list Name List name or list identifier [1..250]. <Mandatory> Item Item value <Mandatory, Optional only for RU/MR list> C LIST:Name Order Remove an item from a DN list Name List name or list identifier [1..250]. <Mandatory> Order Order value of the DN item <Mandatory>
This command shows the elements table. Lists table can store up to 4000 definitions (indexed from 1 to 4000).
Element identifiers are sequential and they run only into the system, so they can't be used by the user in no one of the list manipulation commands.
If the elements table is empty, the message “NO ITEMS DEFINED” is generated.
[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:
d item
Last change: 21/08/2017 08:43:26 Used-Lists: 5 Used-Items: 5 Used-Resources: 397 (byte) Free-Lists:245 Free-Items: 3995 Free-Resources: 644723 (byte) Item List Type Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 IN 601 2 3 IN 08351825431 3 3 IN 200 4 3 IN 901 5 4 IN 0234865852 6 4 IN 0269548947 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN:ISDN Numbers, XN:X25 NUAs, CR:CPX resources, INN:ISDN Numbers Normalized, XU:X25 UDFs, EC:CTI Clusters, IS:ISDN Sub Addresses, IP:IP Addresses, MAC:MAC Addresses, INR:ISDN Numbers Replacements, IR:IP Addresses Ranges, DN:Dialing Numbers, IN2T:ISDN Numbers to Text, IPT:Internet Protocols, TXT:Text, CLNUM:CTI Clusters Numbers, TUP:TCP/UDP ports ranges, ICAUSE:ISDN Cause codes, ICMPT:ICMP message Types, RU:Rules, OPC:OPC Unique User IDs, MR:Master Rules. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INR lists are a special kind of lists with four fields: Number/Chk/CD/CG. These lists are useful to generate speed dials. They can be used:
In input fields (CDI, CGI, SDI, SGI) (in this case the match is done against the Number field);
In output fields to change CD or CG numbers, when the called number of the original call matches the Number field.
Use the following command to create an INR list called 'inr':
[13:46:24] ABILIS_CPX:list create inr inr inr_test
- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) ------------------------------------------------------- Last change: 07/07/2015 11:20:01 CET Used-Lists: 6 Used-Items: 5 Used-Resources: 419 (byte) Free-Lists:244 Free-Items: 3995 Free-Resources: 644701 (byte) Id Name Type Description Edt St RefN. First Numb ---+----------------+------+--------------------------+---+--+-----+-----+----- 5 Home IN List_of_Home_numbers 0 5 1 2 PrivateIpAdd IR Automatically_generated... R 0 1 4 1 NumClus CLNUM Automatically_generated... R 0 0 0 6 inr INR inr_test 0 0 0 3 NumVoNet INN Automatically_generated... R 0 0 0 4 NumVoUser INN Automatically_generated... R 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN:ISDN Numbers, XN:X25 NUAs, CR:CPX resources, INN:ISDN Numbers Normalized, XU:X25 UDFs, EC:CTI Clusters, IS:ISDN Sub Addresses, IP:IP Addresses, MAC:MAC Addresses, INR:ISDN Numbers Replacements, IR:IP Addresses Ranges, DN:Dialing Numbers, IN2T:ISDN Numbers to Text, IPT:Internet Protocols, TXT:Text, CLNUM:CTI Clusters Numbers, TUP:TCP/UDP ports ranges, ICAUSE:ISDN Cause codes, ICMPT:ICMP message Types, RU:Rules, OPC:OPC Unique User IDs, MR:Master Rules. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now add an item to the list, indicating that it will be used to check the CDI number (Chk:CDI).
[13:55:42] ABILIS_CPX:a list:inr 1,cdi,111,110
COMMAND EXECUTED [13:55:42] ABILIS_CPX:d list:inr
- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) ------------------------------------------------------- LIST:inr - INR - Ref-Numb:0 Items-Numb:1 inr_test ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Chk CD CG 1 CDI 111 110
Now create a routing to manage calls between SIP phones:
[13:58:55] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:22 descr:test_inr poi:sip out:sip cdi:'inr' cdo:''inr'' cgo:''inr'' sp:64000 spout:64000 coders:g.711 codersout:g.711
COMMAND EXECUTED [14:02:15] ABILIS_CPX:d ctire pr:22
- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) --------------------------------- Last change: 07/07/2015 11:30:01 CET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PR:22 DESCR:test_inr ACT:YES EDT:NO BCI:VOICE BCO:* EEC:NO NEXT:NO POI:Sip SR:# GI:# OUT:Sip LAST:ANY CDI:'inr' CDO:''inr'' T301:Dft CGI:* CGO:''inr'' UDT:NO SDI:* SDO:* LCS:NO SGI:* SGO:* LCST:Sys RGI:* RGO:* IG:Sys OG:Sys SG:Sys DL:Sys DH:Sys FMRLY:Sys FAXSP:AUTO MODSP:AUTO FMLVL:Sys FMDJ:Sys FMMJ:Sys SP:64000 SC:Sys DJ:Sys MJ:Sys ECM:SYS CODERS:G.711 SPOUT:64000 SCOUT:* DJOUT:* MJOUT:* CODERSOUT:G.711 TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59 TI2:# TI3:# TI4:# TI5:#
The following is the log of a call from number 10 calling number 1. The log shows that the called number is 111 even if the real called number is 1. Besides the calling number has been changed because it has become 110.
[14:06:43] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme
Current Local Time: Tuesday 07/07/2015 11:45:01 (UTC+2.00)
Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):
Date Time Resource Ses Id Event Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
070715 114501 CtiSip 28 28 E-CallRx CH:16 BC:Speech CD:ue1 CG:uxq10
070715 114501 CtiSip 28 28 E-Route Match PR:22
070715 114501 CtiSip 28 28 E-CallTx BC:Speech TY:StoS CD:ue111 CG:uxq110
070715 114501 CtiSip 28 28 E-NumComplete CDI:ue1 CDO:ue111
070715 114501 CtiSip 28 28 E-AlertRx CH:17 USER:test2
070715 114501 CtiSip 28 28 E-AlertTx CH:16
070715 114522 CtiSip 28 28 E-DiscRx CH:16 CAUSE:80 9F (U, Normal,
unspecified) USER:test
070715 114522 CtiSip 28 28 E-DiscConfTx CH:16
070715 114522 CtiSip 28 28 E-DiscTx CH:17 CAUSE:80 9F (U, Normal,
unspecified) USER:test2
Displaying the active connections shows the same:
[14:08:13] ABILIS_CPX:d ctice
SES:28 TYPE:StoS ST:ALERT PR:22 STI:07/00 STO:04/00 EEC:NO
ID :28 START:07/07/2015 11:45:01 DURATION:0 REMAINING:-
IN:Sip BCI:Speech OUT:Sip BCO:Speech
CDI:ue1 CDO:ue111
CGI:uxq10 CGO:uxq110
Another possibility is to indicate the field of INR list to be used in a certain CTI routing:
[14:18:51] ABILIS_CPX:s ctir pr:22 cdo:'''' cgo:''''
d ctire pr:22
- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) --------------------------------- Last change: 07/07/2015 12:30:55 CET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PR:22 DESCR:test_inr ACT:YES EDT:NO BCI:VOICE BCO:* EEC:NO NEXT:NO POI:Sip SR:# GI:# OUT:Sip LAST:ANY CDI:'inr' CDO:''inr.CG'' T301:Dft CGI:* CGO:''inr.CD'' UDT:NO SDI:* SDO:* LCS:NO SGI:* SGO:* LCST:Sys RGI:* RGO:* IG:Sys OG:Sys SG:Sys DL:Sys DH:Sys FMRLY:Sys FAXSP:AUTO MODSP:AUTO FMLVL:Sys FMDJ:Sys FMMJ:Sys SP:64000 SC:Sys DJ:Sys MJ:Sys ECM:SYS CODERS:G.711 SPOUT:64000 SCOUT:* DJOUT:* MJOUT:* CODERSOUT:G.711 TI1:ALL,00:00-23:59 TI2:# TI3:# TI4:# TI5:#
In this case, CDO is equal to CG item of the INR list and CGO is equal to CD item of the same list. The following is the log of the speed dial:
[14:20:56] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme
Current Local Time: Tuesday 07/07/2015 12:46:55 (UTC+2.00)
Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):
Date Time Resource Ses Id Event Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
070715 124705 CtiSip 31 31 E-CallRx CH:22 BC:Speech CD:ue1 CG:uxq10
070715 124705 CtiSip 31 31 E-Route Match PR:22
070715 124705 CtiSip 31 31 E-CallTx BC:Speech TY:StoS CD:ue110 CG:uxay111
070715 124705 CtiSip 31 31 E-NumComplete CDI:ue1 CDO:ue110
070715 124706 CtiSip 31 31 E-AlertRx CH:23 USER:test2
070715 124706 CtiSip 31 31 E-AlertTx CH:22
070715 124720 CtiSip 31 31 E-DiscRx CH:22 CAUSE:80 9F (U, Normal,
unspecified) USER:test
070715 124720 CtiSip 31 31 E-DiscConfTx CH:22
070715 124720 CtiSip 31 31 E-DiscTx CH:23 CAUSE:80 9F (U, Normal,
unspecified) USER:test2
The CTI connection shows the same information in a different way:
[14:21:16] ABILIS_CPX:d ctice
SES:31 TYPE:StoS ST:ALERT PR:22 STI:07/00 STO:04/00 EEC:NO
ID :31 START:07/07/2015 12:47:05 DURATION:0 REMAINING:-
IN:Sip BCI:Speech OUT:Sip BCO:Speech
CDI:ue1 CDO:ue110
CGI:uxq10 CGO:uxay111
INP lists are a special kind of lists with 2 fields: CG/CD. They can be used:
in CTI routing fields:
- check CG (if RG absent) or RG
(if RG present) and CD of the call against Number and CD of
the list.
- check
respectively CG/RG/SG/SD and CD of the call against Number and
CD of the list.
check CG (if RG absent) or RG (if RG present) and CD of the call against Number and CD of the list.
in CTIVR routing fields:
- check CGI (if RGI absent) or
RGI (if RGI present) and CDI of the call against Number and CD
of the list.
- check
respectively CGI/RGI/SGI/SDI and CDI of the call against
Number and CD of the list.
- check CGO (if RGO absent) or
RGO (if RGO present) and CDO of the call against Number and CD
of the list.
- check
respectively CGO/RGO/SGO/SDO and CDO of the call against
Number and CD of the list.
Changed use of INP lists, either directly or via RU/MR lists.
Use the following command to create an INP list called 'INP'':
[13:46:24] ABILIS_CPX:list create INP inp INP_test
COMMAND EXECUTED [13:47:59] ABILIS_CPX:d list inp
- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) ------------------------------------------------------- Last change: 08/07/2020 12:37:41 Used-Lists: 29 Used-Items: 70 Used-Resources: 1955 (byte) Free-Lists:221 Free-Items: 3930 Free-Resources: 643165 (byte) Id Name Type Description Edt St RefN. First Numb ---+----------------+------+--------------------------+---+--+-----+-----+----- 29 INP INP 3 70 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN:ISDN Numbers OPC:OPC Unique User IDs CR:CPX resources INN:ISDN Numbers Normalized EC:CTI Clusters TXT:Text INR:ISDN Numbers Replacements MAC:MAC Addresses XN:X25 NUAs INP:ISDN Numbers CG/CD Pair IP:IP Addresses XU:X25 UDFs IN2T:ISDN Numbers to Text IR:IP Addresses Ranges IS:ISDN Sub Addresses IPT:Internet Protocols CLNUM:CTI Clusters Numbers TUP:TCP/UDP ports ranges RU:Rules ICAUSE:ISDN Cause codes ICMPT:ICMP message Types MR:Master Rules -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now add an item to the list.
[13:55:42] ABILIS_CPX:a list:inp 736,999
COMMAND EXECUTED [13:55:42] ABILIS_CPX:d list:inp
LIST:INP - INP - Ref-Numb:4 Items-Numb:1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number CD 736 999
Now create a routing to manage calls between Abilisphone and SIP phone:
[13:58:55] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:0 descr:test_inp poi:vo out:sip cdi:'inp' cgo:'inp' sp:64000
COMMAND EXECUTED [14:02:15] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir pr:0
- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) --------------------------------- Last change: 08/07/2020 14:25:06 ---+------+-----------------+---------+--------------------+-------------------- PR |[DESCR] |BCI |POI |SR |GI |OUT |CDI |CDO ACT|NEXT |LAST |EEC |T301|CGI |CGO EDT|SP |SC |DJ |MJ |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI |SDO |SPOUT |SCOUT|DJOUT|MJOUT|LCS |LCST|SGI |SGO | |BCO |RGI |RGO |FMRLY |FAXSP|MODSP|FMLVL|ECM |UDT |IG |OG |SG |DL |DH |CODERS |CODERSOUT |TI1 .. TI5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 [test_inp] VOICE Vo # # Sip 'INP' * NO ANY NO Dft * * 64000 Sys Sys Sys Sys Sys * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The following is the log of a call from number 736 to number 999. The ctir pr:0 match, because the INP list simultaneous match calling number 736 and called number 999.
[14:06:43] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme
Current Local Time: Wednesday 08/07/2020 14:26:42 (UTC+03:00)
Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):
Date Time Resource Ses Id Event Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
080720 142644 CtiVo 13 13 E-CallRx CH:7 BC:Speech CD:ux999 CG:uxq736
080720 142644 CtiVo 13 13 E-Route Match PR:0
080720 142644 CtiSip 13 13 E-CallTx BC:Speech TY:AtoS CD:ux999 CG:uxq736
080720 142644 CtiVo 13 13 E-NumComplete CDI:ux999 CDO:ux999
080720 142644 CtiSip 13 13 E-ProgressRx PI:81 88 USER:sip_user CODERS:G.711A
080720 142644 CtiVo 13 13 E-ProgressTx PI:81 88 CODERS:G.711A
080720 142646 CtiVo 13 13 E-DiscRx CH:7 CAUSE:80 90 (U, Normal call
clearing) USER:vo_user
080720 142646 CtiVo 13 13 E-DiscConfTx CH:7
080720 142646 CtiSip 13 13 E-DiscTx CH:4 CAUSE:80 90 (U, Normal call
clearing) USER:sip_user
If the call is redirected, RG is present, the call match with this pr:0, because called number is 999 and RG is 767 that match with Number of the list INP.
[16:42:42] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme
Current Local Time: Thursday 22/10/2020 16:42:45 (UTC+03:00)
Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):
Date Time Resource Ses Id Event Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
221020 164250 CtiCl-2 21 21 E-CallRx CH:62 BC:Speech CD:ux736 CG:uxq767
221020 164250 CtiCl-2 21 21 E-Route Match PR:1
221020 164250 CtiVo 21 21 E-CallTx BC:Speech TY:CtoA CD:ux736 CG:uxq767
221020 164250 CtiVo 21 21 E-CallForward RULE:ALWAYS USER:vo_user
221020 164250 CtiCl-2 21 21 E-NumComplete CDI:ux736 CDO:ux736
221020 164250 CtiVo 21 22 E-CallRx CH:13 BC:Speech CD:ux999 CG:uxq767
RG:uxay736 USER:vo_user
221020 164250 CtiVo 21 22 E-Route Match PR:0
221020 164250 CtiSip 21 22 E-CallTx BC:Speech TY:AtoS CD:ux999 CG:uxq767
221020 164250 CtiVo 21 22 E-NumComplete CDI:ux999 CDO:ux999
221020 164250 CtiVo 21 23 E-CallTransfer ID-IN:22 ID-OUT:21 T301:179
221020 164250 CtiSip 21 23 E-AlertRx CH:6 USER:sip_user
221020 164250 CtiCl-2 21 23 E-AlertTx CH:62
221020 164307 CtiCl-2 21 23 E-DiscRx CH:62 CAUSE:80 90 (U, Normal call
clearing) USER:network
221020 164307 CtiSip 21 23 E-DiscTx CH:6 CAUSE:80 90 (U, Normal call
clearing) USER:sip_user
221020 164307 CtiCl-2 21 23 E-DiscConfTx CH:62
Another possibility is to indicate the field of INP list to be used in CGI field:
[13:58:55] ABILIS_CPX:a ctir pr:0 descr:test_inp poi:vo out:sip cdi:* cgo:'inp' sp:64000
COMMAND EXECUTED [14:02:15] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir pr:0
- Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) --------------------------------- Last change: 08/07/2020 14:25:06 ---+------+-----------------+---------+--------------------+-------------------- PR |[DESCR] |BCI |POI |SR |GI |OUT |CDI |CDO ACT|NEXT |LAST |EEC |T301|CGI |CGO EDT|SP |SC |DJ |MJ |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI |SDO |SPOUT |SCOUT|DJOUT|MJOUT|LCS |LCST|SGI |SGO | |BCO |RGI |RGO |FMRLY |FAXSP|MODSP|FMLVL|ECM |UDT |IG |OG |SG |DL |DH |CODERS |CODERSOUT |TI1 .. TI5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 [test_inp] VOICE Vo # # Sip * * NO ANY NO Dft 'INP' * 64000 Sys Sys Sys Sys Sys * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The following is the log of a call from number 736 to number 999. The ctir pr:0 match, because the INP list simultaneous match calling number 736 and called number 999.
[14:06:43] ABILIS_CPX:start ldme
Current Local Time: Thursday 22/10/2020 16:30:25 (UTC+03:00)
Start Debug Log content real-time logging (Type CTRL+C + ENTER to stop):
Date Time Resource Ses Id Event Parameters
------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
221020 163035 CtiVo 6 6 E-CallRx CH:4 BC:Speech CD:ux999 CG:uxq736
221020 163035 CtiVo 6 6 E-Route Match PR:0
221020 163035 CtiSip 6 6 E-CallTx BC:Speech TY:AtoS CD:ux999 CG:uxq736
221020 163035 CtiVo 6 6 E-NumComplete CDI:ux999 CDO:ux999
221020 163035 CtiSip 6 6 E-AlertRx CH:3 USER:sip_user
221020 163035 CtiVo 6 6 E-AlertTx CH:4
221020 163036 CtiVo 6 6 E-DiscRx CH:4 CAUSE:80 90 (U, Normal call
clearing) USER:vo_user
221020 163036 CtiVo 6 6 E-DiscConfTx CH:4
221020 163036 CtiSip 6 6 E-DiscTx CH:3 CAUSE:80 90 (U, Normal call
clearing) USER:sip_user