39.2. NPV resource

The NPV resource is used within the Abilis CPX to handle up to 1000 packet voices.

Each packet voice is configured into the NPV Link table (NPVL).

39.2.1. NPV resource parameters

Use the following command to display the parameters of the resource. By typing d p npv ? command it's possible to display the meaning of all the parameters.

[11:58:59] ABILIS_CPX:d p npv

RES:NPv -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Run    DESCR:
       LOG:NO         ACT:YES             NPVLOG:DFT         npvlogsize:200
       LOCPORT:38383                      REMPORT:38383
       BCKRES:CtiSLink                    max-bck:10         MTU:750
       V-TOS:0-D      C-TOS:0-D           V-TOUT:10          V-RED:NONE
       LOCIP1:OUT-IP                      LOCIP2:OUT-IP
       - Link-Check -----------------------------------------------------------
       TRY:5          TOUT:5000                              BURST:1
       DLY-UP:10      DLY-TOUT:3          THR-DN:30          BURST-DLY:100
       - Back-Up --------------------------------------------------------------
       TI:ALL,00:00-23:59                 BOOT-DLY:NO        DOWN-DLY:NO
       RTY:LIN        NRTY:10             TB:3               AC:DOD

Meaning of the most important parameters:


Port activation. When set NO, all the NPV Links aren't active.


logging activation/deactivation.


It indicates the NPV log events filter. It can be configured to save 3 different type of log (ERR, INFO, DBG) or a set of them (DFT=ERR+INFO, FULL=ERR+INFO+DBG).

To display log information, the following command must be used.

d npv log parameter:value...

Possible parameters are:


Starting date


Starting time


It can be used as filter for a specific NPV Link. ID:0 means messages related to NPV port.


Events type filter [ERR, INFO, DBG] or [DFT, FULL] (filters can be joined using "," operator).


Lower Back-up resource. It indicates which is the resource used for channel backup.


It indicates the maximum number of backups allowed. Each NPV Link can have it's own backup, but there is a fixed limit that cannot be exceeded. If max-bck is 0, no backup are allowed for every NPV Link. When current backup channel opened have reached max-bck, no other backups can be opened.

The following command allows the administrator to change the configuration of the resource:

s p npv parameter:value...


To activate the changes made on the upper case parameters, execute the initialization command init res:npv; while to set act the changes made on the lowercase parameters a save conf and an Abilis restart are required (i.e. With warm start command).