23.2. SSH diagnostics and statistics

23.2.1. SSH diagnostics

To display the diagnostics of the SSH resource the following commands are used:

d d ssh / d de ssh

Shows diagnostic information, such as the state of the client and server, the local and the remote addresses-ports connected to the resource, etc.

[17:58:20] ABILIS_CPX:d d ssh

RES:Ssh -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       - Ssh Sessions ---------------------------------------------------------
       SES TYPE X25-State TCP-State LocAdd-LocPort        RemAdd-RemPort
       1   CLNT READY     READY                           
       2   CLNT READY     READY                           
       3   CLNT READY     READY                           
       4   SERV READY     LISTEN    
       5   SERV READY     LISTEN    

The meaning:


Type of SSH session:

  • CLNT - client.

  • SERV - server.


State of the X25 resource session:

  • READY - session is available.

  • CONNECTED - session is connected.

  • CLEARED - session is confirming an incoming clear.


State of the TCP resource session:

  • READY - session is available.

  • CONNECTED - session is connected.

  • CLEARED - session is confirming an incoming clear.

  • LISTEN - session is listening.


Local IP Address and Local Port.


Remote IP Address and Remote Port.

23.2.2. SSH statistics

To display the statistics of the SSH resource the following commands are used:

d s ssh

Shows statistic information, such as number of segments received/sent, number of characters received/sent, number of packets received/sent, number of calls sent/received and number of resets sent/received.

d se ssh

Shows statistic information in an extended format: the information listed for d s ssh command are shown for each session.

[18:06:18] ABILIS_CPX:d s ssh

RES:Ssh -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 3 days 10:17:36 ago, on 25/08/2017 at 02:02:45 -------------
       SEG        |        676|         40|CHAR       |      39178|        371|
       PCK        |        160|         40|CALL       |          0|          5|
       RESET      |          0|          0|DENIED-IP  |          0|           |
       BANNED-IP  |          0|           |
[18:06:40] ABILIS_CPX:d se ssh

RES:Ssh -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 3 days 10:14:10 ago, on 25/08/2017 at 02:02:45 -------------
       SEG        |        618|         38|CHAR       |      35602|        362|
       PCK        |        151|         38|CALL       |          0|          5|
       RESET      |          0|          0|DENIED-IP  |          0|           |
       BANNED-IP  |          0|           |
       - Ssh Sessions ---------------------------------------------------------
       SES TYPE X25-State TCP-State LocAdd-LocPort        RemAdd-RemPort
       1   CLNT READY     READY                           
       SEG        |          0|          0|CHAR       |          0|          0|
       PCK        |          0|          0|CALL       |          0|          0|
       RESET      |          0|          0|
       2   CLNT READY     READY                           
       SEG        |          0|          0|CHAR       |          0|          0|
       PCK        |          0|          0|CALL       |          0|          0|
       RESET      |          0|          0|
       3   CLNT READY     READY                           
       SEG        |          0|          0|CHAR       |          0|          0|
       PCK        |          0|          0|CALL       |          0|          0|
       RESET      |          0|          0|
       4   SERV READY     LISTEN    
       SEG        |         17|          5|CHAR       |        457|         58|
       PCK        |         14|          5|CALL       |          0|          2|
       RESET      |          0|          0|
       SEG        |        190|         13|CHAR       |      11159|        121|
       PCK        |         43|         13|CALL       |          0|          2|
       RESET      |          0|          0|
       6   SERV READY     LISTEN    
       SEG        |         84|          7|CHAR       |       4640|         75|
       PCK        |         25|          7|CALL       |          0|          1|
       RESET      |          0|          0|

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 3 days 10:14:10 ago») these counters show the number of:

SEGIncoming/outgoing segments.
PCKIncoming/outgoing packets.
RESET Incoming/outgoing resets.
CHARIncoming/outgoing bytes.
CALLIncoming/outgoing calls.
DENIED-IPRequests that was discarded because the source IP was not allowed.
BANNED-IPRequests that was discarded because the source IP was banned by IPBAN service.

23.2.3. SSH sessions status

To display the communication sessions state for the SSH resource the following commands are used:

d c ssh

Shows the current state of sessions.

d ce ssh

Shows the current state of sessions in extended format.

[11:09:16] ABILIS_CPX:d c ssh

Res:        Ses:  State:     Clr:/Res:   Ses:  [Cg:/Cd:]                Id:/Pr:
Ssh         1     UP         F0,B0
            2     UP         F0,B0
            3     UP         F0,B0
            4     UP         F0,B0
            5     UP         F0,B0
            6     CONN TO    Cp          1     00                       0
[11:09:16] ABILIS_CPX:d ce ssh

    SES:1   UP         CLR:F0,B0
    SES:2   UP         CLR:F0,B0
    SES:3   UP         CLR:F0,B0
    SES:4   UP         CLR:F0,B0
    SES:5   UP         CLR:F0,B0
    SES:6   CONN TO    RES:Cp        SES:1
            CG:                CD:00              PID:01000000 UD:CP