57.4. CTIVO diagnostics and statistics

57.4.1. CTIVO diagnostics

To display the diagnostics of the CTIVO resource the following commands are used:

d d ctivo

Shows diagnostic information, such as the state of the resource, the currently used channels, the currently active CTIVO user etc.

d de ctisip

Shows diagnostic information in an extended format: the same information listed for d d ctivo command and the calling and the called number, the state of call etc.

[10:21:09] ABILIS_CPX:d d ctivo 

RES:CtiVo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:ACTIVE         SESNUM:5    CUR-SESNUM:1    
       SES: USER:                            Routing-State:       UsedChannels:
       0    test                             -                                2
       1                                     -                                0
       2                                     -                                0
       3                                     -                                0
       4                                     -                                0
[10:21:26] ABILIS_CPX:d de ctivo

RES:CtiVo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:ACTIVE         SESNUM:5    CUR-SESNUM:1    
       SES: USER:                            Routing-State:       UsedChannels:
            CH:  Side:         VO-State:                          UsedAdapters:
                 CtiEvent      VoCommands    Media
                 AD:  CG                     CD                   Type     Dtmf
                      Q931-State             Aux-Q932-State    V-Aux-Q932-State
                      CtiEvent               VoCommands        Media
       0    test                             -                                2
            0    USER          READY                                          1
                 Enabled       Enabled       Enabled
                 0                                                AP       -                                  
                      10-CONNECTED           IDLE              IDLE
                      Enabled                Enabled           Enabled
            1    NET           -                                              1
                 Enabled       Enabled       Enabled
                 0    736                    555                  CTIR     -                                  
                      10-CONNECTED           IDLE              IDLE
                      Enabled                Enabled           Enabled
       1                                     -                                0
       2                                     -                                0
       3                                     -                                0
       4                                     -                                0

57.4.2. CTIVO statistics

To display the statistics of the CTIVO resource the following commands are used:

d s ctivo

Shows statistic information, such as the number of calls, the number of call transfers, the number of calls put on hold, the number of registered calls etc.

d se ctivo

Shows statistic information in an extended format: the same information listed for d se ctivo command are shown for each session.

[10:25:39] ABILIS_CPX:d s ctivo

RES:CtiVo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 0 days 00:23:29 ago, on 20/07/2016 at 10:02:11 -------------
       CALL       |          1|           |HOLD       |          0|           |
       CALL-CLOSE |          2|           |UNHOLD     |          0|           |
       CALL-TRANSF|          0|           |RECORD     |          0|           |
       CALLBACK   |          0|           |RECORD-STOP|          0|           |
       CALL-SWITCH|          0|           |DTMF-OUTB  |          0|           |
       MIXCTIC    |          0|           |           |           |           |
       CALL-SUCC  |          1|           |CALL-CUR   |          1|           |
       CALL-SEQ   |          0|           |CALL-FORK  |          0|           |
       NOCHAN     |          0|          0|DTMF-INB   |          0|           |
       DENIED-IP  |          0|           |BANNED-IP  |          0|           |
[10:25:40] ABILIS_CPX:d se ctivo

RES:CtiVo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 0 days 00:24:28 ago, on 20/07/2016 at 10:02:11 -------------
       CALL       |          1|           |HOLD       |          0|           |
       CALL-CLOSE |          2|           |UNHOLD     |          0|           |
       CALL-TRANSF|          0|           |RECORD     |          0|           |
       CALLBACK   |          0|           |RECORD-STOP|          0|           |
       CALL-SWITCH|          0|           |DTMF-OUTB  |          0|           |
       MIXCTIC    |          0|           |           |           |           |
       CALL-SUCC  |          1|           |CALL-CUR   |          1|           |
       CALL-SEQ   |          0|           |CALL-FORK  |          0|           |
       NOCHAN     |          0|          0|DTMF-INB   |          0|           |
       DENIED-IP  |          0|           |BANNED-IP  |          0|           |
       SES:0    USER:
       CALL       |          0|           |HOLD       |          0|           |
       CALL-CLOSE |          1|           |UNHOLD     |          0|           |
       CALL-TRANSF|          0|           |RECORD     |          0|           |
       CALLBACK   |          0|           |RECORD-STOP|          0|           |
       CALL-SWITCH|          0|           |DTMF-OUTB  |          0|           |
       MIXCTIC    |          0|           |           |           |           |
       CALL-SUCC  |          1|           |CALL-CUR   |          1|           |
       CALL-SEQ   |          0|           |CALL-FORK  |          0|           |
       NOCHAN     |          0|          0|DTMF-INB   |          0|           |
       SES:1    USER:
       CALL       |          0|           |HOLD       |          0|           |
       CALL-CLOSE |          0|           |UNHOLD     |          0|           |
       CALL-TRANSF|          0|           |RECORD     |          0|           |
       CALLBACK   |          0|           |RECORD-STOP|          0|           |
       CALL-SWITCH|          0|           |DTMF-OUTB  |          0|           |
       MIXCTIC    |          0|           |           |           |           |
       CALL-SUCC  |          0|           |CALL-CUR   |          0|           |
       CALL-SEQ   |          0|           |CALL-FORK  |          0|           |
       NOCHAN     |          0|          0|DTMF-INB   |          0|           |
       SES:2    USER:
       CALL       |          0|           |HOLD       |          0|           |
       CALL-CLOSE |          0|           |UNHOLD     |          0|           |
       CALL-TRANSF|          0|           |RECORD     |          0|           |
       CALLBACK   |          0|           |RECORD-STOP|          0|           |
       CALL-SWITCH|          0|           |DTMF-OUTB  |          0|           |
       MIXCTIC    |          0|           |           |           |           |
       CALL-SUCC  |          0|           |CALL-CUR   |          0|           |
       CALL-SEQ   |          0|           |CALL-FORK  |          0|           |
       NOCHAN     |          0|          0|DTMF-INB   |          0|           |
       SES:3    USER:
       CALL       |          0|           |HOLD       |          0|           |
       CALL-CLOSE |          0|           |UNHOLD     |          0|           |
       CALL-TRANSF|          0|           |RECORD     |          0|           |
       CALLBACK   |          0|           |RECORD-STOP|          0|           |
       CALL-SWITCH|          0|           |DTMF-OUTB  |          0|           |
       MIXCTIC    |          0|           |           |           |           |
       CALL-SUCC  |          0|           |CALL-CUR   |          0|           |
       CALL-SEQ   |          0|           |CALL-FORK  |          0|           |
       NOCHAN     |          0|          0|DTMF-INB   |          0|           |
       SES:4    USER:
       CALL       |          0|           |HOLD       |          0|           |
       CALL-CLOSE |          0|           |UNHOLD     |          0|           |
       CALL-TRANSF|          0|           |RECORD     |          0|           |
       CALLBACK   |          0|           |RECORD-STOP|          0|           |
       CALL-SWITCH|          0|           |DTMF-OUTB  |          0|           |
       MIXCTIC    |          0|           |           |           |           |
       CALL-SUCC  |          0|           |CALL-CUR   |          0|           |
       CALL-SEQ   |          0|           |CALL-FORK  |          0|           |
       NOCHAN     |          0|          0|DTMF-INB   |          0|           |

57.4.3. CTIVO logs

To show the log of virtual office just issue the command d ctivo log

[15:54:16] ABILIS_CPX:d ctivo log


Current Local Time: Friday 03/07/2015 14:27:18 (UTC+2.00)

DATE   TIME   Event SES CHAN ADAP AP  Description
------ ------ ----- --- ---- ---- --- ------------------------------------------
020715 215945 Info    -    -    - 001 OKAPI Reg user test
020715 215953 Info  000    -    -   - Open session for user test
020715 215953 Info  000 U000 A000 001 CALL command issued
020715 220056 Info  000 U000 A000 001 CLOSE command issued

To set the filter event use s ctivo log event:<filter>

[15:55:22] ABILIS_CPX:s ctivo log event: ?

S CTIVO LOG EVENT:val                               Set CTIVO log events filter

EVENT:     CtiVo log events filter [ERR, INFO, DBG] or [DFT, FULL], where
           - ERR, INFO, DBG filters can be joined using "," operator;
           - DFT: means ERR and INFO events;
           - FULL: means every type of event.
           By default the event mask is set to 'DFT'.

[15:55:46] ABILIS_CPX:s ctivo log event:full


The filter used at the startup of the Abilis may be set via the following parameter:

[15:55:22] IMBOURNE:s p ctivo volog:full


[15:55:22] IMBOURNE:init res:ctivo


Finally to clear the log use c ctivo log.

[15:55:25] ABILIS_CPX:c ctivo log