80.3. How to configure PCphone

PCphone is a web based application that, with the aid of a plugin, allows the Firefox browser to be used as a POTS phone. It can be connected in the Abilis private or public side. Suppose that the OPC and HTTP resources are already configured.

Enter into the Abilis control-program or open the configuration file with the Console configurator and type the following commands.

a dev:vpots-1Add a VPOTS device (e.g. VPOTS-1).
warm startRestart Abilis.
 Repeat the same command for each CTI VPOTS Port.
s ctip:101 num:21 descr:pcphoneuserConfigure the phone number assigned to the port and the description.
s ctip:101 sp:8000Configure the maximum permitted coder bit rate to reduce the traffic, if it's used in public side.
a user:pcphoneuser pwd:pcphoneuserpwd http:yesAdd the user pcphoneuser and enable it to HTTP.
s user:pcphoneuser opc-monitor:ctipConfigure the OPC monitored service.
a http rights path:/sys/opc/ user:pcphoneuserEnable the pcphoneuser to access the “Operator Panel Control” link.
a http rights path:/sys/pcphone/ user:pcphoneuserEnable the pcphoneuser to access the PCphone.
s user:pcphoneuser ctip:101Configure the pcphoneuser for CTI port 101.
s user:pcphoneuser real-name:PCphoneConfigure the real-name, this name is displayed on OPC panel.
init ctisysInitialize the CTISYS resource.
save confSave the configuration.

PCphone requires a separate licence in CPX and needs also SoftPBX licence to activate OPC.


The VPOTS have the same behavior as the POTS.


PChone plugin is available only for Mozilla Firefox.


Interesting chapter: Chapter 73, PCphone.