47.3. TRFA diagnostics, statistics and debug

47.3.1. TRFA diagnostics

This command reports the current situation of the TRFA resource:

[15:53:04] ABILIS_CPX:d d trfa

RES:Trfa ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       ACTIVE     |          0|          0|          0|       1000|          0|
       BACKUP     |          0|          0|          0|       1000|          0|
       - Real-Time service ----------------------------------------------------
       CLIENTS-CUR:2          CLIENTS-MAX:10         CLIENTS-PEAK:2          
       - TRFA Sessions --------------------------------------------------------
       Ses  State    SessionID              UsedMem  PendingTime WaitingTime
            ClientIP         Request        Side     TimeWindow  SampleInterval
       0    USED     000201804031003171992  3476     10          0
    IP-Resource    LOCAL    300         1
       1    USED     001201804031004123930  0        6           0
    ROUTER         -        1800        5
       2    READY                           0        0           0
       3    READY                           0        0           0
       4    READY                           0        0           0
       5    READY                           0        0           0
       6    READY                           0        0           0
       7    READY                           0        0           0
       8    READY                           0        0           0
       9    READY                           0        0           0

The meaning:


The TRFA driver state:

  • INACTIVE - configuration parameter ACT:NO.

  • ACTIVE - the driver is fully ready to work.


Status of the Active/Backup traffic counter:

  • NORMAL - Normal state.

  • WARNING - Warning state

  • DANGER - Danger state.

  • OVERFLOW - Overflow state.


Percentage of use the Active/Backup traffic counter.


Currently record saved in the Active/Backup traffic counter.


Maximum number of simultaneously record in the Active/Backup traffic counter.


The actual size of the Active/Backup traffic counter.


Number of requests that were discarded because Active/Backup traffic counter is overflown.

Real-Time service diagnostics:


Current number of analysis.


Maximum number of analysis that can be made at the same time.


Current maximum number of analysis reached at the same time.


Index record.


Current state of session:

  • READY - the session is ready/free.

  • USED - the session is used.


Session identifier.


Allocated memory.


Pending request time.


Waiting for request time.


Monitor IP address.


Request type:

  • IP-Resource - IP TRFA requesting by IP resource.

  • IP-Address - IP TRFA requesting by IP address.

  • Protocol - IP TRFA requesting by protocol.

  • Top10 - IP TRFA request TOP10.

  • Top20 - IP TRFA request TOP20.

  • DISA - CTI TRFA requesting by DISA Service.

  • USER - CTI TRFA requesting by user.

  • ROUTER - CTI TRFA requesting by number.


IP TRFA request side:

  • LOCAL - analyse destination IP address in output packets and source IP in input packets.

  • REMOTE - analyse source IP address in output packets and destination IP address in input packets, applying address translation if packets have been natted to/from the remote IP resource.


Time window range.


Sample interval time (1,2,5).

47.3.2. TRFA statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

[15:53:05] ABILIS_CPX:d s trfa

RES:Trfa ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 0 days 01:00:40 ago, on 03/04/2018 at 14:23:26 -------------
       - Send/Receive statistics ----------------------------------------------
       REQUESTS   |    1072662|    1072662|          0|          0|          0|
       REQUESTS-RT|          0|          0|          0|          0|          0|
     - IP Traps statistics ----------------------------------------------------
      Ip-1   |       Cur/Cfg       |       Cur/Cfg       |       Cur/Cfg
             |- (5 Min Kbit/sec) --+- (30 Min Kbit/sec) -+-- (2 Hr Kbit/sec) --
      THR-OUT|         0/80000     |         -/-         |         -/-
     - CTI Traps statistics ---------------------------------------------------
     -------------|--- Now ---|-- 5 Min --|- 30 Min --|- 2 Hour --|-- 1 Day --|
     Waiting      |          -|           |           |           |           |
     Answered     |          -|          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Abandoned    |          -|          0|          -|          -|          -|
     TimePending  |          -|           |           |           |           |
     TimeToAnswer |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Duration     |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     TimeToAbandon|           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Numbers set:49
     -------------|--- Now ---|-- 5 Min --|- 30 Min --|- 2 Hour --|-- 1 Day --|
     Waiting      |          -|           |           |           |           |
     Answered     |          -|          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Abandoned    |          -|          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Busy         |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Failed       |           |          0|          -|          -|          -|
     TimePending  |          -|           |           |           |           |
     TimeToAnswer |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Duration     |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     TimeToAbandon|           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     User (Incoming):test3
     -------------|--- Now ---|-- 5 Min --|- 30 Min --|- 2 Hour --|-- 1 Day --|
     Answered     |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Abandoned    |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Busy         |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Failed       |           |          0|          -|          -|          -|
     Forwarded    |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Seized       |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     TimeToAnswer |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Duration     |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     TimeToAbandon|           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     User (Outgoing):test
     -------------|--- Now ---|-- 5 Min --|- 30 Min --|- 2 Hour --|-- 1 Day --|
     Answered     |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Failed       |           |          0|          -|          -|          -|
     TimeToAnswer |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|
     Duration     |           |          -|          -|          -|          -|

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 0 days 01:00:40 ago») these counters show the number of:

TOTAL REQUESTS/REQUESTS-RTTrace/Trace real-time requested.
SUCC REQUESTS/REQUESTS-RTTrace/Trace real-time successfully executed.
FAIL REQUESTS/REQUESTS-RTTrace/Trace real-time failed.
INACT REQUESTS/REQUESTS-RTTrace/Trace real-time not activated.
OVERFLOW REQUESTS/REQUESTS-RTTTrace/Trace real-time failed due to an address overflow..
Ip-xIP resource configured in the TRFA IP trap.
THR-IN/THR-OUT/THR-TOT/CHR-IN/CHR-OUT/CHR-TOTMonitored variable in the TRFA IP trap.
Cur/CfgCurrent/Configured variable threshold value.
5 Min/30 Min/2 Hr Kbit/secCurrent/Configured variable threshold value in the monitored interval.
Service/Numbers set/User (Incoming)/User (Outgoing)Calls category of TRFA CTI trap.
Now/5 Min/30 Min/2 Hour/1 DayMonitored interval of TRFA CTI trap.
Answered/Abandoned/Busy/Failed/Forwarded Seized/TimeToAnswer/Duration/ TimeToAbandonValues of monitored variable in TRFA CTI trap.

47.3.3. TRFA debug

The debug commands are useful for various activities, e.g. clearing files, removing data originated from a temporary configuration error, removing obsolete data after a line change, etc.

[11:44:43] ABILIS_CPX:debug res:trfa

RES:Trfa ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       BufferLength:3092   Date/Time:27/04/2015 15:08:07 TraceTime:263604665

   LSN:0              - This help
   LSN:2              - Show information related to analyzed frames
   LSN:2  CMD:CLR     - Clear analyzed frames information
   LSN:3              - Show current TRFA log
   LSN:3  CMD:CLR     - Clear TRFA log
   LSN:4              - DATA File status
   LSN:5              - BACKUP File status
   LSN:6              - TEMPORARY File status
   LSN:7              - Display real-time Session Monitor
   LSN:8              - Display historical temporary Sessions

   LSN:10  CMD:param,... - Purge IP and/or PROT records from the files.
     IPRES:<ipres>|*       - IP resource (*=all).
     TYPE:ip|prot|ip-prot  - Type of purge.
                           - Archive to be purged (*=all).
                             YEAR is mandatory for ARCHIVE:history or *.
     YEAR:<yyyy>|*         - Year to be purged (*=all).
                             (only for ARCHIVE:history or *).
                           - IP address or range to be purged (*=all).
                             (only for TYPE:ip or ip-prot).
     FROM:ddmmyyyy[-hhmm]  - Optional start date/time.
                             If missing the interval starts from older record.
     TO:ddmmyyyy[-hhmm]    - Optional end date/time.
                             If missing the interval ends with newer record.

   LSN:11  CMD:param,... - Purge IP addresses with total traffic below
                           the specified level from the files.
     IPRES:<ipres>|*       - IP resource (*=all).
                           - Archive to be purged (*=all).
                              YEAR is mandatory for ARCHIVE:history or *.
     YEAR:<yyyy>|*         - Year to be purged (*=all).
                              (only for ARCHIVE:history or *).
     BYTES:<bytes>         - Traffic level (in BYTES).

   LSN:12  CMD:param,... - Delete archive files.
     IPRES:<ipres>|*       - IP resource (*=all).
                           - Archive to be purged (*=all).
                             YEAR is mandatory for ARCHIVE:history or *.
     YEAR:<yyyy>|*         - Year to be purged (*=all).
                             (only for ARCHIVE:history or *).

   LSN:21              - Display DISA statistics
   LSN:21  CMD:CLR     - Clear DISA statistics
   LSN:22              - Display USER statistics
   LSN:22  CMD:CLR     - Clear USER statistics
   LSN:23              - Display ROUTER statistics
   LSN:23  CMD:CLR     - Clear ROUTER statistics
   LSN:24  CMD:name    - Display DISA diagnostics
   LSN:25  CMD:index   - Display ROUTER diagnostics
   LSN:26  CMD:name    - Display ROUTER diagnostics
   LSN:27  CMD:name    - Display DISA diagnostics into time window
   LSN:28  CMD:name    - Display ROUTER diagnostics into time window

   LSN:900 CMD:START   - Activate CTI random data generation
   LSN:900 CMD:STOP    - Deactivate CTI random data generation