11.2. ADSL-X device activation

Use the following command to add the device. More ADSL modems can be used at the same time, so an hardware device identifier is used: a dev:adslusb-x (x: HW DEVICE IDENTIFIER IN THE RANGE [1..250] IS REQUIRED).

[08:05:01] ABILIS_CPX:a dev:adslusb-1


[08:05:04] ABILIS_CPX:d dev

- Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------

------------------ Active PCI Cards and Physical Resources: -------------------
Card(s)     Run Physical Resource(s) or CTI Port(s)          SlotId  Addr  Irq
ASY-1       Yes Async-1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      -   3F8    4
ETH-1       Yes Eth-1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      9   PCI (  5)
ETH-2       Yes Eth-2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      8   PCI ( 10)
ETH-3       Yes Eth-3  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     10   PCI ( 12)
BRI4-1      Yes 31..34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     12   PCI ( 10)
POTS-1      Yes 101..116 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     11   PCI (  9)

------------------ Active USB Devices and Physical Resources: -----------------
Device(s)   Run Con Physical Resource(s) or CTI Port(s)    USBPORTID
ADSLUSB-1   No  No  Adsl-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NONE

----------------- Inactive PCI Cards and Physical Resources: ------------------
Card(s)     Run Physical Resource(s) or CTI Port(s)          SlotId  Addr  Irq
                     *** NO INACTIVE PCI CARDs PRESENT ***

----------------- Inactive USB Devices and Physical Resources: ----------------
Device(s)   Run Con Physical Resource(s) or CTI Port(s)    USBPORTID
                    *** NO INACTIVE USB DEVICEs PRESENT ***

After adding or setting the device active, you must restart the Abilis to make the device running (use the command warm start to reboot the Abilis).

The resource adsl-1 is automatically set active.

[08:12:40] ABILIS_CPX:d p adsl-1

RES:Adsl-1 --------------------------------------------------------------------
Run    DESCR:
       LOG:DS      max-vc:1    aal5-max-payload:2100   aal5-payload-rxbuf:30   
       usb-rx-bufsize:1728     usb-rx-buf:3            usb-tx-bufsize:3200   
       - Abilis-5800UB specific -----------------------------------------------

[08:12:52] ABILIS_CPX:d p adsl-1 ?

Adsl resource parameter(s):

DESCR:     Resource description. From 0 up to 79 Alphanumeric extended
           characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed.
           Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation
           marks (E.g.: "str1 str2")
LOG:       State changes log and alarm generation [NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL] [+E]
           (D: Debug Log; S: System Log; A: Alarm view; L: Local audible alarm;
            T: SNMP traps; +E: Extended Log of state changes, see ref. manual)
max-vc:    Maximal number of VC (VPI/VCI pair) supported [1..255]
aal5-max-payload: Maximum size of AAL5 payload [2100 bytes]
aal5-payload-rxbuf: Number of aal5 payload buffers in receive FIFO [1..255]
usb-rx-bufsize: Size of the USB receive buffer [1728 bytes]
usb-rx-buf: Number of USB receive buffers [3..255]
usb-tx-bufsize: Size of the USB transmit buffer [128..65472 bytes]
---------- Abilis-5800UB specific ---------------------------------------------
5800UB-MODULATION: Selects the modulation scheme used at physical level [AUTO,
                   ANSI, G.dmt.A, G.lite]

The default parameters are sufficient to make the device working properly.

Use the following command to modify the parameters of Adsl resource:

[08:13:02] ABILIS_CPX:s p adsl-1 descr:adsl-operatorA


[08:15:51] ABILIS_CPX:d p adsl-1

RES:Adsl-1 - Not Saved (SAVE CONF) --------------------------------------------
Run    DESCR:adsl-operatorA
       LOG:DS      max-vc:1    aal5-max-payload:2100   aal5-payload-rxbuf:30   
       usb-rx-bufsize:1728     usb-rx-buf:3            usb-tx-bufsize:3200   
       - Abilis-5800UB specific -----------------------------------------------

Remember to save the configuration to save changes permanently (save conf).


Interesting chapters:

Section 71.4, “How to configure ADSL connections using USB modems”;

Section 71.10, “How to share a single Internet connection among multiple computers”;

Section 71.1, “How to configure LAN settings”;

Section 71.3, “How to assign several IP addresses to the same LAN port”.