This page allows to edit the user preferences and CTIP preferences.
Click Preferences to view a list of the users and CTIP interfaces not assigned to users.
Click on the user name to edit his preferences.
Or click on the CTIP interface to edit his preferences.
For more information about the user preferences administration through the web interface, please see Section 72.6, “Preferences”.
An additional privilege for administrator user, it can activate On-Demand Voice Recording. Click on the Voice recorder tab and check Enable on-demand voice recording as in the example below.
This page allows:
Enable the Call log/Recent calls; change the number of calls to be logged in incoming/outgoing/recent calls log files; clear and delete the log files.
Set priorities for precedence call.
Activate the CTI TRFA.
Click on the Admin tab to change the admin preferences.
Precedence alerts users even if they're busy in another conversation, or even if they had set the Do-not-Disturb flag. Simply a call waiting occurs and the destination listens to the proper tone.
A precedence call can be done:
Using the button via OPC panel. For more details, please refer to: Section 72.2.7, “Precedence”.
Note | |
PCphone and Abilisphone have this button in the own interfaces. |
Using the DTMF codes:
- entered after call failure it
repeats the call using the precedence.
Caution | |
This keycode, now isn't supported by SIP and IAX phone. |
- make a precedence
call. There is also additional codes
, please refer to: Section 72.11, “Phone keycodes”.
The precedence call works only if the priority of the calling user is higher than the called user.
Priority values are from 4 (lower one) to 0 (higher one).
To allow the user to perform a precedence call, is required to
be configured "Offer" to a value from
to 3
. With default "Offer" value 4
, you can't
make a precedence call.
When you have finished, remember to click on "Apply".
With default "Accept" value
, you can receive all precedence calls, that
arrive with a priority value from 0
Note | |
The SIP and IAX users can't receive precedence calls, only make them. |
If the user wishes to receive precedence calls only with
priority 0
(users who have "Offer" value 0
), then you
must configure "Accept" value
Remember to click on "Apply".
If you don't want to receive precedence calls, set "Accept" value 0
In the above example the user "11" will receive calls at fixed
phone (CTIP) only precedence calls with priority 0
and at Abilisphone (VO) will not receive precedence calls.