76.21. How to configure CTISMS to send SMS via emails

Suppose to have the following scheme:

Figure 76.1. Scheme for the configuration of CTISMS resource

Scheme for the configuration of CTISMS resource

The configuration of CTISMS includes a correct configuration of SMTP and DNS resources.

Enter into the Abilis control-program or open the configuration file with the Console configurator and type the following commands.

The following commands are useful to configure the SMTP resource:

a res:smtp


s act res:smtp

Add the SMTP resource.


If the resource already exists, set it active.

s p smtp act:yesEnable the SMTP runtime functionalities.
save confSave the configuration.
warm startRestart Abilis.
s p smtp local-domain:sms.lanSet local domain for local mailboxes.
s p smtp relay-net: the IP network for the mail relay server.
s p smtp server:mail.server.comSet the FQDN name of the SMTP Relay server to which all the mails for not local domain are forwarded.
s p smtp server-user:userSet username of the account of the relay server.
s p smtp server-pwd:passwordSet password of the account of the relay server.
s p smtp sms-gw:yesEnable SMS services.
init res:smtpInitialize the SMTP resource.
save confSave the configuration.

The following commands are useful to configure the DNS resource:

a res:dns


s act res:dns

Add the DNS resource.


If the resource already exists, set it active.

s p dns act:yesEnable the DNS runtime functionalities.
save confSave the configuration.
warm startRestart Abilis.
s p dns primary: secondary: the DNS primary and secondary server IP addresses.
s dns server id:1 dir:d name:sms.lan ip: an entry in the DNS server table to translate the domain sms.lan in the corresponding IP address.
init res:dnsInitialize the resource.
save confSave the configuration.

The following commands are useful to configure the CTISMS resource:

a res:ctisms


s act res:ctisms

Add the CTISMS resource.


If the resource already exists, set it active.

s p ctisms act:yesEnable the CTISMS runtime functionalities.
save confSave the configuration.
warm startRestart Abilis.
s p ctisms dft-in:smtpSet the default route for incoming SMS toward SMTP server.
s p ctisms dft-rcpt:username@myemail.testSet the default SMTP recipient for default route equal to username@myemail.test.
s ctisms in pr:0 act:yesEnable CTI SMS routings for incoming messages to route an incoming email toward SMTP.
s ctisms out pr:0 act:yesEnable CTI SMS routings for incoming emails to route an outgoing SMS toward a CTIP port corresponding to the desired SIM.
s ctisms out pr:1 act:yesEnable CTI SMS routings for incoming CSV file to route outgoing SMS toward a CTIP port corresponding to the desired SIM.
init res:ctismsInitialize the CTISMS resource.
save confSave the configuration.

76.21.1. Instructions to send emails through SMS

  1. Create an SMS inserting the email address as the first string;

  2. Insert a blank after the email address;

  3. Insert the text of message after the blank.

Example: tem@antek.it<blank>text of the message.

76.21.2. Instructions to send SMS through emails using a client

  1. Create an account using as SMTP server the IP address of Abilis following the below steps:

    1. Open Outlook Express and click tools/accounts.

    2. Click Add/Mail.

    3. Insert the account name.

    4. Insert the email address.

    5. Configure the SMTP server.

    6. Configure the account name and password.

  2. Compose an email to +<country code><number>@sms.lan.

Example: +393331234567@sms.lan