59.3. CTI advanced preferences administration through CP

The following are the commands to administrate CTI advanced preferences:

[12:54:23] ABILIS_CPX:d cf user:test

USER:test                             (Last change: 10/08/2015 07:46:42 CET)
 PR   |ENABLED|IN-USE|IF                                |ACTION
 ADMIN|CGI                     |CDI                     |RULE
      |CGO                     |CDO                     |TOUT   |DLY |FORK-TYPE
      |TI1 .. TI5
 1     NO      NO     ANY                                CF
 NO    *                        *                        FORK
       *                        11                       15      0    STD

The following command shows the meaning of parameters:

[12:54:23] ABILIS_CPX:d cf user:test ?

D CF USER:A               Display all CF/DND entries defined for Users
D CF USER:ALL             Display all CF/DND entries defined for Users
D CF USER:name PR:A       Display all CF/DND entries of the specified user
D CF USER:name PR:ALL     Display all CF/DND entries of the specified user
D CF USER:name PR:val     Display selected CF/DND entry of the specified user

USER:          User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.                 
PR:            CF/DND entry priority [1..500]                       

CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry parameter(s):

ADMIN:     Entry reserved to the Administrator [NO, YES]
ENABLED:   Enable/disable this entry [NO, YES]
IN-USE:    Activate/deactivate the rule [NO, YES]
IF:        Interface type [ANY, CTIP, CLUS, SIP, IAX]
ACTION:    Action [NONE, DND, CF, VM]
CGI:       Incoming Calling Number. Max 20 characters in the range [0..9, *, #,
           ?, 'list'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or
           NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z,
           j] attributes.
           (e.g.: 123, 123*, 12?, 12?*, *, #, 'listname', 123'listname')
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
CDI:       Incoming Called Number. Max 20 characters in the range [0..9, *, #,
           ?, 'list'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or
           NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
           (e.g.: 123, 123*, 12?, 12?*, *, #, 'listname', 123'listname')
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
RULE:      Rule for call forwarding [ALWAYS, BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK]. 
           Values [BUSY, NOANS, OTHERS, FORK] can be joined using ','
TOUT:      Time-out for the 'NOANS' rule [5..180 sec.]
DLY:       Delay for the 'FORK' rule [0..180 sec.]
FORK-TYPE: Type of the 'FORK' rule [STD, TWIN]
CGO:       Outgoing Calling Number. "USER" or max 20 characters in the range
           [0..9, *, #, 'macro'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h,
           c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y,
           v, w, z] attributes.
           (e.g.: USER, ie123, *, #, 123'cdi', 'cdi'123'cgi.s5', 'sdi')
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
CDO:       Outgoing Called Number. Max 20 characters in the range [0..9, *, #,
           'macro'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP
           [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
           (e.g.: ne123, *, #, 123'cdi', 'cdi'123'cgi.s5', 'sdi')
           See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
           See HELP ISDN VALUES for details on meaning of special values.
TI1:..TI5: Time interval during which the rule has to be applied.
           The format is "day,hh:mm-hh:mm", where 'day' can be:
           - a single day of the week [MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU] or
           - a set of days of the week (E.g.: MO+TH or TU+TH+SU) or
           - a range of days of the week (E.g.: MO-WE or TH-SU) or
           - a date in the format "dd/mm/yy", where
             - 'dd' can be [*, 1..31]
             - 'mm' can be [*, 1..12]
             - 'yy' can be [*, 0..99]
             (e.g. 23/12/13 or 31/12/* or 1/*/* or */8/* or 1/04/*) or
           - begin and end date separated by '-', i.e. "d1/m1/y1-d2/m2/y2",
             - 'd1' and 'd2' can be [*, 1..31]
             - 'm1' and 'm2' can be [*, 1..12]
             - 'y1' and 'y2' can be [*, 0..99]
             (e.g. 23/12/13-07/01/14 or 23/12/*-07/01/* or 01/*/*-5/*/*) or
           - "ALL".
           Use "#" to disable the time interval (i.e. 'no match').