Relevant accounting information, usually include:
Call duration.
Date and time of call end.
Call direction (input or output).
Type of call (compressed voice, data, cluster, transparent, etc).
Called number.
Calling number.
Reason of failure.
The Accounting Agent resource (ACNT) offers two types of services:
SIMPLE accounting: events are sent from Abilis CPX to the Collector at the same time they occur. The Collector prints the event on a window and saves it into the selected file. If the TCP session isn't opened the event is lost. SIMPLE accounting can supply events to more Collectors simultaneously.
TRANSACTION accounting: events are stored in an internal database which can be either in RAM or on the HD. When the transaction has to take place, events are transferred to the Collector. It writes them on disk and sends acknowledge for deletion in Abilis CPX. The transaction procedure ensures that no events are lost (except when the Abilis CPX database becomes full), and no events are duplicated.
TRANSACTION account can deal with a unique Collector only, the counterpart identity must be checked based on IP address (first level check), and with an addition message exchange. This is mandatory not only for security, but mainly for database consistency.