45.5. NPV diagnostics and statistics

45.5.1. NPV diagnostics

This command reports the current situation of the NPV resource:

[13:09:13] ABILIS_CPX:d d npv

RES:NPv -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       NPV-STATE:READY         CUR-LINKS:2         LINKS-READY:2
       UDP-STATE:READY         MAX-LINKS:1000      LINKS-DOWN:0

The meaning:


  • INACTIVE - NPV driver is not active, configuration parameter ACT:NO.

  • READY - the driver is fully ready to work.


  • DOWN - UDP is DOWN.



Backup state:

  • DOWN - backup is DOWN or configuration parameter BCKRES:NONE.

  • READY - backup is READY.


Current number of link used.


Number of links in READY state.


Maximum number of configurable links.


Number of links in DOWN state.

45.5.2. NPV statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

[13:09:15] ABILIS_CPX:d s npv

RES:NPv -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 1 days 05:34:13 ago, on 30/11/2017 at 10:01:59 -------------
       AUTH-FAIL  |          0|          0|BAD-FORMAT |          0|           |
       NO-LINK    |          0|           |
       - IP traffic -----------------------------------------------------------
       IP-CHR     |    2380374|    2761316|IP-FRM     |      42500|      52792|
       -- Bck traffic ---------------------------------------------------------
       SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|
       TIME-CALL  |          0|          0|BCK-EXCEED |          0|          0|
       BCK-CHR    |          0|          0|BCK-FRM    |          0|          0|

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 1 days 05:34:13 ago») these counters show the number of:

AUTH-FAILFailure of incoming/outgoing authentication request.
BAD-FORMAT Number of packets received with a remote IP not present into main filter.
NO-LINKNumber of packets receive with a DST-ID not existent.
IP-CHRIncoming/outgoing characters from/to IP/UDP.
IP-FRMIncoming/outgoing frames from/to IP/UDP.
SUCC-CALLSuccessful incoming/outgoing calls.
FAIL-CALLIN - incoming calls intercepted but refused. OUT - unsuccessful outgoing calls.
TIME-CALLConnection time for incoming/outgoing calls.
BCK-EXCEEDIncoming/outgoing backup calls that cannot be executed because the max-bck limit was exceeded.
BCK-CHRIncoming/outgoing characters from/to BCK.
BCK-FRMIncoming/outgoing frames from/to BCK.

45.5.3. NPVL diagnostics

The following commands are used to display the diagnostics of tunneling links:

d d npvl

Shows the diagnostics of all the Packet Voice links.

d de npvl

Shows the diagnostics of all the Packet Voice links in extended mode.

d de npvl id:n

Shows the diagnostics of Packet Voice link with id n in extended mode.

d d[e] npvl lc

Shows the Link-Check (LC) Round Trip Time (msec) and local/remote loss of the last 5 minutes.

To display the diagnostics of the NPVL resource the following commands are used:

d d npvl

[13:09:13] ABILIS_CPX:d d npvl

ID:  CLUS:    STATE: RemID: Path1: Path2: Bck:   Bck-Chan:  CR:
1    linea1    READY  255    UP     UP     DOWN   READY      NO
2    linea2    READY  255    UP     UP     -      -          NO

The meaning:


Link identifier.


Cluster identifier.


Port state

  • DOWN - link is DOWN.

  • READY - link is READY.


Remote link identifier.


Path state:

  • DOWN - path is DOWN.


  • WAIT - path is WAITING for link-check UP.

  • UP - path is UP.


Backup state:

  • DOWN - backup is DOWN.

  • READY - backup is READY.




NPVL cipher state:

  • NO - no cipher.

  • LOC - local cipher key is used for both directions.

  • REM - remote cipher key is used for both directions.

  • BOTH - cipher is set in both sides: each side sends packets ciphered with own key (and rem key is used for decipher).

To display the diagnostics extended of the NPVL resource the following commands are used:

d de npvl

[13:11:32] ABILIS_CPX:d de npvl id:1

ID:  CLUS:    STATE: RemID: Path1: Path2: Bck:   Bck-Chan:  CR:
                     RemIP1:                     RemIP2:
                     RTY:   USRTY: TDEL:  TREM:  VDT:
1    linea1   READY  255    UP     UP     DOWN   READY      NO
                          0      0      0      0      0

The meaning of extended diagnostics:


Current remote IP address of first path.


Current remote IP address of second path.


Current Opening retry counter.


Current Unattended site opening retry counter.


Maximum READY-DEL time.


Remaining READY-DEL timer.


Current Voice Disconnect Timer.

To display only Link-Check of the NPVL resource the following commands are used:

d d[e] npvl lc

[13:11:32] ABILIS_CPX:d d[e] npvl lc

ID:  CLUS:    STATE: Path1:   LAST:   MIN:   AVG:   MAX:   LLOSS%:  RLOSS%:
1    linea1    READY  UP        141    137    139    141       0.0      0.0

The meaning of Link-Check diagnostics:


Link-check round-trip delay - Last attempt.


Link-check round-trip delay - Minimum delay in period.


Link-check round-trip delay - Average delay in period.


Link-check round-trip delay - Max delay in period.


Link-check round-trip delay - Percentage of packets loss during period.


Remote Link-check round-trip delay - Percentage of packets loss during period.

45.5.4. NPVL statistics

The following commands are used to display the statistics of tunneling links:

d s npvl

Shows the statistics of all the Packet Voice links.

d se npvl

Shows the statistics of all the Packet Voice links in extended mode.

d se npvl id:n path:m

Shows the statistics of Packet Voice with id n about path number m[1, 2, bck] in extended mode.

To display the statistics of the NPVL resource the following commands are used:

d s npvl [id:<id>]

[13:13:32] ABILIS_CPX:d s npvl id:1

ID:1    CLUS:linea1 
       --- Cleared 2 days 18:19:30 ago, on 01/12/2017 at 19:09:03 -------------
       NPVL-DOWN  |           |          0|BCK-STOP1  |           |          0|
       PATH-DOWN  |           |          0|BCK-STOP2  |           |          0|
       IP-CHR     |   19553933|   20310485|IP-FRM     |     171763|     183079|
       SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|
       TIME-CALL  |          0|          0|BCK-EXCEED |          0|          0|
       BCK-CHR    |          0|          0|BCK-FRM    |          0|          0|
       ERRORS     |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       -----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|
       MISSING    |          0|          0|REORDERED  |          0|          0|
       TOUT       |          0|          0|           |           |           |
       -- Local and remote packet loss analysis, total and last 5 mins --------
       LOC-TOTAL  |          0|      76032|       0.00|
       LOC-5min   |          0|          0|       0.00|
       REM-TOTAL  |        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|
       REM-5min   |        N/A|        N/A|        N/A|
       -- Time arrival variation of voice packets after reordering (ms) -------
            0- 20 |      76018 ( 100% )   |   151-200 |          0 (   0% )   |
           21- 50 |          0 (   0% )   |   201-300 |          0 (   0% )   |
           51-100 |          0 (   0% )   |   301-600 |          0 (   0% )   |
          101-150 |          0 (   0% )   |   601-xxx |          0 (   0% )   |

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 2 days 18:19:30 ago») these counters show the number of:

IDLink identifier.
CLUSCluster identifier
NPVL-DOWNTimes that link state went down.
PATH-DOWNTimes that path state went down.
BCK-STOP1Times that BCK state went in STOPPED1.
BCK-STOP2Times that BCK state went in STOPPED2.
IP-CHRIncoming/outgoing characters from/to IP/UDP.
IP-FRMIncoming/outgoing frames from/to IP/UDP.
SUCC-CALLSuccessful incoming/outgoing calls.
FAIL-CALLIN - incoming calls intercepted but refused. OUT - unsuccessful outgoing calls.
TIME-CALLConnection time for incoming/outgoing calls.
BCK-EXCEEDIncoming/outgoing backup calls that cannot be executed because the max-bck limit was exceeded.
BCK-CHRIncoming/outgoing characters from/to BCK.
BCK-FRMIncoming/outgoing frames from/to BCK.
ERRORSSum of all possible incoming/outgoing link/path errors.
MISSING VOICE-INMissing voice frames when time-out expired.
MISSING CHECK-INMissing link-check frames when time-out expired.
REORDERED VOICE-INVoice frames out of sequence before T-OUT expired.
REORDERED CHECK-INLink-check frames out of sequence before T-OUT expired.
TOUT VOICE-INTime-out is expired, queued voice frames must be sent to the upper layer.
TOUT CHECK-INTime-out is expired, queued link-check frames must be sent to the upper layer.
LOC-TOTALLOCAL missing voice frames when time-out expired.
LOC-5minLOCAL missing voice frames when time-out expired in last 5 minutes.
REM-TOTALREMOTE missing voice frames when time-out expired.
REM-5minREMOTE missing voice frames when time-out expired in last 5 minutes.
0- 20/21- 50/51-100/101-150/151-200/201-300/301-600/601-xxxFrames received in time delay of 0- 20/21- 50/51-100/101-150/151-200/201-300/301-600/601-xxx milliseconds

To display the statistics extended of the NPVL resource the following commands are used:

d se npvl [id:<id>]

[13:14:25] ABILIS_CPX:d se npvl id:1

ID:1    CLUS:linea1      
       --- Cleared 0 days 15:37:11 ago, on 05/12/2017 at 19:32:03 -------------
       - Link checks ----------------------------------------------------------
       NPVL-DOWN  |           |          0|BCK-STOP1  |           |          0|
       PATH-DOWN  |           |          0|BCK-STOP2  |           |          0|
       PATH-LCTOUT|           |         10|BCK-LCTOUT |           |          0|
       - IP traffic -----------------------------------------------------------
       IP-CHR     |   16311205|   15375264|IP-FRM     |      58361|      55840|
       IP-CHR-V   |   15051646|   14115230|IP-FRM-V   |      35876|      33342|
       IP-CHR-C   |    1259559|    1260034|IP-FRM-C   |      22485|      22498|
       V-RED-FM   |           |          0|V-SAVED%   |          3|          5|
       V-RED-VOICE|           |      65406|
       - Bck traffic ----------------------------------------------------------
       BCK-CHR    |          0|          0|BCK-FRM    |          0|          0|
       BCK-CHR-V  |          0|          0|BCK-FRM-V  |          0|          0|
       BCK-CHR-C  |          0|          0|BCK-FRM-C  |          0|          0|
       - Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------
       LONG-V     |          0|          0|LOST-V     |          0|           |
       LONG-C     |          0|          0|LOST-C     |          0|          0|
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       BAD-SOURCE |          0|           |BAD-LINK-ID|          0|           |
       BAD-DEST   |          0|           |
       MISSING    |          2|          0|REORDERED  |          0|          0|
       TOUT       |          1|          0|           |           |           |
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|OUT-SEQ    |          0|          0|
       NOBUF-LINK |          0|           |DUPLICATED |     100392|          0|
       RESYNC     |          0|          0|
       -- Local and remote packet loss analysis, total and last 5 mins --------
       LOC-TOTAL  |          2|      33703|       0.00|
       LOC-5min   |          0|          0|       0.00|
       REM-TOTAL  |          0|      32979|       0.00|
       REM-5min   |          0|          0|       0.00|
       -- Time arrival variation of voice packets after reordering (ms) -------
            0- 20 |      33695 ( 100% )   |   151-200 |          0 (   0% )   |
           21- 50 |          0 (   0% )   |   201-300 |          0 (   0% )   |
           51-100 |          0 (   0% )   |   301-600 |          0 (   0% )   |
          101-150 |          0 (   0% )   |   601-xxx |          0 (   0% )   |

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 0 days 15:37:11 ago») these counters show the number of:


Those listed above have been excluded.

PATH-LCTOUTTimes that link-check response for PATH was lost.
BCK-LCTOUTTimes that link-check response for BCK was lost.
IP-CHR-VVoice incoming/outgoing IP characters from/to IP/UDP.
IP-CHR-CLink-check incoming/outgoing IP characters from/to IP/UDP.
IP-FRM-VVoice incoming/outgoing IP frames from/to IP/UDP.
IP-FRM-CLink-check incoming/outgoing IP frames from/to IP/UDP.
V-RED-FMNumber of redundancy Fax-Modem frames.
V-RED-VOICENumber of redundancy Voice frames.
V-SAVED%Percentage of space saved with optimization on incoming/outgoing Voice frames.
BCK-CHR-VVoice incoming/outgoing IP characters from/to BCK.
BCK-CHR-CLink-check incoming/outgoing IP characters from/to BCK.
BCK-FRM-VVoice incoming/outgoing IP frames from/to BCK.
BCK-FRM-CLink-check incoming/outgoing IP frames from/to BCK.
LONG-VToo long incoming/outgoing VOICE frames.
LONG-CToo long incoming/outgoing Link-check frames.
LOST-VLost VOICE frames: buffer is full.
LOST-CLost Link-check frames: buffer is full.
NO-CRKEYMissing CrKey. Incoming/outgoing data frame discarded.
BAD-CIPHInvalid ciphered incoming/outgoing data frame. Frame discarded.
BAD-SOURCEIncoming frames with good port but bad IP source address or bad source port.
BAD-LINK-IDIncoming frames with good port but bad source ID or good destination ID but path state DOWN.
BAD-DESTIncoming frames with bad IP source destination.
NOBUFLost Voice/Link-check frames: buffer is full.
NOBUF-LINKLost Voice frames: buffer is NOT full but maximum limit reached.
OUT-SEQOUT-OF-SEQ Voice/Link-check frames received after time-out.
DUPLICATEDOUT-OF-SEQ Voice/Link-check frames received duplicated.
RESYNCResync Voice/Link-check request.

To display the statistics extended of the NPVL resource separated by path the following commands are used:

d se npvl [id:<id> path:<path>

[13:14:39] ABILIS_CPX:d se npvl id:1 path:1

ID:1    PATH:1    
       --- Cleared 0 days 21:53:20 ago, on 04/06/2015 at 18:08:46 -------------
       - Link checks ----------------------------------------------------------
       PATH-DOWN  |           |          0|           |           |           |
       PATH-LCTOUT|           |          0|           |           |           |
       - IP traffic -----------------------------------------------------------
       IP-CHR     |   24351634|   24427613|IP-FRM     |     275672|     294679|
       IP-CHR-V   |   23602243|   23554606|IP-FRM-V   |     260065|     279071|
       IP-CHR-C   |     749391|     873007|IP-FRM-C   |      15607|      15608|
       V-RED-FM   |           |          0|V-SAVED%   |          6|          4|
       V-RED-VOICE|           |          0|
       - Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------
       LONG-V     |          0|          0|LOST-V     |          0|           |
       LONG-C     |          0|          0|LOST-C     |          0|          0|
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
       BAD-SOURCE |          0|           |BAD-LINK-ID|          0|           |
       BAD-DEST   |          0|           |
       -----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|OUT-SEQ    |          0|          0|
       NOBUF-LINK |          0|           |DUPLICATED |     591929|          0|
       RESYNC     |          0|          0|
[13:17:28] ABILIS_CPX:d se npvl id:1 path:bck

ID:1    PATH:Bck  
       --- Cleared 0 days 21:53:49 ago, on 04/06/2015 at 18:08:46 -------------
       - Link checks ----------------------------------------------------------
                  |           |           |BCK-STOP1  |           |          0|
                  |           |           |BCK-STOP2  |           |          0|
                  |           |           |BCK-LCTOUT |           |          0|
       - Bck traffic ----------------------------------------------------------
       BCK-CHR    |          0|          0|BCK-FRM    |          0|          0|
       BCK-CHR-V  |          0|          0|BCK-FRM-V  |          0|          0|
       BCK-CHR-C  |          0|          0|BCK-FRM-C  |          0|          0|
       - Errors ---------------------------------------------------------------
       LONG-V     |          0|          0|LOST-V     |          0|           |
       LONG-C     |          0|          0|LOST-C     |          0|          0|
       NO-CRKEY   |          0|          0|BAD-CIPH   |          0|          0|
                  |           |           |BAD-LINK-ID|          0|           |
       -----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|
       NOBUF      |          0|          0|OUT-SEQ    |          0|          0|
       NOBUF-LINK |          0|           |DUPLICATED |          0|          0|
       RESYNC     |          0|          0|