88.2. X.25 disconnection codes

88.2.1. ITU (formerly CCITT) X.25 codes

The disconnection codes caused by errors in the X.25 procedure, have a cause and a diagnostic code.

Table 88.5. ITU X.25 cause codes

Cause ( Hex )Meaning
00CLR DTE - Originating from DTE.
01CLR OCC - Called address busy.
03CLR INV - Request for facility not valid.
05CLR NC - Network congestion.
09CLR DER - Called address out of order.
0BCLR NA - Access not allowed.
0DCLR NP - Inexistent called address.
11CLR RPE - Error in X.25 procedure at the remote end.
13CLR ERR - Error in X.25 procedure at the local end.
15RPOA out of service.
19CLR RC -The called address does not accept taxation on its charge.
21Incompatible destination.
29Fast Select” option not available for the called address.
39Ship missing (only for mobile marine services).
00RES DTE - Originating from DTE.
01RES DOWN - Remote DTE out of service (only PVC).
03RES RPE - Remote DTE cause an X.25 procedure error.
05RES ERR - Local DTE cause an X.25 procedure error.
07RES NC - Network congestion.
09RES UP - Remote DTE operative (only PVC).
0FRES UP - Network resumes service (only PVC).
11Incompatible destination.
1DRES DOWN - Network out of service (only PVC).
00Originating from DTE.
01Local procedure error.
D7Network operational.

Table 88.6. ITU X.25 diagnostic codes

Diagnostic ( Hex )Meaning
00No additional information.
01P(S) not valid.
02P(R) not valid.
10INVALID packet.
11Type of packet not valid for rl state.
12Type of packet not valid for r2 state.
13Type of packet not valid for r3 state.
14Type of packet not valid for p1 state.
15Type of packet not valid for p2 state.
16Type of packet not valid for p3 state.
17Type of packet not valid for p4 state.
18Type of packet not valid for p5 state.
19Type of packet not valid for p6 state.
1AType of packet not valid for p7 state.
1BType of packet not valid for d1 state.
1CType of packet not valid for d2 state.
1DType of packet not valid for d3 state.
21Packet disallowed: unidentified packet.
22Packet disallowed: call request received on OSVC.
23Packet disallowed: type of packet not valid for PVC.
24Packet disallowed: packet for an unassigned logical channel.
25Packet disallowed: Reject not allowed.
26Packet disallowed: packet too short.
27Packet disallowed: packet too long.
28Packet disallowed: GFI (General Format Identifier) not valid.
29Packet disallowed: restart with GFI different from zero.
2APacket disallowed: type of packet not compatible with the registered facility.
2BPacket disallowed: interrupt confirmation not authorised.
2CPacket disallowed: interrupt not authorized.
2DPacket disallowed: reject not authorized.
31Timer expired: for call request.
32Timer expired: for clear indication.
33Timer expired: for reset indication.
34Timer expired: for restart indication.
41Call-setup problems: facility or registration code not permitted.
42Call-setup problems: parameter of the facility not permitted.
43Call-setup problems: called address not valid.
44Call-setup problems: caller's address.
45Call-setup problems: length of facility or registration not valid.
46Call-setup problems: incoming calls barred.
47Call-setup problems: no logical channel available.
48Call-setup problems: call collision.
49Call-setup problems: facility request duplicated.
4ACall-setup problems: length of the address different to zero.
4BCall-setup problems: length of the facility different to zero.
4CCall-setup problems: facility wasn't supplied when expected.
4DCall-setup problems: format of the facility specified by DTE not compatible with CCITT.
51Various: incorrect cause code generated by DTE.
52Various: byte not aligned.
53Various: Q-bit setting meaningless.
71International problems: problems of the remote network.
72International problems: problems of protocol at international level.
73International problems: international link not in service.
74International problems: international link busy.
75International problems: problem of the facility on the transit network.
76International problems: problem of the facility on the destination network.
77International problems: problems on the international routings.
78International problems: temporary routing problems.
79International problems: the DNIC being called isn't recognized.
7AInternational problems: maintenance in progress.

88.2.2. Abilis CPX internal codes

The internal disconnection codes caused by errors in the X.25 procedure, have as cause and diagnostic the values provided by CCITT.

Internal disconnection codes which aren't caused by errors in the X.25 procedure, have FO as the cause (see also the parameter MCAU in the port parameters) and the appropriate value for the error identification.

Some of these diagnostic codes are of considerable importance to the installer and the user of Abilis CPX, while others are important for technical assistance of the retailer and the producer.

Table 88.7. Abilis CPX internal codes

Cause ( hex )Diagnostic ( hex )Meaning
F090IP Router: no IP port has been recognized.
F091IP Router: IP port busy.
F092IP Router: closure caused by an INIT command of the IP port.
F093IP Router: closure due to inactivity time-out - only for BSVC.
F094TCP: closure due to expiry of the time-out, the number of retransmissions of the segment has reached the limit.
F095TCP: closure due to a reset.
F096TELNET: sessions of the TCP port exhausted.
F097TELNET: The fields received for address calling and address being called differ from the ones configured. The connection is refused.
F098TCP: Retries exceeded.
F099TCP: Call refused.
F09AXTP: Error in protocol.
F09BXTP: Call collision in one session.
F0A0No routing is satisfactory for the call.
F0A1Sessions on the destination port exhausted.
F0A2Closure following a RESTART SYSTEM or the command C C RES:TYPE-XXX SES:yyy
F0A3Cause and detection not available in the “CLEAR” or “RESET” packets received.
F0A4Dictionaries exhausted: impossible to activate a compressed logical channel.
F0A5The destination port is out of service (OSI LEVEL 1).
F0A6The destination port is out of service (OSI LEVEL 2).
F0A7X25: the destination port is out of service (OSI LEVEL 3).
F0A8The destination port does not exist. In the routing there is a POO that either does not exist or could not be used in order to prevent an undesired call loopback.
F0A9Call collision in one session.
F0AACompression protocol not compatible.
F0ACSVC: unexpected internal code.
F0ADPVC: unexpected internal code.
F0AEAccess password to the control port not valid.
F0B0Value assigned at the system startup.
F0B3Channels exhausted.
F0B4Impossible to carry out compression between two USER ports or two NETWORK ports.
F0B5Maximum number of attempts to connect with alternative routings, has been reached.
F0C0Generic software error during the compression or expansion phases.
F0C1Error in the compression phase.
F0C2Error in the expansion phase.
F0C3Format of the compressed data not valid.
F0C6HDLCT: disconnection as a consequence of a RESET occurred between the two HDLCT ports.
F0C7An internal error caused the compression module to be reinitialized
F0C8Internal code not provided for the commands SEND/RECEIVE.
F0C9QLLC, MBIT, MBITB compressions: disconnection as a consequence of a RESET received on the compressed channel.
F0D0Regular disconnection caused by the SHM feature.
F0D1SDLC, HDLCT: ;the received frame is too long (greater than N1).
F0D3SDLC/QLLC: ;received a too long sequence of X25 packets with M-bit= 1 (greater than N1-2).
F0D4SDLC: the PU being addressed is already in use.
F0D5SDLC: the PU being addressed isn't configured or does not exist.
F0D6SDLC: the PU has received an X.25 reset packet while in an “ACTIVE” state (state 5, NRM) and forced the closure.
F0D7SDLC: the secondary PU has not received polling for a period longer than “INACT”.
F0D8SDLC: the primary PU, in an “ACTIVE” state, has exceeded frame retransmission attempts.
F0D9SDLC: the secondary PU has sent a FRMR frame.
F0DASDLC: the primary PU has received a FRMR frame.
F0DBSDLC/QLLC: the PU has received an invalid X.25/QLLC sequence.
F1A0Simulator: closure caused by the receipt of a packet longer than MXPS.
F1A1Simulator: closure caused by the receipt of a too long M-bit sequence.
F1A2Simulator: closure caused by the receipt of a too short M-bit sequence.
F1A3Simulator: closure due to an error noted in the comparison between the frames sent and received.
F1A4Simulator: regular closure due to expiry of the configured time out.
F1A5Simulator: generic regular closure.