15.3. DSL-X resource diagnostics and statistics

15.3.1. DSL-X resource diagnostics

This command reports the current situation of the device::

d d dsl-x / d de dsl-x

Shows diagnostic information, such as the state of the resource, the modem MAC address, S/N ratio and loop attenuation, the bandwidth of download and upload, the input and output throughput.

The diagnostics of the DSL-x resource in ADSL mode:

[18:06:40] ABILIS_CPX:d d dsl-1

RES:Dsl-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       Linea ADSL                          
       LINE-STATE:UP                LINE-MODE:ADSL       ADSL-ANNEX:A
       MODEM-NAME:Abilis-ADSL2+     MODEM-MAC:00-26-75-F0-17-BA    FW:3.18
       SPEED     |   11.616 M|    1.149 M|ATTENUATION |       18.4|        7.8|
       SN-MARGIN |       12.3|        7.5|INTERLEAVE  |       0.25|       0.25|
       - ATM level diagnostics ------------------------------------------------
       VPI  VCI    QoS    State       Bw-In     Bw-Out 5sec-Thr-In 5sec-Thr-Out
                                                       5min-Thr-In 5min-Thr-Out
       8    35     NORMAL UP       10.520 M    1.040 M      9.75 K       73.8 K
                                                            12.1 K       9.85 K

The diagnostics of the DSL-x resource in VDSL mode:

[18:06:40] ABILIS_CPX:d d dsl-1

RES:Dsl-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       LINE-STATE:UP                LINE-MODE:VDSL       VDSL-PROFILE:17a
       MODEM-NAME:Abilis-VDSL2      MODEM-MAC:52-54-4C-00-00-54
       SPEED     |   31.173 M|    3.140 M|ATTENUATION |       15.0|       22.2|
       SN-MARGIN |       22.4|       24.7|INTERLEAVE  |       0.13|        4.0|
       - PTM level diagnostics ------------------------------------------------
                          State                        5sec-Thr-In 5sec-Thr-Out
                                                       5min-Thr-In 5min-Thr-Out
                          UP                                3.46 K       4.32 K
                                                            9.63 K       21.6 K

The meaning:


The state of the DSL line:

  • DOWN - The port is DOWN.

  • SYNCHRONISING - The port tries to synchronise with the remote side.

  • UP - The port is synchronised with the remote counterpart. The data transmission is possible.


Current line mode for the DSL line.:

  • ADSL - ADSL mode is used.

  • VDSL - VDSL mode is used.


Annex currently in use in ADSL mode:

  • UNKNOWN - Used when the modem is disconnected, and in any situation where a valid diagnostic wasn't loaded from the modem.

  • A - Annex-A.

  • B - Annex-B.

  • C - Annex-C.

  • I - Annex-I.

  • J - Annex-J.

  • L - Annex-L.

  • M - Annex-M

  • ANSI-T1.413 - ANSI T1.413.

  • N/A - Mode diagnostic isn't available on this modem.


When LINE-MODE is is not ADSL the value is NULL and CP will not show it.


VDSL profile currently in use:

  • 8a - Profile 8a.

  • 8b - Profile 8b.

  • 8c - Profile 8c.

  • 8d - Profile 8d.

  • 12a - Profile 12a.

  • 12b - Profile 12b.

  • 17a - Profile 17a.

  • 30a - Profile 30a.

  • N/A - Mode diagnostic isn't available on this modem.


When LINE-MODE is is not VDSL the value is NULL and CP will not show it.


Indicates if modem is connected to USB:

  • DISCONNECTED - The modem is not connected to CPX.

  • CONNECTED - The modem is connected to CPX.

  • FAILED - The modem is connected to CPX but there is a critical error.


The reason of the FAILED state of the MODEM-STATE:

  • NONE - Used when the MODE-STATE isn't FAILED.

  • NO_RESPONSE - 5 consecutive RTU_NO_RESPONSE errors were detected on the USB device.

  • OVERCURRENT - The RTU_OVERCURRENT error was detected on the USB device.

  • CANCELED - 5 consecutive RTU_CANCELED errors were detected on the USB device.

  • FW-ERROR - Troubles during the firmware download.

  • IRQ-INTF-ERR - Troubles during the IRQ interface initialisation.

  • DATA-INTF-ERR - Troubles during the DATA interface initialisation.

  • DWNL-INTF-ERR - Troubles during the FW DOWNLOAD interface initialisation.

  • USB-NO-BW - Troubles because of insufficient BW (typically when ISO bandwidth is insufficient). The RTU_BANDWIDTH was detected on the USB device.

  • USB-SYSTEM-ERR - RTUSB troubles, the RTU_SYSTEM_ERROR was returned, typically reported when using more than 255 buffers on OHCI controller.

  • LINE-MODE-N/A - The modem connected does not support the selected LINE-MODE.


Name of the DSL modem currently connected:

  • UNKNOWN - Unknown modem type, or not available.

  • Abilis-5800-UB - Abilis 5800-UB modem.

  • Abilis-ADSL2+ - Abilis ADSL2+.

  • Abilis-VDSL2 - Abilis VDSL2.


The MAC address of the DSL USB device.


Shows the current firmware version on the device.


Indicates the current bit rate of the downstream/upstream direction.


Indicates the current RX/TX attenuation detected by the device.


Indicates the current RX/TX SN margin detected by the device.


Indicates the current RX/TX INTERLEAVE delay detected by the device.


VPI part of the VPI/VCI identifier. Only when LINE-MODE is ADSL.


VCI part of the VPI/VCI identifier. Only when LINE-MODE is ADSL.


The overall state of ATM VC:

  • DOWN - The VC is DOWN. Typically this occurs when DSL LINE-STATE is NOT UP.

  • UP - The VC can be UP only if the DSL line state is UP too.


Current downstream bandwidth available to AALs.


Current upstream bandwidth available to AALs.


Last 5 seconds downstream throughput.


Last 5 seconds upstream throughput.


Last 5 minutes downstream throughput.


Last 5 minutes upstream throughput.

15.3.2. DSL-X resource statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

d s dsl-x / d se dsl-x

Shows statistics information, such as the number of ADSL down/start, the number of modem disconnection/connection, the number of errors on the ADSL/VDSL line, etc.

The statistics of the DSL-x resource in ADSL mode:

[18:06:40] ABILIS_CPX:d s dsl-1

RES:Dsl-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       Linea Mynet ADSL                         
       --- Cleared 0 days 15:43:13 ago, on 27/12/2016 at 20:33:31 -------------
       LINE-DOWN  |          0|           |MODEM-DISC |          0|           |
       LINE-UP    |          1|           |MODEM-CONN |          1|           |
       AUTORST-L  |          0|           |MANUALRST  |          0|           |
       AUTORST-U  |          0|           |
       - ATM level statistics -------------------------------------------------
       VC-UNKNOWN |          0|           |HEC-ERR    |          0|           |
       AAL5-ERR   |          0|          0|MISALIGNED |          0|           |
       DROPPED    |          0|          0|
       VPI:8    VCI:35     
       AAL5-SDU   |     800499|     676504|AAL5-CHAR  |  479757749|  127938263|
       ERRORS     |          0|          0|CELLS      |   10565770|    3005271|

The statistics of the DSL-x resource in VDSL mode:

[18:06:43] ABILIS_CPX:d s dsl-1

RES:Dsl-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 0 days 00:33:42 ago, on 29/12/2016 at 09:07:53 -------------
       LINE-DOWN  |          0|           |MODEM-DISC |          0|           |
       LINE-UP    |          1|           |MODEM-CONN |          1|           |
       AUTORST-L  |          0|           |MANUALRST  |          0|           |
       AUTORST-U  |          0|           |
       - PTM level statistics -------------------------------------------------
       FRM        |     164860|      57702|CHAR       |   69309191|    6930448|
       ERRORS     |          0|          0|

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 0 days 00:33:42 ago») these counters show the number of::

LINE-DOWNTimes DSL line went down.
LINE-UP Times DSL went up.
MODEM-DISCDisconnections of MODEM from USB host/hub.
MODEM-CONNConnections of MODEM to USB host/hub.
AUTORST-LADSL line autorestarts.
AUTORST-UModem auto restarts because of serial troubles on USB interface.
MANUALRSTModem restarts ordered manually.
VC-UNKNOWN Received ATM cells with unregistered VPI/VCI.
AAL5-ERRThe cumulative number of all AAL5 errors on all VC in the downstream/upstream path.
DROPPEDIN: Good AAL5 packets received, but dropped inside the modem. OUT: Good AAL5 packets discarded by modem in the upstream direction.
HEC-ERR Received invalid ATM cells.
MISALIGNED Received USB packets not aligned to the ATM cell length.
AAL5-SDUCorrect AAL5 Service Data Units (SDU) received/transmitted.
ERRORSThe cumulative number of all errors on whole downstream/upstream path.
AAL5-CHAR IN: AAL5 SDU characters received in correct AAL5 SDU. OUT: AAL5 SDU characters in successfully sent AAL5 SDU.
CELLS Successfully received/transmitted ATM cells.
FRMFrames successfully received/transmitted.
CHAR IN: Payload characters in correctly received frames. OUT: Payload characters in successfully transmitted frames.