13.3. How to check ADSL/VDSL line parameters of Ethernet modem

13.3.1. How to check ADSL/VDSL line parameters of Ethernet modem by command line

The most useful parameters are Line Attenuation, SNR Margin and Rate.


The default IP address is


The default user is admin and password is VuDi218.

  1. Open a TELNET connection from Abilis to Ethernet modem, typing the following commands:

    [16:13:17] ABILIS_1:   <- type Ctrl+P to access to the TELNET server prompt of ABILIS.
    [] TELNETS>clr
    CLR 00 00
    [] TELNETS>1-tln   <- to access to the TELNET client prompt of ABILIS.
    [] TELNETC>open    <- to open a connection to the Ethernet modem.
    Trying ... Open
    ^ABCM963381 Broadband Router
    Login: admin
  2. To see UP/DOWN rate information, type the following command:

     > adsl info       
    adsl: ADSL driver and PHY status
    Status: Showtime
    Last Retrain Reason:    0
    Last initialization procedure status:   0
    Max:    Upstream rate = 16504 Kbps, Downstream rate = 56867 Kbps
    Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 16428 Kbps, Downstream rate = 55929 Kbps
    Bearer: 1, Upstream rate = 0 Kbps, Downstream rate = 0 Kbps
  3. To see ADSL/VDSL line parameters, type the following command:

     > adsl info --show
    adsl: ADSL driver and PHY status
    Status: Showtime
    Last Retrain Reason:    0
    Last initialization procedure status:   0
    Max:    Upstream rate = 16504 Kbps, Downstream rate = 56778 Kbps
    Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 16428 Kbps, Downstream rate = 55929 Kbps
    Bearer: 1, Upstream rate = 0 Kbps, Downstream rate = 0 Kbps
    Link Power State:       L0
    Mode:                   VDSL2 Annex B
    VDSL2 Profile:          Profile 17a
    TPS-TC:                 PTM Mode(0x0)
    Trellis:                U:ON /D:ON
    Line Status:            No Defect
    Training Status:        Showtime
                    Down            Up
    SNR (dB):        5.9             5.2
    Attn(dB):        19.2            0.0
    Pwr(dBm):        14.3            3.3
                            VDSL2 framing
                            Bearer 0
    MSGc:           -6              -6
    B:              243             227
    M:              1               1
    T:              0               0
    R:              10              14
    S:              0.1389          0.4335
    L:              14627           4466
    D:              8               4
    I:              254             242
    N:              254             242
    Q:              8               4
    V:              0               0
    RxQueue:                55              35
    TxQueue:                11              7
    G.INP Framing:          18              18
    G.INP lookback:         11              7
    RRC bits:               24              24
                            Bearer 1
    MSGc:           122             58
    B:              0               0
    M:              2               2
    T:              2               2
    R:              16              16
    S:              8.0000          16.0000
    L:              32              16
    D:              1               1
    I:              32              32
    N:              32              32
    Q:              0               0
    V:              0               0
    RxQueue:                0               0
    TxQueue:                0               0
    G.INP Framing:          0               0
    G.INP lookback:         0               0
    RRC bits:               0               0
                            Bearer 0
    OHF:            0               0
    OHFErr:         817             2
    RS:             2759975232              3333659
    RSCorr:         12759887                168385
    RSUnCorr:       0               0
                            Bearer 1
    OHF:            117865089               900807
    OHFErr:         0               38
    RS:             942920217               918874
    RSCorr:         676             4961
    RSUnCorr:       0               0
                            Retransmit Counters
    rtx_tx:         1720499         13610
    rtx_c:          134062          122655
    rtx_uc:         18163           81463
                            G.INP Counters
    LEFTRS:         115             45
    minEFTR:        55921           16728
    errFreeBits:    1614852541              1425661549
                            Bearer 0
    HEC:            0               0
    OCD:            0               0
    LCD:            0               0
    Total Cells:    1753488685              0
    Data Cells:     1385294002              0
    Drop Cells:     0
    Bit Errors:     0               0
                            Bearer 1
    HEC:            0               0
    OCD:            0               0
    LCD:            0               0
    Total Cells:    0               0
    Data Cells:     0               0
    Drop Cells:     0
    Bit Errors:     0               0
    ES:             271             2
    SES:            1               0
    UAS:            31              31
    AS:             1893463
                            Bearer 0
    INP:            60.00           58.00
    INPRein:        0.00            0.00
    delay:          0               0
    PER:            0.00            0.00
    OR:             0.01            0.01
    AgR:            55985.84        16765.05
                            Bearer 1
    INP:            2.00            4.00
    INPRein:        2.00            4.00
    delay:          0               0
    PER:            16.06           16.06
    OR:             63.75           31.87
    AgR:            63.75   31.87
    Bitswap:        534305/534782           28554/28556

13.3.2. How to check ADSL/VDSL line parameters of Ethernet modem by web interface

Figure 13.1. Ethernet modem Home page

Ethernet modem Home page


The default IP address is


The default user is admin and password is VuDi21

From the Home page click "Device Info" -> "Statistics" -> "xDSL".

Figure 13.2. xDSL statistics

xDSL statistics