68.24. Rio/Rvs configuration

This section allows to add/remove/change Rio/Rvs device.


Generally the access to this section is reserved to users with administrator's rights.

The HTTP rights path for Rio/RVS configuration is /sys/io/.


Interesting chapters:

Section 63.2, “Add http rights”;

Section 68.1.7, “Example - How to give the http rights to a user through web interface”.

Click Login on the CPX home page and insert login and password. Go to Administration and select the Rio/RVS configuration link to access to the following page.

68.24.1. Binding of RVS device

Click Login on the CPX home page and insert login and password. Go to Administration and select the Rio/RVS configuration link to access to the following page.


Click on button to discover the list of the RIO/RVS devices.

Click on button (Edit resource).

Insert the IP Address, Net Mask, Gateway and optional the Description.

Click on button (Bind device).

Select the resource and click OK.

Now the resource is added.