48.3. POEAC diagnostics and statistics

48.3.1. POEAC diagnostics

This command reports the current situation of the POEAC resource:

[15:53:04] ABILIS_CPX:d d poeac

RES:PoeAc-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
       -- Session diagnostics -------------------------------------------------
       SESNUM: RESOURCE:  STATE:        CLI-MAC:            SES-ID:  CONN-TIME:
       001     Ip-103     DISCONNECTED  00-13-D4-A1-4B-34   000A     0
       002                DISCONNECTED  00-00-00-00-00-00   0000     0

The meaning:


POEAC port state:

  • INACTIVE - configuration parameter ACT:NO.

  • READY - the driver is fully ready to work.


Number of currently opened IPRes sessions.


Maximum number of simultaneous IPRes sessions. This diagnostic helps in case that the parameter was changed but system not yet rebooted.


Session index.


Resource connected to session.


Current state of the session:

  • DISCONNECTED - the session is currently unused, in "NULL" state, but shown as "DISC"to telco technicians.

  • AD-SREQ - PADR packet is received, CALL to lower layer not finished and AC didn't send PADS yet.

  • CONNECTED - the session is established and PPP packets can flow.


MAC address of the PPPoE Client used for this session.


Session Identifier.


Time since session was established.


Service name used by the session.

48.3.2. POEAC statistics

This command can help to understand what is happening, in case of troubles:

[15:53:05] ABILIS_CPX:d s poeac

RES:PoeAc-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 1 days 03:04:10 ago, on 18/01/2018 at 08:47:54 -------------
       SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|
       CHAR-PPP   |   18690834|  506607701|CHAR-SYS   |       2064|       1896|
       PCK-PPP    |     207524|     372641|PCK-SYS    |         32|         32|
       LOST-PPP   |          0|           |LOST-SYS   |          0|           |
       BAD-FORMAT |          0|           |IGNORED    |          0|           |
       BAD-LEN    |          0|           |TAG-ERROR  |           |          0|
       UNK-PROT   |          0|           |SES-FULL   |          0|           |
[15:59:02] ABILIS_CPX:d se poeac
RES:PoeAc-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------
       --- Cleared 1 days 03:04:10 ago, on 18/01/2018 at 08:47:54 -------------
       SUCC-CALL  |          0|          0|FAIL-CALL  |          0|          0|
       CHAR-PPP   |   18690834|  506607701|CHAR-SYS   |       2064|       1896|
       PCK-PPP    |     207524|     372641|PCK-SYS    |         32|         32|
       LOST-PPP   |          0|           |LOST-SYS   |          0|           |
       BAD-FORMAT |          0|           |IGNORED    |          0|           |
       BAD-LEN    |          0|           |TAG-ERROR  |           |          0|
       UNK-PROT   |          0|           |SES-FULL   |          0|           |
       -- Session statistics --------------------------------------------------
       SESNUM:001  RESOURCE:Ip-103               
       CHAR-PPP   |     450495|    3828997|PCK-PPP    |       2842|       3667| 
       LOST-PPP   |          0|           |
       SESNUM:002  RESOURCE:               
       CHAR-PPP   |          0|          0|PCK-PPP    |          0|          0|
       LOST-PPP   |          0|           |

With reference to the shown interval of time («Cleared 1 days 03:04:10 ago») these counters show the number of:

SUCC-CALLIncoming/outgoing successful call attempts.
FAIL-CALLIncoming/outgoing failed call attempts.
CHAR-PPPTotal data (PPP session) bytes received/sents from/to PPPoE Client(s).
CHAR-SYSTotal system (PPPoE discovery) bytes received/sents from/to PPPoE Client(s).
PCK-PPPTotal data (PPP session) packets received/sents from/to PPPoE Client(s).
PCK-SYSTotal system (PPPoE discovery) packets received/sents from/to PPPoE Client(s).
LOST-PPPIncoming data (PPP session) packets lost. Data packets lost because packets previously received were not sent to link and queue overflowed.
LOST-SYSSystem packets lost due to queue overflow.
BAD-FORMATPackets received with bad format.
IGNOREDPacket discarded because it was received in a condition where it is meaningless (e.g. Received in a bad session state, bad servicename, bad acname, or for not-existent session, etc...).
BAD-LENPackets received with incorrect length or NCB_RECV completed with BADLEN.
TAG-ERRORSystem packet sent with GENERIC ERROR TAG.
UNK-PROTPackets received for an unknown protocol (neither PPPOED nor PPPOES).
SES-FULLPacket discarded because it was not possible to create a new sessions because of free sessions.