5.8. General and system information

5.8.1. D G (Display General)

This command shows general parameters about the system (i.e. system start-up elapsed time, date and time, customizable description fields, time zone…).

Not all the shown parameters can be changed; the note “<Read Only>” refers the not modifiable ones.

[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:d g

          |Configured Value|Active Value    |Description
tact:      YES              YES              TRACE activation at boot
TSAVE:     YES              YES              Automatic TRACE saving
sound:     ON               ON               Alarm sound enable/disable
dbgsize:   20               20               Debug Log size (in Kibyte)
listitems: 4000  (   630 K) 4000  (   630 K) Number of CPX lists items
stackovh:  0                0                Thread stack overhead (in byte)

TIMEZONE:  CET - Central Europe (Rome, Paris, Berlin, Prague, Brussels)
SYSRBDELAY:# (System reboot delay not set)
SYSRBCOND: # (System reboot condition not set)
MAIL-FROM: AUTO (AbilisCPX <AbilisCPX@abilis>)
DBGF:      ALL

SYSUPTIME: 0 days 12:03:43 (Monday 08/06/2015 22:09:48)             <Read Only>
DATE&TIME: Tuesday 09/06/2015 10:13:31 (UTC+2.00)                   <Read Only>
CPU:       1                                                        <Read Only>
HWINT:     MFPCIGT                                                  <Read Only>
ABILIS-ID: 800733                                                   <Read Only>

5.8.2. D I (Display Information)

This command displays the software version currently in use on the Abilis CPX, information about system memory and files on the disk.

[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:d i

     Abilis CPX - Ver. 8.2.1/STD - Build 4002.6 - Branch 8.2 - 06/08/2015     
                            (c) 1994/2015 - Abilis                            

ABILIS-ID: 800733

Free/Total Memory (in byte): 14,881,392/260,046,848
Free/Used/Total HD/CF space (in Kibyte): 38,706/85,742/124,448

File           Version   Date         Time             Size   Note
CPX.RTB        .......   06/08/2015   18:49:10      6067046    
DRIVERS.CFG    v.8.2     18/08/2015   15:51:50        47104   Saved
DRIVERS.BCK    v.8.2     10/08/2015   07:10:34        47104   Ok
CPX.LOG        v.1.0     17/08/2015   00:36:32        51200    
CPX.DBG        v.2.0     10/08/2015   07:10:14        51200    
CPX.XCP        .......   10/08/2015   07:10:10        51200    
BSXXXI.BIN     v.2.6     29/07/2014   12:53:40       109568    
BSXXXV.BIN     v.2.2     18/02/2013   11:14:12       108544    
ESB2.BIN       v.13.0    28/10/2004   19:38:20        17408    
D1K.BIN        v.312.9   07/06/2011   16:05:48         1024    
D1C4F3.BIN     v.312.9   07/06/2011   16:05:46       100352    
D1C5F3.BIN     v.312.9   07/06/2011   16:05:48       100352    
D2K.BIN        v.312.9   30/05/2008   19:31:16         1024    
D2C4F3.BIN     v.312.9   07/06/2011   16:05:48       102400    
D2C4F6.BIN     v.312.9   07/06/2011   16:05:48       102400    
HFC2E4.BIN     v.21.0    30/07/2009   10:57:22        16384    
HFC2E8.BIN     v.21.0    30/07/2009   10:57:22        16384    
HFC3E4.BIN     v.57.0    10/04/2012   19:24:34        83968    
HFC3E8.BIN     v.57.0    10/04/2012   19:24:34        83968    
QPRI2B.BIN     v.5.0     26/07/2011   18:58:14        17408    
QPRI2E.BIN     v.6.0     26/07/2011   18:58:14        17408    
CTIHA2.BIN     v.8.0     26/07/2011   18:58:14        18432    
D64A.BIN       v.33.22   02/11/2012   21:51:12        73728    
D64V.BIN       v.8.15    15/05/2012   12:52:26       143360    
QPRIX.BIN      v.33.0    16/04/2012   12:55:56       241664    
OCTASIC.BIN    v.16.0    18/06/2008   20:31:40       175104    
WING-P.BIN     v.1.0     08/02/2011   19:02:22       264192    
SL-IT.BIN      v.1.0     28/10/2004   19:38:20         1024    
SRVSSL.CER     .......   28/10/2004   19:38:20          820    
CLISSL.CER     .......   28/10/2004   19:38:20          820    
SRVSSL.KEY     .......   28/10/2004   19:38:20          981    
CLISSL.KEY     .......   28/10/2004   19:38:20          969    

Other system relevant files:

File           Version   Date         Time             Size   Note
               .......   15/04/2015   12:52:44          349    
               v.2.0     17/08/2015   09:53:10       716082    
               v.1.0     18/08/2015   16:46:58        60066    
               v.1.0     10/08/2015   07:46:54        25600    
               .......   ..........   ........   ..........   Not found
               v.1.0     10/08/2015   14:43:50           66    

Other files in 'C:\8-2-1':

File                     Date         Time             Size   Note

The first part of the output is dedicated to the information about version and release date of the software.

The second one shows information about Abilis CPX serial number, system memory and disk.

The third part of the output displays information related to system relevant files, i.e. files used by Abilis during its working (e.g. configuration and configuration backup files, System Log file, ...).

The “Other system relevant files” section displays information about any other system relevant additional files (e.g. DHCP bindings file, ...).

The “Other files:” section shows information about any other additional file that is found on the disk, in the current working version directory.

Eventual detected errors are highlighted with the string “ERR[xx]”, where “xx” is the error code detected; it should be eventually told to the Abilis CPX assistance.

5.8.3. D VER (Display Versions)

This command shows the version of the software and its modules currently in used by the Abilis CPX.

[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:d ver

          Abilis CPX - Ver. 8.4.0/STD - Build 4175.1 - Branch 8.4 - 27/12/2016     
                            (c) 1994/2016 - Abilis                            

CX        : v. 2822    - 25/10/2016       CP        : v. 6705    - 22/12/2016 
COR       : v. 2053    - 25/11/2015       CNFG      : v. 5046    - 22/12/2016 
COMMON    : v. 3918    - 21/12/2016       LICENCE   : v. 2064    - 29/09/2016 
SSL       : v. 2069    - 16/06/2016       CRYPT     : v. 2039    - 29/07/2015 
PCISRV    : v. 2167    - 11/11/2015       WDG       : v. 2134    - 11/10/2016 
MFIDE3    : v. 2083    - 12/10/2016       MFPCI     : v. 2022    - 12/10/2016 
MFPCMCIA  : v. 2010    - 12/10/2016       MFIO      : v. 2028    - 15/07/2016 
USB       : v. 2170    - 17/06/2016       BLUSB     : v. 2064    - 27/02/2015 
SYNC-ESB  : v. 2109    - 11/11/2015       SDLC      : v. 2030    - 09/03/2015 
SYNC-ESB2 : v. 2147    - 11/11/2015       LAPB      : v. 2023    - 09/03/2015 
HDLCT     : v. 2029    - 21/07/2015       X25       : v. 2032    - 24/03/2016 
FR        : v. 2056    - 03/03/2015       MLM       : v. 2153    - 14/12/2016 
ML        : v. 2135    - 26/04/2016       NPV       : v. 2157    - 30/09/2016 
ASYNC     : v. 2038    - 20/05/2015       ASYNC-USB : v. 2015    - 15/06/2015 
PAD       : v. 2041    - 15/07/2015       ETH       : v. 2544    - 27/10/2016 
ETHUSB    : v. 2072    - 22/12/2016       DSL       : v. 2118    - 16/12/2016 
ACNT      : v. 2065    - 14/04/2015       IPRTR     : v. 2712    - 20/12/2016 
ICMP      : v. 2122    - 17/09/2015       TCP       : v. 2163    - 29/11/2016 
UDP       : v. 2106    - 20/12/2016       IPBAN     : v. 2030    - 24/02/2015 
VRRP      : v. 2077    - 09/06/2016       TELNET    : v. 2109    - 09/07/2015 
HTTP      : v. 3652    - 20/12/2016       SNMP      : v. 2773    - 27/10/2016 
RIP       : v. 2091    - 09/06/2016       OSPF      : v. 2173    - 03/08/2016 
SNTP      : v. 2063    - 16/05/2016       DNS       : v. 2137    - 08/04/2015 
DDNS      : v. 2065    - 17/09/2015       XTP       : v. 2052    - 24/02/2015 
PLINKE    : v. 2184    - 20/12/2016       NAT       : v. 2316    - 24/11/2016 
PPP       : v. 2269    - 13/12/2016       SSH       : v. 2199    - 17/11/2016 
POECLI    : v. 2134    - 05/12/2016       DHCP      : v. 2152    - 09/06/2016 
POEAC     : v. 2159    - 20/12/2016       FTPSRV    : v. 2181    - 07/10/2016 
IPOE      : v. 2031    - 08/12/2016       SMTP      : v. 2305    - 19/12/2016 
POP3      : v. 2088    - 19/12/2016       TRFA      : v. 2308    - 03/08/2016 
IPSEC     : v. 2119    - 17/09/2015       IKE       : v. 2211    - 14/09/2016 
X509      : v. 2036    - 24/02/2015       UPNPC     : v. 2089    - 17/09/2015 
UPNPS     : v. 2089    - 17/09/2015       IPSH      : v. 2045    - 23/02/2015 
LDAP      : v. 2199    - 30/03/2016       LAPD      : v. 2100    - 19/11/2015 
Q931      : v. 2879    - 12/10/2016       sQ931     : v. 2004    - 02/02/2015 
CTI-HW    : v. 3012    - 01/07/2016       CTI-RTR   : v. 4209    - 23/12/2016 
CTI-IAX   : v. 2714    - 22/11/2016       CTI-DISA  : v. 2349    - 05/09/2016 
CTI-SIP   : v. 2946    - 20/12/2016       CTI-SMS   : v. 2150    - 14/04/2015 
CTI-AS    : v. 2190    - 19/11/2015       CTI-VR    : v. 2164    - 19/11/2015 
CTI-VM    : v. 2143    - 12/12/2016       CTI-MIX   : v. 2113    - 24/10/2016 
CTI-VO    : v. 2422    - 18/12/2016       VMS       : v. 2138    - 18/03/2016 
OPC       : v. 2333    - 07/03/2016       SYSLOG    : v. 2027    - 23/02/2015 
RJS       : v. 2067    - 18/02/2016       GPS       : v. 2037    - 20/04/2015 
GPIO      : v. 2165    - 26/07/2016       IOHUB     : v. 2227    - 07/11/2016 
RIO-RVS   : v. 2434.2  - 27/12/2016       IPCONF    : v. 2037    - 21/07/2016 
ALARM     : v. 2081    - 04/11/2016       SCRIPT    : v. 2024    - 29/05/2015 
UPS       : v. 2028    - 26/02/2015       KNX       : v. 2002    - 10/06/2016 
SIM       : v. 2040    - 25/05/2016       VETH      : - Module not present - 

The first part is dedicated to the information about version and release date of the software.

In the second one, there is a list of all the Abilis CPX software modules. The string “Module not present” refers to the modules that do not belong to the Abilis CPX software currently in use.

5.8.4. CPU

The command d cpu estimates the average CPU load over a given time interval. It gives an estimated percentage load for the last 1 second, 15 seconds and 5 minutes.

This command also shows the CPU speed.

[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:d cpu

Number of CPU: 2
CPU speed    : 2128 MHz

|                 | Last 1 sec.  | Last 15 sec. | Last 5 min.  |
| Main CPU Load   |       7%     |       7%     |       7%     |
| Extra CPU1 Load |       4%     |       4%     |       5%     |

The command d cpuid shows general information about the CPU of the Abilis CPX.

[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:d cpuid

  eax in    eax      ebx      ecx      edx
00000000 0000000A 756E6547 6C65746E 49656E69
00000001 000006F6 00020800 0000E3BD BFEBFBFF
00000002 05B0B101 005657F0 00000000 2CB4307D
00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000004 04000121 01C0003F 0000003F 00000001
00000005 00000040 00000040 00000003 00000020
00000006 00000001 00000002 00000001 00000000
00000007 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000008 00000400 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000009 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0000000A 07280202 00000000 00000000 00000000

80000000 80000008 00000000 00000000 00000000
80000001 00000000 00000000 00000001 20100000
80000002 65746E49 2952286C 726F4320 4D542865
80000003 43203229 20205550 20202020 20202020
80000004 30303436 20402020 33312E32 007A4847
80000005 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
80000006 00000000 00000000 08006040 00000000
80000007 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
80000008 00003024 00000000 00000000 00000000

Vendor ID: "GenuineIntel"; CPUID level 10

Intel-specific functions:
Version 000006F6
Type 0 - Original OEM
Family 6 - Pentium Pro
Model 15 - Intel Core 2
L1Cache 32
L2Cache 2048
2128 MHz processor (2,128,039,753 Hz)
Stepping 6
Reserved 0
Extended brand string: "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6400  @ 2.13GHz"
Processor serial: missing
CLFLUSH instruction cache line size: 8
Hyper threading siblings: 2

Feature flags: BFEBFBFF-0000E3BD
FPU       Floating Point Unit
VME       Virtual 8086 Mode Enhancements
DE        Debugging Extensions
PSE       Page Size Extensions
TSC       Time Stamp Counter
MSR       Model Specific Registers
PAE       Physical Address Extension
MCE       Machine Check Exception
CX8       COMPXCHG8B Instruction
APIC      On-chip Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller present
SEP       Fast System Call
MTRR      Memory Type Range Registers
PGE       PTE Global Flag
MCA       Machine Check Architecture
CMOV      Conditional Move and Compare Instructions
FGPAT     Page Attribute Table
PSE-36    36-bit Page Size Extension
CLFSH     CFLUSH instruction
DS        Debug store
ACPI      Thermal Monitor and Clock Ctrl
MMX       MMX instruction set
FXSR      Fast FP/MMX Streaming SIMD Extensions save/restore
SSE       Streaming SIMD Extensions instruction set
SSE2      SSE2 extensions
SS        Self Snoop
HTT       Hyper Threading
TM        Thermal monitor
PBE       Pending Break Enable
SSE3      Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
DTES64    64-bit DS Area
DS-CPL    CPL Qualified Debug Store
VMX       Virtual Machine Extensions
EST       Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology
TM2       Thermal Monitor 2
SSSE3     Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 
CX16      CMPXCHG16B Available
xTPR      xTPR Update Control
PDCM      Perfmon and Debug Capability

TLB and cache info:
B1: Instruction TLB: 2MB Pages (8 entries) or 4MB pages (4 entries), 4-way set associative
B0: Instruction TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 128 entries
05: Data TLB: 4MB pages, 4-way set assoc, 32 entries
F0: 64-byte prefetching
57: Instruction TLB: 4KB pages, 4-way set assoc, 16 entries
56: Instruction TLB: 4MB pages, 4-way set assoc, 16 entries
7D: 2nd-level cache: 2MB, 8-way set assoc, sectored, 64 byte line size
30: 1st-level data cache: 32KB, 4-way set assoc, 32 byte line size
B4: Data TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 256 entries
2C: 1st-level data cache: 32KB, 4-way set assoc, 32 byte line size

5.8.5. Date and Time

The command d t shows date and system local time, time zone and modality of “Standard” or “Daylight Savings” time currently in use.

[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:d t

Current Local Time        : Wednesday 22/04/2015 10:34:13 (UTC+2.00)
Local Time Zone           : CET - Central Europe (Rome, Paris, Berlin, Pragu...
Currently Observing       : Daylight Savings Time (DST)
Clock Reference           : SNTP
Clock Reference state     : Working
Clock last synchronized   : 22/04/2015 at 09:43:26 Delta:-1 sec.

The command d te shows date and system local time, current time referred to the GMT time zone, the local time zone, modality of “Standard” or “Daylight Savings” time currently in use and information about the date it will change.

[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:d te

Current Local Time        : Wednesday 22/04/2015 10:34:34 (UTC+2.00)
Current UTC Time          : Wednesday 22/04/2015 08:34:34
Local Time Zone           : CET - Central Europe (Rome, Paris, Berlin, Prague,
Currently Observing       : Daylight Savings Time (DST)
DST time will start on    : Sunday 27/03/2016 at 02:00:00
DST time will end on      : Sunday 25/10/2015 at 03:00:00
Clock Reference           : SNTP
Clock Reference state     : Working
Clock last synchronized   : 22/04/2015 at 09:43:26 Delta:-1 sec.

5.8.6. D DESCR (Display Descriptions)

This command shows the description of all resources, cards and ports active in Abilis CPX.

[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:d descr

Resource       SubType  Description
Cp                      Control_Port
Snmp                    Simple_Network_Management_Protocol
Sntp                    Simple_Network_Time_Protocol
Acnt                    Accounting_Service
Trfa                    Traffic_Analyzer
SysLog                  System_Log_protocol
Opc                     Operator_Panel_Collector
IoHub                   I/O_Hub_Driver
Alarm                   Alarms_manager
Script                  Lua_scripting_service
X25-999        BCH      Resource_for_remote_maintenance
CtiSLink                HDLC_Over_ISDN_B-Channel
CtiSys                  CTI_System_general_properties
CtiDisa                 Direct_Inward_System_Access
CtiSip                  Session_Initiation_Protocol
CtiSms                  Short_Message_Service
CtiAs                   CTI_Advanced_Services_entry_point
CtiVm                   CTI_Voice_Mail_service
CtiVr                   CTI_VR_service
CtiMix                  CTI_Voice_Mixer_service
CtiVo                   CTI_Virtual_Office
Iprtr                   IP_Router_general_properties
Tcp                     Transmission_Control_Protocol
Udp                     User_Datagram_Protocol
Telnet                  Telnet_Server_and_Client_entities
Dns                     Domain_Name_System
Http                    HyperText_Transfer_Protocol
Nat                     Network_Address_Translator
Ssh                     Secure_Shell_Protocol_2
Dhcp                    Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol
Ftp                     File_Transfer_Protocol_Server
IpSec                   IP_Security_Protocol
Ike                     Internet_Keys_Exchange_Protocol
Smtp                    Simple_Mail_Transfer_Protocol
Vrrp                    Virtual_Router_Redundancy_Protocol
DhcpC                   Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol_Client
DDns                    Dynamic_DNS_Protocol_Client
Tftp                    Trivial_File_Transfer_protocol
IpSh                    IP_Shaping_service
Ldap                    Lightweight_Directory_Access_protocol
Fr-1           DL       
Fr-2           DL       
Pv-1           IP       
Pv-298         IP       
Ip-1           LAN      LAN
Ip-2           LAN      WAN
Ip-3           LAN      FREE
Ip-6           AIPT     VPN1
Ip-7           AIPT     VPN2
Ip-8           AIPT     Antek_MD
Ip-9           AIPT     
Ip-11          PPP      
Ip-12          VIRTUAL  
Ip-13          DL       
Ip-14          AIPT     
Ip-15          LAN      
VEth                    Virtual_Ethernet
Ssl                     Secure_Socket_Layer
Mf                      Abilis_Multi_Function_Interface
UPnPS                   Universal_Plug_and_Play_Server
MfIo                    Abilis_Multi_Function_IO_Interface
MfTemp                  Abilis_Multi_Function_Temperature_device
SysCtl                  Abilis_System_Control_device
Vs                      Video_Surveillance
Ups                     Uninterruptable_Power_Supply_device
Io                      Rio_devices_entry_point
IpConf                  Rio/Rvs_devices_configuration_service

CTI Port       Description
35             Interconnessione
36             Free
102            libero
501            SIM
502            cellbox
503            libera
504            libera

5.8.7. D PSTACK

This command displays the association between resources and its related ports.

[11:38:04] ABILIS_CPX:d pstack

|  Resource  |    Act/Run    | Port(s)                                        |
| Async-1    | Act/Run       | 26(Async)                                      |
| Eth-1      | Act/Run       | 27(Eth)                                        |
| Eth-2      | Act/Run       | 43(Eth)                                        |
| Eth-3      | Act/Run       | 40(Eth)                                        |
| Dsl-1      | Act/Run       | 21(Dsl)                                        |
| Cp         | Act/Run       | 4(Cp)                                          |
| Snmp       | Act/Run       | 5(Snmp)                                        |
| Sntp       | Act/Run       | 6(Sntp)                                        |
| Acnt       | Act/Run       | 7(Acnt)                                        |
| Trfa       | Act/Run       | 44(Trfa)                                       |
| SysLog     | Act/Run       | 61(SysLog)                                     |
| Opc        | Act/Run       | 48(Opc)                                        |
| IoHub      | Act/Run       | 49(IoHub)                                      |
| Alarm      | Act/Run       | 50(Alarm)                                      |
| Script     | Act/Run       | 52(Script)                                     |
| X25-999    | Act/Run       | 28(X25) 29(LapB) 30(Mlm)                       |
| Pad-1      | Act/Run       | 8(Pad)                                         |
| Xtp-1      | Act/Run       | 63(Xtp)                                        |
| Sim-1      | Act/Run       | 91(Sim)                                        |
| CtiX25D    | NotAct/NotRun | 24(CtiX25D)                                    |
| CtiSLink   | Act/Run       | 23(CtiSLink)                                   |
| CtiVsp     | NotAct/NotRun | 25(CtiVsp)                                     |
| CtiSys     | Act/Run       | 22(CtiSys)                                     |
| CtiIax     | NotAct/NotRun | 69(CtiIax)                                     |
| CtiDisa    | Act/Run       | 51(CtiDisa)                                    |
| CtiSip     | Act/Run       | 67(CtiSip)                                     |
| CtiSms     | Act/Run       | 45(CtiSms)                                     |
| CtiAs      | Act/Run       | 46(CtiAs)                                      |
| CtiVm      | Act/Run       | 55(CtiVm)                                      |
| CtiVr      | Act/Run       | 68(CtiVr)                                      |
| CtiMix     | Act/Run       | 47(CtiMix)                                     |
| CtiVo      | Act/Run       | 54(CtiVo)                                      |
| Iprtr      | Act/Run       | 9(Iprtr)                                       |
| Tcp        | Act/Run       | 10(Tcp)                                        |
| Udp        | Act/Run       | 11(Udp)                                        |
| Telnet     | Act/Run       | 12(Telnet)                                     |
| Dns        | Act/Run       | 15(Dns)                                        |
| Http       | Act/Run       | 20(Http)                                       |
| Nat        | Act/Run       | 16(Nat)                                        |
| Ssh        | Act/Run       | 17(Ssh)                                        |
| Ospf       | NotAct/NotRun | 14(Ospf)                                       |
| Dhcp       | Act/Run       | 18(Dhcp)                                       |
| Ftp        | Act/Run       | 19(Ftp)                                        |
| IpSec      | Act/Run       | 57(IpSec)                                      |
| Ike        | Act/Run       | 58(Ike)                                        |
| Smtp       | Act/Run       | 42(Smtp)                                       |
| Pop3       | NotAct/NotRun | 82(Pop3)                                       |
| Vrrp       | Act/Run       | 13(Vrrp)                                       |
| DhcpC      | Act/Run       | 33(DhcpC)                                      |
| DDns       | Act/Run       | 72(DDns)                                       |
| Tftp       | Act/Run       | 60(Tftp)                                       |
| IpSh       | Act/Run       | 71(IpSh)                                       |
| Ldap       | Act/Run       | 66(Ldap)                                       |
| Fr-1       | Act/Run       | 79(Fr) 80(Mlm)                                 |
| Fr-2       | Act/Run       | 85(Fr) 86(Mlm)                                 |
| Pv-1       | Act/Run       | 36(Mlm) 37(PLinkE)                             |
| Pv-298     | Act/Run       | 77(Mlm) 88(PLinkE)                             |
| NPv        | Act/Run       | 31(NPv)                                        |
| PoeAc-1    | Act/Run       | 62(PoeAc)                                      |
| PoeCli-1   | Act/Run       | 87(PoeCli)                                     |
| IpoE-1     | Act/Run       | 76(IpoE)                                       |
| IpoE-2     | NotAct/NotRun | 89(IpoE)                                       |
| Ip-1       | Act/Run       |                                                |
| Ip-2       | Act/Run       |                                                |
| Ip-3       | Act/Run       |                                                |
| Ip-4       | NotAct/NotRun |                                                |
| Ip-6       | Act/Run       | 38(Mlm) 39(PLinkE)                             |
| Ip-7       | Act/Run       | 32(Mlm) 41(PLinkE)                             |
| Ip-8       | Act/Run       | 64(Mlm) 65(PLinkE)                             |
| Ip-9       | Act/Run       | 90(Mlm) 92(PLinkE)                             |
| Ip-11      | Act/Run       | 75(Ppp)                                        |
| Ip-12      | Act/Run       |                                                |
| Ip-13      | Act/Run       | 78(Mlm)                                        |
| Ip-14      | Act/Run       | 34(Mlm) 56(PLinkE)                             |
| Ip-15      | Act/Run       |                                                |
| VEth       | Act/NotRun    | 74(VEth)                                       |
| Ssl        | Act/Run       | 59(Ssl)                                        |
| Mf         | Act/Run       | 0(Mf)                                          |
| X509       | NotAct/NotRun | 84(X509)                                       |
| UPnPS      | Act/Run       | 73(UPnPS)                                      |
| MfIo       | Act/Run       | 1(MfIo)                                        |
| MfTemp     | Act/Run       | 2(MfTemp)                                      |
| SysCtl     | Act/Run       | 3(SysCtl)                                      |
| Vs         | Act/Run       | 83(Vs)                                         |
| Ups        | Act/Run       | 53(Ups)                                        |
| Io         | Act/Run       | 81(Io)                                         |
| IpConf     | Act/Run       | 35(IpConf)                                     |