37.3. SNTP diagnostics and statistics

37.3.1. SNTP diagnostics

This command reports the current situation of the SNTP resource:

[11:42:10] ABILIS_CPX:d d sntp

RES:Sntp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       Reference       : External
       Reference State : Working
       Last Response   : 12/10/2017  16:24:56  -0.352 s
       Sync thresholds : None < |0.500|, smooth <= |60|, single shot > |60|. 
       Last sync start : 12/10/2017  15:24:56  -0.684 s
       Last sync end   : 12/10/2017  15:25:00
       Last Sync skew  : +20 ms every 100 ms, duration 3.420 s
       - Hosts diagnostics ----------------------------------------------------
       Host      RemAdd          State              Last try        Delta (s)
       1 Working used      12/10/2017 16:24:56        -0.352
       2 Working           12/10/2017 16:24:58        -0.350
       3 Unreachable       12/10/2017 16:02:59
       4 Unreachable       12/10/2017 16:03:01

The meaning:


The SNTP driver state:

  • INACTIVE - configuration parameter SERVACT:NO.

  • READY - SNTP fully active.


The SNTP driver state:

  • INACTIVE - configuration parameter CLIACT:NO.

  • READY - SNTP fully active.


Clock Reference:

  • Unavailable - unavailable local clock reference.

  • Internal - synchronised by the local SNTP Server, using the local CPX clock.

  • External - synchronised by the local SNTP Client, using a remote SNTP Server.

Reference State

Clock Reference state:

  • Unreachable - the local clock is unsynchronised. This event occurs when the local SNTP Server is not active and the Client cannot reach any remote SNTP Server.

  • Working - the local clock is synchronised. This event occurs: when the local SNTP Server is not active and the Client can reach a remote SNTP Server; when the Client is not active and the local SNTP Server is active, so the clock is synchronised on the local CPX clock.

37.3.2. SNTP statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

[11:42:10] ABILIS_CPX:d s sntp

RES:Sntp ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 4 days 18:30:58 ago, on 11/10/2017 at 14:24:04 -------------
       SRV-PCK    |          0|          0|SRV-BADPCK |          0|           |
       DENIED-IP  |          0|           |
       CLI-PCK    |        230|       1097|CLI-BADPCK |          0|           |
       CLI-BADSRC |          0|           |CLI-TOUT   |        867|           |
       SUCC-SYNC  |        230|           |FAIL-SYNC  |        216|           |

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 4 days 18:30:58 ago») these counters show the number of:

SRV-PCKValid SNTP requests received/sent by the server.
SRV-BADPCKInvalid SNTP requests received by the server (bad length, invalid format, …).
DENIED-IPSNTP requests received by the server from not allowed source IP address. The not-allowed is a client whose IP address is not present in IPSRC and IPSRCLIST parameters configuration.
CLI-PCKValid SNTP replies received/sent by the client.
CLI-BADPCKInvalid SNTP replies received by the client (bad length, invalid format, …).
CLI-BADSRCSNTP replies received by the client with an invalid source IP address or with an invalid source port.
CLI-TOUTNumber of time that the “TBW:” time out of the client expired.
SUCC-SYNCSuccessful synchronisation.
FAIL-SYNCUnsuccessful synchronisation.