46.3. SNMP diagnostics and statistics

46.3.1. SNMP diagnostics

This command reports the current situation of the SNMP resource:

[15:53:04] ABILIS_CPX:d d snmp

RES:Snmp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:READY          UDP-LOCPORT:161              
       - Last sent trap: ------------------------------------------------------
       Local Date and Time | LocAdd-LocPort             | RemAdd-RemPort
                           | Trap
                           | Resource
       19/01/2018 12:20:09
                             Ip-1 (LAN)

The meaning:


SNMP port state:

  • INACTIVE - configuration parameter ACT:NO.

  • READY - the driver is fully ready to work.


UDP port number.


Current SNMP Community.

Local Date and Time

Local Date and Time of last successfully sent trap.


Local source address and source UDP port.


Destination address and destination UDP port.


Enterprise specific trap code.


Resource index and subtype.

46.3.2. SNMP statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

[15:53:05] ABILIS_CPX:d s snmp

RES:Snmp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 1 days 04:33:08 ago, on 18/01/2018 at 08:47:55 -------------
       PCK        |        243|        252|TRAP       |          0|          9|
       GET-REQ    |          5|          0|           |           |           |
       GET-NEXT   |        238|          0|REQ-VAR    |        243|           |
       GET-RESP   |          0|        243|           |           |           |
       SET-REQ    |          0|          0|SET-VAR    |          0|           |
       BAD-VER    |          0|           |DENIED-IP  |          0|           |
       BAD-COM-N  |          0|           |           |           |           |
       BAD-COM-U  |          0|           |
       ASN-ERR    |          0|           |NO-NAME    |          0|          0|
       TOO-BIG    |          0|          0|GEN-ERR    |          0|          0|
       RONLY      |          0|           |BAD-VALUE  |          0|          0|
[15:59:02] ABILIS_CPX:d se snmp

RES:Snmp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 1 days 04:34:30 ago, on 18/01/2018 at 08:47:54 -------------
       PCK        |        243|        252|TRAP       |          0|          9|
       GET-REQ    |          5|          0|           |           |           |
       GET-NEXT   |        238|          0|REQ-VAR    |        243|           |
       GET-RESP   |          0|        243|           |           |           |
       SET-REQ    |          0|          0|SET-VAR    |          0|           |
       Traps service statistics:
       REQ        |         14|REQ-SUCC   |          9|REQ-FAIL   |          5|
       EVENT      |          9|EVENT-SUCC |          9|EVENT-FAIL |          0|
       SEND       |          9|SEND-SUCC  |          9|SEND-FAIL  |          0|
       Standard traps statistics:
       COLDSTART  |          0|LINKDOWN   |          0|AUTHFAIL   |          0|
       WARMSTART  |          1|LINKUP     |          0|EGPNL      |          0|
       Enterprise specific traps statistics:
       Sync       |          0|Eth        |          0|
       Dsl        |          0|Sntp       |          0|X25        |          0|
       Lapb       |          0|MlmPl      |          0|MlmSl      |          0|
       MlAllPl    |          0|MlSomePl   |          0|MlSl       |          0|
       MlPl       |          0|SdlcPu     |          0|Hdlct      |          0|
       PadL1      |          0|IpConf     |          0|Fr         |          0|
       FrDlci     |          0|Ppp        |          0|PriIsdn    |          0|
       PriLapdQ   |          0|PriLapdX   |          0|BriIsdn    |          0|
       BriLapdQ   |          0|BriLapdX   |          0|FtpSrv     |          0|
       Ip         |          8|CellPdn    |          0|CellVoice  |          0|
       SysLog     |          0|PoeAc      |          0|PoeCli     |          0|
       Npv        |          0|Opc        |          0|Rjs        |          0|
       Gps        |          0|Gpio       |          0|IoHub      |          0|
       CtiVm      |          0|CtiSms     |          0|CtiMix     |          0|
       Vs         |          0|Pots       |          0|Tftp       |          0|
       Ipsh       |          0|Vrrp       |          0|VrrpRouters|          0|
       Trfa       |          0|Alarm      |          0|Ldap       |          0|
       Rip        |          0|Ddns       |          0|Dns        |          0|
       CtiVr      |          0|Tcp        |          0|Udp        |          0|
       Ike        |          0|

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 1 days 04:34:30 ago») these counters show the number of:

PCKReceived/sent packets.
TRAPOutgoing Trap packets.
GET-REQIncoming “GetRequest” packets.
GET-NEXTIncoming “GetNext” packets.
GET-RESPIncoming “GetRequest” packets.
REQ-VARReceived requests.
SET-REQIncoming “SetRequest” packets.
SET-VARSet variables.
BAD-VERTimes that a packet with a bad SNMP version number is received.
DENIED-IPDenied IP addresses.
BAD-COM-NReceived packets with Community name unknown.
BAD-COM-UReceived packets with operation not allowed for that community name.
ASN-ERRTimes that a packet with a bad ASN.1 fromat is received.
NO-NAMENumber of 'no such name' errors responses sent.
TOO-BIGNumber of 'too big' errors responses sent.
GEN-ERRNumber of 'generic' errors responses sent.
RONLYImpossible for an Agent. This variable is present only for compatibility with the standard ‘snmp’ group of the MIB-II specification.
BAD-VALUETimes that the “BadValue” error is generated.