6.6. Resources or Ports

6.6.1. D P (Display Parameters)

This command shows configuration parameters of one or more active CPX resources or ports. The following command displays the command syntax:

[16:36:49] ABILIS_CPX:d p ?

D [P] CTIP [opt]                   Display all CTI ports
D [P] CTIP:A [opt]                 Display all CTI ports
D [P] CTIP [CARD:]type [opt]       Display all CTI ports of the specified CTI card
D [P] CTIP [CARD:]type-nn [opt]    Display all CTI ports of the specified CTI card
D [P] CTIP:type [opt]              Display all CTI ports of the specified CTI card
D [P] CTIP:type-nn [opt]           Display all CTI ports of the specified CTI card
D [P] CTIP:xxx[,yyy,..] [opt]      Display any CTI port of the list (max 50
                                   values in the range [1..600])
D [P] CTIP:xxx-yyy [opt]           Display any CTI port in the specified range of
                                   values in [1..600]
D [P] CTIPE [opt]                  Display in extended format all CTI ports
D [P] CTIPE:A  [opt]               Display in extended format all CTI ports
D [P] CTIPE [CARD:]type [opt]      Display in extended format all CTI ports of the
                                   specified CTI card type
D [P] CTIPE [CARD:]type-nn [opt]   Display in extended format all CTI ports of the
                                   specified CTI card
D [P] CTIPE:type [opt]             Display in extended format all CTI ports of the
                                   specified CTI card type
D [P] CTIPE:type-nn [opt]          Display in extended format all CTI ports of the
                                   specified CTI card
D [P] CTIPE:xxx[,yyy,..] [opt]     Display in extended format any CTI port in the
                                   list (max 50 values in the range [1..600])
D [P] CTIPE:xxx-yyy [opt]          Display in extended format any CTI port in the
                                   specified range of values in [1..600]
D [P] DEV:A                        Display parameter(s) of all active HW devices
D [P] DEV:type                     Display parameter(s) of all active HW devices
                                   of the specified type
D [P] DEV:type-n                   Display parameter(s) of the specified HW device
D [P] NPVL [filter:val]            Display parameter(s) of NPV links
D [P] NPVLE [filter:val]           Display parameter(s) of NPV links in extended
D P RES:A                          Display parameter(s) of any resource
D P [RES:]type                     Display parameter(s) of any resource of the
                                   specified type
D P [RES:]type-n:m                 Display parameter(s) of any resource of the
                                   specified range
D P [RES:]type-n[,...]             Display parameter(s) of the specified
                                   resource(s). Use '.' to avoid recursion between
D P USB                            Display parameter(s) of USB Server

Configuration parameters are displayed using lower case and upper case characters. This kind of visualization is used to point out that configuration parameters are grouped into two sets:

  • parameters identified by lower case characters can be activated only by restarting the system;

  • parameters identified by upper case characters can be activated by executing the initialization command init res:.

Here are some examples of the command execution:

[16:48:16] ABILIS_CPX:d p ssh

RES:Ssh -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Run    DESCR:Secure_Shell_Protocol_2
       LOG:NO                 MCAU:NO                ps:128
       KEEPALIVE:30           LOGIN-TOUT:60
       - Server ---------------------------------------------------------------
       PSER:SSHS>             ser:6                  tcp-locport:22
       AC:YES                 PWD:****************   DT:15
       CDO:00                 UDO:CP                 PROFILE:NORMAL
       IPSRC:*                IPSRCLIST:#                     
       S-AUTH:PWD                                    MAXAUTH:6
       - Client ---------------------------------------------------------------
       PCLI:SSHC>             cli:3                  MAXPROMPT:3
       CDI:*                  UDI:*                  
[16:57:33] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctip:101

Act     card:POTS-1<1>                  USER:#
Run     OPSTATE:UP        LOG:NO                               TYPE:USER
        signalling:POTS                 HOLD:YES     CT:ICT    SS:YES
        DEVICE:PHONE                                           AC:NO
        NUM:12                          ADDRBOOK-NUM:NUM
[16:57:35] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctipe:101

Act     card:POTS-1<1>                  USER:#
Run     OPSTATE:UP        LOG:NO                               TYPE:USER
        signalling:POTS                 HOLD:YES     CT:ICT    SS:YES
        DEVICE:PHONE                                           AC:NO
        NUM:12                          ADDRBOOK-NUM:NUM
        AC-CDO:#                        AC-DLY:60
        LOOP:NO         TEST:NO           
        COUNTRY:SYS                                       MAX-FLASH:SYS   
        DIALT:5         IN-GAIN-ADJ:SYS                   OUT-GAIN-ADJ:SYS
        AT:SYS          AT-CODE:SYS     AT-DURATION:SYS   BC:SYS
        SS-PICKUP:GROUPS                SS-PRES-CG:YES    NPOO-CT:NO
        SS-CF-DND:YES                   SS-VM:YES

6.6.2. A RES (Add Resource)

This command adds a new resource in the configuration. A resource may already exist in the system, but may not yet be active; it can be activated with the command s act res:.

The following command allows to have a complete list of the available resources:

[16:59:21] ABILIS_CPX:a res: ?

A RES:val [SUBTYPE:val]        Add the specified CPX resource(s)

RES:       One ore more resource values in the format 'type-n'      <Mandatory>
           separated by ':' (colon) or a range of resources
           in the format 'type-n:m'.
           See below for available resource's types.
           Resource's identifier range is [1..999].
SUBTYPE:   Resource's subtype. The specified subtype value is used
           for all the listed resources.
           Mandatory for X25, Sdlc, Hdlct, Fr, Pv and Ip resource types only.
           See also HELP SUBTYPE.

Available resource's types:

- System resources:
  Mf       Abilis Multi Function Interface
  MfIo     Abilis Multi Function Input/Output Interface
  MfTemp   Abilis Multi Function Temperature device
  SysCtl   Abilis System Control device
  Ssl      Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security
  X509     X509 certificate manager
  UPnPC    Universal Plug and Play Client
  UPnPS    Universal Plug and Play Server
  IpConf   Rio/Rvs devices configuration service
  Io       Rio devices entry point
  Vs       Video Surveillance service
  Knx      KNX protocol device
  ProvC    Abilis provisioning client service
  ProvS    Abilis provisioning server service
- Management resources:
  Cp       Control port
  Snmp     Simple Network Management protocol
  Sntp     Simple Network Time protocol
  Acnt     Accounting service
  Trfa     Traffic Analyzer
  SysLog   System Log protocol
  Opc      Operator Panel Collector 
  IoHub    I/O Hub Driver
  Alarm    Alarms collector and dispatcher
  Script   Lua scripting service
- Connection Oriented Router resources:
  X25      X.25 protocol
  Sdlc     SDLC/QLLC protocol
  Hdlct    HDLCT protocol
  Pad      PAD service
  Xtp      X25-L3 tunnelling protocol
  Sim      Simulator resource
  LPad     Local PAD service
  GpProt   General purpose protocol layer resource
- IP resources:
  Ip       IP resource
  Iprtr    IP Router
  Tcp      TCP protocl
  Udp      UDP protocol
  Telnet   TELNET Server and Client
  Rip      Routing Information protocol
  Dns      Domain Name System
  Http     HyperText Transfer protocol
  Nat      Network Address Translator
  Ssh      Secure Shell Protocol Version 2
  Ospf     Open Shortest Path First Routing protocol
  Dhcp     Dynamic Host Configuration protocol
  Ftp      File Transfer Protocol Server
  IpSec    IP Securityp rotocol
  Ike      Internet Keys Exchange protocol
  Smtp     Simple Mail Transfer protocol
  Pop3     Post Office protocol Ver. 3
  Radius   RADIUS service
  Vrrp     Virtual Router Redundancy protocol
  DhcpC    Dynamic Host Configuration protocol Client
  DDns     Dynamic DNS Client
  Tftp     Trivial File Transfer protocol
  IpSh     IP Shaping service
  Ldap     Lightweight_Directory_Access_protocol
- PPP over Ethernet resources:
  PoeAc    Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet Access Concentrator
  PoeCli   Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet Client
  IpoE     Ethernet/Vlan bridging over an ATM/AAL5 channel
- CTI resources:
  CtiSys   CTI System
  CtiX25D  X.25 Over ISDN D-Channel
  CtiSLink HDLC Over ISDN B-Channel
  CtiVsp   Virtual Synchronous Port
  CtiIax   Inter-Asterisk eXchange Ver. 2
  CtiDisa  Direct Inward System Access
  CtiSip   Session Initiation protocol
  CtiSms   SMS service
  CtiAs    CTI Advanced Services entry point
  CtiVm    CTI Voice Mail service
  CtiVr    CTI VR service
  CtiMix   CTI Voice Mixer service
  CtiVo    CTI Virtual Office
  CtiTst   CTI Tester
- Frame Relay resources:
  Fr       Frame Relay
- Pv and Ple resources:
  Pv       Packet voice resource
  NPv      New Packet voice resource
  Ple      P-Link emulation over IP resource
- Physical resources:
  VEth     Virtual Ethernet

For example, to add the Secure SHell resource (SSH):

[16:59:21] ABILIS_CPX:a res:ssh


If the resource is already present in the configuration, but not active, it'is possible to activate it with the command:

[16:59:21] ABILIS_CPX:s act res:ssh


A lot of resources are automatically activated at the resource adding operation (i.e. Ethernet, ADSL, Sync…)

6.6.3. S P (Set Parameters)

This command sets one or more configuration parameters of one or more active CPX resources or ports. By typing s p ?, it's possible to display the command syntax:

[17:41:05] ABILIS_CPX:s p ?

S [P[E]] CTIP[E] par:val [par:val]                Set the parameter(s) of any
                                                  CTI port
S [P[E]] CTIP[E]:A par:val [par:val]              Set the parameter(s) of any
                                                  CTI port
S [P[E]] CTIP[E] [CARD:]type par:val [par:val]    Set the parameter(s) of any
                                                  CTI port of the specified
                                                  CTI card type
S [P[E]] CTIP[E] [CARD:]type-nn par:val [par:val] Set the parameter(s) of any
                                                  CTI port of the specified
                                                  CTI card
S [P[E]] CTIP[E]:type par:val [par:val]           Set the parameter(s) of any
                                                  CTI port of the specified
                                                  CTI card type
S [P[E]] CTIP[E]:type-nn par:val [par:val]        Set the parameter(s) of any
                                                  CTI port of the specified
                                                  CTI card
S [P[E]] CTIP[E]:xxx[,yyy,..] par:val [par:val]   Set the parameter(s) of any
                                                  CTI port of the list (max
                                                  50 values in the range
S [P[E]] CTIP[E]:xxx-yyy par:val [par:val]        Set the parameter(s) of any
                                                  CTI port in the specified
                                                  range of values in [1..600]
S [P[E]] DEV:type-n par:val [par:val]             Set the parameter(s) of the
                                                  specified HW device
S [P[E]] NPVL ID:val par:val [par:val]            Set parameter(s) of NPV links
S P[E] RES:A par:val [par:val]                    Set the parameter(s) in any
S P[E] [RES:]type par:val [par:val]               Set the parameter(s) in any
                                                  resource of the specified
S P[E] [RES:]type-n:m par:val [par:val]           Set the parameter(s) in any
                                                  resource of the specified
S P[E] [RES:]type-n[,...] par:val [par:val]       Set the parameter(s) of the
                                                  specified resource(s)
S P[E] USB par:val [par:val]                      Set parameter(s) of USB Server 

The parameter list, defined in the command, is left to right evaluated: the parameters are set one after the other, starting from the leftmost. Command evaluating will terminate if one the following events will occur:

  • bad parameter(s) to be set;

  • value of the parameter(s) out of its allowed range;

  • conflict between the parameter(s) to be set and others.

All the parameters evaluated, before the error occurrence, will get the new value; the other ones will not be changed.

Here there are some examples of the command execution:

[16:48:16] ABILIS_CPX:s p ssh pwd:password_ssh


[16:48:16] ABILIS_CPX:d p ssh

RES:Ssh -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Run    DESCR:Secure_Shell_Protocol_2
       LOG:NO                 MCAU:NO                ps:128
       KEEPALIVE:30           LOGIN-TOUT:60
       - Server ---------------------------------------------------------------
       PSER:SSHS>             ser:6                  tcp-locport:22
       AC:YES                 PWD:****************   DT:15
       CDO:00                 UDO:CP                 PROFILE:NORMAL
       IPSRC:*                IPSRCLIST:#                     
       S-AUTH:PWD                                    MAXAUTH:6
       - Client ---------------------------------------------------------------
       PCLI:SSHC>             cli:3                  MAXPROMPT:3
       CDI:*                  UDI:*                  
[17:46:26] ABILIS_CPX:s p ctip:31 descr:To_Telecom side:TE


[17:47:00] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctip:31

CTIP:31  - Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) ------------------------
Act     DESCR:To_Telecom
        card:BRI4-1<1>                  USER:#
        OPSTATE:UP        LOG:NO        side:TE      LINE:MP   TYPE:USER
        signalling:DSS1   TEI:STANDARD  HOLD:NO                SS:NO 
        mode:Bri          L12-ACT:UP    BUS:SHORT    
        NUM:*                           ADDRBOOK-NUM:NUM

The “Not Saved (SAVE CONF)” message is displayed every time the resource configuration is modified but not saved with the save conf command. The “Not Refreshed (INIT)” message is displayed every time the port configuration is modified but not refreshed with the init res: command. These messages will disappear after save conf or init res: commands.


To activate changes made on the parameters displayed by upper case characters, it's enough to execute the initialization command init res:; for changes made on parameters displayed by lower case characters, it's needed to restart the system with the command warm start.

6.6.4. C RES (Clear Resource)

This command allows to delete a resource present in Abilis. A resource, before being deleted, must be inactive. To inactive a device type the command s inact res: and reboot the Abilis with the command warm start.

For example:

[12:45:38] ABILIS_CPX:c res:ssh


[12:45:38] ABILIS_CPX:s inact res:ssh


After Abilis restart, it's possible to delete the resource.

[18:17:04] ABILIS_CPX:c res:ssh