17.4. IOBOX diagnostics and statistics

17.4.1. GPIO diagnostics and statistics GPIO diagnostics

This command reports the current situation of the device:

[13:42:55] ABILIS_CPX:d d gpio

RES:Gpio-1 --------------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:UP             USB-STATE:CONNECTED      
       - Digital Input Lines State --------------------------------------------
        1..16| off off off off off off off off .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   
       - Digital Output Lines State -------------------------------------------
        1..16| off off off off .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   
       - Analog Input Lines ---------------------------------------------------
             | State  Value   Unit     ADC    | State  Value   Unit     ADC
        1.. 2| NORMAL     10  C        0      | NORMAL    0.0  %        0      
        3.. 4| .           .  .        .      | .           .  .        .      
        5.. 6| .           .  .        .      | .           .  .        .      
        7.. 8| .           .  .        .      | .           .  .        .      

The meaning:


GPIO driver state:

  • DOWN - device stopped or disconnected.

  • UP - device running.

  • INACTIVE - device good, but inactive (configuration parameter ACT:NO).


USB device connection state:

  • DISCONNECTED - device disconnected from USB port.

  • CONNECTED - device connected.

D-IN:1...8 / D-OUT:1...4

GPIO digital input/output line state:

  • OFF - logical 0 state.

  • ON - logical 1 state.

  • N/A (not available) - unknown state.


GPIO analog input line state:

  • LOW - under the low threshold.

  • NORMAL - between high and low threshold.

  • HIGH - between high and low threshold.

  • N/A (not available) - unknown state.


GPIO analog input line value. N/A (not available) - unknown state.


Unit for analog input/output lines.


Converted value from ADC value on analog input/output lines. GPIO statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

[13:48:36] ABILIS_CPX:d s gpio 

RES:Gpio-1 --------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 13 days 21:06:37 ago, on 11/08/2017 at 18:08:13 ------------
       USB-CONN   |         67|           |USB-DISC   |           |         66|
       USB-AUTRST |          0|           |           |           |           |
       CHR        |   17650515|   13290463|FRM        |    2777250|    2777271|

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 13 days 21:06:37 ago») these counters show the number of:

USB-CONNUSB connections.
USB-DISCUSB disconnections.
USB-AUTRSTUSB autorestarts. Troubles on USB interface.
CHRBytes in received/transmitted frames.
FRMReceived/transmitted frames.

17.4.2. MFIO diagnostics and statistics MFIO diagnostics

This command reports the current situation of the device:

[13:42:55] ABILIS_CPX:d d mfio

RES:MfIo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       - Digital Input Lines State --------------------------------------------
        1..7| off off off off off off off 
       - Digital Output Lines State -------------------------------------------
        1..7| off off off off off off off 

The meaning:


MFIO driver state:

  • ACTIVE - device running.

  • INACTIVE - device good, but inactive (configuration parameter ACT:NO).

D-IN:1...7 / D-OUT:1...7

MFIO digital input/output line state:

  • OFF - logical 0 state.

  • ON - logical 1 state.

  • N/A (not available) - unknown state. MFIO statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

[13:48:36] ABILIS_CPX:d s mfio 

RES:MfIo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 0 days 13:21:08 ago, on 25/08/2017 at 02:02:40 -------------
       IRQ        |         35|           |           |           |           |
       STATE      |          2|           |ERR-STATE  |          0|           |
       LINE-STATE |         63|           |ERR-LINE-ST|          0|           |
       ALARM      |         63|           |ERR-ALARM  |          0|           |

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 0 days 13:21:08 ago») these counters show the number of:

IRQMFIO interrupts.
STATESet State requests.
LINE-STATESet Line State requests.
ALARMSet Alarm requests.
ERR-STATEErrors during Set State.
ERR-LINE-STErrors during Set Line State.
ERR-ALARMErrors during Set Alarm.

If you notice incrementation of ERR-STATE, ERR-LINE-ST and ERR-ALARM consult Abilis support (tem@antek.it).

17.4.3. RVS diagnostics and statistics RVS diagnostics

This command reports the current situation of the device:

[13:42:55] ABILIS_CPX:d d rvs

RES:Rvs-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:UP                   MAC:B8-27-EB-93-FA-DF
       CURRENT-IMAGE:5.000        FACTORY-IMAGE:5.000     BOARD:0.0
       - Digital Input Lines State --------------------------------------------
        1.. 4| ON  ON  ON  ON  
       - Digital Output Lines State -------------------------------------------
        1.. 4| off ON  off off 
       - Cameras diagnostics --------------------------------------------------
       Cam-1 UP        0     NO        NO         54             0

The meaning:


RVS driver state:

  • DOWN - device is down.

  • UP - device is active and ready.

  • INACTIVE - device is inactive.


RVS device driver MAC address.


Remote IP address and remote port.


Current image version.


Factory image version.

D-IN:1...4 / D-OUT:1...4

RVS digital input/output line state:

  • OFF - logical 0 state.

  • ON - logical 1 state.

  • . (not available) - unknown state. RVS statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

[13:48:36] ABILIS_CPX:d s rvs 

RES:Rvs-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 0 days 14:12:29 ago, on 25/08/2017 at 02:02:39 -------------
       CONN-SUCC  |           |          1|BOARD-ERR  |          0|           |
       CONN-FAIL  |           |          0|           |           |           |
       CLOSE      |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       CFG-FAIL   |          0|           |SET-AO-CUT |          0|           |
       SET-FAIL   |           |          0|           |           |           |
       PROT-ERR   |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       IMAGE-ERR  |          0|           |           |

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 0 days 14:12:29») these counters show the number of:

CONN-SUCCSuccessful opened sessions, at least a response received.
CONN-FAILAborted sessions (on opening), TCP failed or no response received.
CFG-FAILFailed configuration of digital/analog parameters.
SET-FAILFailed setting of digital/analog outputs.
BOARD-ERRConnections aborted on Missing board.
SET-AO-CUTSetting of analog outputs that where cutted.

If you notice incrementation of these counters consult Abilis support (tem@antek.it).

17.4.4. RIO diagnostics and statistics RIO diagnostics

This command reports the current situation of the device:

[13:42:55] ABILIS_CPX:d d rio

RES:Rio-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:UP                   MAC:B8-27-EB-12-F7-FB
       CURRENT-IMAGE:5.001        FACTORY-IMAGE:5.001     BOARD:1.6
       - Digital Input Lines State --------------------------------------------
        1.. 8| ON  ON  ON  ON  ON  ON  ON  ON  
       - Digital Output Lines State -------------------------------------------
        1.. 8| off off off off off off off off 
       - Analog Input Lines ---------------------------------------------------
             | State  Value   Unit     ADC    | State  Value   Unit     ADC
        1.. 2| NORMAL   50.0  %        2048   | NORMAL   50.0  %        2048   
        3.. 4| NORMAL   50.0  %        2048   | NORMAL   50.0  %        2048   
       - Analog Output Lines --------------------------------------------------
             | State  Value   Unit     ADC    | State  Value   Unit     ADC
        1.. 2| NORMAL    0.0  %        0      | NORMAL    0.0  %        0      
        3.. 4| NORMAL    0.0  %        0      | NORMAL    0.0  %        0      

The meaning:


RIO driver state:

  • DOWN - device is down.

  • UP - device is active and ready.

  • INACTIVE - device is inactive.


RIO device driver MAC address.


Remote IP address and remote port.


Current image version.


Factory image version.

D-IN:1...8 / D-OUT:1...8

RIO digital input/output line state:

  • OFF - logical 0 state.

  • ON - logical 1 state.

  • . (not available) - unknown state.


RIO analog input/output line state:

  • LOW - under the low threshold.

  • NORMAL - between high and low threshold.

  • HIGH - between high and low threshold.

  • . (not available) - unknown state.


RIO analog input line value. N/A (not available) - unknown state.


Unit for analog input/output lines.


Converted value from ADC value on analog input/output lines. RIO statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

[13:48:36] ABILIS_CPX:d s rio 

RES:Rio-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 17 days 01:07:47 ago, on 08/08/2017 at 15:19:38 ------------
       CONN-SUCC  |           |          1|BOARD-ERR  |          0|           |
       CONN-FAIL  |           |          0|           |           |           |
       CLOSE      |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       CFG-FAIL   |          0|           |SET-AO-CUT |          0|           |
       SET-FAIL   |           |          0|           |           |           |
       PROT-ERR   |          0|          0|           |           |           |

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 17 days 01:07:47 ago») these counters show the number of:

CONN-SUCCSuccessful opened sessions, at least a response received.
CONN-FAILAborted sessions (on opening), TCP failed or no response received.
CFG-FAILFailed configuration of digital/analog parameters.
SET-FAILFailed setting of digital/analog outputs.
BOARD-ERRConnections aborted on Missing board.
SET-AO-CUTSetting of analog outputs that where cutted.

If you notice incrementation of these counters consult Abilis support (tem@antek.it).