87.1. System Log messages

Type the following command to display the System Log:

[15:41:54] ABILIS_CPX:d l

Current Local Time: Tuesday 22/08/2017 15:14:40 (UTC+2.00)

03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00103] -------------------- NEW RUN --------------------
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00509] I: LAST RUN ENDED 03/08/2017 07:27:18 (+00..30s)
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00398] I: ABILIS CPX Ver. 8.5.1/STD - Build 4238.7
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00079] I: USING RECONSTRUCTED MP TABLES
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00079] I: USING 2 CPUs
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00474] I: CPU clock 1796 MHz
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00079] W: PCIDEV 8086/1E01 NOT compatible with PIO32
03/08/2017 07:27:52 [00079] W: PIO32 disabled for SATA disks
03/08/2017 07:27:54 [00362] I: WATCHDOG MFLPT-2/3 FW Rev. 17
03/08/2017 07:27:54 [00459] I: ABILIS-ID:1800310
03/08/2017 07:27:54 [00163] I: SYSTEM RESET
03/08/2017 07:27:55 [00195] I: CHKDSK C: OK
03/08/2017 07:27:55 [00371] I: LICENCE, LOADED
03/08/2017 07:27:55 [00024] CONF:MISSING BCK
03/08/2017 07:27:55 [00062] CONF:BACKUP
03/08/2017 07:27:56 [00249] I: USB PCI26/0 EHCI F7F07000 16
03/08/2017 07:27:56 [00249] I: USB PCI29/0 EHCI F7F06000 23
03/08/2017 07:28:00 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:dn
03/08/2017 07:28:01 [00242] I: BSE-1 DSP:0 DWNL OK
03/08/2017 07:28:01 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:init
03/08/2017 07:28:01 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:dn
03/08/2017 07:28:02 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:init
03/08/2017 07:28:04 [00071] TRACE ACTIVATED
03/08/2017 07:28:04 [00291] I: DSP test start
03/08/2017 07:28:04 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:UP
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00292] I: DSP test end
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00286] I: CTIR ENABLED
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00055] SYSTEM STARTED
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00058] CONF:ACCEPTED
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00091] I: Pad-1 L1-ST:dn DCD:dn DTR:UP
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00270] I: Ip-2 ST:gU LINK:LR
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00270] I: Ip-3 ST:DN LINK:ld
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00270] I: Ip-4 ST:DN LINK:ld
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00270] I: Ip-5 ST:DN LINK:ld
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00270] I: Ip-7 ST:gU LINK:LR
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00426] I: Telnet-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00411] I: Nat-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00427] I: Ssh-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00345] I: Dhcp-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00180] I: CtiP-31 L1-ST:dn
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00182] I: CtiP-31 SapiX25:in
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00180] I: CtiP-32 L1-ST:dn
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00182] I: CtiP-32 SapiX25:in
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00267] I: CtiP-501 VOICE-ST:dn PDN-ST:dn SMS-ST:dn
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00095] I: Eth-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00090] I: X25-999 Layer3:down
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00089] I: X25-999 Layer2:cg  
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: X25-999 PLink:ln SLink:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Ip-3 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Pv-1 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00406] I: Trfa-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Pv-2 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Pv-3 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Pv-4 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00095] I: EthUsb-2 ST:NG
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00346] I: DhcpC-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00231] I: IpSec-1 ST:RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00232] I: Ike-1 ST:RD/RD
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Ip-4 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Ip-5 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00461] I: NPv-1 ST:UP
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00462] I: NPvl-1    P1:dn P2:dn B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00462] I: NPvl-5    P1:dn P2:dn B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00462] I: NPvl-6    P1:dn P2:-  B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00462] I: NPvl-7    P1:dn P2:-  B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00092] I: Ip-13 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:05 [00020] W: EVENTS LOST
03/08/2017 07:28:06 [00107] AUTO SAVE OK
03/08/2017 07:28:09 [00270] I: Ip-2 ST:UP LINK:LR
03/08/2017 07:28:09 [00270] I: Ip-7 ST:UP LINK:LR
03/08/2017 07:28:10 [00092] I: Ip-13 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:13 [00092] I: Pv-1 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:13 [00092] I: Pv-2 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:13 [00092] I: Ip-4 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:29 [00092] I: Ip-13 PLink:RD SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:31 [00092] I: Pv-1 PLink:RD SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:28:31 [00092] I: Pv-2 PLink:RD SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:29:25 [00092] I: Ip-3 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:29:26 [00092] I: Ip-5 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:29:26 [00462] I: NPvl-5    P1:dn P2:UP B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:29:28 [00462] I: NPvl-1    P1:UP P2:dn B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:29:30 [00462] I: NPvl-5    P1:UP P2:UP B:-  B-C:- 
03/08/2017 07:29:43 [00092] I: Ip-3 PLink:RD SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:29:43 [00092] I: Ip-4 PLink:RD SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:29:47 [00092] I: Ip-5 PLink:RD SLink:ln
03/08/2017 07:29:49 [00270] I: Ip-3 ST:UP LINK:LR
03/08/2017 07:29:49 [00270] I: Ip-4 ST:UP LINK:LR
03/08/2017 07:29:52 [00270] I: Ip-5 ST:UP LINK:LR

This command allows to display a log file of another version:

[09:22:13] ABILIS_CPX:d l ?

D L [ver] [dd/mm/yyyy] [hh:mm:ss] [LAST:val] [F:val]    Display System Log

<ver>          String corresponding to a version directory in       <Optional> 
               the form [x.y.z or x-y-z or y.z or y-z or y].
               (E.g. 5.3.1 or 6-1-0 or 2189).
dd/mm/yyyy      Starting date                                       <Optional>
hh:mm:ss        Starting time                                       <Optional>
LAST:           Select the display staring position [RUN, 1..999]:  <Optional>
                - LAST:RUN display only events logged in the last run
                  plus five events of the previous run (if any).
                - LAST:nnn display last 'nnn' events, where 'nnn' range
                  is [1..999].
F:              Filtering string. Case-insensitive match.           <Optional>
                Scan the message for the occurrence of the given substring.
                Max 70 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "aaa bbb").

[15:17:50] AAD_MOLD_UFF:_d l 8-5-0           

Current Local Time: Tuesday 22/08/2017 15:17:58 (UTC+2.00)

27/07/2017 16:51:30 [00103] -------------------- NEW RUN --------------------
27/07/2017 16:51:30 [00509] I: LAST RUN ENDED 27/07/2017 16:50:50 (+00..30s)
27/07/2017 16:51:30 [00398] I: ABILIS CPX Ver. 8.5.0/STD - Build 4238.4
27/07/2017 16:51:30 [00079] I: USING RECONSTRUCTED MP TABLES
27/07/2017 16:51:30 [00079] I: USING 2 CPUs
27/07/2017 16:51:30 [00474] I: CPU clock 1796 MHz
27/07/2017 16:51:30 [00079] W: PCIDEV 8086/1E01 NOT compatible with PIO32
27/07/2017 16:51:30 [00079] W: PIO32 disabled for SATA disks
27/07/2017 16:51:32 [00362] I: WATCHDOG MFLPT-2/3 FW Rev. 17
27/07/2017 16:51:32 [00459] I: ABILIS-ID:1800310
27/07/2017 16:51:32 [00163] I: SYSTEM RESET
27/07/2017 16:51:34 [00195] I: CHKDSK C: OK
27/07/2017 16:51:34 [00371] I: LICENCE, LOADED
27/07/2017 16:51:34 [00249] I: USB PCI26/0 EHCI F7F07000 16
27/07/2017 16:51:34 [00249] I: USB PCI29/0 EHCI F7F06000 23
27/07/2017 16:51:38 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:dn
27/07/2017 16:51:39 [00242] I: BSE-1 DSP:0 DWNL OK
27/07/2017 16:51:39 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:init
27/07/2017 16:51:39 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:dn
27/07/2017 16:51:40 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:init
27/07/2017 16:51:42 [00071] TRACE ACTIVATED
27/07/2017 16:51:42 [00291] I: DSP test start
27/07/2017 16:51:42 [00079] BSE-1 ELTI-1 ST:UP
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00292] I: DSP test end
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00286] I: CTIR ENABLED
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00055] SYSTEM STARTED
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00104] AUTO SAVE IN PROGRESS
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00091] I: Pad-1 L1-ST:dn DCD:dn DTR:UP
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00270] I: Ip-2 ST:gU LINK:LR
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00270] I: Ip-3 ST:DN LINK:ld
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00270] I: Ip-4 ST:DN LINK:ld
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00270] I: Ip-5 ST:DN LINK:ld
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00270] I: Ip-7 ST:gU LINK:LR
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00426] I: Telnet-1 ST:RD
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00411] I: Nat-1 ST:RD
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00427] I: Ssh-1 ST:RD
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00345] I: Dhcp-1 ST:RD
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00180] I: CtiP-31 L1-ST:dn
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00182] I: CtiP-31 SapiX25:in
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00180] I: CtiP-32 L1-ST:dn
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00182] I: CtiP-32 SapiX25:in
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00267] I: CtiP-501 VOICE-ST:dn PDN-ST:dn SMS-ST:dn
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00095] I: Eth-1 ST:RD
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00090] I: X25-999 Layer3:down
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00089] I: X25-999 Layer2:cg  
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00092] I: X25-999 PLink:ln SLink:RD
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00092] I: Ip-3 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00092] I: Pv-1 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00406] I: Trfa-1 ST:RD
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00092] I: Pv-2 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00092] I: Pv-3 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00092] I: Pv-4 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00095] I: EthUsb-2 ST:NG
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00346] I: DhcpC-1 ST:RD
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00231] I: IpSec-1 ST:RD
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00232] I: Ike-1 ST:RD/RD
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00092] I: Ip-4 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00092] I: Ip-5 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00461] I: NPv-1 ST:UP
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00462] I: NPvl-1    P1:dn P2:dn B:-  B-C:- 
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00462] I: NPvl-5    P1:dn P2:dn B:-  B-C:- 
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00462] I: NPvl-6    P1:dn P2:-  B:-  B-C:- 
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00462] I: NPvl-7    P1:dn P2:-  B:-  B-C:- 
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00092] I: Ip-13 PLink:d1 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:51:43 [00020] W: EVENTS LOST
27/07/2017 16:51:47 [00270] I: Ip-2 ST:UP LINK:LR
27/07/2017 16:51:47 [00270] I: Ip-7 ST:UP LINK:LR
27/07/2017 16:51:48 [00092] I: Ip-13 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:51:51 [00092] I: Pv-1 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:51:51 [00092] I: Pv-2 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:51:51 [00092] I: Ip-4 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:52:06 [00092] I: Ip-13 PLink:RD SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:52:09 [00092] I: Pv-1 PLink:RD SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:52:09 [00092] I: Pv-2 PLink:RD SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:52:39 [00095] I: Eth-2 ST:NG
27/07/2017 16:52:41 [00095] I: Eth-2 ST:RD
27/07/2017 16:52:45 [00092] I: Ip-5 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:52:46 [00092] I: Ip-3 PLink:d2 SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:52:49 [00462] I: NPvl-5    P1:UP P2:dn B:-  B-C:- 
27/07/2017 16:52:54 [00462] I: NPvl-5    P1:UP P2:UP B:-  B-C:- 
27/07/2017 16:52:57 [00462] I: NPvl-1    P1:UP P2:dn B:-  B-C:- 
27/07/2017 16:53:05 [00092] I: Ip-3 PLink:RD SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:53:05 [00092] I: Ip-4 PLink:RD SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:53:10 [00092] I: Ip-5 PLink:RD SLink:ln
27/07/2017 16:53:10 [00270] I: Ip-3 ST:UP LINK:LR
27/07/2017 16:53:10 [00270] I: Ip-4 ST:UP LINK:LR
27/07/2017 16:53:15 [00270] I: Ip-5 ST:UP LINK:LR

Notification messages are stored in the Abilis CPX System Log file in the following format:

Table 87.1. System Log event's format

DateTimeEvent CodeEvent Text
dd/mm/yyyyhh:mm:ss[nnnnn]Textual message

Notification messages are classified on the basis of the importance of the reported event. The event importance is indicated by a prefix reported in the text of the event message itself.

The following table lists Event types and the corresponding Event text prefix:

Table 87.2. System Log event's classification

Event typeEvent text prefixMeaning
UnclassifiednoneIndications of general events.
ErrorE:Notifications of critical errors which require the reset of Abilis CPX. All the sessions are closed and Abilis CPX automatically restarts. Note that an exception is generated and saved in the Exceptions Log for a possible use by Abilis engineers.
WarningW:Notifications of not critical events that could be caused by some malfunction. The reason must be carefully identified, but the system will continue to function.
InformativeI:Notifications of events of particular interest that occur in the regular system operation.

Each message also has a Severity level indicator, based on SYSLOG protocol severity classification. See SYSLOG section for a description of SYSLOG Message Severities.

Table 87.3. System Log event's List

Event codeSeverityEvent TextMeaning
00020WARNINGW: EVENTS LOSTEvents has been lost because the system wasn't able to write all of them in the log file. Usually this event could appears at system start-up when many events are generated at the same time.
00021INFO<message string>This event is used to signal high priority messages, that could be meaningless for the user, but that is very useful for the Abilis CPX technicians for solving eventual problems.
00022INFOCONF:MISSING CFGThe configuration file drivers.cfg is missing.
00023INFOCONF:LOAD BCKAbilis CPX is loading the configuration backup file drivers.bck, because configuration file drivers.cfg is missing or not valid.
00024INFOCONF:MISSING BCKThe configuration backup file drivers.bck is missing.
00025INFOCONF:CORRUPTEDError in the content, or in the format of configuration file drivers.cfg.
00026INFOCONF:INVALID BCKError in the content, or in the format of configuration backup file drivers.bck.
00027ERRORE: DEBUG LOG Err:xxError in Debug Log Service. 'xx' is the error code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00028ERRORE: E00The System exit because Esc or Alt/X key was pressed by the user.
00029ERRORE: PO1Software exception of type 01. Note that software exceptions are generated and saved in the Exceptions Log for a possible use by Abilis engineers.
00030ERRORE: PO2Software exception of type 02. Note that software exceptions are generated and saved in the Exceptions Log for a possible use by Abilis engineers.
00031ERRORE: PO3Software exception of type 03. Note that software exceptions are generated and saved in the Exceptions Log for a possible use by Abilis engineers.
00032INFOAUTO WARM STARTAutomatic restart of Abilis CPX usually caused by an error.
00033INFOWARM STARTA request for unconditional system restart has been submitted by the user, through the WARM START command.
00034INFORESTART SYSTEMA request for system restart has been submitted by the user through the RESTART SYSTEM command. The RESTART SYSTEM can be either issued to the command interpreter of the CP (Control Port) resource or executed from the Abilis CPX frontal panel.
00035ERRORE: C01Error in the DCP Service (i.e. The data compression/expansion service) during allocation of data compression/expansion buffers.
00036ERRORE: MddError in memory allocation phase. 'dd' is the error code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00037ERRORE: Mxx yyError in memory allocation phase. 'xx' and 'yy' are the error code and sub-code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help Desk.
00038ERRORE: Nxx yy ddd zzError in the Ncb exchange between two drivers. 'xx' represents the hexadecimal value of the driver's return code; 'yy' represents the hexadecimal code of the command which has caused the warning; 'ddd' represents the driver's port number; 'zz' represents and additional code whose usage is intended for Abilis engineers only.
00039ERRORE: D00 xxxxSoftware driver error of type 00. 'xxxx' is the error sub-code that must be reported to the Abilis CPX Help Desk.
00040ERRORE: D01 xx yySoftware driver error of type 01. 'xx' and 'yy' are the error code and sub-code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help Desk.
00041ERRORE: D02 xxSoftware driver error of type 02. 'xx' is the error sub-code that must be reported to the Abilis CPX Help Desk.
00042ERRORE: D03Software driver error of type 03; it must be reported to the Abilis CPX Help Desk.
00043ERRORE: B01 xxxxThe Configuration Service detected that a mandatory configuration block is missing. 'xxxx' is the exadecimal code that identifies the configuration block.
00044ERRORE: B02 xxxxThe Configuration Service detected that a configuration block is corrupted. 'xxxx' is the hexadecimal code that identifies the configuration block.
00045ERRORE: XxxSoftware error in “exit” function installation. “xx” is the hexadecimal code that identifies the software function for which the error is generated and that must be reported to the Abilis CPX Help Desk.
00046ERRORE: GSxxError in Global Submit Service. 'xx' is the hexadecimal code that identifies the error and that must be reported to the Abilis CPX Help Desk.
00047ERRORE: Gxx yyyyGeneric software errors. 'xx' and 'yy' are the error code and sub-code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help Desk.
00048ERRORE: Axx yy dddSevere error in the Ncb exchange between two drivers. 'xx' represents the hexadecimal value of the driver's return code; 'yy' represents the hexadecimal code of the command which has caused the warning; 'ddd' represents the driver's port number.
00049INFOTIMEOUT EXITSystem exit loop timed out.
00050ERRORE: TxxError in Terminator Service. 'xx' is the hexadecimal code that identifies the error and that must be reported to the Abilis CPX Help Desk.
00051INFOPNP REBOOTAutomatic restart of Abilis CPX caused by the PNP/PCI manager.
00052INFOALARMED RESOURCEsIndicates that there are alarmed resources.
00053ERRORE: OS EXITSevere error at operating system level. It's often caused by defective or extremely low amount of system RAM. If the problem persist after replacing or increasing the amount the system RAM, contact Abilis CPX technical assistance.
00054INFO<message string>This event is used to signal low priority messages, that could be meaningless for the user, but that is useful for the Abilis CPX technicians for detecting problems.
00055INFOSYSTEM STARTEDThe initialization phases of the system is complete and then system is active.
00056WARNINGI: WATCHDOG LIVE1The system watchdog (WDG) detected that in the previous run CPX was restarted because of Live signal 1.
00057WARNINGI: WATCHDOG LIVE2The system watchdog (WDG) detected that in the previous run CPX was restarted because of Live signal 2.
00058INFOCONF:ACCEPTEDThe previously saved main configuration has been checked and accepted as valid because the system was able to successfully start with it. Main configuration is stored in drivers.cfg file, backup configuration in drivers.bck file.
00059INFOCONF:REFUSEDThe state of configuration file drivers.cfg isn't valid (i.e. Equal to 2 or 4).
00060INFOCONF:RESTOREThe system is going to restore configuration backup file drivers.bck to configuration file drivers.cfg.
00061INFOCONF:RESTORE ERRError while the system was restored configuration backup file drivers.bck to configuration file drivers.cfg.
00062INFOCONF:BACKUPThis event indicates that a backup copy of the main configuration has been created. Usually it occurs after the System Log event 00058.
00063INFOCONF:BACKUP ERRError while the system was creating a backup copy of the configuration file drivers.cfg into the backup configuration file 'drivers.bck.
00064WARNINGW: C03 ddThis event is generated by the DCP Service (i.e. The data compression/expansion service) to inform that only a sub-set of the dictionaries is available. Usually this is caused by an insufficient system memory. 'dd' is the number of dictionaries that are currently available in the system.
00065WARNINGW: C02This event is generated by the DCP Service (i.e. The data compression/expansion service) to inform that no dictionaries are available. By consequence the data compression isn't available. Usually this is caused by an insufficient system memory.
00066WARNINGW: C04 D:xx R:yyThis event is used to signal that the DCP Service (i.e. The data compression/expansion service) initialization fails. 'xx' is the hexadecimal code that identifies a dictionary; 'yy' is the hexadecimal code that identifies that the error must be reported to the Abilis CPX Help Desk.
00067INFOSAVING DEBUG LOGDebug Log is going to be saved into the cpx.dbg file.
00068INFODEBUG LOG SAVEDDebug Log was successfully saved into the file cpx.dbg.
00069INFODEBUG LOG ERRORDebug Log wasn't saved into the file cpx.dbg, because it was empty.
00070INFODEBUG LOG ERRORDebug Log wasn't saved into cpx.dbg file, because an error occurred.
00071INFOTRACE ACTIVATEDNcb Trace activated at system start up. This event signals that the function for tracing internal events has been automatically activated at the system start-up.
00072INFOTRACE NOT ACTIVENcb Trace not activated because an error occurred. This event signals that it wasn't possible to activate the tracing of internal events at the system start-up.
00073WARNINGW: Axx yy dddNcb management error. Error in the Ncb exchange between two drivers. It must be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'xx' represents the hexadecimal value of the driver's return code; 'yy' represents the hexadecimal code of the command which has caused the warning; 'ddd' represents the driver's port number.
00074WARNINGW: L94Error in the length of the data part of the Ncb exchanged between two drivers, that must be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk. This event is usually followed by the System Log event 00075.
00075WARNINGxxxx LSN:yy P:dddError in the length of the data part of the Ncb exchanged between two drivers, that must be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk. This event is always preceded by the System Log event 00074. 'xxxx' is the hexadecimal value of the length of data part; 'yy' represents the hexadecimal code of the command which has caused the warning; 'ddd' represents the driver's port number.
00076INFOMAIN_STACK SIZE < 2500 BYTESThe Main thread stack is less than 2500 bytes.
00077INFOI: Sim-nnn Lsn:xx CONNECTEDThis event is generated by the SIM (Simulator) resource to signal a connection establishment. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'xx' is the connection identifier.
00078INFOI: Sim-nnn Lsn:xx DISCONNECTEDThis event is generated by the SIM (Simulator) resource to signal a connection closing. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'xx' is the connection identifier.
00079INFO<message string>This event is used by software drivers to write generic messages in the System Log file. Usually this message is meaningless for the user, but they could be useful for Abilis engineers for SW debugging.
00080INFODPMI MEMORY STATISTICs N/ADPMI memory status check function fails.
00081WARNINGW: C05DCP Service (i.e. The data compression/expansion service) has been reinitialized.
00082WARNINGW: RC:xx NCB:yy Type-nnn (ddd)Unexpected return code in the Ncb exchange between two drivers. It must be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'xx' represents the hexadecimal value of the driver's return code; 'yy' represents the hexadecimal code of the command which has caused the warning; 'Type-nnn' are the driver's resource type and identifier; 'ddd' is the driver's port number.
00083WARNINGW: WATCHDOG STARTThe system watchdog (WDG) detected that in the previous run the CPX boot phase was timed-out.
00084ERRORE: HWINT ERRORHardware interfaces (system watchdog (WDG), Front panel, LCD, etc) initialization fails.
00085WARNINGW: ALARM SETTEDAn alarm is on.
00086W: ALARM RESETThe ALARM RESET command has been issued. 
00087INFOI: Sim-nnn CAUSE: F1,xxThis event is generated by the SIM (Simulator) resource to inform about a connection closing cause. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'F1,xx' are the connection close cause and diagnostic codes.
00088INFOI: Sync-nnn ST:s1 DCD:s2 DTR:s3Diagnostic information about a Synchronous resource; 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 's1' is the Layer 1 state [down, UP, HT (Halted), FL (failed)]; 's2' is the DCD signal state [dn (down), UP, NA (Not Available)].
00089INFOI: X25-nnn Layer2:ssssDiagnostic information about the Layer 2 (LAPB) of an X.25 resource; 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ssss' is the Layer 2 (LAPB) state[down, cg (connecting), CONN (connected), frmr (FRMR), wait (waiting)].
00090INFOI: X25-nnn Layer3:ssssDiagnostic information about the Layer 3 (X.25) of an X.25 resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ssss' is the Layer 3 (X.25) state [down, rstg (restarting), rstd (restarted), RDY (ready)].
00091INFOI: Pad-nnn L1-ST:s1 DCD:s2 DTR:s3Diagnostic information about a PAD resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 's1' is the Asynchronous Layer 1 state [down, UP, HT (halted), FL (failed)]; 's2' is the DCD signal state [dn, UP, NA (not-available)]; 's3' is the DTR signal state [dn, UP, NA (not-available)].
00092INFOI: Type-nnn PLink:s1 SLink:s2Diagnostic information about the Link layer (MLM) of a resource. 'Type' is the resource type; 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 's1' is the P-Link state [RD (ready), ln (link not-present), le (link error), d1 (down1) d2 (down2); 's2' is the S-Link state [RD (ready), CN (connected), ln (link not-present), s1 (stopped1), s2 (stopped2)].
00093INFOI: Fr-nnn ST:ssssDiagnostic information about a Frame Relay resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ssss' is the resource state [down, L-dn (LMI down) L-UP (LMI), BLND (blind)].
00094INFOI: Ip-nnn LAN-ST:ssDiagnostic information about the LAN layer of an Ip resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ss' is the LAN layer state [LD (link down), LR (link ready), LN (link not-present), HD (halted), FD (failed)].
00095INFOI: Eth-nnn ST:ssDiagnostic information about a Fast Ethernet (Ethernet) resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ss' is the resource state [DN ( down), RD (ready), TD (tx disabled), HD (halted), FD (failed), NG (negotiating)].
00096INFOI: Tr-nnn ST:ssDiagnostic information about a Token Ring resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier. 'ss' is the resource state [HR (hw reset), SR (sw reset), TR (tx reset), IG (initializing), ID (initialized), OG (opening), ON (open), CG (closing), CD (closed), DN (down), RD (ready), HD (halted), FD (failed)].
00097INFOI: Hdlct-nnn ST:ssDiagnostic information about an HDLCT resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ss' is the resource state [DN (down), RD (ready), ST (stopped), CL (calling), CN (connected), CR (clearing)].
00098INFOI: Fr-nnn DLCI:ddddddd ST:ssDiagnostic information about a DLCI of a Frame Relay resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ddddddd' is the DLCI number; 'ss' is the DLCI state [nu (not-used), dn (down). id (idle), np (not-present), AC (active), in (inactive), BL (blind), rm (removed).
00099INFOI: Sdlc-nnn PU AD:xx ST:ssDiagnostic information about a Physical Unit of an Sdlc resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'xx' is the Physical Unit address; 'ss' is the Physical Unit state [ dn (down), st (stopped), CN (connected)].
00100INFOI: Type-nnn PLink:s1 SLink:s2Diagnostic information about the Multi-Links layer (ML) of a resource. 'Type' is the resource type; 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 's1' is the Global P-Links state[dn (all links are in down state), rd (some links are in ready state), RD (all links are in ready state), np (no links are present)]; 's2' is the Global S-Links state [ s1 (stopped1), RD (ready), np (no links are present)].
00101INFOI: Type-nn PL-dd:ssDiagnostic information about a P-Link of the Multi-Links layer (ML) of a resource. 'Type' is the resource type; 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'dd' is the P-Link identifier; 'ss' is the P-Link state [dn (down), st (stopped), CN (connected)].
00102INFOI: Ip-nnn PPP-ST:ssDiagnostic information about PPP layer of an Ip resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ss' is the PPP layer state [s1 (stopped 1 ), s2 (stopped 2), s3 ( stopped 3), DL (delaying), DN (down), UP (up)].
00103INFO-------------------- NEW RUN --------------------This event indicates the start-up of the system: the software has been loaded and the initialization phase is in progress.
00104INFOAUTO SAVE IN PROGRESSThe system has initiated the automatic saving of the current configuration as the main configuration. Main configuration is stored in drivers.cfg file, backup configuration in drivers.bck file.
00105INFOAUTO SAVE ABORTEDThe automatic saving of the current configuration has been aborted because of an error. Main configuration is stored in drivers.cfg file, backup configuration in drivers.bck file.
00106INFOAUTO SAVE FAILThe automatic saving of the current configuration failed because of an error. Main configuration is stored in drivers.cfg file, backup configuration in drivers.bck file.
00107INFOAUTO SAVE OKThe automatic saving of the current configuration was successful. Main configuration is stored in drivers.cfg file, backup configuration in drivers.bck file.
00108WARNINGW: Heap Corrupted xxA corruption of System memory (called 'heap') has been detected. The error can be caused by a software bug or by defective system RAM memory. 'xx' is an hexadecimal code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00109WARNINGW: Heap Empty xxSystem memory (called 'heap') cannot be inspected. The error can be caused by a software bug or by defective system RAM memory. 'xx' is a hexadecimal code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00110WARNINGW: Heap Check Fail xxThe cyclic check of System memory (called 'heap') could not be completed because it's probably corrupted. The error can be caused by a software bug or by defective system RAM memory. 'xx' is a hexadecimal code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00111WARNINGW: Heap Register Err01The markers of a software module cannot be written in the System memory (called 'heap'). The error can be caused by a software bug or by defective system RAM memory.
00112WARNINGW: PCI MANY CARDsThe maximum limit of 32 PCI cards which the system can support, has been reached. Report the error to the Abilis CPX Help Desk.
00113WARNINGW: PCI LAST DEVICE PARKING CHIP SETThe chipset present on the mother board is incompatible with CPX software. Report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00114WARNINGW: PCI UNKNOWN CHIP SETThe chipset present on the mother board isn't in the list of the known ones. Report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00115WARNINGW: PCISRV FAILThe initialization of the PCI service failed. Report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00116WARNINGW: PNP FAILThe initialization of the PNP service failed. Report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00117WARNINGW: PNP REFRESH FAILThe updating of the PNP service failed. Report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00118INFOI: CP DTR ss RES:Sync-nnnExecution on a Synchronous resource of the command for setting up the status of the DTR signal. 'ss' is the state of the DTR signal which has been set up [UP (up), DN (down), PL (pulse)]. 'nnn' is the Synchronous resource identifier.
00119INFOI: Sdlc-nnn QTESTReception by an SDLC resource, of a 'QLLC TEST' notification for activating the control procedure of the DTR signal. 'nnn' is the resource identifier.
00120INFOI: Sync-nnn DTR ssReception by a Synchronous resource of the command for setting up the status of the DTR signal. 'nnn' is the Synchronous resource identifier; 'ss' is the state of the DTR signal which has been set up [UP (up), DN (down), PL (pulse)].
00121INFOI: CHANGE from DST to STD time modeThe system time mode is going to be changed from Daylight Savings time mode to Standard time mode.
00122INFOI: CHANGE from DST to STD time mode DONEThe system time mode has been changed from Daylight Savings time mode to Standard time mode.
00123INFOI: CHANGE from STD to DST time modeThe system time mode is going to be changed from Standard time mode to Daylight Savings time mode.
00124INFOI: CHANGE from STD to DST time mode DONEThe system time mode has been changed from Standard time mode to Daylight Savings time mode.
00125INFOI: TIME UPDATE, Delta > 1 min.(ddddddd sec.)This event is generated by the system time synchronization service (SNTP): local date and time adjustment is in progress and the time delta, between the local clock and the synchronization Server, is greater than 1 minute. This event is followed by the System Log event 00126. 'ddddddd' is the time delta, between the local clock and the synchronization Server, in second.
00126INFOI: TIME UPDATE DONEThis event is generated by the system time synchronization service (SNTP): local date and time adjustment has been executed. This event appears after the System Log event 00125.
00127WARNINGW: PVC:nn INVALID POINTERThis event is generated by the Connection Oriented Router when it detects invalid setting in PVC structure. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'nn' is the PVC identifier to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk, together with the drivers.cfg file.
00128ERRORE: HNDL ddThis event is generated by the software when it detects invalid setting in internal data structure. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'dd' is the data identifier to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk, together with the drivers.cfg file.
00129WARNINGW: ACNT ddAccounting (ACNT) driver's specific warning message. It's the first one of a set of six messages (see System Log events 00130..00134). They're meaningless for the user, but it's useful for Abilis engineers for sw debugging. Please report the event to Abilis CPX Help desk. 'dd' is an internal error code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk, together with the drivers.cfg file.
00130WARNINGSTA: ddAccounting (ACNT) driver's specific warning message. It's the second one of a set of six messages (see System Log events 00129..00134). They're meaningless for the user, but it's useful for Abilis engineers for SW debugging. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'dd' is an internal error code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk, together with the drivers.cfg file.
00131WARNINGLSN: ddAccounting (ACNT) driver's specific warning message. It's the third one of a set of six messages (see System Log events 00129..00134). They're meaningless for the user, but it's useful for Abilis engineers for SW debugging. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'dd' is an internal error code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk, together with the drivers.cfg file.
00132WARNINGMOD: ddAccounting (ACNT) driver's specific warning message. It's the forth one of a set of six messages (see System Log events 00129..00134). They're meaningless for the user, but it's useful for Abilis engineers for sw debugging. Please report the event to Abilis CPX Help desk. 'dd' is an internal error code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk, together with the drivers.cfg file.
00133WARNINGDRC: ddAccounting (ACNT) driver's specific warning message. It's the fifth one of a set of six messages (see System Log events 00129..00134). They're meaningless for the user, but it's useful for Abilis engineers for SW debugging. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'dd' is an internal error code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk, together with the drivers.cfg file.
00134WARNINGCOD: ddAccounting (ACNT) driver's specific warning message. It's the sixth one of a set of six messages (see System Log events 00129..00133). They're meaningless for the user, but it's useful for Abilis engineers for sw debugging. Please report the event to Abilis CPX Help desk. 'dd' is an internal error code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk, together with the drivers.cfg file.
00135ERRORMEMORY SUMMARY:Informative message about the state of the system memory. It's the first one of a set of six messages (see System Log events 00136..00140). These messages indicate a possible internal error, please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00136ERRORTOT: nnn.nnn.nnnInformative message about the state of the system memory. It's the second one of a set of six messages (see System Log events 00135..00140). These messages indicate a possible internal error, please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'nnn.nnn.nnn' is the total system memory size in bytes.
00137ERRORFREE:nnn.nnn.nnnInformative message about the state of the system memory. It's the third one of a set of six messages (see System Log events 00135..00140). These messages indicate a possible internal error, please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'nnn.nnn.nnn' is the availble system memory size in bytes.
00138ERRORHU: nnn.nnn.nnnInformative message about the state of the system memory. It's the fourth one of a set of six messages (see System Log events 00135..00140). These messages indicate a possible internal error, please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'nnn.nnn.nnn' is the used system memory size in bytes.
00139ERRORHLFB:nnn.nnn.nnninformative message about the state of the system memory. It's the fifth one of a set of six messages (see System Log events 00135..00140). These messages indicate a possible internal error, please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'nnn.nnn.nnn' is the size, in bytes, of the biggest block of contiguous system memory that is currently available.
00140ERRORHLUB:nnn.nnn.nnnInformative message about the state of the system memory. It's the last one of a set of six messages (see System Log events 00135..00139). These messages indicate a possible internal error, please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'nnn.nnn.nnn' is the size, in bytes, of the biggest block of contiguous system memory that is currently in use.
00141WARNINGW: Iprtr Table OVERFLOWThe IP Router (Iprtr) routing table reached its maximum capacity.
00142WARNINGW: Iprtr Table DANGER ONThe IP Router (Iprtr) Routings table going in DANGER state.
00143WARNINGW: Iprtr Table DANGER OFFThe IP Router (Iprtr) Routings table exiting from DANGER state.
00144WARNINGW: Rip Table OVERFLOWThe internal routings table of Rip driver reached its maximum capacity.
00145WARNINGW: Rip Table DANGER ONThe internal routings table of Rip driver entered the DANGER state.
00146WARNINGW: Rip Table DANGER OFFThe internal routings table of Rip driver exited from the DANGER state.
00147INFOASSERT: Line nn, Parameter ddThis event is used by software drivers to signal unexpected conditions. They could be meaningless for the user, but that is useful for the Abilis CPX technicians for detecting problems. Please report it to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'nn' is the line number of the file where this event is generated; 'dd' is an addition decimal code to be reported to Abilis CPX technicians.
00148WARNINGW: FRMWR M:sss L:nnn P:dddThis event is used by sw drivers to inform about rare conditions. They could be meaningless for the user, but they're useful for the Abilis CPX technicians for detecting problems. Please report it to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'sss' is an addition string used to identify the origin of the event; 'nnn' is the line number of the file where this event is generated; 'ddd' is an addition decimal code to be reported to Abilis CPX technicians.
00149INFOI: Ip-nnn PPP-ST:s1 LINK-ST:s2This event reports diagnostic information about the PPP layer of an Ip resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier. 's1' is the PPP layer state [s1 (stopped 1), s2 (stopped 2), s3 (stopped 3), DL (delaying), DN (down), UP (up)]; 's2' is the PPP link state [dn (down), CN (connected)].
00150WARNINGW: MISSING '<file-name>'The '<file-name>' file is missing. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00151WARNINGW: '<file-name>' Err:xxAn error (whose hexadecimal code is 'xx') occurred during the '<file-name>' file treatment. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00152WARNINGW: WATCHDOG NOT FOUNDAn error occurred during Hw interface(s) (system watchdog (WDG), Front panel, LCD display, etc) initialization phase.
00153ERROR<message string>This event is used to report MFIDE2 interface's warning/error messages [ “W: MF OK” (MFIDE2 interface properly initialized), “E: MF CONF MISS” (MFIDE2 interface configuration is missing), “E: WD NOTPRESENT” (Watchdog not found or not present on MFIDE2 equipment), “E: MF IDENT FAIL” (MFIDE2 interface identification failure), “E: MF DBL INIT” (MFIDE2 interface initialized more than once), “E: MF NOT INIT” MFIDE2 (interface not properly initialized)].
00154WARNINGW: PNP DISABLEDPNP service is currently disabled.
00155WARNINGW: NAT OVERFLOWThe NAT dynamic translation table has reached its capacity limit. In this situation, additional required translation cannot be performed.
00156WARNINGW: TRACE DISK-FULLThe system wasn't able to save the Abilis CPX trace file because there wasn't enough space on HD/CF. When this event occurs the Abilis CPX trace file can be either partially saved or not saved at all.
00157WARNINGW: SWITI SSSS-NN recovery NN OKThe 'NN' attempt of the SWITI driver of card 'SSSS-NN' failure recovering procedure was successful.
00158WARNINGW: SWITI SSSS-NN recovery NN FAILFailure of the 'NN' attempt of the SWITI driver of card 'SSSS-NN' failure recovering procedure.
00159WARNINGW: SWITI SSSS-NN failure, recovering...The SWITI driver of card 'SSSS-NN' started the failure recovering procedure.
00160WARNINGW: SWITI SSSS-NN recoveredA failure, that has been occurred on the SWITI driver of card 'SSSS-NN', has been recovered.
00161ERRORE: SWITI SSSS-NN unrecoverable failureA not recoverable failure occurred on SWITI driver of card 'SSSS-NN'. For this reason the Abilis CPX system rebooted. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00162ERRORE: SWITI error: rebootA not recoverable error occurred on SWITI driver. For this reason the Abilis CPX system rebooted. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00163INFOI: SYSTEM RESETIn the previous run the system was restarted using the RESTART SYSTEM command.
00164INFOI: RESET PRESSEDIn the previous Abilis CPX run the system was restarted because the RESET button was pressed.
00165WARNINGW: WDGMEM GETERRThe system didn't save system Watchdog memory content into Abilis CPX Exception Log file, because it wasn't able to access it. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00166WARNINGW: WDGMEM EMPTYThe system didn't save system Watchdog memory content into Abilis CPX Exception Log file, because it found it was empty.
00167WARNINGW: WDGMEM SAVERRThe system tried to save system Watchdog memory content into Abilis CPX Exception Log file, because it found it wasn't successful.
00168INFOI: WDGMEM SAVEDThe system Watchdog memory content has been successfully saved into Abilis CPX Exception Log file.
00169WARNINGW: \USR DIR CREATE ERR-xxThe system wasn't able to create C:\USR directory at the Abilis CPX start-up. 'xx' is the error code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00170WARNINGW: \USR\PUB DIR CREATE ERR-xxThe system wasn't able to create C:\USR\PUB directory at the Abilis CPX start-up. 'xx' is the error code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00171WARNINGW: CONFLICTING CARD:Type-nnn DEACTIVATEDA card has been deactivated at system start up, because it was configured to use IRQ 14 or IRQ 15 in a system where this interrupts value should be reserved for IDE or MFIDE2 equipments. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk, together with the configuration file drivers.cfg. 'Type' is the card type; 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00172INFOI: Ftp-nnn ST:ssDiagnostic information about the state of FTP Server resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ss' is the FTP Server state [in (inactive), dn (down), RD (ready)].
00173INFOI: Bridge-nnn ST:s1.s2Diagnostic information about the state of IEEE Bridge resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 's1' is the Bridge resource global state [dn (down), RD (ready)]; 's2' is the Bridge resource links global state [dn (all links are in down state), rd (some links are in ready state), RD (all links are in ready state), np (no links are present)].
00174INFOI: Bridge-nnn LAN-ddd:ssDiagnostic information about the state of a lan of IEEE Bridge resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ddd' is the lan identifier; 'ss' is the lan state [dn (down), np (link not-present), DN (lower layer is down), RD (ready)].
00175INFOI: Bridge-nnn LNK-ddd:ssDiagnostic information about the state of a link of IEEE Bridge resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ddd' is the link identifier; 'ss' is the link state [dn (down), np (link not-present), DN (lower layer is down), RD (ready)].
00176INFOI: Arc-nnn ST:ssDiagnostic information about the Archive resource state. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ss' is the resource state [in (initialization), dn (down), RD (active/ready)].
00177INFOI: Arc-nnn SES-dd:ssDiagnostic information about a session of the Archive resource 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'dd' is the session identifier; 'ss' is the session state [in (initialization), dn (down), RD (active/ready)].
00178WARNINGW: \LOG DIR CREATE ERR-xxThe system wasn't able to create C:\LOG directory at the Abilis CPX start-up. 'xx' is the error code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00179INFOI: CtiP-nnn L1-ST:ssDiagnostic information about the Primary Rate layer 1 of a CTI port. 'nnn' is the CTI port identifier; 'ss' is the state of the layer 1 [dn (down), up].
00180INFOI: CtiP-nnn L1-ST:ssDiagnostic information about the Basic Rate layer 1 of a CTI port. 'nnn' is the CTI port identifier; 'ss' is the state of the layer 1 [dn (down), RD (ready), HL (halted), FL (failed)].
00181INFOI: CtiP-nnn SapiQ931:s1 SapiX25:s2Diagnostic information about the Primary Rate layer 2 (LAPD) of a CTI port. nnn' is the CTI port identifier; 's1' is the state of the Q.931 Sapi [in (inactive), dn (down), UP]; 's2' is the state of the X.25 Sapi [in (inactive), dn (down), UP].
00182INFOI: CtiP-nnn SapiX25:ssDiagnostic information about the Basic Rate layer 2 (LAPD) of a CTI port.'nnn' is the CTI port identifier; 'ss' is the state of the X.25 Sapi [in (inactive), dn (down), UP].
00183WARNINGW: ESB2 PCI failFailure in ESB2 card driver. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00184WARNINGW: ESB2 PCIS failFailure in ESB2 card driver. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00185WARNINGW: ESB2 JBC ddFailure in ESB2 card driver. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00186WARNINGW: ESB2 EBIR0 failFailure in ESB2 card driver. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00187WARNINGW: ESB2 E-CRC failFailure in ESB2 card driver. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00188WARNINGW: DHCP STOPPEDSevere error in the DHCP driver related to bindings file dchp.bnd. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00189WARNINGW: Ospf LSA OVERFLOWThe 'LSA' table of Ospf resource reached its maximum capacity.
00190WARNINGW: Ospf LSA DANGER ONThe 'LSA' table of Ospf resource in going in 'DANGER' state.
00191WARNINGW: Ospf LSA DANGER OFFThe 'LSA' table of Ospf resource is exiting the 'DANGER' state.
00192WARNINGW: Ospf ROUTE OVERFLOWThe 'ROUTE' table of Ospf resource reached its maximum capacity.
00193WARNINGW: Ospf ROUTE DANGER ONThe 'ROUTE' table of Ospf resource is going in 'DANGER' state.
00194WARNINGW: Ospf ROUTE DANGER OFFThe 'ROUTE' table of Ospf resource is exiting from 'DANGER' state.
00195INFOI: CHKDSK <drive> OKThe integrity check of the disk <drive> has been successfully executed and no errors were found.
00196WARNINGW: CHKDSK <drive> ERRORs FOUNDThe integrity check of the disk <drive> detected error(s). It's the first one of a set of messages (see System Log event 00197). Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00197WARNINGW: CHKDSK ERROR: ssssThe integrity check of the disk <drive> detected the reported error 'ssss'.
00198INFOI: ESB2 SRC UpdateInformation message related to ESB2 card driver, i.e. src code should be updated. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00199WARNINGW: ESB2 OLD FWFailure in ESB2 card driver, i.e. old firmware, ESB2 cannot be started. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00200WARNINGW: Invalid ESBFailure in ESB2 card driver, i.e. ESB card is invalid. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00201WARNINGW: ESB2 FALC Fail1Failure in ESB2 card driver, i.e. troubles during the FALC configuration. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00202WARNINGW: ESB2 FALC Fail2Failure in ESB2 card driver, i.e. troubles during the FALC registers aren't accessible. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00203WARNINGW: ESB2 FALC Fail3Failure in ESB2 card driver, i.e. troubles during the FALC refresh. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00204INFOI: Sync-nnn LOOP ssExecution on a Synchronous resource of the command for setting up the loop-back feature. 'ss' is the state of the loop-back which has been set up; 'nnn' is the Synchronous resource identifier.
00205INFOI: CP LOOP ss RES:Sync-nnnExecution on a Synchronous resource of the command for setting up the loop-back feature. 'nnn' is the Synchronous resource identifier; 'ss' is the state of the loop-back which has been set up.
00206ERRORE: ssssss INIT ERRORFPanel interface's initialization error messages. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'ssssss' is the FPanel interface type: “FP-IDE” or “FP-LPT”.
00209WARNINGW: EXCP TOUTIn the previous system run a sw exception occurred, but the exception handing procedure has been timed-out. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00210WARNINGW: WS TOUTIn the previous system run a request for unconditional system restart has been submitted by the user, through the WARM START command, but the procedure has been timed-out. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00211WARNINGW: RS TOUTIn the previous system run a request for system restart has been submitted by the user through the RESTART SYSTEM command, but the procedure has been timed-out. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00212INFOI: SET BOOT VER xxxxxxxx'SYS SET BOOT VERSION command has been executed. At next system start-up the version 'xxxxxxxx' of the Abilis CPX sw will be loaded.
00213WARNINGW: QFALC SSSS-NN manual restartManually activated hardware reset of QuadFALC of card 'SSSS-NN'.
00214WARNINGW: QFALC SSSS-NN automatic restartAutomatically performed hardware reset of QuadFALC of card 'SSSS-NN'.
00215WARNINGW: SWITI SSSS-NN manual restartManually activated hardware reset of SWITI of card 'SSSS-NN'.
00216WARNINGW: \PKG DIR CREATE ERR-xxThe system wasn't able to create C:\PKG directory at the Abilis CPX start-up. 'xx' is the error code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00217WARNINGW: ESB-nnn INT FAILThe interface module of the ESB card 'nnn' returned an invalid type code, it's probably damaged. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00218WARNINGW: \APP DIR CREATE ERR-xxThe system wasn't able to create C:\APP directory at the Abilis CPX start-up. 'xx' is the error code to be reported to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00219WARNINGW: CONF RELOADThe configuration reloading procedure has been activated.
00220WARNINGW: CONF RELOAD ABORTThe configuration reloading procedure failed and has been aborted because of an error.
00222INFOI: DEBUG SIMULATE WDLIVE-1The DEBUG SIMULATE EVENT:wdl command has been executed.
00223WARNINGW: HFC2 JBC nnError in downloading firmware to HFC2 card. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk
00224WARNINGW: SSSS-NN EEPROM Chunk:dd Code:ssProblems for cards that use serial EEPROM for identification. The problem happens during information downloading by the driver of the card 'SSSS-NN'. The EEPROM it's probably damaged. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00225INFOI: CtiP-nnn L1-ST:ssThis event reports diagnostic information about the layer 1 of a CTI port belonging to a POTS card. 'nnn' is the CTI port identifier;'ss' is the state of the layer 1 [ONH (the port HOOK is ON), RING (the phone is RINGING), OFFH (the port HOOK is OFF), down (the port is administratively deactivated by OPERSTATE:DOWN), stby (the port is in stand-by mode, which is a mode with limited power consumption and an automatic recovery to normal operation when telephone goes off-hook or an incoming call has to be delivered, FAIL (the port is in FAILED state, because of detected errors during the initialization or running)].
00226ERRORE: MISSING '<file-name>'The mandatory '<file-name>' file is missing. By consequence of this the system will be restarted. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00227WARNINGW: CtiP-nnn MISSING <file-name>This event is used only by CTI ports belonging to a POTS card, it informs that the specified country coefficient file is missing. 'nnn' is the CTI port identifier; '<file-name>' is the name of the required country coefficient file.
00228WARNINGW: CtiP-nnn CHECKSUM FAILThis event is used only by CTI ports belonging to a POTS card, it informs that the checksum verification fails. 'nnn' is the CTI port identifier.
00229WARNINGW: INV RING DEFThis event is used only by a POTS card, it informs that the Ring signal definition isn't valid.
00230INFOI: Dsl-nnn ST:ssDiagnostic information about an DSL resource. 'nnn' is the DSL resource identifier; 'ss' is the DSL resource state [ DOWN, BLCK (blocked), SYNC (synchronizing), UP].
00231INFOI: IpSec-nnn ST:ssDiagnostic information about IpSec resource. 'nnn' is the IpSec resource identifier. (only value 1 is possible); 'ss' is the IpSec resource state [in (IpSec is inactive), RD (IpSec is active)].
00232INFOI: Ike-nnn ST:ss/ttDiagnostic information about IKE resource. 'nnn' is the IKE resource identifier. (only value 1 is possible); 'ss' is the IKE resource state [dn (IKE isn't functioning), in (IKE administratively set inactive), RD (IKE is active), ig (IKE is executing INIT command)]; 'tt' is the IpSec resource state [dn (Ipsec isn't functioning), in (IpSec administratively set inactive), RD (IpSec is active), ig (IpSec is executing INIT command)].
00233INFOI: Ike-nnn HOST:h IP:x.x.x.x:y sDiagnostic information about IKE resource. 'nnn' is the IKE resource identifier (only value 1 is possible); 's' is the IKE HOST SA state [UP ( connection opened), dn (connection closed)].
00234WARNINGW: SYNC-nnn Interface failureUnsupported or defective interface module has been detected for the indicated SYNC interface. Please report the error to the Abilis CPX Help desk. 'nnn' is the SYNC resource identifier.
00235WARNINGW: DSL-nnn (xxx) RSTR AUTOThe specified DSL modem has been restarted automatically as a consequence of a serious anomaly, precisely the modem stopped to respond. 'nnn' is the DSL resource identifier. 'xxx' is the internal Abilis CPX port number, as seen through D PSTACK command.
00236WARNINGW: DSL-nnn STH Invalid Modem typeA modem of STH family is connected but it isn't supported by Abilis CPX. 'nnn' is the DSL resource identifier.
00237WARNINGW: ETH-nnn Failed ResetAn attempt to reset the indicated ETH interface failed. 'nnn' is the ETH resource identifier.
00238WARNINGW: ETH-nnn Filter OverflowThe MAC addresse filter table needed for IEEE bridge functionality was saturated. 'nnn' is the ETH resource identifier.
00239INFOI: ETH-nnn Limited Auto ModeThis event should not happen, it's reserved to development process. 'nnn' is the ETH resource identifier.
00240WARNINGW: cccc-nnn DELIC DWNL FAIL eeeFailure during the download of firmware into DELIC chip of BRI4 and BRI8 cards. It must be reported to the Abilis CPX Helpdesk. 'cccc' is the type of the card, either BRI4 or BRI8; 'nnn' is the BRI4 or BRI8 card identifier; 'eee' is the internal error code.
00241WARNINGW: POTS-nnn 12V Absent12V voltage isn't supplied to the indicated POTS card. 'nnn' is the POTS card identifier.
00242INFOI: cccc-nnn DSP:xx DWNL OKSuccessful download of firmware into indicated DSP. 'cccc' is the type of the card where DSP is hosted; 'nnn' is the card identifier where DSP is hosted; 'xx' is the DSP identifier on the specified card.
00243INFOI: cccc-nnn DSP:xx DWNL KR FAILKernel download failure for the indicated DSP. 'cccc' is the type of the card where DSP is hosted; 'nnn' is the card identifier where DSP is hosted; 'xx' is the DSP identifier on the specified card.
00244INFOI: cccc-nnn DSP:xx DWNL PR FAILProgram download failure for the indicated DSP. 'cccc' is the type of the card where DSP is hosted; 'nnn' is the card identifier where DSP is hosted; 'xx' is the DSP identifier on the specified card.
00245INFOI: cccc-nnn DSP:xx RSTR USERManual restart of the indicated DSP through R CTIAC command. 'cccc' is the type of the card where DSP is hosted; 'nnn' is the card identifier where DSP is hosted; 'xx' is the DSP identifier on the specified card.
00246INFOI: cccc-nnn DSP:xx RSTR AUTOThe occurrence of an automatic restart of the indicated DSP as a consequence of a DSP blockage automatically detected. 'cccc' is the type of the card where DSP is hosted; 'nnn' is the card identifier where DSP is hosted; 'xx' is the DSP identifier on the specified card.
00247INFOI: cccc-nnn DSP:xx RSTR FAILThe automatic restart of DSP did not succeed three times consecutively, and DSP is permanently put in failed state. 'cccc' is the type of the card where DSP is hosted; 'nnn' is the card identifier where DSP is hosted; 'xx' is the DSP identifier on the specified card.
00248INFOI: USB PCIxx/yy tttt aaaa iiThis event indicates recognized USB controllers, I/O mapped. 'xx' is the PCI SlotId of the controller, as shown with the D PCIDEV command; 'yy' is the PCI Function of the controller, as shown with the D PCIDEV command; 'tttt' is the type of controller, which can be OHCI, UHCI or EHCI; 'aaaa' isthe I/O address at which controller is accessible; 'ii' is the IRQ assigned to the controller.
00249INFOI: USB PCIxx/yy tttt aaaaaaaa iiThis event indicates recognized USB controllers, memory mapped. 'xx' is the PCI SlotId of the controller, as shown with the D PCIDEV command; 'yy' is the PCI Function of the controller, as shown with the D PCIDEV command; 'tttt' is the type of controller, which can be OHCI, UHCI or EHCI; 'aaaaaaaa' is the memory address at which controller is accessible; 'ii' is the IRQ assigned to the controller.
00250INFOI: USB PCIxx/yy FailureFailure in the operation with the indicated USB controller. 'xx' is the PCI SlotId of the controller, as shown with the D PCIDEV command; 'yy' is the PCI Function of the controller, as shown with the D PCIDEV command.
00251WARNINGW: LDM Corrupted, LDM ClearedA content corruption occurred for the debug log in memory. The log had to be cleared in order to recover from the error.
00252INFOI: Smtp-1 ST:ssssSMTP Server resource state information. 'ssss' is the resource state [RD (ACTIVE), in (INACTIVE)].
00253INFOI: Pop3-1 ST:ssssPOP3 Server resource state information. 'ssss' is the resource state [RD (ACTIVE), in (INACTIVE)].
00254INFOI: POWER ONWDG detects that in the previous run CPX was switched off.
00255INFOI: WATCHDOG xxHw Interface initialization/detection success notification. 'xx' identifies the Front Panel/WatchDog interface type.
00256WARNINGW: ABNORMAL SYSTEM REBOOTSYSTEM was abnormal rebooted; LIVE state was detected during the boot phase.
00257INFOI: SYSTEM LOG CLEAREDSystem log clearing event; i.e. C L command was issued.
00258INFOI: PoeCli-nnn ST:ssssDiagnostic information: PoeCli resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY)]
00259INFOI: PoeAc-nnn ST:ssssDiagnostic information: PoeAc resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE), ee (ETH-ERROR)]
00260WARNINGW: WATCHDOG DISABLEDWatchdog is disabled.
00261WARNINGW: WATCHDOG NOT DRIVENWatchdog isn't driven.
00262INFOI: CPX LIGHT EDITIONCPX is running its Light edition.
00264INFOI: CtiGkc-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about CtiGkc resource.
00265INFOI: CtiIax-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about CtiIax resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [in (INACTIVE), AC (ACTIVE)].
00266INFOI: CtiDisa-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about CtiDisa resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [in (INACTIVE), AC (ACTIVE)].
00267INFOI: CtiP-nnn VOICE-ST:sss1 PDN-ST:sss2Diagnostic information about CTI port belonging to CELL (GSM/UMTS) card. 'nnn' is the CTI port number.
00268INFOI: Radius-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Radius resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), in (INACTIVE), RD (ACTIVE)].
00269INFOI: Vrrp-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Vrrp resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), in (INACTIVE), RD (ACTIVE)].
00270INFOI: Ip-nnn ST:sss1 LINK:sss2Diagnostic information about IP resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'sss1' is the main resource state [DN (DOWN), UP (UP), gU (GOING-UP), gD (GOING-DOWN)]; 'sss2' is the link state [ld (LINKDOWN), LR (LINKREADY), ln (LINKNOTPRESENT), RD (X25READY), cg (X25CALLING), cd (X25CALLED), CN (X25CONNECTED), dl (X25DELAY), wt (X25WAITING), ht (HALTED), fl (FAILED)].
00271INFOI: CtiSip-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about CTISIP resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [in (INACTIVE), AC (ACTIVE)].
00272INFOI: Stun-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Stun resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [in (INACTIVE), RD (READY)].
00273WARNINGW: USB autoreset parent hub of xxxUSB Reset of the device's parent hub; 'xxx' is the number of USB port.
00274WARNINGW: USB unavailable parent hub of xxxUSB Unavailable device's parent hub; 'xxx' is the number of USB port.
00275INFOI: TRACE AUTO SAVE: STARTEDAutomatic tracer saving feature: the trace has started.
00276WARNINGW: TRACE AUTO SAVE: TSAVE:NOAutomatic tracer saving feature: the TSAVE parameter is set to NO.
00277WARNINGW: TRACE AUTO SAVE: REQ CANCELLEDAutomatic tracer saving feature: the trace has received a request for cancellation.
00278WARNINGW: TRACE AUTO SAVE: TRACE NOTRUNNINGAutomatic tracer saving feature: the trace isn't running.
00279INFOI: TRACE AUTO SAVE: TRACE STOPPEDAutomatic tracer saving feature: the trace has been stopped.
00280INFOI: TRACE AUTO SAVE: TRACE SAVEDAutomatic tracer saving feature: the trace has been saved.
00281WARNINGW: TRACE AUTO SAVE: TRACE NOT SAVEDAutomatic tracer saving feature: the trace has not been saved.
00282INFOI: TRACE AUTO SAVE: TRACE EMPTYAutomatic tracer saving feature: the trace is empty.
00283INFOI: TRACE AUTO SAVE: TRACE RE-STARTEDAutomatic tracer saving feature: the trace has been restarted.
00285WARNINGW: CTIR DISABLEDThe DISABLE CTIR command has been executed.
00286INFOI: CTIR ENABLEDThe ENABLE CTIR command has been executed.
00287WARNINGW: AC DISABLEDThe DISABLE AC command has been executed.
00288INFOI: AC ENABLEDThe ENABLE AC command has been executed.
00289INFOI: UpnpC-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about UpnpC resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [in (INACTIVE), RD (READY)].
00290INFOI: UpnpS-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about UpnpS resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [in (INACTIVE), RD (READY)].
00291INFOI: DSP test startDSP Test: Start test.
00292INFOI: DSP test endDSP Test: End test.
00293WARNINGW: cccc-nnn DSP#n ssss recoverDSP Test: Recovery attempt. 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00294WARNINGW: cccc-nnn DSP#n ssss badDSP Test: DSP failure. 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00295WARNINGW: CELL-nnn - AT RX garbage XXCELL message, AT RX garbage 1.
00296WARNINGW: CELL-nnn - AT RX garbageCELL message, AT RX garbage 2.
00297WARNINGW: CELL-nnn - SHUTDOWN DDCELL message, SHUTDOWN URC on GSM detected.
00298WARNINGW: CELL-nnn - PIN STATE FAILCELL message, PIN state fail on UMTS detected.
00299WARNINGW: CELL-nnn - UNKNOWN DISC REASON DDCELL message, UNKNOWN disconnect reason.
00300WARNINGW: CELL-nnn - PUK REQUIREDCELL message, PUK required CME error.
00301WARNINGW: CELL-nnn - Invalid PINCELL message, INVALID PIN CME error.
00302WARNINGW: CELL-nnn - Invalid PIN2CELL message, INVALID PIN2 CME error.
00303WARNINGW: CELL-nnn - Invalid PUKCELL message, INVALID PUK CME error.
00304WARNINGW: CELL-nnn - Invalid PUK2CELL message, INVALID PUK2 CME error.
00305INFOI: Opc-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Opc resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [DN (DOWN), UP].
00306INFOI: SysLog-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about SysLog resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [in (INACTIVE), RD (READY)].
00307INFOI: Rjs-nnn ST:sss1 USB-ST:sss2Diagnostic information about Rjs resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'sss1' is the resource state [DN (DOWN), UP, in (INACTIVE)]; 'sss2' is the USB state [ ds (DISCONNECTED), CN (CONNECTED)].
00308WARNINGW: cccc-nnn ssss FW - C:n.m - R:x.yC64xx error, incorrect FW version. 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00309WARNINGW: cccc-nnn ssss FW missingC64xx error, missing FW. 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00310WARNINGW: cccc-nnn ssss FW damagedC64xx error, FW damaged - not BIH file. 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00311WARNINGW: cccc-nnn C64xx FW Init failedC64xx error, initialization failed. 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00312WARNINGW: cccc-nnn FPGA FW missingQPRIX error, missing FPGA FW. 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00313WARNINGW: cccc-nnn C64xx CCB Init failedQPRIX error, CCB initialization failed. 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00314WARNINGW: cccc-nnn C64xx PCM Init failedQPRIX error, PCM initialization failed. 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00315INFOI: SimBox-nnn ST:sss1 USB-ST:sss2Diagnostic information about SimBox resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'sss1' is the resource state [DN (DOWN), UP, in (INACTIVE)]; 'sss2' is the USB state [ ds (DISCONNECTED), CN (CONNECTED)].
00316ERRORW: cccc-nnn C64xx IQ overflowQPRIX error, interrupt queue overflow. 'cccc' is type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00317INFOCONF:MOVED DRIVERS.CFG TO DRIVERS.BADCorrupted Configuration file copied to DRIVERS.BAD file.
00318INFOI: Gps-nnn ST:sss1 USB-ST:sss2Diagnostic information about Gps resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'sss1' is the resource state [DN (DOWN), UP, in (INACTIVE)]; 'sss2' is the USB state [ ds (DISCONNECTED), CN (CONNECTED)].
00321WARNINGW: <user>-in.log CORRUPTEDThe Incoming Calls log file of the specified user <user> is corrupted.
00322WARNINGW: <user>-in.log DELETEDThe Incoming Calls log file of the specified user <user> was deleted.
00323WARNINGW: <user>-out.log CORRUPTEDThe Outgoing Calls log file of the specified user <user> is corrupted.
00324WARNINGW: <user>-out.log DELETEDThe Outgoing Calls log file of the specified user <user> was deleted.
00325INFOI: Gpio-nnn ST:sss1 USB-ST:sss2Diagnostic information about Gpio resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'sss1' is the resource state [DN (DOWN), UP, in (INACTIVE)]; 'sss2' is the USB state [ ds (DISCONNECTED), CN (CONNECTED)].
00326INFOI: GpioPc-nnn ST:ssssDiagnostic information about GpioPc resource. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'ssss' is the resource state [DN (DOWN), UP]
00327INFOI: CtiSms-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about CtiSms resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [ dn (INACTIVE), RD (ACTIVE)]
00328INFOW: cccc-nnn FPGA FW - C:n.m - R:x.yQPRIX error, incorrect FPGA FW version. 'cccc' is type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00329ERRORE: EEC open - XX - ssssEcho canceler channel open fail.
00330INFOI: Sntp-1 CLI-ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Sntp resource, where 'ssss' is the SNTP client state [in (INACTIVE), dn (ACTIVE), RD (READY), dg (DISCONNECTING), hl (HALTED), ds (DISABLED)].
00331WARNINGW: cccc-nnn FPGA init failedHFC3 error, cannot init (upload FW) FPGA (SWIX). 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00332WARNINGW: \LICENCE DIR CREATE ERR-XXSystem wasn't able to create C:\LICENCE directory at start-up.
00336WARNINGW: FW UPLOAD START XXXX XXXX ssssUSB BootLoader, FW Update started.
00337WARNINGW: FW UPLOAD SUCCESS XXXX XXXX ssssUSB BootLoader, FW Update success.
00338WARNINGW: FW UPLOAD FAILURE XXXX XXXX ssssUSB BootLoader, FW Update failure.
00339WARNINGW: FW MISSING <file-name>USB BootLoader, FW <file-name> file is missing.
00340WARNINGW: FW UPLOAD REQUEST XXXX XXXX ssssUSB BootLoader, FW Update request.
00341WARNINGW: FW UPLOAD REQUEST SUCCESS XXXX XXXX ssssUSB BootLoader, FW Update request success.
00342WARNINGW: FW UPLOAD REQUEST FAIL XXXX XXXX ssssUSB BootLoader, FW Update request fail.
00343WARNINGW: FW UPLOAD SKIPPED XXXX XXXX ssssUSB BootLoader, FW Update skipped.
00344INFOI: Ip-nnn ST:sss1 LINK:ssss2 PING:sss3Diagnostic information about IP resources. 'nnn' is the resource identifier; 'sss1' is the main resource state [DN (DOWN), UP (UP), gU (GOING-UP), gD (GOING-DOWN)]; 'sss2' is the link state [ld (LINKDOWN), LR (LINKREADY), ln (LINKNOTPRESENT), RD (X25READY), cg (X25CALLING), cd (X25CALLED), CN (X25CONNECTED), dl (X25DELAY), wt (X25WAITING), ht (HALTED), fl (FAILED)] and 'sss3' is the ping state [DN (DOWN), UP, UN (UNKNOWN)].
00345INFOI: Dhcp-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Dhcp resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE), st (STOPPED)].
00346INFOI: DhcpC-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about DhcpC resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00347ERRORE: USB EXIT MSG: ssssUSB fatal exit, 'ssss' is the reported error message.
00348ERRORE: USB EXIT CODE: nnnnUSB fatal exit, 'nnnn' is the reported error code.
00349INFOI: Ddns-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Ddns resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00350INFOI: TIME CHANGE, from UTC to LOCAL timeTime service information: change from UTC to LOCAL time.
00351INFOI: TIME CHANGE, S T command executedTime service information, S T command executed.
00352INFOI: LOCAL vs. RTC resyn, Delta > 1 min.(nn sec.)Time service information, RTC resyncronisation.
00353INFOI: LOCAL vs. RTC resyn doneTime service information, RTC resyncronization done.
00354INFOI: Upgrade from version prior to 7.0.0Time service information, detected upgrade from ver. < 7.0.0.
00355INFOI: CMOS clock changed from LOCAL to UTC timeTime Service information, CMOS clock changed from LOCAL to UTC time
00356INFOI: C:\TIMECFG.DAT missing, indicated time is UTCTime Service information, C:\TIMECFG.DAT file is missing.
00357INFOI: TIME CHANGE, from <zone1> to <zone2> time zoneTime Service information, time zone changed from <zone1> to <zone2> time zone.
00358INFOLINUX WARM STARTSystem warm start, requested by LINUX OS.
00359INFOSHUTDOWNSystem shutdown, requested by Abilis CPX.
00360INFOLINUX SHUTDOWNSystem shutdown, requested by LINUX OS.
00361ERRORE: MFPCI or MFIDE3(FW Rev. >= 28) is requiredIncorrect Hw interface (WatchDog, LCD display, etc) found.
00362INFOI: WATCHDOG MFIDE3 FW Rev. nnnMFIDE3 firmware version report.
00363ERRORE: MFIDE3 FW Rev. 28 or higher is requiredIncorrect MFIDE3 firmware version.
00364INFOI: Rsim-nnn ST:ssssDiagnostic information about RSim resource. 'nnn' is the Rsim resource identifier. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00365INFOI: DEBUG SIMULATE BLOCKAGEThe DEBUG SIMULATE EVENT:blockage command has been executed.
00366WARNINGW: LICENCE, FILE MISSINGLicence not activated because the licence file is missing.
00367WARNINGW: LICENCE, FILE CORRUPTEDLicence not activated because the licence file content isn't valid.
00368WARNINGW: LICENCE, ABILIS-ID MISMATCHLicence not activated because Abilis ID reported in the licence file isn't valid.
00369WARNINGW: LICENCE, EXPIREDLicence not activated because it's expired.
00370WARNINGW: LICENCE, LOAD ERROR XXXX (ssss)Licence not specified error. 'xxxx' is the error code and 'ssss' is the raw description.
00371INFOI: LICENCE, LOADEDLicence successfully activated.
00372ERRORE: MISSING 'VMX' LICENCEMissing VMX Licence error message.
00373INFOW: LICENCE, rrrr-nnn NOT ACTIVATEDNot licenced resource warning message, where 'rrrr' is the resource type and 'nnn' is the resource identifier.
00374INFOW: LICENCE, <service> DISABLEDNot licenced service warning message: the specified <service> service was disabled.
00375INFOW: LICENCE, IKE HOSTs NUMBER CHANGEDIKE HOSTs number changed: the parameter 'max-hosts' has been set equal to IKEHOSTS licence value.
00376INFOAUTO SAVE FAIL, RC:XX (ssss)Auto-save of configuration file failure. 'xxxx' is the error code and 'ssss' is the raw description.
00377WARNINGW: <user>-in.log BAD VERSIONThe Incoming Calls log file of the specified user <user> has invalid version.
00378WARNINGW: <user>-in.log CONVERTEDThe Incoming Calls log file of the specified user <user> was converted to the correct version.
00379WARNINGW: <user>-out.log BAD VERSIONThe Outgoing Calls log file of the specified user <user> has invalid version.
00380WARNINGW: <user>-out.log CONVERTEDThe Outgoing Calls log file of the specified user <user> was converted to the correct version.
00381WARNINGW: CTIR DB overflow.CTIR internal DB overflow.
00382WARNINGW: cccc-nnn, Debug mode, FW not downloadedQPRIX debug mode, FW not downloaded. 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00383WARNINGW: cccc-nnn, C64xx channel config failedQPRIX Channel configuration. 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00384WARNINGW: Ip-nnn NAT ALIAS networks overflowIP resource: NAT ALIAS networks overflow. 'nnn' is the IP resource identifier.
00385WARNINGW: Ip-nnn VIRTUAL secondary networks overflowIP resource: VIRTUAL SECONDARY networks overflow. 'nnn' is the IP resource identifier.
00386WARNINGW: Ip-nnn VRRP networks overflowIP resource: VRRP VIRTUAL networks overflow. 'nnn' is the IP resource identifier.
00387INFOI: DSL-nnn ST:ssss TX/RX:xxxx/yyyyDiagnostic information about DSL resource. 'nnn' is the DSL resource identifier. 'ssss' is the resource state [DOWN, BLCK (BLOCKED), SYNC (SYNCHRONISING), UP, FAIL, TEST, RTN (RETAIN)]. 'xxxx' and 'yyyy' are transmission and reception speeds.
00388INFOI: Tftp-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about TFTP resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00389INFOI: Alarm-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Alarm resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00390INFOI: CtiVm-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about CtiVm resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00391INFOI: CtiVr-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about CtiVr resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00392INFOI: IpSh-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about IpSh resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY)].
00393ERRORE: USB EXIT THREAD: nnnUSB fatal thread: 'nnn' is the thread active at the moment of the problem.
00394INFOI: DEBUG SIMULATE WDG RESETThe DEBUG SIMULATE EVENT:wdgreset command has been executed.
00395INFOI: WDG RESET INEFFECTIVEThe DEBUG SIMULATE EVENT:wdgreset command has been executed but the WDG reset hadn't effect.
00396INFOI: Vrrp-1 Router ID:nnn I-ST:sss1 ST:sss2Vrrp Router state report.
00397ERRORE: POTS32-nnn failure. V-Maillbox unable to resetV-Mailbox blocked (busy after two resets)
00398INFOI: ABILIS CPX Ver. nnnn - Build mmmmRunning Abilis CPX version/build.
00399INFOI: CtiP-nnn VOICE-ST:sss1 CITO:sss2 AUDIO:sss3Diagnostic information about CTI port belonging to CITO card.
00400WARNINGW: '<file-name>' '<error>'The reported '<error>' occurred during the '<file-name>' file treatment. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00401INFOI: Ldap-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about LDAP resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00402INFOI: DEBUG SIMULATE LOOP 'nnn' msecThe DEBUG SIMULATE EVENT:loop command has been executed.
00403ERRORW: cccc-nnn C64xx IQ reset successfulQPRIX error, interrupt queue reset successful. 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00404ERRORW: cccc-nnn C64xx IQ reset unsuccessfulQPRIX error, interrupt queue reset unsuccessful. 'cccc' is the type of the card and 'nnn' is the card identifier.
00405WARNINGW: '<file-name>' '<error>' [nn] - ssssThe reported '<error>' occurred during the '<file-name>' file treatment. The number 'nn' is the occurred File System error code and 'ssss' is the related description. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00406INFOI: Trfa-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Trfa resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00407INFOI: Rip-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Rip resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00408INFOI: Dns-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Dns resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00409INFOI: X509-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about X509 resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE), ig (INIT)].
00410INFOI: Ssl-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Ssl resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY)].
00411INFOI: Nat-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Nat resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY)].
00412INFOI: Snmp-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Snmp resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE), dg (DISCONNECTING), hl (HALTED)].
00413INFOI: Http-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Http resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00414INFOI: Acnt-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Acnt resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00415INFOI: Ospf-1 ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Ospf resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00416INFOI: Mail Service filtering FIFO overflow (nn/NN)Mail Service informations about the mail filtering FIFO overflow. 'nn' is the number of queued mails and 'NN' is the queue size.
00417WARNINGW: OPC USER:<user> Table OVERFLOWOPC has an USER table overflow state.
00418WARNINGW: OPC USER:<user> CALL Table OVERFLOWOPC has a CALL table overflow state.
00419WARNINGW: OPC USER:<user> CALL-QUEUE Table OVERFLOWOPC has a CALL QUEUE table overflow state.
00420WARNINGW: WATCHDOG INVALID WDR VALUE, 0xHHHw interface, WatchDog: invalid WDG register value. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00421WARNINGW: CHKDSK <drive> ABORTEDThe execution of integrity check of the disk <drive> exceeded the timed-out of 5 sec. has beeen aborted.
00422WARNINGW: CHKDSK <drive> ERROR [nn] - ssssAn error occurred during the execution of integrity check of the disk <drive>. The number 'nn' is the occurred error code and 'ssss' is the related description. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00423INFOW: LICENCE, SWAC CHANs NUMBER CHANGEDThe CTISYS parameter 'swac-chans' value has been changed: it has been set equal to SWAC (Software Audio Compressor) licence value.
00424INFOI: Tcp-nnn ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Tcp resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY)].
00425INFOI: Udp-nnn ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Udp resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY)].
00426INFOI: Telnet-nnn ST:ssssDiagnostic information about Telnet resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY)].
00427INFOI: Ssh-nnn ST:ssssDiagnostic information about SSh resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY)].
00428INFOI: MFIo-nnn ST:ssssDiagnostic information about MfIo resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [in (INACTIVE), RD (ACTIVE)].
00429WARNINGW: LDAP - <file-name> version update required, from v. xxx to v. yyyLDAP service need to update db file <file-name>.
00430WARNINGW: LDAP - <file-name-1> v. xxx being saved in <file-name-2>LDAP service, db file <file-name> save is in progress.
00431WARNINGW: LDAP - <file-name-1> v. xxx saved in <file-name-2>LDAP service, db file <file-name> successfully saved.
00432WARNINGW: LDAP - Error nn (ssss) saving <file-name>.LDAP service, db file <file-name> unsuccessful save. The number 'nn' is the occurred error code and 'ssss' is the related description. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00433WARNINGW: LDAP - <file-name> being updated to v. xxxLDAP service, db file <file-name> version update is in progress.
00434WARNINGW: LDAP - <file-name> successfully updated to v. xxxLDAP service, db file <file-name> successfully updated.
00435WARNINGW: LDAP - Error nn (ssss) updating <file-name>LDAP service, db file <file-name> unsuccessful update. The number 'nn' is the occurred error code and 'ssss' is the related description. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00436INFOI: MfTemp-nnn ST:ssssDiagnostic information about MfTemp resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [in (INACTIVE), RD (ACTIVE)].
00437INFOI: SysCtl-nnn ST:ssssDiagnostic information about SysCtl resource. 'ssss' is the resource state [in (INACTIVE), RD (ACTIVE)].
00438WARNINGW: MAIL SERVICE SMTP ERROR [nn] - ssssMail Service: mail not sent because of SMTP driver error. The number 'nn' is the occurred error code and 'ssss' is the related description. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00439WARNINGW: MAIL SERVICE ERROR [nn] - ssssMail Service: mail not sent because of service internal error. The number 'nn' is the occurred error code and 'ssss' is the related description. Please report the event to the Abilis CPX Help desk.
00440WARNINGW: DSL-nnn STH Unsupported FW versionDSL (STH) modem - unsupported FW version. 'nnn' is the resource identifier.
00441WARNING DSL modem reset command sent at system start up failed.
00442INFOI: VS ST:ssVs resource state report. 'ss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00443INFOI: CtiMix-1 ST:ssCtiMix resource state report. 'ss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00444WARNING Some ABILISPHONE users have been disabled due to licence restrictions.
00445ERROR Cannot create new threads, table is ful.
00446ERROR Internal system message.
00447WARNINGW: LICENCE, xx PC-PHONEs NOT ACTIVATEDSome PC-PHONEs not activated due to licence restrictions.
00448WARNING Ethernet MAC address has not been properly detected even after 3 attempt of reload from EEPROM.
00449WARNING OPC entered USER table overflow state.
00450WARNING OPC entered CALL table overflow state.
00451WARNING OPC entered CALL QUEUE table overflow state.
00452ERRORHF:xxxxxxxMemory information summary report message: free heap.
00453WARNING Required CPU instructions are unavailable.
00454INFO VPots CTI port state report.
00455WARNING CTIIAX Numbers table reached the overflow state.
00456WARNING CTIIAX Numbers table exited the overflow state.
00457WARNING CTISIP Numbers table reached the overflow state.
00458WARNING CTISIP Numbers table exited the overflow state.
00459INFOI: ABILIS-ID:xxxxxxAbilis CPX serial number.
00460WARNING Abilis CPX automatic list's filling has been broken because the Items table is full.
00461INFOI: NPv-n ST:ssssNPv resource state report. 'ssss' is the resource state [UP, DOWN].
00462INFOI: NPvl-n P1:ssss P2:- B:- B-C:-NPV links state report. 'ssss' is the resource state [UP, DOWN].
00463WARNING Some CHAT (XMPP) users were not activated due to licence restrictions.
00464INFOI: CtiVo ST:ssssCtiVo resource state report. 'ssss' is the resource state [UP, DOWN].
00465WARNING Some VO users were not activated or activated with less channels due to licence restrictions.
00466WARNING Some VO users were not activated due to licence restrictions.
00467INFOI: TRFA DISA SERVICE xxxxxx DELETEDAll TRFA files related to specified DISA service are deleted.
00468INFOI: TRFA USER xxxxx DELETEDAll TRFA files related to specified USER name are deleted.
00469INFOSCHEDULED WARM START (SYSRBCOND)Conditioned system reboot.
00471INFO System reboot caused by severe RTUSB error.
00472WARNING Communication with WDG interrupted: the WDG doesn't respond anymore.
00473WARNING Communication with WDG restored after a period of malfunctioning.
00474INFOI: CPU clock xxxx MHzEvent reporting the speed of the CPU.
00475WARNING Event reporting the CPU speed was calculated on unreliable samples.
00476WARNING Event reporting the speed change of the CPU.
00477INFOI: DEBUG SIMULATE LOOP (without time limit)The command DEBUG SIMULATE EVENT:LOOP (without time limit) has been executed.
00479WARNING System was abnormal rebooted, LIVE state was detected during boot phase, but the current state is not valid.
00480WARNING System was rebooted because INTERRUPT MONITOR detected a deadlock.
00481WARNING Exception/Warm Start/Restart system/... timed-out report message.
00482INFO Default configuration file successfully created at system start-up.
00483INFO Default configuration file creation failure at system start-up.
00484INFO Event reporting the speed of the CPU (fixed).
00485INFO Event reporting the speed of the CPU (unable to fix).
00486WARNING Invalid/corrupted Incoming Call log as been renamed to *.bad.
00487WARNING Invalid/corrupted Outgoing Call log as been renamed to *.bad.
00488WARNING RealTek Ethernet port recovered by AUTO INIT because of serious troubles in RX ring buffer.
00489INFOI: Script-1 ST:ssScript resource state report. 'ss' is the resource state [dn (DOWN), RD (READY), in (INACTIVE)].
00490WARNING Licence not activated because max Abilis version is lower then the running Abilis version.
00491WARNING Licence not activated because it is missing or not-valid: the new Abilis version run cannot proceed. System is restarted.
00492WARNING Some VO users were activated with less channels due to licence restrictions.
00493WARNING UPS message that signals forced shutdown event.
00494WARNING UPS message that signals unexpected shutdown indication.
00495WARNING UPS message that signals battery low condition.
00496WARNING UPS message that signals battery good condition.
00497INFOI: Ups-n USB-ST:ssUps resource state report. 'ss' is the USB state [ ds (DISCONNECTED), CN (CONNECTED)].
00498INFOI: Ups-n POWER:s1 BATT:s2Ups resource report with indication of POWER source and BATTERY state. 's1' is the POWER state [dn (down), UP, NA (Not Available)]. 's2' is the BATTERY state [dn (down), UP, NA (Not Available)].
00499INFO System shutdown, requested by UPS.
00500WARNING UPS - unsupported FW version.
00501WARNING UPS - unsupported PCB version.
00502WARNING Event reporting the videosurveillance storage occupation is above the threshold.
00503INFO AsyncU resource state report
00504INFO IpoE resource state report.
00505INFO The command DEBUG SIMULATE EVENT:BLOCKAGE <msec> has been executed.
00506INFO Task hook started at boot, with the specified threshold (in ms).
00507WARNING Task hook failed to start at boot.