86.2. Complete list of Off-line Commands

Here is the complete list of commands offered by the off-line configurator command interpreter for the SUPERUSER login.

[16:35:06] ABILIS_CPX:??

List of commands allowed for SUPERUSER login:

Add operations:
A ALARM              Alarm management rule
A CRKEY:             Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63]
A CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
A CTIB               CTI channels bundle
A CTICL              CTI cluster
A CTIDISA            CTI DISA Users and Services
A CTIG               CTI group
A CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers management
A CTIL               CTI link
A CTILG              CTI group of links
A CTIPC              CTI permanent connection
A CTIR               CTI routing
A CTIRE              CTI routing
A CTIRR              CTI routing
A CTISIP             CTISIP numbers management
A CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
A CTIVO              CTIVO numbers management
A CTIVR              CTI VR rules
A DEV:               HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255]
A DHCP               DHCP profile/subnet/host
A DNS                DNS server and relay tables
A FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
A GROUP:             Group name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.
A HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
A IKE                IKE Host/Client connections and preshared keys tables
A IPACL              IP Access List
A IPAD               IP Routing Administrative Distance
A IPLB               IP Load Balancing entry
A IPRS               Saved static IP Routing (same of SIPR)
A IPSEC              IPSEC Security policies and associations tables
A IPSH               IP shaping flows/rules
A IPSR               IP Source Routing
A LCSG               Last Calling Number Service group
A LDAP               LDAP access rights/referrals/accounts
A LIST:              CPX list name
A NAT                NAT alias entry
A NPVL               NPV link
A NPVLE              NPV link
A OSPF               OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route
A PVC                PVC Connection
A R                  SVC Routing
A RES:               Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]
A RIP                RIP external route
A SIPR               Saved static IP Routing (same of IPRS)
A TRFA               Trfa management
A USER:              User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters.
A VRRP               VRRP Routers
A VS                 Video-surveillance cameras and Alarms

Boot operations:
BOOT DEV:            HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255]

Clear operations:
C ALARM              Alarm management rule
C CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
C CRKEY:             Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63]
C CTIB               CTI channels bundle
C CTICL              CTI cluster
C CTIDISA            CTI DISA Users and Services
C CTIG               CTI group
C CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers management
C CTIL               CTI link
C CTILG              CTI group of links
C CTIPC              CTI permanent connection
C CTIR               CTI routing
C CTIRE              CTI routing
C CTIRR              CTI routing
C CTISIP             CTISIP numbers management
C CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
C CTIVO              CTIVO numbers management
C CTIVR              CTI VR rules
C DEV:               HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255]
C DHCP               DHCP profile/subnet/host
C DNS                DNS server and relay tables
C FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
C GROUP:             Group entry
C HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
C IKE                IKE Host/Client connections and preshared keys tables
C IPACL              IP Access List
C IPAD               IP Routing Administrative Distance
C IPLB               IP Load Balancing entry
C IPRS               Saved static IP Routing (same of SIPR)
C IPSEC              IPSEC Security policies and associations tables
C IPSH               IP shaping flows/rules
C IPSR               IP Source Routing
C L                  System Log
C LCSG               Last Calling Number Service group
C LDAP               LDAP access rights/referrals/accounts
C LE                 Exceptions Log
C LIST:              CPX list name
C NAT                NAT alias entry
C NPVL               NPV link
C OSPF               OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route
C PVC                PVC Connection
C R                  SVC Routing
C RES:               Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]
C RIP                RIP external route
C SIPR               Saved static IP Routing (same of IPRS)
C TRFA               Trfa management
C USER:              User entry
C VRRP               VRRP Routers
C VS                 Video-surveillance cameras and Alarms

CLOSE                Exit program.

Configuration management:
CONF INFO            Display/set configuration notes
CONF RELOAD          Reload the configuration from a file
CONF SAVE            Alias of the SAVE CONF command(s)
CONF VALIDATE        Alias of the VALIDATE command

Display operations:
D ACT                Active HW device/resource/CTI port
D ALARM              Alarms management rules
D CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
D CODE               ISDN/X.25 codes descriptions
D CRKEY              Encryption/Decryption keys
D CRKEY:             Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63]
D CTIB               CTI channels bundle
D CTICL              CTI cluster
D CTIDISA            CTI DISA Users and Services
D CTIG               CTI group
D CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers management
D CTIL               CTI link
D CTILG              CTI group of links
D CTIP               CTI port
D CTIP:              CTI port identifier [1..600]
D CTIPC              CTI permanent connection
D CTIPE              CTI port in extended format
D CTIPE:             CTI port identifier [1..600]
D CTIR               CTI routing
D CTIRE              CTI routing in extended format
D CTIRR              CTI routing in reduced format
D CTISIP             CTISIP numbers management
D CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
D CTIVO              CTIVO numbers management
D CTIVR              CTI VR rules
D DESCR              Resource's description
D DEV                Active/inactive hardware devices
D DEV:               HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255]
D DHCP               DHCP summary/profiles/subnets/hosts
D DNS                DNS server and relay tables
D FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
D G                  General system parameters
D GROUP              Groups of Users table summary
D GROUP:             Group entry
D GROUPE             Groups of Users table - extended view
D GROUPE:            Group entry - extended view
D HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
D I                  System and files information
D IKE                IKE Host/Client connections and preshared keys tables
D INACT              Inactive HW device/resource/CTI port
D IPACL              IP Access List
D IPACLE             IP Access List in extended format
D IPAD               IP Routing Administrative Distance
D IPBAN              IP addresses banning management rules
D IPLB               IP Load Balancing entry
D IPRS               Saved static IP Routing (same of SIPR)
D IPSEC              IPSEC Security policies and associations tables
D IPSH               IP shaping flows/rules/users
D IPSR               IP Source Routing
D ITEM               CPX list items
D LDAP               LDAP access rights/referrals/accounts
D LIST               CPX lists
D LIST:              CPX list name
D NAT                NAT alias entry
D NPVL               NPV link
D NPVLE              NPV link in extended format
D OSPF               OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route
D SIPR               Saved static IP Routing (same of IPRS)
D L                  System Log
D LCSG               Last Calling Number Service group
D LDD                Debug Log on Disk
D LDDE               Debug Log on Disk, extended visualization
D LE                 Exceptions Log
D P                  Resource/Device/CTI port parameters
D PE                 Resource/Device/CTI port parameters in extended format
D PREF               Preferences
D PSTACK             Protocol stack
D PVC                PVC Connection
D R                  SVC Routing
D RE                 SVC Routing in extended format
D RIP                RIP external route
D TREE               Resources tree
D TRFA               Trfa management
D USER               Users Access Control table summary
D USER:              User entry
D USERE              Users Access Control table - extended view
D USERE:             User entry - extended view
D VER                System and modules versions
D VRRP               VRRP Routers
D VS                 Video-surveillance cameras and Alarms

Debug operations:
DEBUG CTIVO          Display information on CTIVO service

EXIT                 Exit program.

Find operations:
F CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) searches
F CTIDISA            CTIDISA searches
F CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers search
F CTISIP             CTIIAX numbers search
F CTIVO              CTIVO numbers search
F DNS                DNS searches
F FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
F HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
F IPACL              IP Access List
F LDAP               LDAP access rights/referrals/accounts
F LIST:              CPX list name to be searched
F LISTE:             CPX list name to be searched in prefix mode
F SCRIPT             Search for a file in Script configuration
F USER               Users Access Control table summary
F USER:              User entry

Display detailed help on a specified topic:
HELP INTERNET        Help on INTERNET topics
HELP ISDN            Help on ISDN topics
HELP KEYCODES        Supplementary services keycodes
HELP SS              Supplementary services
HELP SUBTYPE         Help on CPX resources subtypes
HELP SYSLOG          Help on System Log events
HELP TIMEZONES       List of supported time zones

IP Trace configuration:
IPFLOW FILTER        Packet filtering rules
IPFLOW PARAM         Trace parameters operations

Lists operations:
LIST CLEAR           Remove all items from a list
LIST CREATE          Create a list
LIST DELETE          Delete a list
LIST DESCRIPTION     Add/Modify list description
LIST DISPLAY         Display currently configured lists
LIST EDITABLE        Set/Reset list editable flag
LIST INIT            Refresh automatically generated lists
LIST REFERENCES      Show who references a list
LIST RENAME          Modify list name

LOGIN                Log-in operations.

LOGOUT               Log-out operations.

Move operations:
M CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
M CTIR               CTI routing
M CTIRE              CTI routing
M CTIRR              CTI routing
M CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
M CTIVR              CTI VR rules
M IPACL              IP Access List
M FLOW               IP Shaping flow
M NAT                NAT alias entry
M NPVL               NPV link
M NPVLE              NPV link
M R                  SVC Routing

QUIT                 Exit program.

Save operations:
SAVE CONF            Current configuration

Set operations:
S ACT                Active HW device/resource/CTI port
S ALARM              Alarm management rule
S CF                 CF/DND (Call forwarding/Do-Not-Disturb) entry
S CRKEY:             Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63]
S CTIB               CTI channels bundle
S CTIDISA            CTI DISA Users and Services
S CTICL              CTI cluster
S CTIG               CTI group
S CTIIAX             CTIIAX numbers management
S CTIL               CTI link
S CTILG              CTI group of links
S CTIP               CTI port
S CTIP:              CTI port identifier [1..600]
S CTIPC              CTI permanent connection
S CTIPE              CTI port
S CTIPE:             CTI port identifier [1..600]
S CTIR               CTI routing
S CTIRE              CTI routing
S CTIRR              CTI routing
S CTISIP             CTISIP numbers management
S CTISMS             CTI SMS routings for incoming/outgoing messages
S CTIVO              CTIVO numbers management
S CTIVR              CTI VR rules
S DEV:               HW device identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..255]
S DHCP               DHCP profile/subnet/host
S DNS                DNS server and relay tables
S FTP                FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
S G                  General system parameters
S GROUP:             Group entry
S GROUPE:            Group entry
S HTTP               HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights
S IKE                IKE Host/Client connections and preshared keys tables
S INACT              Inactive HW device/resource/CTI port
S IPACL              IP Access List
S IPAD               IP Routing Administrative Distance
S IPBAN              IP addresses banning management rules
S IPLB               IP Load Balancing entry
S IPRS               Saved static IP Routing (same of SIPR)
S IPSEC              IPSEC Security policies and associations tables
S IPSH               IP shaping flows/rules
S IPSR               IP Source Routing
S LCSG               Last Calling Number Service group
S LDAP               LDAP access rights/referrals/accounts
S NAT                NAT alias entry
S NPVL               NPV link
S NPVLE              NPV link
S OSPF               OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route
S P                  Resource/Device/CTI port parameters
S PE                 Resource/Device/CTI port parameters
S PREF               Preferences
S PVC                PVC Connection
S R                  SVC Routing
S RE                 SVC Routing
S RIP                RIP external route
S SIPR               Saved static IP Routing (same of IPRS)
S TRFA               Trfa management
S USER:              User entry
S USERE:             User entry
S VRRP               VRRP Routers
S VS                 Video-surveillance cameras and Alarms

TERM                 Terminal setting operations.

Trace operations:
TRACE DISPLAY        Trace display operations
TRACE PARAM          Trace parameters operations

VALIDATE             Current configuration validation.

Exchange HW device configurations and resource subtypes:
X DEV:               List of HW device identifiers joined by ',' character
X RES:               Resource identifier 'type-n', where 'n' can be [1..999]

#                    Commands starting with this character will be ignored

Command output filtering:
|                    Executes the command, scans the result line by line for
                     the occurrence of ANY of the given string(s) and outputs
                     only the matching lines (case-insensitive match).
                     Syntax: <command> | [-?] [-opt] <str1> ... [-opt] <strN>.