18.3. RJS diagnostics and statistics

18.3.1. RJS diagnostics

This command reports the current situation of the device:

[13:42:55] ABILIS_CPX:d d rjs

RES:Rjs-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:UP             USB-STATE:CONNECTED      
       L1:AUTO-MAIN      L2:AUTO-MAIN      L3:AUTO-MAIN      L4:AUTO-MAIN
       L5:AUTO-MAIN      L6:AUTO-MAIN      L7:AUTO-MAIN      L8:AUTO-MAIN 

The meaning:


RJS driver state:

  • DOWN - device stopped or disconnected.

  • UP - device running.

  • INACTIVE - device good, but inactive (configuration parameter ACT:NO).


USB device connection state:

  • DISCONNECTED - device disconnected from USB port.

  • CONNECTED - device connected.


Current state of Line:

  • AUTO/MANUAL - indicates if the exit port is set automatically or manually.

  • MAIN/BACKUP - indicates which exit port is currently selected.

  • N/A (not available) - is reported when ACT:NO or USB device disconnected.

18.3.2. RJS statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

[13:48:36] ABILIS_CPX:d s rjs 

RES:Rjs-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 62 days 06:45:50 ago, on 23/06/2017 at 06:56:48 ------------
       USB-CONN   |          1|           |USB-DISC   |           |          0|
       USB-AUTRST |          0|           |USB-DISCARD|          0|           |
       CHR        |  104930568|  104930568|FRM        |    8071583|    8071583|
       MSG        |   34976856|   34976856|UNSYNC     |          0|          0|
       INVALID    |          0|          0|VRRP-AUTO  |           |          0|
       VRRP-BACKUP|           |          0|

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 62 days 06:45:50 ago») these counters show the number of:

USB-CONNUSB connections.
USB-DISCUSB disconnections.
USB-AUTRSTUSB autorestarts. Troubles on USB interface.
USB-DISCARDDiscarded slots. Troubles inside the RJS firmware.
CHRBytes in received/transmitted frames.
FRMReceived/transmitted frames.
MSGReceived/transmitted messages.
UNSYNCMisalignments in received/transmitted frames.
INVALIDReceived/transmitted frames with invalid messages.

Incrementation of USB-AUTRST, USB-DISCARD, UNSYNC and INVALID informs about troubles on USB interface or inside RJS firmware. If you notice this, consult Abilis support (tem@antek.it).