40.5. NPV diagnostics and statistics

40.5.1. NPV diagnostics

To display the diagnostics of the NPV resource the following commands are used:

d d npv / d de npv

Shows diagnostic information, such as the state of the resource, state of UDP and BACKUP lower resources. Are present also information about the number of links configured and ready/down.

[13:09:13] ABILIS_CPX:d d npv

RES:NPv -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       NPV-STATE:READY         CUR-LINKS:2         LINKS-READY:2
       UDP-STATE:READY         MAX-LINKS:1000      LINKS-DOWN:0

40.5.2. NPV statistics

To display the statistics of the NPV resource the following commands are used:

d s npv / d se npv

[13:09:15] ABILIS_CPX:d s npv

RES:NPv -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 0 days 01:55:02 ago, on 05/06/2015 at 14:03:56 -------------
       AUTH-FAIL  |          0|          0|BAD-FORMAT |          0|           |
       NO-LINK    |          0|           |
       - IP traffic -----------------------------------------------------------
       IP-CHR     |     141783|     153565|IP-FRM     |       2708|       2741|
       -- Bck traffic ---------------------------------------------------------
       SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|
       TIME-CALL  |          0|          0|BCK-EXCEED |          0|          0|
       BCK-CHR    |          0|          0|BCK-FRM    |          0|          0|

40.5.3. NPVL diagnostics

The following commands are used to display the diagnostics of tunneling links:

d d npvl

Shows the diagnostics of all the Packet Voice links.

d de npvl

Shows the diagnostics of all the Packet Voice links in extended mode.

d de npvl id:n

Shows the diagnostics of Packet Voice link with id n in extended mode.

d d[e] npvl lc

Shows the Link-Check (LC) Round Trip Time (msec) and local/remote loss of the last 5 minutes.

To display the diagnostics of the NPVL resource the following commands are used:

d d npvl

[13:09:13] ABILIS_CPX:d d npvl

ID:  CLUS:    STATE: RemID: Path1: Path2: Bck:   Bck-Chan:  CR:
1    linea1    READY  255    UP     UP     DOWN   READY      NO
2    linea2    READY  255    UP     UP     -      -          NO

To display the diagnostics extended of the NPVL resource the following commands are used:

d de npvl

[13:11:32] ABILIS_CPX:d de npvl id:1

ID:  CLUS:    STATE: RemID: Path1: Path2: Bck:   Bck-Chan:  CR:
                     RemIP1:                     RemIP2:
                     RTY:   USRTY: TDEL:  TREM:  VDT:
1    linea1   READY  255    UP     UP     DOWN   READY      NO
                          0      0      0      0      0

To display the diagnostics extended of the NPVL resource the following commands are used:

d d[e] npvl lc

[13:11:32] ABILIS_CPX:d d[e] npvl lc

ID:  CLUS:    STATE: Path1:   LAST:   MIN:   AVG:   MAX:   LLOSS%:  RLOSS%:
1    linea1    READY  UP        141    137    139    141       0.0      0.0

40.5.4. NPVL statistics

The following commands are used to display the statistics of tunneling links:

d s npvl

Shows the statistics of all the Packet Voice links.

d se npvl

Shows the statistics of all the Packet Voice links in extended mode.

d se npvl id:n path:m

Shows the statistics of Packet Voice with id n about path number m[1, 2, bck] in extended mode.

To display the statistics of the NPVL resource the following commands are used:

d s npvl [id:<id>]

[13:13:32] ABILIS_CPX:d s npvl id:1

       --- Cleared 0 days 01:56:11 ago, on 05/06/2015 at 14:03:56 -------------
       NPVL-DOWN  |           |          0|BCK-STOP1  |           |          0|
       PATH-DOWN  |           |          0|BCK-STOP2  |           |          0|
       IP-CHR     |      78698|      78957|IP-FRM     |       1402|       1406|
       SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|
       TIME-CALL  |          0|          0|BCK-EXCEED |          0|          0|
       BCK-CHR    |          0|          0|BCK-FRM    |          0|          0|
       ERRORS     |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       -----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|
       MISSING    |          0|          0|REORDERED  |          0|          0|
       TOUT       |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       -- Local and remote packet loss analisys, total and last 5 mins --------
       LOC-TOTAL  |          0|          0|       0.00|
       LOC-5min   |          0|          0|       0.00|
       REM-TOTAL  |         39|      15249|       0.25|
       REM-5min   |          0|          0|       0.00|
       -- Time arrival variation of voice frames after reordering (msec.) -----
            0- 20 |          0 (   0% )   |   151-200 |          0 (   0% )   |
           21- 50 |          0 (   0% )   |   201-300 |          0 (   0% )   |
           51-100 |          0 (   0% )   |   301-600 |          0 (   0% )   |
          101-150 |          0 (   0% )   |   601-xxx |          0 (   0% )   |

To display the statistics extended of the NPVL resource the following commands are used:

d se npvl [id:<id>]

[13:14:25] ABILIS_CPX:d se npvl id:1

       --- Cleared 0 days 01:56:53 ago, on 05/06/2015 at 14:03:56 -------------
       - Link checks ----------------------------------------------------------
       NPVL-DOWN  |           |          0|BCK-STOP1  |           |          0|
       PATH-DOWN  |           |          0|BCK-STOP2  |           |          0|
       PATH-LCTOUT|           |          4|BCK-LCTOUT |           |          0|
       - IP traffic -----------------------------------------------------------
       IP-CHR     |      79194|      79469|IP-FRM     |       1411|       1415|
       IP-CHR-V   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-V   |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-C   |      79194|      79469|IP-FRM-C   |       1411|       1415|
       V-RED-FM   |           |          0|V-SAVED%   |          0|          0|
       V-RED-VOICE|           |          0|
       - Bck traffic ----------------------------------------------------------
       BCK-CHR    |          0|          0|BCK-FRM    |          0|          0|
       BCK-CHR-V  |          0|          0|BCK-FRM-V  |          0|          0|
       BCK-CHR-C  |          0|          0|BCK-FRM-C  |          0|          0|
       - Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------
       LONG-V     |          0|          0|LOST-V     |          0|           |
       LONG-C     |          0|          0|LOST-C     |          0|          0|
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       BAD-SOURCE |          0|           |BAD-LINK-ID|          0|           |
       BAD-DEST   |          0|           |
       -----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|
       MISSING    |          0|          0|REORDERED  |          0|          0|
       TOUT       |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|OUT-SEQ    |          0|          0|
       NOBUF-LINK |          0|           |DUPLICATED |          0|          0|
       RESYNC     |          0|          0|
       -- Local and remote packet loss analisys, total and last 5 mins --------
       LOC-TOTAL  |          0|          0|       0.00|
       LOC-5min   |          0|          0|       0.00|
       REM-TOTAL  |         39|      15249|       0.25|
       REM-5min   |          0|          0|       0.00|
       -- Time arrival variation of voice frames after reordering (msec.) -----
            0- 20 |          0 (   0% )   |   151-200 |          0 (   0% )   |
           21- 50 |          0 (   0% )   |   201-300 |          0 (   0% )   |
           51-100 |          0 (   0% )   |   301-600 |          0 (   0% )   |
          101-150 |          0 (   0% )   |   601-xxx |          0 (   0% )   |

To display the statistics extended of the NPVL resource separated by path the following commands are used:

d se npvl [id:<id> path:<path>

[13:14:39] ABILIS_CPX:d se npvl id:1 path:1

ID:1    PATH:1    
       --- Cleared 0 days 21:53:20 ago, on 04/06/2015 at 18:08:46 -------------
       - Link checks ----------------------------------------------------------
       PATH-DOWN  |           |          0|           |           |           |
       PATH-LCTOUT|           |          0|           |           |           |
       - IP traffic -----------------------------------------------------------
       IP-CHR     |   24351634|   24427613|IP-FRM     |     275672|     294679|
       IP-CHR-V   |   23602243|   23554606|IP-FRM-V   |     260065|     279071|
       IP-CHR-C   |     749391|     873007|IP-FRM-C   |      15607|      15608|
       V-RED-FM   |           |          0|V-SAVED%   |          6|          4|
       V-RED-VOICE|           |          0|
       - Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------
       LONG-V     |          0|          0|LOST-V     |          0|           |
       LONG-C     |          0|          0|LOST-C     |          0|          0|
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       BAD-SOURCE |          0|           |BAD-LINK-ID|          0|           |
       BAD-DEST   |          0|           |
       -----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|OUT-SEQ    |          0|          0|
       NOBUF-LINK |          0|           |DUPLICATED |     591929|          0|
       RESYNC     |          0|          0|
[13:17:28] ABILIS_CPX:d se npvl id:1 path:bck

ID:1    PATH:Bck  
       --- Cleared 0 days 21:53:49 ago, on 04/06/2015 at 18:08:46 -------------
       - Link checks ----------------------------------------------------------
                  |           |           |BCK-STOP1  |           |          0|
                  |           |           |BCK-STOP2  |           |          0|
                  |           |           |BCK-LCTOUT |           |          0|
       - Bck traffic ----------------------------------------------------------
       BCK-CHR    |          0|          0|BCK-FRM    |          0|          0|
       BCK-CHR-V  |          0|          0|BCK-FRM-V  |          0|          0|
       BCK-CHR-C  |          0|          0|BCK-FRM-C  |          0|          0|
       - Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------
       LONG-V     |          0|          0|LOST-V     |          0|           |
       LONG-C     |          0|          0|LOST-C     |          0|          0|
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
                  |           |           |BAD-LINK-ID|          0|           |
       -----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|OUT-SEQ    |          0|          0|
       NOBUF-LINK |          0|           |DUPLICATED |          0|          0|
       RESYNC     |          0|          0|