5.14. Diagnostics and Statistics

Abilis CPX provides a lot of information about diagnostics and statistics of ports and resources, useful for technical support.

5.14.1. Diagnostic commands

Diagnostic commands give information about the state of an Abilis resource or port (i.e. READY, UP, DOWN, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTED, BLOCKED, …). D D (Display Diagnostics)

The following command displays the syntax:

[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:d d ?

D D CONTACT                          Display diagnostics of Address Book
D D CTIAC[:val]                      Display diagnostics of CTI ACs
D D CTIEEC[:val]                     Display diagnostics of CTI Extended
                                     Echo Cancelers
D D CTIHDLC[:val]                    Display diagnostics of CTI HDLC
D D CTICL [CLUS:name]                Display diagnostics of any CTI
                                     cluster, where 'name' is a CTI cluster
D D CTIL [ID:xxx]                    Display diagnostics of any CTI link,
                                     where 'xxx' is a CTI link identifier
                                     in the range [A, 1..1000]
D D CTILG [ID:xxx]                   Display diagnostics of any CTI group of
                                     links, where 'xxx' is a CTI group of
                                     links identifier in the range [1..256]
D D CTIP[:xxx]                       Display diagnostics of any CTI port,
                                     where 'xxx' is a CTI port identifier
                                     in the range [1..600]
D D IPBAN                            Display diagnostics of IPBAN service
D D LCST                             Display diagnostics of LCS table service
D D NPVL [ID:xxx]                    Display diagnostics of any NPV link,
                                     where 'xxx' is a NPV link identifier
                                     in the range [A, 1..1000]
D D RES:A                            Display diagnostics of any resource
D D [RES:]type                       Display diagnostics of any resource
                                     of the specified type
D D [RES:]type-n[,...]               Display diagnostics of the specified

For example, to show the diagnostics of a Packet Voice IP tunnel, type:

[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:d d pv-1

RES:Pv-1 - PV over IP (Abilis tunnel) with Abilis Back-up (IP-BCK) ------------
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       +--------+--- Global ----+------- P-Link -------+------- S-Link -------+
       | STATE: |     READY     |        READY         |   READY              |
       - IP Tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:READY         MODE:EXT                        PATHS:SINGLE

The tunnel above is working correctly: Primary Link is READY, so the VPN is UP. In the screenshot below, the Primary Link isn't working, so ISDN backup is guaranteeing the VPN working.

[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:d d pv-1

RES:Pv-1 - PV over IP (Abilis tunnel) with Abilis Back-up (IP-BCK) ------------
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       +--------+--- Global ----+------- P-Link -------+------- S-Link -------+
       | STATE: |     READY     |        DOWN2         |  CONNECTED TO        |
       - IP Tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:READY         MODE:EXT                        PATHS:SINGLE D DE (Display Diagnostics Extended)

This command shows extended information about the state of an Abilis resource or a port. The following command displays the syntax:

[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:d de ?

D DE CONTACT                         Display extended diagnostics of Address
                                     Book service
D DE CTIAC[:val]                     Display extended diagnostics of CTI
D DE CTIEEC[:val]                    Display extended diagnostics of CTI
                                     Extended Echo Cancelers
D DE CTIHDLC[:val]                   Display extended diagnostics of CTI
                                     HDLC controllers
D DE CTICL [CLUS:name]               Display extended diagnostics of any
                                     CTI cluster, where 'name' is a CTI
                                     cluster name
D DE CTIL [ID:xxx]                   Display extended diagnostics of any
                                     CTI link, where 'xxx' is a CTI link
                                     identifier in the range [A, 1..1000]
D D CTILG [ID:xxx]                   Display extended diagnostics of any
                                     CTI group of links, where 'xxx' is a
                                     CTI group of links identifier in the
                                     range [1..256]
D DE CTIP[:xxx]                      Display extended diagnostics of any
                                     CTI port, where 'xxx' is a CTI port
                                     identifier in the range [1..600]
D DE IPBAN                           Display diagnostics of IPBAN service
D DE LCST                            Display diagnostics of LCS table service
D DE NPVL [ID:xxx]                   Display extended diagnostics of any
                                     NPV link, where 'xxx' is a NPV link
                                     identifier in the range [A, 1..1000]
D DE RES:A                           Display extended diagnostics of any
D DE [RES:]type                      Display extended diagnostics of any
                                     resource of the specified type
D DE [RES:]type-n[,...]              Display extended diagnostics of the
                                     specified resource(s)

For example, here below is displayed the diagnostic of a Frame Relay resource:

[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:d d fr-1

RES:Fr-1 - FR over Dedicated Line (DL) ----------------------------------------
       - Frame Relay ----------------------------------------------------------
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       +--------+--- Global ----+------- P-Link -------+------- S-Link -------+
       | STATE: |     READY     |        READY         |   LINK-NOT-PRESENT   |

This diagnostic shows the state of LMI and the state of the link.

Instead here below is displayed the extended diagnostic:

[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:d de fr-1

RES:Fr-1 - FR over Dedicated Line (DL) ----------------------------------------
       - Frame Relay ----------------------------------------------------------
       DLCI     State     Cong       MaxThr CurMaxThr  5sec-Thr-Out 5sec-Thr-In
                Cir       Bc      StepConst   MaxThr%  5min-Thr-Out 5min-Thr-In
                Tc        Be           Step      Cir%  MaxFrame-Out MaxFrame-In
       16       DOWN      NO          19200     19200             0           0
                19200     19200           4      100%             0           0
                1.000     0               4      100%            10          10
       17       DOWN      NO        1024000   1024000             0           0
                1024000   1024000         4      100%             0           0
                1.000     0               4      100%            10          10
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       +--------+--- Global ----+------- P-Link -------+------- S-Link -------+
       | STATE: |     READY     |        READY         |   LINK-NOT-PRESENT   |

This diagnostic display the state of LMI and DLCI, the throughput incoming and outcoming, etc.. D DR (Display Diagnostics Reduced)

This command shows reduced information about the state and the throughput of an Abilis resource. The following command displays the syntax:

[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:_d dr ?

D DR RES:A                           Display reduced diagnostics of any
D DR [RES:]type                      Display reduced diagnostics of any
                                     resource of the specified type
D DR [RES:]type-n[,...]              Display reduced diagnostics of the
                                     specified resource(s)

NOTE: reduced diagnostics are currently available for IP resources only.

For example, here below is displayed the reduced diagnostics for IP resources:

[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:_d dr ip

                     |    Throughputs in bit/sec     |
RES    SubType  State|5secOut  5secIn 5minOut  5minIn|Description
Ip-1   LAN      UP     3.10 K  4.84 K  5.21 K   352 K Lan_locale
Ip-2   LAN      UP        0    1.84 K     0    2.35 K Lan-Locale1
Ip-3   PPP      UP     8.36 K  7.10 K  7.12 K  6.06 K Adsl-1
Ip-4   LAN      DOWN      0       0       0       0   Lan
Ip-10  VIRTUAL  UP        0       0       0       0   ip_virtual
Ip-14  VIRTUAL  UP        0       0       0       0   
Ip-15  PPP      UP        0       0       0       0   PPP

5.14.2. Statistics Commands

Statistics commands give information about parameters of an Abilis resource or port (i.e. byte transmitted, byte received, missing packets and a lot of other, depending from the kind of resource). D S (Display Statistics)

The following command displays the syntax:

[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:d s ?

D S CONTACT                          Display statistics of Address Book
D S CTIAC[:val]                      Display statistics of CTI ACs
D S CTICL [filter:val]               Display statistics of any CTI cluster,
                                     matching the specified filter
D S CTIL [ID:xxx]                    Display statistics of any CTI link,
                                     where 'xxx' is a CTI link identifier
                                     in the range [A, 1..1000]
D S CTILG [ID:xxx]                   Display statistics of any CTI group of
                                     links, where 'xxx' is a CTI group of links
                                     identifier in the range [1..256]
D S CTIP[:xxx]                       Display statistics of any CTI port,
                                     where 'xxx' is a CTI port identifier
                                     in the range [1..600]
D S IPBAN                            Display statistics of IPBAN service
D S LCST                             Display statistics of LCS table service
D S NPVL [ID:xxx [PATH:val]]         Display statistics of any NPV link,
                                     where 'xxx' is a NPV link identifier
                                     in the range [A, 1..1000]
D S RES:A                            Display statistics of any resource
D S [RES:]type                       Display statistics of any resource
                                     of the specified type
D S [RES:]type-n[,...]               Display statistics of the specified

For example, to show the statistics of a Packet Voice IP tunnel, type:

[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:d s pv-1

RES:Pv-1 -- PV over IP (Abilis tunnel) (IP) -----------------------------------
       --- Cleared 5 days 17:46:10 ago, on 16/04/2015 at 19:43:15 -------------
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       RTY:0       DDT:NOMAX  VDT:NOMAX   USRTY:0    TDEL:0        TREM:0      
       PLINK-DN1:1            PLINK-DN2:1            PLINK-LC-TOUT:1         
       SLINK-ST1:0            SLINK-ST2:0            SLINK-LC-TOUT:0         
       FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|
       TIME-CALL  |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       V-NO-CRKEY |          0|          0|D-NO-CRKEY |          0|          0|
       V-BAD-CIPH |          0|           |D-BAD-CIPH |          0|           |
       D-COMP-YES |          0|          0|D-COMP-ORIG|          0|          0|
       D-COMP-NO  |          0|          0|D-COMP-DONE|          0|          0|
       D-BAD-COMP |          0|          0|D-COMP%    |          0|          0|
       - IP Tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------
       CHR        |    7875635|    8928709|FRM        |     499976|     500124|
       IP-CHR     |   41804637|   40695518|IP-FRM     |     604774|     610474|
       BAD-SRC    |          0|           |NO-SERV    |          0|           |
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       CLI-TOUT   |          0|           |CLI-REMAP  |          0|           |
       V-RED-FM   |           |          0|V-RED-VOICE|           |          0|
       -----------|--DATA IN--|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------------------|
       MISSING    |          0|        133|          3|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|          0|
       -- Local and remote packet loss analisys, total and last 5 mins --------
       LOC-TOTAL  |          0|          0|        133|     390748| 0.00| 0.03|
       LOC-5min   |          0|          0|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       REM-TOTAL  |        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|  N/A|  N/A|
       REM-5min   |        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|  N/A|  N/A|
       -- Time arrival variation of voice frames after reordering (msec.) -----
            0- 20 |     390493 (  99% )   |   151-200 |          1 (   0% )   |
           21- 50 |        108 (   0% )   |   201-300 |          5 (   0% )   |
           51-100 |         31 (   0% )   |   301-600 |          0 (   0% )   |
          101-150 |         28 (   0% )   |   601-xxx |          0 (   0% )   |

A lot of information are available: number of characters sent and received, number of missing packets, number of P-Link interruptions, number of seconds of ISDN backup calls, packets time arrival, and so on. D SE (Display Statistics Extended)

This command shows extended information about parameters of an Abilis resource or port. The following command displays the syntax:

[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:d se ?

D SE CONTACT                         Display extended statistics of Address
                                     Book service
D SE CTIAC[:val]                     Display extended statistics of CTI ACs
D SE CTICL [filter:val]              Display extended statistics of any
                                     CTI cluster, matching the specified
D SE CTIL [ID:xxx]                   Display extended statistics of any
                                     CTI link, where 'xxx' is a CTI link
                                     identifier in the range [A, 1..1000]
D D CTILG [ID:xxx]                   Display extended statistics of any
                                     CTI group of links, where 'xxx' is a
                                     CTI group of links identifier in the
                                     range [1..256]
D SE CTIP[:xxx]                      Display extended statistics of any
                                     CTI port, where 'xxx' is a CTI port
                                     identifier in the range [1..600]
D SE IPBAN                           Display statistics of IPBAN service
D SE LCST                            Display statistics of LCS table service
D SE NPVL [ID:xxx [PATH:val]]        Display extended statistics of any
                                     NPV link, where 'xxx' is a NPV link
                                     identifier in the range [A, 1..1000]
D SE RES:A                           Display extended statistics of any
D SE [RES:]type                      Display extended statistics of any
                                     resource of the specified type
D SE [RES:]type-n[,...]              Display extended statistics of the
                                     specified resource(s)

Type the following command to show the extended statistics of a Packet Voice IP tunnel:

[12:43:19] ABILIS_CPX:d se pv-1

RES:Pv-1 -- PV over IP (Abilis tunnel) (IP) -----------------------------------
              --- Cleared 5 days 17:47:35 ago, on 16/04/2015 at 19:43:15 -------------
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       RTY:0       DDT:NOMAX  VDT:NOMAX   USRTY:0    TDEL:0        TREM:0      
       PLINK-DN1:1            PLINK-DN2:1            PLINK-LC-TOUT:1         
       SLINK-ST1:0            SLINK-ST2:0            SLINK-LC-TOUT:0         
       FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|
       TIME-CALL  |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       V-NO-CRKEY |          0|          0|D-NO-CRKEY |          0|          0|
       V-BAD-CIPH |          0|           |D-BAD-CIPH |          0|           |
       D-COMP-YES |          0|          0|D-COMP-ORIG|          0|          0|
       D-COMP-NO  |          0|          0|D-COMP-DONE|          0|          0|
       D-BAD-COMP |          0|          0|D-COMP%    |          0|          0|
       - IP Tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------
       Tunnel payload
       CHR        |    7875755|    8929029|FRM        |     499996|     500144|
       CHR-D      |          0|          0|FRM-D      |          0|          0|
       CHR-V      |    7220267|    7222482|FRM-V      |     390748|     390893|
       CHR-C      |     655488|    1706547|FRM-C      |     109248|     109251|
       IP level counters (actual IP traffic)
       IP-CHR     |   41806357|   40697398|IP-FRM     |     604814|     610514|
       IP-CHR-D   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-D   |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-V   |   32432665|   30510742|IP-FRM-V   |     386820|     392012|
       IP-CHR-C   |    9373692|   10186656|IP-FRM-C   |     217994|     218502|
       LONG-D     |          0|          0|LOST-D     |          0|           |
       LONG-V     |          0|          0|LOST-V     |          0|           |
       LONG-C     |          0|          0|LOST-C     |          0|           |
       BAD-SRC    |          0|           |NO-SERV    |          0|           |
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       Special counters for extended mode
       CLI-TOUT   |          0|           |CLI-REMAP  |          0|           |
       D-CHR-NOPT |          0|          0|V-CHR-NOPT |   45889817|   41025688|
       D-CHR-OPT  |          0|          0|V-CHR-OPT  |   32432665|   30118730|
       D-SAVED%   |          0|          0|V-SAVED%   |         29|         26|
       D-FRM-OPT  |          0|          0|V-FRM-OPT  |     384674|     389774|
       D-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|V-FRM-ENC  |     771494|     781786|
                  |           |           |V-RED-VOICE|           |          0|
       C-FRM-ENC  |     217994|     218502|V-RED-FM   |           |          0|
       -----------|--DATA IN--|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------------------|
       MISSING    |          0|        133|          3|
       TOUT       |          0|         63|          2|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|          0|
       OUT-SEQ    |          0|         76|          0|
       DUPLICATED |          0|     380670|     108746|
       REORDERED  |          0|        126|          0|
       BAD-FORM   |          0|          0|           |
       RESYNC     |          0|          0|          0|
       -- Local and remote packet loss analisys, total and last 5 mins --------
       LOC-TOTAL  |          0|          0|        133|     390748| 0.00| 0.03|
       LOC-5min   |          0|          0|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       REM-TOTAL  |        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|  N/A|  N/A|
       REM-5min   |        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|  N/A|  N/A|
       -- Time arrival variation of voice frames after reordering (msec.) -----
            0- 20 |     390493 (  99% )   |   151-200 |          1 (   0% )   |
           21- 50 |        108 (   0% )   |   201-300 |          5 (   0% )   |
           51-100 |         31 (   0% )   |   301-600 |          0 (   0% )   |
          101-150 |         28 (   0% )   |   601-xxx |          0 (   0% )   |