44.4. Tunneling diagnostics and statistics

44.4.1. Tunneling diagnostics

To display the diagnostics of tunneling resource the following commands are used:

d d pv / d de pv

Shows the current state of the Packet Voice resources.

d d ip / d de ip

Shows the current state of the AIPT resources.

Some examples follow.

[11:09:16] ABILIS_CPX:d d pv-1

RES:Pv-1 - PV over IP (Abilis tunnel) with Abilis Back-up (IP-BCK) ------------
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       +--------+--- Global ----+------- P-Link -------+------- S-Link -------+
       | STATE: |     READY     |        READY         |   READY              |
       - IP Tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:READY         MODE:EXT-CLIENT                 PATH:SINGLE

[11:09:16] ABILIS_CPX:d d ip-5

RES:Ip-5 - IP over IP (Abilis tunnel) with Abilis Back-up (AIPT-BCK) ----------
       OUTBUF:100   S-OUTBUF:500    CUR-OUTSP:256      OUTSP-TOUT:N/A
       INBUF:0      S-INBUF:0       CUR-INSP:N/A       INSP-TOUT:N/A
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       +--------+--- Global ----+------- P-Link -------+------- S-Link -------+
       | STATE: |     READY     |        READY         |   READY              |
       - IP Tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------
       STATE:READY         MODE:EXT                        PATH:SINGLE

[11:09:16] ABILIS_CPX:d d ip-6

RES:Ip-6 - IP over IP (Abilis tunnel) (AIPT) ----------------------------------
       STATE:UP              LINK-STATE:LINKREADY      
       CUR-IPADD:    CUR-MASK:
       OUTBUF:100   S-OUTBUF:500    CUR-OUTSP:N/A      OUTSP-TOUT:N/A   
       INBUF:0      S-INBUF:0       CUR-INSP:N/A       INSP-TOUT:N/A   
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       +--------+--- Global ----+------- P-Link -------+------- S-Link -------+
       | STATE: |     READY     |        READY         |   LINK-NOT-PRESENT   |
       - IP Tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------
       PATH1:READY    TOUT1:175 REM1:  LOC1:
       PATH2:DOWN     TOUT2:0   REM2:                      LOC2:

[11:09:16] ABILIS_CPX:d de ip-6

RES:Ip-6 - IP over IP (Abilis tunnel) (AIPT) ----------------------------------
       STATE:UP              LINK-STATE:LINKREADY      
       CUR-IPADD:    CUR-MASK:
       OUTBUF:100   S-OUTBUF:500    CUR-OUTSP:N/A      OUTSP-TOUT:N/A   
       INBUF:0      S-INBUF:0       CUR-INSP:N/A       INSP-TOUT:N/A   
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       +--------+--- Global ----+------- P-Link -------+------- S-Link -------+
       | STATE: |     READY     |        READY         |   LINK-NOT-PRESENT   |
       - P-Link LC Round Trip Time (ms), local/remote loss, last 5 min --------
       LAST:1      MIN:1      AVG:2      MAX:8      LLOSS%:0.0    RLOSS%:0.0    
       - IP Tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------
       PATH1:READY    TOUT1:180 REM1:  LOC1:
       PATH2:DOWN     TOUT2:0   REM2:                      LOC2:

Here is the meaning of the most important parameters.

Global STATE

Global current state [READY: the link is ready; DOWN: the link is down; ERR: software error].


It reports the “P-Link” channel current state. P-Link stands for Permanent link and defines a permanent connection toward the remote device.

Table 44.3. P-Link state

StateMeaningValues reported into: System Log, Debug Log and LCD display
READYThe P-Link is ready and usable.RD
LINK-NOT-PRESENTThe value configured does not refer to a valid or running port.ln
LINK-ERRORThe value configured is a valid and running port, however, there are problems with other parameters.le
DOWN1P-Link channel is down because of a DOWN state in the lower protocol driver.d1
DOWN2P-Link channel is down because the “link-check protocol” detected a failure, while the state in the lower protocol driver is “UP”.d2
ERRSoftware errorNA


It reports the “S-Link” channel current state. S-Link stands for Switched link and defines a switched connection toward the remote device. A switched connection is established only upon request.

Table 44.4. S-Link state

StateMeaningValues reported into: System Log, Debug Log and LCD display
READYThe S-Link is ready and usable.RD
READY-DELAYThe S-Link channel is ready to receive a call, but not to place it. It's executing a delay because of a previous call attempt failure.RD
CALLINGA call is outgoing. Waiting for call acceptance or call refusal.RD
CALLEDA call is incoming. Waiting to accept/refuse the call.RD
CLEARINGA call disconnection has been generated from the local MLM. Waiting for completion of the disconnection procedure.RD
CLEAREDA disconnection request has been received. Waiting to complete the disconnection procedure.RD
US-DELAYThe S-Link channel is in the “unattended site” procedure and it's executing the delay before the next attempt. It can appear only if RTY:US.RD
CONNECTED-TOIt's connected as a result of one outgoing call.CN
CONNECTED-FROMIt's connected as a result of one incoming call.CN
LINK-NOT-PRESENTThe value configured in SLINK: does not refer to a valid or running resource.ln
STOPPED1The S-Link channel exhausted the call retry attempts that was configured through RTY: and NRTY: parameters. Further outgoing calls aren't possible while incoming calls can be accepted. This error condition can be reset with the init res: command or, if the alarm is active, with either the alarm reset command or the analogous menu available on the LCD display of the front panel.s1
STOPPED2The “link-check protocol” detected three consecutive failures on either incoming or outgoing calls. Both outgoing and incoming calls aren't possible anymore. This error condition can be reset with the init res: command or, if the alarm is active, with either the alarm reset command or the analogous menu available on the LCD display of the front panel.s2
ERRSoftware errorNA


IP Tunnel STATE.

  • DOWN - the port is globally DOWN.

  • READY - the port is globally READY.

When PATH:DOUBLE - is a result of PATH1 and PATH2:

  • DOWN - none of the path is working.

  • ONE-READY - Only one of the configured paths (1 or 2) are working.

  • READY - All the configured paths (1 and 2) are working.


Current working mode:

  • STD - Standard mode;

  • EXT - Extended mode;

  • EXT-SERVER - Extended-server mode;

  • EXT-CLIENT - Extended-client mode.


Current state of Double-path variant:

  • SINGLE - Double-path variant is not active.

  • DOUBLE - Double-path variant is activated.


Current state of the PATH1/PATH2:

  • DOWN - registration to UDP failed. For EXT-SERVER also when CLI-ID is not known yet.

  • READY - registration to UDP successful.


Seconds remaining to PATH1/PATH2 map timeout.


PATH1/PATH2 real client's remote IP address and remote UDP port.


PATH1/PATH2 real local IP address and local UDP port.

44.4.2. Tunneling statistics

The following commands are used to display the statistics of tunneling resource:

d s pv

Shows the statistics of the Packet Voice resources.

d se pv

Shows the statistics of the Packet Voice resources in extended mode.

d se pv-n path:m

Shows the statistics of Packet Voice with id n about path number m [1,2] in extended mode.

d s ip

Shows the statistics of the AIPT resources.

d se ip

Shows the statistics of the AIPT resources in extended mode.

d se ip-n path:m

Shows the statistics of the AIPT resource with id n about path number m [1,2] in extended mode.

Some examples follow.

[11:09:16] ABILIS_CPX:d s pv-1

RES:Pv-1 - PV over IP (Abilis tunnel) with Abilis Back-up (IP-BCK) ------------
       --- Cleared 0 days 21:24:22 ago, on 04/06/2015 at 18:08:46 -------------
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       RTY:0       DDT:NOMAX  VDT:NOMAX   USRTY:0    TDEL:0        TREM:0      
       PLINK-DN1:1            PLINK-DN2:1            PLINK-LC-TOUT:0         
       SLINK-ST1:0            SLINK-ST2:0            SLINK-LC-TOUT:0         
       FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|
       TIME-CALL  |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       V-NO-CRKEY |          0|          0|D-NO-CRKEY |          0|          0|
       V-BAD-CIPH |          0|           |D-BAD-CIPH |          0|           |
       D-COMP-YES |          0|          0|D-COMP-ORIG|          0|          0|
       D-COMP-NO  |          0|          0|D-COMP-DONE|          0|          0|
       D-BAD-COMP |          0|          0|D-COMP%    |          0|          0|
       - IP Tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------
       CHR        |          0|     128425|FRM        |          0|      25685|
       IP-CHR     |          0|     847605|IP-FRM     |          0|      25685|
       BAD-SRC    |          0|           |NO-SERV    |          0|           |
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       CLI-TOUT   |          0|           |CLI-REMAP  |          0|           |
       V-RED-FM   |           |          0|V-RED-VOICE|           |          0|
       -----------|--DATA IN--|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------------------|
       MISSING    |          0|          0|          0|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|          0|
       -- Local and remote packet loss analisys, total and last 5 mins --------
       LOC-TOTAL  |          0|          0|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       LOC-5min   |          0|          0|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       REM-TOTAL  |        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|  N/A|  N/A|
       REM-5min   |        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|  N/A|  N/A|
       -- Time arrival variation of voice frames after reordering (msec.) -----
            0- 20 |          0 (   0% )   |   151-200 |          0 (   0% )   |
           21- 50 |          0 (   0% )   |   201-300 |          0 (   0% )   |
           51-100 |          0 (   0% )   |   301-600 |          0 (   0% )   |
          101-150 |          0 (   0% )   |   601-xxx |          0 (   0% )   |

[11:09:16] ABILIS_CPX:d se pv-1

RES:Pv-1 - PV over IP (Abilis tunnel) with Abilis Back-up (IP-BCK) ------------
       --- Cleared 0 days 21:25:02 ago, on 04/06/2015 at 18:08:47 -------------
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       RTY:0       DDT:NOMAX  VDT:NOMAX   USRTY:0    TDEL:0        TREM:0      
       PLINK-DN1:1            PLINK-DN2:1            PLINK-LC-TOUT:0         
       SLINK-ST1:0            SLINK-ST2:0            SLINK-LC-TOUT:0         
       FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|
       TIME-CALL  |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       V-NO-CRKEY |          0|          0|D-NO-CRKEY |          0|          0|
       V-BAD-CIPH |          0|           |D-BAD-CIPH |          0|           |
       D-COMP-YES |          0|          0|D-COMP-ORIG|          0|          0|
       D-COMP-NO  |          0|          0|D-COMP-DONE|          0|          0|
       D-BAD-COMP |          0|          0|D-COMP%    |          0|          0|
       - IP Tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------
       Tunnel payload
       CHR        |          0|     128495|FRM        |          0|      25699|
       CHR-D      |          0|          0|FRM-D      |          0|          0|
       CHR-V      |          0|          0|FRM-V      |          0|          0|
       CHR-C      |          0|     128495|FRM-C      |          0|      25699|
       IP level counters (actual IP traffic)
       IP-CHR     |          0|     848067|IP-FRM     |          0|      25699|
       IP-CHR-D   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-D   |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-V   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-V   |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-C   |          0|     848067|IP-FRM-C   |          0|      25699|
       LONG-D     |          0|          0|LOST-D     |          0|           |
       LONG-V     |          0|          0|LOST-V     |          0|           |
       LONG-C     |          0|          0|LOST-C     |          0|           |
       BAD-SRC    |          0|           |NO-SERV    |          0|           |
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       Special counters for extended mode
       CLI-TOUT   |          0|           |CLI-REMAP  |          0|           |
       D-CHR-NOPT |          0|          0|V-CHR-NOPT |          0|          0|
       D-CHR-OPT  |          0|          0|V-CHR-OPT  |          0|          0|
       D-SAVED%   |          0|          0|V-SAVED%   |          0|          0|
       D-FRM-OPT  |          0|          0|V-FRM-OPT  |          0|          0|
       D-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|V-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|
                  |           |           |V-RED-VOICE|           |          0|
       C-FRM-ENC  |          0|      25699|V-RED-FM   |           |          0|
       -----------|--DATA IN--|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------------------|
       MISSING    |          0|          0|          0|
       TOUT       |          0|          0|          0|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|          0|
       OUT-SEQ    |          0|          0|          0|
       DUPLICATED |          0|          0|          0|
       REORDERED  |          0|          0|          0|
       BAD-FORM   |          0|          0|           |
       RESYNC     |          0|          0|          0|
       -- Local and remote packet loss analisys, total and last 5 mins --------
       LOC-TOTAL  |          0|          0|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       LOC-5min   |          0|          0|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       REM-TOTAL  |        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|  N/A|  N/A|
       REM-5min   |        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|  N/A|  N/A|
       -- Time arrival variation of voice frames after reordering (msec.) -----
            0- 20 |          0 (   0% )   |   151-200 |          0 (   0% )   |
           21- 50 |          0 (   0% )   |   201-300 |          0 (   0% )   |
           51-100 |          0 (   0% )   |   301-600 |          0 (   0% )   |
          101-150 |          0 (   0% )   |   601-xxx |          0 (   0% )   |
[11:09:16] ABILIS_CPX:d s ip-5

RES:Ip-5 - IP over IP (Abilis tunnel) with Abilis Back-up (AIPT-BCK) ----------
       --- Cleared 6 days 06:32:30 ago, on 03/08/2017 at 07:27:38 -------------
       DG         |     148215|     142682|CHAR       |   38054662|   63437280|
       TCP        |     122549|     120565|ESP        |          0|          0|
       UDP        |      25666|      21592|AH         |          0|          0|
       ICMP       |          0|        525|DG-FRAG    |          0|          0|
       LOST-ACC   |          0|           |BAD-CHK    |          0|           |
       LOST-BUF   |          0|          0|BAD-HDR    |          0|           |
       LOST-LOOP  |           |          0|BAD-LEN    |          0|           |
       LOST-ADDR  |          0|          0|LONG       |          0|          0|
       LOST-OTHER |           |          0|SHORT      |          0|           |
       NO-ROUTE   |          0|           |SPL-OVFL   |          0|          0|
       TTL-EXP    |          0|          0|BAD-ENC-HDR|          0|           |
       IPP-DOWN   |          5|           |BAD-L-FRAG |          0|           |
       PING-MISSGW|           |          0|LOST-L-FRAG|          0|           |
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       RTY:0       DDT:NOMAX  VDT:NOMAX   USRTY:0    TDEL:0        TREM:0      
       PLINK-DN1:2            PLINK-DN2:7            PLINK-LC-TOUT:23        
       SLINK-ST1:0            SLINK-ST2:0            SLINK-LC-TOUT:0         
       FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|
       TIME-CALL  |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       V-NO-CRKEY |          0|          0|D-NO-CRKEY |          0|          0|
       V-BAD-CIPH |          0|           |D-BAD-CIPH |          0|           |
       D-COMP-YES |          0|          0|D-COMP-ORIG|          0|          0|
       D-COMP-NO  |          0|          0|D-COMP-DONE|          0|          0|
       D-BAD-COMP |          0|          0|D-COMP%    |          0|          0|
       - IP Tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------
       CHR        |   40126346|   65504146|FRM        |     268444|     263040|
       IP-CHR     |   52868240|   75181732|IP-FRM     |     266681|     249574|
       BAD-SRC    |          0|           |NO-SERV    |          0|           |
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       CLI-TOUT   |          1|           |CLI-REMAP  |          0|           |
       V-RED-FM   |           |          0|V-RED-VOICE|           |          0|
       -----------|--DATA IN--|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------------------|
       MISSING    |          0|          0|         17|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|          0|
       -- Local and remote packet loss analisys, total and last 5 mins --------
       LOC-TOTAL  |          0|     148215|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       LOC-5min   |          0|         52|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       REM-TOTAL  |          0|      50754|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       REM-5min   |          0|         52|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       -- Time arrival variation of voice frames after reordering (ms) --------
            0- 20 |          0 (   0% )   |   151-200 |          0 (   0% )   |
           21- 50 |          0 (   0% )   |   201-300 |          0 (   0% )   |
           51-100 |          0 (   0% )   |   301-600 |          0 (   0% )   |
          101-150 |          0 (   0% )   |   601-xxx |          0 (   0% )   |

[11:09:16] ABILIS_CPX:d se ip-5

RES:Ip-5 - IP over IP (Abilis tunnel) with Abilis Back-up (AIPT-BCK) ----------
       --- Cleared 6 days 06:33:32 ago, on 03/08/2017 at 07:27:38 -------------
       DG         |     148226|     142693|CHAR       |   38057434|   63441299|
       TCP        |     122556|     120572|ESP        |          0|          0|
       UDP        |      25670|      21596|AH         |          0|          0|
       ICMP       |          0|        525|DG-FRAG    |          0|          0|
       LOST-ACC   |          0|           |BAD-CHK    |          0|           |
       LOST-BUF   |          0|          0|BAD-HDR    |          0|           |
       LOST-LOOP  |           |          0|BAD-LEN    |          0|           |
       LOST-ADDR  |          0|          0|LONG       |          0|          0|
       LOST-OTHER |           |          0|SHORT      |          0|           |
       NO-ROUTE   |          0|           |SPL-OVFL   |          0|          0|
       TTL-EXP    |          0|          0|BAD-ENC-HDR|          0|           |
       IPP-DOWN   |          5|           |BAD-L-FRAG |          0|           |
       PING-MISSGW|           |          0|LOST-L-FRAG|          0|           |
       - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
       RTY:0       DDT:NOMAX  VDT:NOMAX   USRTY:0    TDEL:0        TREM:0      
       PLINK-DN1:2            PLINK-DN2:7            PLINK-LC-TOUT:23        
       SLINK-ST1:0            SLINK-ST2:0            SLINK-LC-TOUT:0         
       FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|
       TIME-CALL  |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       V-NO-CRKEY |          0|          0|D-NO-CRKEY |          0|          0|
       V-BAD-CIPH |          0|           |D-BAD-CIPH |          0|           |
       D-COMP-YES |          0|          0|D-COMP-ORIG|          0|          0|
       D-COMP-NO  |          0|          0|D-COMP-DONE|          0|          0|
       D-BAD-COMP |          0|          0|D-COMP%    |          0|          0|
       - IP Tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------
       Tunnel payload
       CHR        |   40129353|   65508400|FRM        |     268469|     263065|
       CHR-D      |   38205660|   63583992|FRM-D      |     148226|     142693|
       CHR-V      |          0|          0|FRM-V      |          0|          0|
       CHR-C      |    1923693|    1924408|FRM-C      |     120243|     120372|
       IP level counters (actual IP traffic)
       IP-CHR     |   52872421|   75186921|IP-FRM     |     266706|     249599|
       IP-CHR-D   |   45537738|   68808309|IP-FRM-D   |     146459|     129227|
       IP-CHR-V   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-V   |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-C   |    7334683|    6378612|IP-FRM-C   |     120247|     120372|
       LONG-D     |          0|          0|LOST-D     |          0|           |
       LONG-V     |          0|          0|LOST-V     |          0|           |
       LONG-C     |          0|          0|LOST-C     |          0|           |
       BAD-SRC    |          0|           |NO-SERV    |          0|           |
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       Special counters for extended mode
       CLI-TOUT   |          1|           |CLI-REMAP  |          0|           |
       D-CHR-NOPT |   38879311|   64608612|V-CHR-NOPT |          0|          0|
       D-CHR-OPT  |   38804509|   64177700|V-CHR-OPT  |          0|          0|
       D-SAVED%   |          0|          0|V-SAVED%   |          0|          0|
       D-FRM-OPT  |       1599|      10183|V-FRM-OPT  |          0|          0|
       D-FRM-ENC  |     148377|     142693|V-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|
                  |           |           |V-RED-VOICE|           |          0|
       C-FRM-ENC  |     120247|     120372|V-RED-FM   |           |          0|
       -----------|--DATA IN--|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------------------|
       MISSING    |          0|          0|         17|
       TOUT       |          0|          0|         17|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|          0|
       OUT-SEQ    |          0|          0|          0|
       DUPLICATED |          0|          0|          0|
       REORDERED  |          0|          0|          0|
       BAD-FORM   |          0|          0|           |
       RESYNC     |          3|          0|          4|
       -- Local and remote packet loss analisys, total and last 5 mins --------
       LOC-TOTAL  |          0|     148224|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       LOC-5min   |          0|         52|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       REM-TOTAL  |          0|      50763|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       REM-5min   |          0|         52|          0|          0| 0.00| 0.00|
       -- Time arrival variation of voice frames after reordering (ms) --------
            0- 20 |          0 (   0% )   |   151-200 |          0 (   0% )   |
           21- 50 |          0 (   0% )   |   201-300 |          0 (   0% )   |
           51-100 |          0 (   0% )   |   301-600 |          0 (   0% )   |
          101-150 |          0 (   0% )   |   601-xxx |          0 (   0% )   |
[10:53:25] ABILIS_CPX:d se pv-7 path:1

RES:Pv-7 - PV over IP (Abilis tunnel) (IP) ------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 6 days 06:37:03 ago, on 03/08/2017 at 07:27:38 -------------
       IP level counters (actual IP traffic)
       IP-CHR     |          0|          0|IP-FRM     |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-D   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-D   |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-V   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-V   |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-C   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-C   |          0|          0|
       LONG-D     |          0|          0|LOST-D     |          0|           |
       LONG-V     |          0|          0|LOST-V     |          0|           |
       LONG-C     |          0|          0|LOST-C     |          0|           |
       BAD-SRC    |          0|           |NO-SERV    |          0|           |
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       Special counters for extended mode
       CLI-TOUT   |          0|           |CLI-REMAP  |          0|           |
       D-CHR-NOPT |          0|          0|V-CHR-NOPT |          0|          0|
       D-CHR-OPT  |          0|          0|V-CHR-OPT  |          0|          0|
       D-SAVED%   |          0|          0|V-SAVED%   |          0|          0|
       D-FRM-OPT  |          0|          0|V-FRM-OPT  |          0|          0|
       D-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|V-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|
                  |           |           |V-RED-VOICE|           |          0|
       C-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|V-RED-FM   |           |          0|
       -----------|--DATA IN--|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------------------|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|          0|
       OUT-SEQ    |          0|          0|          0|
       DUPLICATED |          0|          0|          0|
       BAD-FORM   |          0|          0|           |
       RESYNC     |          0|          0|          0|

[10:59:06] ABILIS_CPX:d se pv-7 path:2

RES:Pv-7 - PV over IP (Abilis tunnel) (IP) ------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 6 days 06:37:03 ago, on 03/08/2017 at 07:27:38 -------------
       IP level counters (actual IP traffic)
       IP-CHR     |          0|          0|IP-FRM     |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-D   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-D   |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-V   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-V   |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-C   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-C   |          0|          0|
       LONG-D     |          0|          0|LOST-D     |          0|           |
       LONG-V     |          0|          0|LOST-V     |          0|           |
       LONG-C     |          0|          0|LOST-C     |          0|           |
       BAD-SRC    |          0|           |NO-SERV    |          0|           |
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       Special counters for extended mode
       CLI-TOUT   |          0|           |CLI-REMAP  |          0|           |
       D-CHR-NOPT |          0|          0|V-CHR-NOPT |          0|          0|
       D-CHR-OPT  |          0|          0|V-CHR-OPT  |          0|          0|
       D-SAVED%   |          0|          0|V-SAVED%   |          0|          0|
       D-FRM-OPT  |          0|          0|V-FRM-OPT  |          0|          0|
       D-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|V-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|
                  |           |           |V-RED-VOICE|           |          0|
       C-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|V-RED-FM   |           |          0|
       -----------|--DATA IN--|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------------------|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|          0|
       OUT-SEQ    |          0|          0|          0|
       DUPLICATED |          0|          0|          0|
       BAD-FORM   |          0|          0|           |
       RESYNC     |          0|          0|          0|
[11:03:44] ABILIS_CPX:d se ip-9 path:1

RES:Ip-9 - IP over IP (Abilis tunnel) (AIPT) ----------------------------------
       --- Cleared 6 days 06:37:03 ago, on 03/08/2017 at 07:27:38 -------------
       IP level counters (actual IP traffic)
       IP-CHR     |   52877891|   75193303|IP-FRM     |     266744|     249637|
       IP-CHR-D   |   45541866|   68813525|IP-FRM-D   |     146475|     129243|
       IP-CHR-V   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-V   |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-C   |    7336025|    6379778|IP-FRM-C   |     120269|     120394|
       LONG-D     |          0|          0|LOST-D     |          0|           |
       LONG-V     |          0|          0|LOST-V     |          0|           |
       LONG-C     |          0|          0|LOST-C     |          0|           |
       BAD-SRC    |          0|           |NO-SERV    |          0|           |
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       Special counters for extended mode
       CLI-TOUT   |          1|           |CLI-REMAP  |          0|           |
       D-CHR-NOPT |   38882683|   64613270|V-CHR-NOPT |          0|          0|
       D-CHR-OPT  |   38807881|   64182358|V-CHR-OPT  |          0|          0|
       D-SAVED%   |          0|          0|V-SAVED%   |          0|          0|
       D-FRM-OPT  |       1599|      10183|V-FRM-OPT  |          0|          0|
       D-FRM-ENC  |     148393|     142709|V-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|
                  |           |           |V-RED-VOICE|           |          0|
       C-FRM-ENC  |     120269|     120394|V-RED-FM   |           |          0|
       -----------|--DATA IN--|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------------------|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|          0|
       OUT-SEQ    |          0|          0|          0|
       DUPLICATED |          0|          0|          0|
       BAD-FORM   |          0|          0|           |
       RESYNC     |          3|          0|          4|

[11:03:53] ABILIS_CPX:d se ip-9 path:2

RES:Ip-9 - IP over IP (Abilis tunnel) (AIPT) ----------------------------------
       --- Cleared 6 days 06:37:03 ago, on 03/08/2017 at 07:27:38 -------------
       IP level counters (actual IP traffic)
       IP-CHR     |          0|          0|IP-FRM     |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-D   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-D   |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-V   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-V   |          0|          0|
       IP-CHR-C   |          0|          0|IP-FRM-C   |          0|          0|
       LONG-D     |          0|          0|LOST-D     |          0|           |
       LONG-V     |          0|          0|LOST-V     |          0|           |
       LONG-C     |          0|          0|LOST-C     |          0|           |
       BAD-SRC    |          0|           |NO-SERV    |          0|           |
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       Special counters for extended mode
       CLI-TOUT   |          0|           |CLI-REMAP  |          0|           |
       D-CHR-NOPT |          0|          0|V-CHR-NOPT |          0|          0|
       D-CHR-OPT  |          0|          0|V-CHR-OPT  |          0|          0|
       D-SAVED%   |          0|          0|V-SAVED%   |          0|          0|
       D-FRM-OPT  |          0|          0|V-FRM-OPT  |          0|          0|
       D-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|V-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|
                  |           |           |V-RED-VOICE|           |          0|
       C-FRM-ENC  |          0|          0|V-RED-FM   |           |          0|
       -----------|--DATA IN--|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------------------|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|          0|
       OUT-SEQ    |          0|          0|          0|
       DUPLICATED |          0|          0|          0|
       BAD-FORM   |          0|          0|           |
       RESYNC     |          0|          0|          0|

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 6 days 06:33:32 ago») these counters show the number of:

DGIP datagrams.
CHARIncoming/outgoing bytes.
TCPTCP datagrams.
ESPIPsec Encapsulating Security Payload datagrams.
UDPUDP datagrams.
ICMPICMP datagrams.
DG-FRAGIP datagrams reassembled (in) or fragmented (out) at IP level.
LOST-ACCIP Datagrams discarded because they do not satisfy ACCESS LIST.
LOST-BUFDatagrams because the output buffer is full.
LOST-LOOPDatagrams discarded because the destination port is the same port they was received from.
LOST-ADDRNumber of discarded IP datagrams because of unacceptable address (e.g. loopback) in either source or destination, counted on incoming IPRES.
LOST-OTHERIP datagrams lost for other causes ( link down, command cancelled, bad port, …).
BAD-CHKNumber of incoming datagrams with bad IP header checksum.
BAD-HDRCounts both errors in header length fields (IHL and TOTAL_LENGTH) and IP version <> 4 (BAD-VER).
BAD-LENDatagrams discarded because the datagram length specified in the IP header doesn't match the actual datagram length.
LONGNumber of too long incoming datagrams. It must be counted when the size of the received datagram is > 1500.
SHORTNumber of too short incoming datagrams. It must be counted when the size of the received datagram is < 20. The size is the buffer length, not the length fields present in the IP datagram.
NO-ROUTEDatagrams discarded because a route was not found in the table.
SPL-OVFLOverflow in speed limit computation. Should never occur. If > 0 contact Abilis support.
TTL-EXPNumber of datagrams discarded because TTL reached the value 0.
IPP-DOWNHow many times IP resource went down.
PING-MISSGWNumber of STATE-DETECT PINGs that cannot be sent because a gateway is required but it is not configured.
BAD-ENC-HDROnly for ipres that supports encapsulation FR-IETF/RFC1483-LLCMUX (DL[-BCK], ML), when the encapsulation header is not correct.
BAD-L-FRAGOnly for ipres that supports link fragmentation (DL[-BCK], ML, AIPT[-BCK), when the LINK-FRAG header is not correct.
LOST-L-FRAGOnly for ipres that supports link fragmentation (DL[-BCK], ML, AIPT[-BCK), when a LINK FRAGMENT is discarded due to impossible reassembly.

Tunneling specific statistics:

IP-CHRIncoming/outgoing IP characters. The counter is incremented every time a frame is received from UDP. The actual IP count is computed by adding the IP/UDP overhead (28 bytes) for each frame.
IP-CHR-DReceived/sent DATA characters.
IP-CHR-VReceived/sent VOICE characters.
IP-CHR-CReceived/sent LINK-CHECK characters.
IP-FRMIncoming/outgoing frames from/to UDP.
IP-FRM-DReceived/sent DATA frames.
IP-FRM-VReceived/sent VOICE frames.
IP-FRM-C Received/sent LINK-CHECK frames.
LONG-DLong DATA frames received/sent. IN - the counter is incremented every time the DATA frame received by the lower level is too long. OUT - the counter is incremented if the DATA frame received by the upper level is too long.
LONG-VLong VOICE frames received/sent.
LONG-CLong LINK-CHECK frames received/sent.
LOST-D DATA frames received but lost. The counter is incremented every time a DATA frame is discarded because there are not available receiving buffers.
LOST-VVOICE frames received but lost.
LOST-CLINK-CHECK frames received but lost.
BAD-SRCNumber of received frames with incorrect source IP address and/or source port
NO-SERVNumber of lost frame: no service available. The counter is incremented every time the received frame is discarded because their requested service is not available. The service is not available, for example when the parameter MPX: is set to "NO" so that VOICE/DATA multiplexing is disabled.
NO-CRKEYMissing CrKey. Incoming/outgoing data frame discarded.
BAD-CIPHInvalid ciphered incoming/outgoing data frame. Frame discarded.
D-FRM-ENCIncoming/outgoing encapsulated DATA frames from/to UDP.
V-FRM-ENCIncoming/outgoing encapsulated VOICE frames from/to UDP.
C-FRM-ENCIncoming/outgoing valid LINK-CHECK frames from/to UDP.
D-FRM-OPTFrames received/sent that carry more than one data frame.
V-FRM-OPTFrames received/sent that carry more than one VOICE channel.
CLI-REMAP Number of immediate ipadd/udpport remapping during a valid map. EXTENDED SERVER mode only. If the SERVER knows a real remote IP address and UDP port of the CLIENT, it is in the valid map state. If the SERVER receives a valid datagram with the remote IP address and UDP port which one don't correspond to the previous values, the counter CLI-REMAP will be incremented.
D-CHR-NOPTDATA chars that would have been received/sent at IP level without optimisation (IP/UDP 34 bytes header added in computation).
V-CHR-NOPTVOICE chars that would have been received/sent at IP level without optimisation (IP/UDP 34 bytes header added in computation).
D-CHR-OPTDATA chars actually received/sent at IP level (IP/UDP 34 bytes header added in computation).
V-CHR-OPTVOICE chars actually received/sent at IP level (IP/UDP 34 bytes header added in computation).
V-RED-VOICE Number of redundancy VOICE frames.
V-RED-FM Number of redundancy FM frames.
BAD-FORMPackets received from valid sender but containing malformed data. It is a protocol violation and may indicate a software bug or a denial-of-service attack. The packet is discarded and does not produce any effect.
NOBUFExtended lost DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK packets in the extended working mode. Receiving buffer could be full.
TOUTLost DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK frames. Time-out is expired and queued DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK frames must be sent to the upper layer but a sequence number of the first ready frame is not expected in sequence (some frames was missed).
MISSINGMissing DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK packets when time-out expired.
OUT-SEQPackets received out of sequence that were NOT on time to be reordered before delivery to destination. These packets are NOT discarded, they are delivered out of order demanding proper reorder to the final receiver.
RESYNCResync DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK request. Remote peer restarted with the re-synchronization of the sequence number of the DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK frames. The sequence number of the DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK made a very large jump. Normally sequence numbers are incremented at one every time a frame is sent by remote peer.
REORDEREDPackets received out of sequence that were on time to be reordered before delivery to destination. The reorder timeout depends on REORDER parameter.
DUPLICATEDPackets received duplicated. This is normal in presence of multipath redundancy, otherwise it may indicate something very strange.

Time arrival variation of voice frames after reordering (msec.) statistics:

0-20Frames received in time delay of 0-20 milliseconds.
21-50Frames received in time delay of 21-50 milliseconds.
51-100Frames received in time delay of 51-100 milliseconds.
101-150Frames received in time delay of 101-150 milliseconds.
151-200Frames received in time delay of 151-200 milliseconds.
201-300Frames received in time delay of 201-300 milliseconds.
301-600Frames received in time delay of 301-600 milliseconds.
601-xxxFrames received in time delay of 601-XXX milliseconds.

If SPL-OVFL is greater than 0 consult Abilis support (tem@antek.it).

The LOST-BUF increases when the queue set in the OUTBUF parameter it runs out. On 100Mb/s lines set OUTBUF:250.

To see the last ten discarded packets by IPACL (ACCESS LIST), counted on LOST-ACC, insert the command debug res:iprtr lsn:25 cmd:ip-x