80.25. Sending Alarm through SMS

CTISMS resource allows to send SMS through an UMTS-BOX or CELLKEY devices.

Enter into the Abilis control-program or open the configuration file with the Console configurator and type the following commands.

a res:ctisms


s act res:ctisms

Add the CTISMS resource.


If the resource already exists, set it active.

s p ctisms act:yesEnable the CTISMS runtime functionalities.

a res:alarm


s act res:alarm

Add the ALARM resource.


If the resource already exists, set it active.

s p alarm act:yesEnable the ALARM runtime functionalities.
save confSave the configuration.
warm startRestart Abilis.
s ctisms out pr:1 act:yesEnable CTI SMS routings for outgoing messages. It routes outgoing messages stored in a CSV file or sent via Web interface toward a CTIP port corresponding to the desired SIM.
a alarm id:0 enabled:yes res:mfio io:d-out-2 trigger:on action:smsAdd a alarm what will make a SMS when the Digital Output 2 becomes ON (Command for the MFIO resource).
s alarm id:0 sms-cdo:3333333333Set outgoing called number for SMS.
init res:ctismsInitialize the CTISMS resource.
init alarmInitialize the Alarm rules.
save confSave the configuration.

The CTISMS requires a separate licence in CPX


Interesting chapters:

Chapter 38, ALARM resource;

Chapter 60, CTISMS - CTI SMS resource.