26.5. IPSH diagnostics and statistics

26.5.1. IPSH diagnostics

To display the diagnostics of the IPSH resource the following commands are used:

d d ipsh / d de ipsh

Shows diagnostic information, such as the state of the resource, the current and maximum number of buffers reached from start-up into the IPRTR's incoming/outgoing FIFOs and the maximum number of users present into the user table (this information indicate the maxuser parameter).

[18:06:40] ABILIS_CPX:d d ipsh

RES:IpSh ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       MAX-BUF:2000         CUR-BUF:23            PEAK-BUF:952
       MAX-S-BUF:10000      CUR-S-BUF:0           PEAK-S-BUF:339
       MAX-USER:500         CUR-USER:19           PEAK-USER:39

The meaning:


IP SHAPING driver state.:

  • DOWN - driver is down.

  • READY - driver is ready.


Buffers configured.


Current buffers used.


Peak number of buffers used.


Number of small buffers configured.


Number of current small buffers used.


Maximum peak number of small buffers used.


Number of users configured.


Number of current users used.


Maximum peak number of users used.

26.5.2. IPSH statistics

To display the statistics of the IPSH resource the following commands are used:

d s ipsh / d se ipsh

Show statistic information, such the number of IP datagrams analyzed sent/received, number of IP datagrams shaped due to IP shaping flow matching and those ignored because don't match. There are also dropped packets due to MAXUSER-EXCEED set with DROP or out-of-buffer due to buf parameter.

[18:06:40] ABILIS_CPX:d s ipsh

RES:IpSh ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 3 days 07:54:17 ago, on 22/09/2017 at 07:02:15 -------------
       ANALYZED   |   66359005|   67298210|SHAPED     |          0|      25437|
       IGNORED    |   66359005|   67272773|DROPPED    |          0|          0|
       OUTBUF     |          0|          0|MAXUSERS-EX|          0|          0|

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 3 days 07:54:17 ago») these counters show the number of:

ANALYZEDIncoming/outgoing packets received and being analyzed.
SHAPEDIncoming/outgoing packets analyzed and shaped.
IGNORED Incoming/outgoing packets unshaped.
DROPPEDIncoming/outgoing packets dropped.
OUTBUFBuffer exceeded during incoming/outgoing process.
MAXUSERS-EXIncoming/outgoing max users exceeded.